Loved Ones Welcome Home Mercy's Crew (2024)

AutoMatters & More What’s Going On This Weekend Like Music? Join Jan Wagner this week for the Surfer girls, surf dogs, parades, hikes, flea Check out our concert page for upcoming Lexus 2018 Driving Tour. markets, soccer and more! concerts in San Diego, Orange County See page 14 See page 18 and Los Angeles. See page 19

Navy Marine Corps Coast Guard Army Air Force

Eat it before it melts! In 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed July as National Ice Cream Month, calling it “a nutritious and wholesome food”

ARMED FORCES and called on Americans “to observe these events with appropriate ceremonies and activities,” Time magazine reported. San Diego Navy/Marine Corps Dispatch 619.280.2985 FIFTY EIGHTH YEAR NO. 8 Serving active duty and retired military personnel, veterans and civil service employees THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018

August Monthly Loved ones welcome home Mercy’s crew Observances by Sarah Burford American Adventures AN DIEGO - The Military Sealift Command hospital ship American Artists SUSNS Mercy returned here July 21, following its support of Appreciation Pacific Partnership 2018. American Indian Heritage The ship’s crew is composed of MSC civil service mariners who Arrr-gust: Int’l Pirate operated the ship, and Navy medical and support personnel who Black Business staffed and oversaw the ship’s hospital and treated patients. This Boomers Making A year’s iteration of the annual humanitarian mission included stops Difference throughout Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka Bystander Awareness and Vietnam. Children’s Eye Health & Pacific Partnership is the largest multinational humanitarian Safety assistance and disaster relief preparedness mission in the Indo- Child Support Awareness Asia-Pacific region. The Navy and civilian sailors were joined by Children’s Vision & Learning personnel from nongovernmental organizations and regional partners Get Ready for Kindergarten at the various mission stops. Happiness Happens Mercy provided medical, dental, veterinary, public health services, Motor Sports Awareness engineering and disaster response to host countries who invited the Nat’l Breastfeeding ship to visit and provided services to the local populations. Nat’l Catfish Mercy was joined on the Pacific Partnership mission by the MSC Nat’l Crayon Collection expeditionary fast transport ship USNS Fall River. Fall River made Nat’l Goat Cheese separate mission stops in Yap, Palau, Malaysian Borneo and Thai- Nat’l Immunization land, supporting public diplomacy, community outreach, and theater Awareness security cooperation initiatives. Nat’l Panini “This has been one of those deployments I will never forget,” Nat’l Minority Donor said Julie Flaherty, Mercy’s civil service navigator. “Pacific Part- Awareness nership touches so many lives, not just the people who receive our Nat’l Read A Romance Novel services. Nat’l Spinal Muscular “It has been an amazing five months,” she said, and while I am Atrophy Awareness sorry to see all our good work come to an end, I am really happy to Nat’l Traffic Awareness be back in San Diego and home. I’m ready to be still and stay put Nat’l Truancy Prevention for a while.” Nat’l Water Quality Mercy wrapped up its Pacific Partnership mission with a stop Nat’l Win With Civility in Tokyo in June. Before returning to San Diego, the ship stopped Neurosurgery Outreach in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, where it participated in a humanitarian Psoriasis Awareness Rye response and disaster recovery exercise as part of the multinational Shop Online For Groceries Master-at-Arms 2nd Class Jommellee Garcia as- maritime exercise Rim of the Pacific 2018. Tomboy Tools signed to Naval Medical Center San Diego em- “This year’s mission was a success all around,” said Capt. Brian What Will Be Your Legacy braces his two-month old baby for the first time Mershon, Mercy’s civil service master. “I couldn’t be happier with my World Mutt-i-grees Rescue during the homecoming ceremony for hospital crew and all their hard work. They are a true group of professionals Some weekly ship USNS Mercy. Photo by MC2 Indra Beaufort and it was a pleasure to sail with them on this historic mission.” observances Nat’l Scrabble (9-13) Navy corpsman shot dead in her Nat’l Motorcycle (12-18) Feeding Pets of the apartment, neighbor arrested Homeless (12-18) NAVY TIMES - A Navy corpsman stationed at Camp Pendleton Nat’l Resurrect Romance was found shot to death inside her apartment July 20. (12-18) Hospitalman 3rd Class Devon Rideout, 24, was discovered at about Weird Contest (12-18) 4 p.m. inside her Oceanside residence with multiple gunshot wounds, Little League World Series NBC San Diego reported. Attempts were made by paramedics to (16-26) revive her but she was pronounced dead at the scene. Minority Enterprise Oceanside Police arrested 25-year-old Eduardo Arriola early Development (18-24) Saturday morning on suspicion of Rideout’s murder. Nat’l Chef’s Appreciation The suspect is a resident in the same apartment complex, the report (19-25) said, but there is no known connection between the two. Arriola lived Nat’l Safe at Home (20-24) in the apartmentArmed Forces directly Dispatch Newspaper upstairs from Rideout. Int’l Clown (1-7) No motive was immediately known, the report said, and the Int’l Mathematicians (1-9) investigation is ongoing. Nat’l Donor Awareness (1-7) Simplify Your Life (1-7) World Breastfeeding (1-7) Gallop Int’l Tribal Indian Family members eagerly await Mercy’s return Powwow (3-12) home, to San Diego following its five month de- Lollapalooza (2-5) ployment to Southeast Asia. Photo by MC2 Indra DISPATCHARMED FORCES Satchmo Days (3-5) Beaufort Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper


DISPATCHARMED FORCES Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper



Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper 2 THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 with hisheadheldhigh. path that walked has Ople ardo Edu (Fuels) Mate Boatswain’s Chief Aviationlife, his through onward and Navy, the in ficer of commissioned a become to them, to the day he was selected for life better a pursue to order in Philippines the in home and the journey. in it find others path, grueling a of end the at success find some Where people. helping through fulfilment of feeling a it’s ers, oth for thing; tangible a is cess suc some, For power? money, success mean to you? Is it fame, avy photobyMC3PrestonJarrett years. 13 for Sailor enlisted an as serving after officer limited-duty a as sioning aboard ceremony commissioning his ing Ensign Eduardo Ople’s wife and daughter place his new rank on his uniform dur suitable lifeformyfamily.” more and in better a find to hopes nation foreign completely a to went and Philippines in the life my sacrificed I bright a future. family my give and and a father, I to wanted protect husband a as to therefore, come; was what of doubtful I was indefinite. were home back economy the and government the time that during ditionally, his “Ad Ople. from said Presidency,” ousted was Philip the pines of when President arose the but problems then Philippines, the in back A roadtosuccess From the day he left his family does What - DIEGO SAN “We had a family business business family a had “We Michael T. Eckelbecker 0$,167‡&+8/$9, your total bill, labor & parts your totalbill, labor&parts ‡)XHO,QMHFWLRQ6HUYLFHV‡&DWDO\WLF&RQYHUWHUV‡&9 'ULYH$[OH‡2LO/XEH )LOWHU‡6KRFNV 6WUXWV‡7UDQVPLVVLRQ0DLQWHQDQFH‡%UDNH6HUYLFH 6\VWHPV‡(PLVVLRQV7HVWLQJ ‡:KHHO$GMXVWPHQW‡&RPSXWHUL]HG(QJLQH$QDO\VLV‡&RROLQJ6\VWHP0DLQWHQDQFH by MC2 5% OFF 0,/,7$ ('' Specializing inexhau complete auto repair & ------021)5,DPSP‡6$7DPSP has definitely been a life-chang a week, but working at that place from 1 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. six days rant at one point. I worked there tables tocleaningbathrooms. needed to be done, from waiting that everything did He kitchen. seeped throughourclothes.” oil of smell the and back the in sardines like were We hot. ing peculiar smell and it was scorch kitchen. It was very small, had a but it did not quite have a 5-star Philippines. owned his own restaurant in the a new experience for Ople, who were alwayschaotic.” is another story. My night shifts however, working in the laughter; kitchen their and customers Ople. “It was always filled with said night,” the during pecially es ambiance, lively very a had wanted tosettlefor. he dream American the exactly wasn’t night at late restaurant a in hours long working covered dis quickly but it, find could he where work took easy.Ople always weren’t things States, “I felt like I lived in the restau the in work just didn’t Ople great, was restaurant “The Working in the kitchen wasn’t always Restaurant “Lourdes When he made it to the United Other servicesprovided: , 5 (6 <', $87 tire O 7, r S Boxer 2&( 5(0 6&2 . Ople was selected for commis for selected was Ople . 6 7$&$ - - - - - S 10% OFF t, 17 step closertohisfamily. one Ople brought work of hour and itwasformyfamily.” reason why I did the the things I did, remember always would I exhausting, without a doubt, but drive back home. What to I did was very able be would I no way was there knew I because landing ferry the at lots parking the of one at nap a take to need physically drainingwork. and mentally of hours long the find ways to adapt and overcome ally tookatoll,andOplehadto before 6a.m.” newspapers the deliver and fic to Coronado in order to beat traf away right go and plastic the in newspaper each place to center service newspaper to straight headed I restaurant, the at my shift after So in survive. it to do order to to had I doing but was myself, I what tioned in Coronado. mornings his delivering newspapers spent he restaurant, the at ing experienceforme.” 8 817 Every sacrifice and each long “On some occasions, I would occasion schedule odd The ques I times were “There While his evenings were eaten lab )) (5 see O / r Ople, page10 (56 - - - - - THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 3 - - - ZLWKRXUUHSDLU

Family owned & 6H+DEOD(VSDQRO operated since 1991 e! 2IIHUH[SLUHV 781(83 $ lac /DERU2QO\3DUWV([WUD TRANSMISSION o go before you o go before T ‡([WHQGHG:DUUDQW\$FFHSWHG ‡)5((/HDN,QVSHFWLRQ ‡)5((3URIHVVLRQDO(VWLPDWHV ‡)5((&RPSXWHU'LDJQRVWLF go anyP go SCUBA & SNORKEL San Diego, Ca 92111 The Place Active Duty Military 10% off 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102, mail: [emailprotected] /DERU Black also emphasized that the strike group “Our strike group’s missions have demon While in Norfolk, the strike group will not E Basic Scuba Diver Certifications Tours to La Jolla Cove Ecological Reserve Tours Non Diver Scuba Adventures remains ready to surge forward when called upon. or redeploy flex and maneuverable inherently are we strated ible while remaining operational unpredictable to any potential adversary,” said Black. “This epitomizes the ready Navy’s is dynamic force group employ strike this shows and concept ment any at mission, any accomplishing of capable and time, as our nation directs.” only conduct routine maintenance aircraft and equipment, but onSailors will also be ships, able to continue advanced training,time spend as well maintainas certifications, warfighting with family and friends.

- CLUTCH REPAIR Ar SPECIALISTS REPLACEMENT DIFFERENTIAL $ DQGRQDOOWUXFNV)OXLGH[WUD2IIHUH[SLUHV 6RPH5:'VPDOOFDUV&DOOIRUVSHFLDOVRQLPSRUWV5:' Forrest Sherman Forrest Call 619.280.2985 Call 6'&D 9am-10pm (CG 60), USS ‡ • strike group returns returns group strike (CVN 75) and strike TRANSMISSION Water Birth!!! Water Midwifery Led Care Well Woman Exams Woman Well Licensed/Accredited Normandy Carrier Strike Group arrived in arrived Group Strike Carrier 619-299-0840 lock West of I-15 lock West OFF NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Open 7 Days a Week /DERU&RVWV % 1 b ZLWKLQDUHDIRUPDMRUMREV (DDG 51) and USS USS and 51) (DDG 619.795.0955 2IIHUH[SLUHV REBUILD Introduce your business to the military market by by market military the to business your Introduce Massage advertising in our Business and Service and Business our in advertising Directory 10 Discount on any Massage $ Harry S. Truman Accept: Tricare Prime/Select Tricare Accept: New Energy TRANSMISSION Free Pregnancy Tests! Free 8QLYHUVLW\$YH Business & Service Directory “I couldn’t be more proud of this strike group strike this of proud more be couldn’t “I NORFOLK, Va.- Nearly 6,500 Sailors NORFOLK, Va.- of the USS ‡6SHFLDOL]LQJLQGLIIHUHQWLDOUHSDLUV ‡0DQXDODQG$XWRPDWLF7UDQVPLVVLRQV ‡6DPH'D\6HUYLFH$YDLODEOH ‡)5((7RZLQJ 3DOP$YH‡6DQ'LHJR&D CALL 619-280-2985 TO PLACE YOUR AD IN THE BUSINESS DIRECTORY of responsibility. months three than more over performance team’s of operating in a highly-dynamic environment Commander HSTCSG said theaters,” two across full the out carried “We Black. Gene Adm. Rear spectrum of missions from sustainedwith integration and training to operations combatflight allies and regional partners.” NATO Harry S. Truman S. Harry July 21. Va., Naval Station Norfolk, group ships USS Burke leigh (DDG 98) arrived after operating for more than areas fleets 6th and 5th U.S. the in months three Truman ready remains to Norfolk, ------As Iran continues to threaten Rood said DoD is hopeful to “What gives me hope this NationalThe Defense Strat and Rood notedstanding theconcern long-thehas nationhad over Iran’sprogram, nuclearin addition to other issues, such as its support for terrorism. to close shipping in the Persian advised he nations, other to Gulf the Iranians against such tion. ac “One of our missions for the United States military is,if called upon, to continue the free flow of commerce in that is it whether waterway, strategic com other or shipments oil vital for allow to [and] goods, mercial the free and open navigation in “Therefore, said. Rood gulf,” the I really discourage the Iranian about thinking from government flow free that interrupt to trying in be not would It commerce. of their interest.” see progress in North Korea’s denuclearize. to efforts time is [North Korean leader Kim Jong Un] is a leader differentthan his father andundersecretary the his grandfather,” said of Un’s main focus on the economy, rather than making have “I priority. his military the deep skepticism of denuclear ization and their activities, but I’m hopeful,” he said. egyalso lists themalign influ ence of Iran as another major challengethetoUnited States, - - - (619) 280-2985 E-mail: [emailprotected] PO Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160 - - Published by Western States Weeklies, Inc. Publisher...... Sarah Hagerty Armed Forces Dispatch

Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsem*nt by the Dispatch or Western States Weeklies, Inc. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, per $65 is mail by Subscription investing. before research and year to CONUS or FPO address. The Dispatch is published weekly on Thursdays, ern States by Weeklies, West Inc., as a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the the with associated way no in is and Navy the of Department Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Dis patch, however, is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of writers whose materials publishers. the not and writers the of those are herein appear On North Korea, Rood said it is is it said Rood Korea, North On Another concern the United “That’s why we’re doing “We’ve shared interests in the in interests shared “We’ve

a return of remains in the near future,” he said. mechanized battalions, vessels 30combat 30 airand squadrons days 30 in deployment for ready or less. The Four 30s initiative was announced at the June 7-8 defense min meeting of NATO isters in Brussels. to America for obligation solemn a good makes nation that of sure make remains the return to offer its on from members service U.S. 5,300 American that so War, Korean the “We’re closure. have can families encouraged that there could be States has with Russialack of is respect its for the territo rial integrity and sovereignty of nations, he said. NATO things like deploying,rotational basis, troops in onfour eastern a NATO’s along countries periphery; why we’rethings like doingthe Four-30s initia by allies, NATO which in tive,” the year 2020, would have 30 Rood said of potential futureopportunities with Russia. nonproliferation of weapons of means their and destruction mass area an “It’s said. he delivery,” of where we’ve had a lot of good cooperation from Russia in the can we area another is This past. enough collaborate on if there’s of an alignment of interest.” ------

by Terri Moon Cronk Terri by National Military National Shepard in the Persian Gulf, Dec. Athe Rose Spc. by Photo 2015. 31, na Wolford Soldiers maneuver their Black Hawk helicopter after land UH-60 ing on the deck of Navy ship Alan File photo: Army National Guard “We “We would also like to talk One such opportunity has “We “We also have to be open to Overall, globally, Overall, “[we] globally, have In Aspen, Colo., John C. WASHINGTON - The Pen terribly lethal weapons that we both control, and the talkfuture of nonproliferation,” about more about strategic stability, making sure there are clear un United the between derstandings States and Russia, about these civil war. civil war. and Russia, wheremilitary theis U.S.working to ISIS, defeat while Russia defends the Syrian president’s regime in a been the “deconfliction” line in States United the between Syria we have an opportunity to do something together withRussians, thewe should look for those opportunities.” opportunities for collaboration,” collaboration,” for opportunities with Russia, Rood emphasized. “Where our interests align and And the European Deterrence Initiative is also getting some greater momentum,” he added. for all,” the undersecretary said. undersecretary the all,” for closely very work to got “We’ve with allies - [and take] steps to make NATO fit for our times. to stand firm in inter defending the of the values the and ideals we’ve order rules-based national benefit of is [which] place, in put illegally annexing Crimea. thality of its nuclear arsenal and arsenal nuclear its of thality Russian the behavior the of some government has exhibited, such allies as and threatening NATO 2018 National Defense Strategy Strategy Defense National 2018 - China and Russia - the latter is the larger le near-term overwhelming the of because threat Rood, undersecretary for defense defense for undersecretary Rood, said of for the policy, two near- the in outlined competitors peer mon collaboration on issues of such as concern security national opportunities might arise. tagon’s tagon’s chief policy maker ad dressed for need the the about 20 Aspen July Forum Securitycom seek to Russia and U.S. the collaboration on mutual-interest issues mutual-interest on collaboration DoD policy chief urges U.S.-Russian U.S.-Russian urges chief policy DoD 4 THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 ht il rvn ter resur their prevent will that conditions the set to partners not over, headded. is ISIS defeat to fight the Iraq, in completion near operations Votel said. And as major combat pervasive and negative ideology, the lasting defeat of ISIS and its remains committed to achieving organizations international and Force Basein Tampa, Fla. com headquarters at MacDill Air via videoconference from Cent L. Joseph VotelGen. feat,” said ISIS that is required for their de against pressure the achieve to Pentagon reportersJuly19. told Command Central U.S. of commander the nations, partner and allies of network coalition the center of gravity Syria, remains the and Iraq of State lamic Is the defeat to campaign led ISIS lieswithcoalitionpartners,allies Centcom commander:Successindefeating “We must work with our Iraqi nations 77 of coalition The “Without them, we are unable WASHINGTON - In the U.S.- Mission BayMontessori Academy by Terri MoonCronk School Directory & take inyour thenextstep career? 8QLYHUVLW\&LW\/D-ROOD$UHD‡ Are you toleverageAre ready your BSN Public CharterSchoolGradesK-8 Open toallSanDiegoCountyFamilies Earn anMSNfromUSAHS! Preschool -6thGrade 858.271.1414 /LF - - - - be necessary to consolidate their will that and deserve, and want curity force that the Iraqi people se wide-area the to operations combat major from transition the Iraqi security forces in their support to efforts our continue will we shape, taking Iraq of government elected newly the “Withsaid. general the gence,” of ISIS.” defeat lasting the sure en will that solutions economic and security [to] identify governance, and stability, and curity se regional promote to cooperation ternational in continued ISIS requires against success military but milestone, important Iraq-Syria an is border the area along Dashisha the of liberation week’s “Last - Gen.JosephVotel Enrolling Now! - - - - 23, Charles E. Summers Jr., Jr., the to assistant deputy principal Summers E. Charles 23, July Pentagon the at meeting Vietnamand their States during United the between lationship re defense long-standing the reaffirmed Assembly, National Vietnam the of president vice Ty, Ba Do Gen. and Shanahan M. Patrick Secretary Defense discuss securityrelationship Shanahan, seniorVietnamese official success military but milestone, the along Iraq-Syria border is area an important Dashisha the against ISIS, Votel said. making steady progress in Syria are the Forces Democratic ground, Syrian the on partners key totheeffort, Votel added. ating capability this fall,willbe in Iraq, which will achieve oper mentary NATO training mission hard-won gains.” WASHINGTON - Deputy Deputy - WASHINGTON of liberation week’s “Last U.S. and coalition the With comple the of addition The Summer Camp Directory - - - security, peacekeeping, military maritime of areas the in eration leaders agreed to increase coop two the noting Summers, said in the U.S.-Vietnam partnership, and highlighted historic progress environment security regional affairs, saidinastatement. public for defense of secretary he said, “but I am confident our is certainly more fighting to do,” toward, Voteling “There noted. that the coalition phase is the quickly mov also is it campaign, U.S.-led the of aspect difficult most the often most and the important likely is gains tary com commandersaid. the lasting defeat of ISIS,” ensure the Cent will that solutions economic and security ernance, gov identify [to] and stability, and to security regional promote cooperation international continued requires ISIS against The leaders discussed the the discussed leaders The mili of consolidation While - - - - - Summers said. ognition of national sovereignty, rec and law, international for respect navigation, of freedom particularly interests, common and respect mutual on based is South China Sea. the in including ment, security and economic develop global and regional promotes cooperation, defense of area the in particularly partnership, U.S.-Vietnam and comprehensive strong a that agreed also medicine andcybersecurity. human the exacerbated has and people, own their against lence weapons and the horrendous vio chemical of use their for ability account full escape to regime Syrian the allowed has tection em phasized. general the prominence, to back coming are instability Syria’s to led have that issues underlying long-standing other the imminent, more becomes prevail.” will coalition the and partners 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT MILITARY 10% The U.S.-Vietnam partnership Summers said the two leaders pro and support “Russia’s As the defeat of ISIS in Syria ORA E AG R TO S 877-917-7990 F L E S ------environment,” the Centcom Centcom commander said. the environment,” complex extremely this in demarcation line the of along portions patrols combined joint the necessary training to conduct begin soon will “we roadmap, rity interests,” Votel said. secu mutual our addresses that arrangement agreed lomatically dip a implement to Syria], [in our NATO with Manbij near Turkey ally patrols coordinated independent, recently conducting began we Syria, of northeast people the for effective governance and security bility, conflict, thegeneralsaid. and it prolongs resolution of the Syria, but also Syria’s neighbors, unilat its eral objectives threaten not only of pursuit in ence sional militaryexchange. continues to be a largely profes deconfliction that adding noted, U.S. international obligations, he tion forces and compliance with coali and U.S. of safety ensure tion with Russian commanders to deconflic and communication Votel said. part of the country in particular,” western the in people] [of sands thou of hundreds for suffering As part of the diplomatic diplomatic the of part As sta long-term ensure “To pres malign Iran’scontinued The United States continues its ------THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 5 - - - - & women & women who gallantly who gallantly Wilkie steps into a depart The threat of outsourcing VA One of Wilkie’s biggest re served their country. said, “and I suspect any of his the move and try will appointees agency in that direction.” ment which has seen multiple accomplishments and multiple headaches in recent months. medical responsibilities of much - dominated has and - funding the discussion over department took office. Trump policy since sponsibilities in the next year will be crafting new veterans allowing commu rules care nity more access to private-sector doctors, a process thatheated more even spur to ispected ex debate. contributions of the men the men of contributions Honoring the memories & the memories Honoring - - - Know Your Rights and Rights Your Know 760-585-4665 VWRULHVRIZDU‡%DQTXHW 0HHWLQJ5RRPV No Fees Unless You Win - Free Consultation - Free Win You Unless Fees No The Veterans Museum at BalboaPark Museum Veterans The Don’t Take “No” for an Answer! an for “No” Take Don’t 10am-4pm 3DUN%OYG‡%DOERD3DUN‡‡ZZZYHWHUDQPXVHXPRUJ LOCAL ATTRACTIONS LOCAL Why Risk a Permanent Denial Loseand Back Pay? a Permanent Risk Why Open Tues.-Sun. Open Call or Text the Professional Advocates Today! Advocates Professional the Text or Call Events Venue: Exhibits, Artifacts, memorabilia, telling personal Exhibits, Artifacts, memorabilia, telling Events Venue: All of the opposition came “Trump has been very clear VA Disability Claim Denied? Disability VA enough to seriously jeopardize chances of taking over Wilkie’s But secretary. as it the 10th VA the since time first the mark did agency became a Cabinet-level department that any senator has voted against a nominee for the top job VA - post that usually rises above partisan congres sional fights. from Democrats and Sen. Ber nie Sanders, I-Vt. Earlier this month, Sanders said he would nomination Wilkie’s support not because of his distrust of Presi dent Donald Trump’s policies towards veterans medical care. about his desire to move to the Sander VA,” the of privatization - - - www. To purchase tickets to the Pending funding the fall trip The final vote of 86-9 wasn’t there is no charge to them. there is no charge fundraiser, to donate to Honor complete to or Diego San Flight visit application, veteran a Combat war vet Capt. E. Royce Williams Ret.) (Navy- will tell a his first-hand story, account shooting of down Russian MiG’s lines. Courtesy photo behind enemy man Julie one us Brightwell.get will fundraiser week’s “This mis our fulfilling to closer step sion before time runs out.” will be open to Korea-era vet started organization the as erans soliciting for Koreaplications on July 1, 2018. eraThe ap and vet 80 take will organization the move came with political dissent for the first time in the 30-year history. department’s ------by Leo Shane III by Leo Shane “To “To get these American he The fundraiser hopes to raise live and silent a to addition In Williams went on his Honor WASHINGTON - Senators SAN DIEGO- On July 29 at Flight in fall 2014. roes on the flight so they can be thanked for their service and said priority,” top our is sacrifice Honor Flight San Diego Chair 5 p.m., Honor Flight San Diego 5 p.m., Honor Flight San will host a fundraiser at Fair banks Ranch Country Club. monies to send World War II and Korea War Washington, D.C., veteransto visit me service their toto dedicated morials and sacrifice. The and spring fall2019 flights are not 2018 funded and $240,000 is needed for each flight. auction, guests will hearharrowing story of theNavy Capt. E. Royce Williams’ first-hand account of shooting down Rus lines. enemy behind MiG’s sian The Korea story War was clas sified for 50 years until it was declassified and Williams was permitted to talk about it. The short film about this militarymission debuted at last year’s and Festival Film GI Diego San Hero Forgotten “The titled, was War.” of the Forgotten Senate confirms Robert Wilkie as next VA secretary next VA as Robert confirms Senate Wilkie Rob approved overwhelmingly ert Wilkie as the next Veterans but 23, July on secretary Affairs San Diego Honor Flight Heroes’ hosts ‘Forgotten July 29 fundraiser - - - - by Russell Gloor by Russell

Russell Gloor is a certified Social Security advisor with the As the with advisor Security Social certified a is Gloor Russell Dear Helpful: Your husband’s SS disability (SSDI) will auto will (SSDI) disability SS husband’s Your Helpful: Dear

Dear Rusty: My husband started getting Social Security dis Veterans News News Veterans sociation of Mature American Citizens The information presented presented information The Citizens American Mature of sociation only. purposes information general for intended is article this in of viewpoints the are expressed interpretations and opinions The Advisory staff. Social Security AMAC Foundation’s the convert to regular retirement benefits at his full retirement age, there is no restriction on how much he can earn. starts to work and must, as well, report his monthly earnings to Social Security at 1-800-772-1213. Security Social to report also Once should he program, he Work has to entered Ticket the And, of course, if once he his stops disability working. benefits band to work and test his physical limits without having a negative hus your negative allow should program a Work to Ticket The having 10095.pdf. without limits physical his test and work to band reporting for As benefits. disability Security Social his to impact he when Security Social notify must husband your earnings, his again unable to work due to his disability, his disability benefits disability his disability, his to due work to unable again Work can be restarted to (without having to can Ticket re-apply). get You full the and Disability on While Working about details link: this to going by program he won’t receive benefits for any month that his earnings exceed exceed earnings his that month any for benefits receive won’t he or what Social Security considers “substantial gainful activity,” his because stop benefits his If $1180. is 2018 for which “SGA,” once is he years 5 within and “SGA,” exceed regularly earnings work month). After he has reached nine trial work months, he can can he work month (if he earns less months, than that it count doesn’t as a trial work trial nine reached has he After month). work that except months, 36 another for benefits SSDI his receive still his ability to work for at least nine “trial work months” during a during months” work “trial nine least at for work to ability his receive he’ll period work trial this During frame. time 60-month Briefly, earns. he much how of regardless benefit SSDI full his any month he earns more than $850 (for 2018) counts as a trial attempt to return to the workforce, so your attempt husband should consider enrolling in the program, Work” to “Ticket Security Social which will provide him the chance to test retirement age (66 years and 2 months if he if months 2 and years (66 age retirement working his Regarding 1955). in born was Social benefits, SSDI collecting while still Security encourages those on disability to per month? Is it just reported at tax time next year? Helpful Wife Signed: full his reaches he when benefits retirement his to switch matically ability in 2016 at the age of 61; he is now 63. Did it automatically automatically it Did 63. now is he 61; of age the at 2016 in ability bored feeling he’s Also, Security? Social regular to over switch and would like to have a little job. Is he allowed to work just so many hours per week, or does it go by how much you make Ask Rusty - Working while collecting Social Security disability Security Social collecting while Working - Rusty Ask Social Security Matters Security Social 6 THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 2016. Ultraviolet exposure can exposure Ultraviolet 2016. Diegans died from skin cancer in One hundred and thirty four San Foundation. Cancer Skin the to according combined, cancers other all than States United the in year each cancer diagnosed skin with are people More radiation. ultraviolet to posure overex from develop can and States United the in cancer of cancer skin is the most says common form Prevention and trol and thedamagesitcancause.” of too much exposure to the sun people need to always be aware hikes, or bikes on out head or beach towels, tote picnic their baskets pack people “As officer. San Diego County public health Wooten, Wilma said summer months,” the during outdoors where people spend a lot of time California, Southern in pecially protect their skin at all times, es should they that people remind with adequatesunscreen. rays (UV) ultraviolet from harmful yourself protect you as long as – sunshine the enjoy to region the in activities outdoor for time of plenty still there’s San DiegoCountyPublicHealth sunscreen isprotectingyou 13 waystomakesureyour The Centers for Disease Con to thing good a always “It’s It’s the middle of summer and About Your Health 0DLQ6WUHHW6DQ'LHJR‡ FREE ESTIMATES -ServingMilitaryforOver23years from BRAKE SERVICE by Tom Christensen Don’t Wait UntilYou HaveaProblem! Per Axle,Parts &Laborincluded.Most Cars from TIMING BELT Most Cars.Parts & Labor included $ Standard Brake Packages SPECIAL SPECIAL $ - - - does not mean better.mean Although not does to acne. if you have oily skin or are prone sweating orswimming. a waterproof brand if you will be at least15. of (SPF) factor protection sun a has against and rays UV-B and UV-A protects that screen buy sunscreen use sunscreencorrectly: CDC on how to select, apply and excessive heatforecasts. and radiation UV of aware be to is step first The prevented. and heat-related illnesses can be cool itselfcanbehampered.” to ability body’s your but skin, your to damaging and painful be it can only not sunburned, are you “If Wooten. said day,” get sunburned even on a cloudy not particularly hot and you can indexes can occur even when it’s or tanningbooths. overexposure sun to related be Service •Be aware that more expensive •Use a water-based sunscreen •Read product labels. Look for sun broad-spectrum a •Pick you when for look to What the from tips some are Here Overexposure to UV radiation UV high that forget “Don’t Repair from and A/C Most Cars.Parts & Labor included CV JOINT $ AXLE Paint Work Body and - FUEL INJECTION New throwoutbearing. Pilot bearing. Inspectflywheel throughout the day if you work you if day the throughout ous exercise. screen after swimming or strenu when youperspire. off wash to likely less and skin the by absorbed be can it that so results) best (for sun the in being minutes before mately 30 time. over degrade might ingredients sunscreen some because date product. cheaper a than effective more or feel smell better, it is might not necessarily brand costly a 7+(3/$&(72*2%()25(<28*2$1<3/$&( from 0((7&21)8&,86 VISIT SHANDONG MANILA Includes: Pressure plateanddisc.Adjustment, •Apply sunscreen often often sunscreen •Apply sun reapply to •Remember approxi sunscreen •Apply When toapplysunscreen expiration the of aware •Be $ Most Cars.Parts & Labor included Visit Most Cars.Parts &Laborincluded. 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- *5($7 DOU b LE OCCU p ANC y - general andchief,U.S.BureauofMedicineSurgery. surgeon Navy Faison, Forrest ViceAdm. said residency,” my duty assignment in 1988 as the base pediatrician after finishing designed andpaintedbyNHCLemooreSailors. and the Civilian Club, a cake-cutting and the unveiling at of the a clinic, mural,including the First Class Petty Officers’ Association mand memorabilia and other items contributed by organizations in Monterey, Calif. Dominance Information for Center the and Institute Language Defense School, Postgraduate Naval the at students ternational in and Corps Marine Navy, to support admin and care dental provides clinic Nev.The Fallon, NAS and Lemoore at ciaries benefi eligible 32,000 to care health provides and facility foot Navy Medicine’s verybest.” among are that staff civilian and military diverse and talented Lemoore skipper. “Our people are a team, a NHC family Atterbury,of Kristen dedicated, Capt. said beneficiaries,” our of care the in performance exceptional demonstrating for recognized care toSailors,Marines,retireesandtheirfamilies. quality providing while decades five past the over missions tarian humani and operations military facility have supported a the variety of from staff Lemoore, NAS at mission to provide medical support the with 1968 1, July Lemoore tal memorate thismilestone,July19. com to Lemoore’sevents (NHC) with Clinic anniversary 50th Health Naval celebrated guests distinguished and community celebrates 50yearsofcaring Naval HealthClinicLemoore “A great deal has changed since I reported here for my first my for here reported I since changed has deal “Agreat The ceremony included the filling of a time capsule with com Today, NHC Lemoore is housed in a modern 150,000 square been consistently has command this years, the “Throughout Hospi Naval as Commissioned the of members staff, civilian Sailors, - Calif. LEMOORE, 0LVVLRQ*RUJH5G‡6DQWHH‡ by RegenaKowitz - - Younameit, We’ve Got It GotWe’ve - - - - THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 7

7/10/18 7:03 AM The last word(s) last The Q: I work with a guy who I simpler a in speak he’ll Yes, A: rather than pretty feeling actually predictably is what at outraged people most for behavior normal time. the of most think is smart but always talks I can way a complicated such in a Is there him. understand never way a in speak to him get to way does why Also, understand? can I this? do he admit to willing are you if language words Big, confusing who confusion. someone for cover a often are understand really fact in not does saying. is she or he what - © 2018 University of Maryland College © 2018 University University So yes it is initially disappoint initially is it yes So When your new bar is on the fiscal the for nominations seeking is Personnel Naval of Chief The The annual award was established to recognize Navy Human may 1205) and 1207 (1200, officer junior Resources Human Any 1650.33A OPNAVINST provides further instruction, rules and quite a few sessions ranting about about ranting sessions few a quite people other that is it wrong how behavior the to conform to refuse to. entitled feel clients these rose-colored your off take to ing glasses about what you expect from others and also what you owe In you. others the feel long run, however, there liberation and is peace is great making a anticipate that plans workplace you than behavior of bar lower far for. planned previously floor you won’t You trip over your expectations. inaccurate own to gravitate and celebrate also can bar low your exceed who people Human for open Nominations Year the of Officer Junior Resources award. Year of the year 2018 Human Resources Junior Officer significant made have who below, and O-4 officers, junior Resources contributions manpower to and Navy’s personnel readiness during the past fiscal year. Nominations OIC. or CO their through award the for nominated be must be submitted by Sept. 30 to the Director, Human Resources Center of Excellence. Dec. by announced be will results Award award. the for guidelines 15, 2018. - - - - - Alter your expectations of your expectations Alter behavior workplace co-workers’ 619-550-1537 Call Let me list just a few expecta few a just list me Let of most assume you instead If Many clients have told me No No matter what adversity we tions tions that while understandable are not realistic. Most people will keep their word, be honest, be competent, have empathy, be kind, reward sacrifice, look out for you, be picture. willingbig the see to and seeproblems If you hold out bar this high for everyone at your job, you will upset. be often none do will people most time the more be will you things these of accurate and problems. prepared toworkplace dealnormal with just not is problem the out Turns time the of most people most that expectations your disappoint will ill-pre being up end you that but reality. with deal to pared other at looking enjoy don’t they view “cynical” this from people point. New clients also spend have interesting and educational educational and interesting have happen!” problems crappy experience at work, Many therelearning. for are opportunities an un during learning the times expec our that is experience fair out were of the with line tations world. business the of reality MADE FOR YOU YOU MADE FOR - - - or visit UMUC.EDU/BASE by Dr. Daneen Skube Daneen Dr. by A: I strongly suggest to my reac emotional the Obviously I joke with new clients that Q: I’ve been observing how * about fairness in their career? their in fairness about concept the toss they that clients Many window. the out fairness of because me see first clients my of my and circ*mstances, unfair of stunned. or devastated are clients isn’t problem the that out point I but the circ*mstances the unfair client my expectation unrealistic situation. her or his about had tions we have when the world us and im are valid disappoints But, to after portant experience. we and have acknowledged felt our reactions we need to move solving. problem into will they me with work they once never again have purely crappy problems happen to them. My I before excited look clients new only will you on now “From add, often bad things happen to good good to happen things bad often started I When business. in people in my I career fairness believed on ultimately prevailed the job, but my faith in that concept is waning. You talk a ex lot in realistic your having about column beliefs What work. at pectations clients your to recommend you do - - time students. Jasmine Jahadi attends San Diego Miramar College tuition-free as part of the San Diego Promise. Local community colleges will be Prom expanding ise programs this fall to many more full- first-time, California residents attending residents California the Promise a value of at least $1,104 for students who take part in the program. Colleges Association. “Through “Through Association. Colleges our Promise programs, every deserving student who wants to will college community a attend economic increased from benefit mobility and self-sufficiency, as our collegesand training workforce of driver are a major economic growth in our region and state.” college community California a pay $46 per credit unit, giving Past President of the San Diego Community Counties Imperial & their dreams of a postsecondary a of dreams their education,” said Palomar Col lege Superintendent/President Dr. Joi Lin Blake, Immediate - - -

you serve and get the dedicated support you need from a military-trusted university. We are proud proud are We a military-trusted university. from need servesupport the dedicated and get you you and hybrid global online programs, graduate and servicememberswith undergraduate provide to opportunity UMUC, boundaries. has no At mentoring. and career academic options, and course You You protect our freedoms, and for more than 70 years, University of Maryland University College matter where no degree respected a Earn lines. front the to education an in-demand brought has on June 25 and apply within 30 days after attending will after attending will on June 25 and apply within 30 days fee waived. the $50 application be eligible to have Prospective students who attend our military webinar - - DESERVE OPPORTUNITY. DESERVE BECAUSE SERVICEMEMBERS SERVICEMEMBERS BECAUSE *The $100 application fee for the Doctor of Management program cannot be waived. - - -

18-MIL-112 July Base Print Ad_Armed Forces Dispatch_HRR1.indd 1 Career & Education & Career “These innovative Promise This will be the first time since since time first the be will This M i l l i o n s Thousands Thousands of first-time com transform their lives by pursuing pursuing by lives their transform their economic status. programs will ensure that stu dents have the opportunity to began instituting no will students registration that 1985 in fees of regardless tuition, pay longer two years of study. two years of study. California community colleges community college campus from from campus college community a offer Vista Chula to Oceanside Promise program this fall, with some programs covering a full districts, and private foun dations is al lowing every of dollars in funding from the state, lo cal college ing across the country. to the grow ing Promise m o v e m ethat is nsweep t something new when the fallsemester begins Aug. tuition-free20 - education,a thanks 1st time students in SD County students 1st time through students college munity out San Diego County will find Tuition-free community college for college community Tuition-free New Worship location:13230Pomerado Rd,Poway CA92064 worshipat11am Sunday Schoolat9:30am,morning Seeking Sinners;SavingSouls,StrengtheningSaints

8 THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 in my life when I wasn’t looking time a in nowhere, of out from came He candidate. horse dark a of bit a was he Francis, band, ing for Thanksgiving. com is mother whose to couch new a buying from everything on decisions make to manage how typical husbands and wives from things few a learn might politicians the if wondering me has days these Washington in to conflicts. to resolutions negotiate parties regularly two the system, requiring adversarial an often in oneplanetarysystem. together circling orbits, each other’s in caught pulls, tational gravi complimentary exerting halves.” Couples are like planets yang. Spouses are each wife’s other’s “better his to yin the is between two parties. A husband power of balance perfect the be Family hn mt y ay hus Navy my met I When divisiveness of talk the All Sound familiar? is marriage reality, in But Romantic, right? should marriage theory, In by LisaSmithMolinari C B C C  or(858)549-2479 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Children's Located Ministries for All justKids! off Miramar Rd. & I-15 Saturdays at 6 pm & Helping people love God and each other more! hrist CommunityChurch Wednesday -BibleStudy7pm-8pm Join us on Sunday for Christian Education 9am, Morning Worship at 10 am 6265 University Avenue, San Diego CA 92115, Email:[emailprotected] Avenue and Clairemont Drive) 4292 Balboa Avenue, San Diego 92117 (LocatedWednesday near nights the corner 6pm Fellowship of Balboa and Pizza!Sunday 6:30pmWorship Bible 10:00 Classes am, 6:00 for pmall agesSunday Bible Classes for all ages 9:00 am "Love God, Love People, Serve the World" ity ofFaithFamilyWorship Center anyon ViewChurchofChrist "A Multi-Cultural,MultiEthnic,GenerationalChurch" Wednesday NightLive(WNL)7pm 2 Sunday 7:00am,9:00amand11:00amWorship Service 6126 BensonAvenue, SD92114(619)262-8384 ayview BaptistChurch nd Wednesday's 6pmYLoVandYMoV Sundays 8:45 am &10:45 am Places ofWorship - - - (858) 273-5140 Small Groups for Teens and Adults of all Ages! n hr ubn t gv hr a her give to husband her ing requir resolution continuing a ily, a wife might try to negotiate blueberry picking with the fam the watch go or Sunday on game baseball and home stay to parts, andpeanuts. body women’s cars, like things out while their minds wander to tune completely way,husbands times filibuster — which, by the often lengthy debate, and some that eachpartycanlivewith. fore they can come to an accord has to hold a special session be couple married a sometimes — off lights or on lights suspense, or comedy pizza, or food Thai it’s Whether opinion. majority absolute an without conflicts didn’t know). you case in are, (they best the whether John Candy movies are and teams, NFL stations, duty military morality, politics, as such items ticket big on forms plat similar very have we that union runsmoothly. our make to together working became amilitaryspouse. courtship, we brief tied the knot and a I after and meetings, of kind sight” first at “love goofy my surprise, we had one of those for a running mate. But much to Politics of marriage: What Congress might learn from husbands and wives the meatandpotatoesoflife When bargaining on whether on bargaining When It certainly isn’t easy. There’s some are there Certainly, out found we Thankfully, We’veyears 24 last the spent (619) 265-2921 - - - - - government running smoothly, running of government system their keep to do to need they what do couples ried terms of compromise, most mar the Whatever meatballs. make wives as long as on in mani-pedis, give Husbands dishes. with help husbands as long as they compromise. just can’t seem to do these days: government our that something do wives and husbands cloture, anny andtotalitarianism. tyr demagoguery, and dissent mudslinging, and muckraking There’s agendas. personal their and puppies to garner support for electronics, expensive clothing, name brand cereals, sugared on family, spending barrel pork promising the propagandize to attempts shameless make will priority status. to her entitles therefore and ing gout was arguably life-threaten that his mother’s news” recent attack of “fake propagate might husband a Christmas, on dibs first get should in-laws whose over debate During Notebook.” “The of instead Hood” Tha 2 Back “Leprechaun: for vote to kids) the (a.k.a., voters swing a husband night, might try to logroll the Friday on list watch Netflix family’s the perusing While stretch. inning seventh foot rub on the couch during the Wives give in on golf outings But in the end, even if it takes wives and husbands Both ‘ L F New military familiesaremovingtoSanDiego New military F Places ofWorship every day.every Invitethemtoworshipwithyou New military familiesaremovingtoSanDiego New military every day.every Invitethemtoworshipwithyou *(619) 422-6400 for further info. *(619) 422-6400forfurther Church:41 "I" Street, Chula Vista,Reading Ca 91910 Room: 300 Third Avenue, Thurdsay:Chula Vista "Sermon Tu-Sat on the 10am-2pm Mount" (BibleWednesday:Testimony reading via conf. Meetingcall 6:15pm*) 7pmSunday: Worship Service and Sunday School 10 am A healing church to bless the community-all are warmly welcomed! a Jolla Lutheran Church 858-454-6459 7111 LaJollaBlvd, Jolla92037 Wednesday 6:30pm Bible Study Sunday 9:30amWorship andSundaySchool "We Follow Jesus" ariel 445 CAve, Coronado,CA92118(619)435-6588 Friday's Women's BibleStudy Sunday Interim Pastor "Reach Up,Reach Out,Reach theWorld" irst BaptistChurch irst ChurchofChrist,Scientist,ChulaVista in theDispatchChurchDirectory. in theDispatchChurchDirectory. Bible Study8:45am (619)280-2985 (619)280-2985 - - - FB: FirstBaptistChurchofCoronado , Sunday Worship Service 10 am 9:30-11:30 am marriage that our Francis and I in have thing one is there fess, for thelast24years. just like Francis and I have done roll must be placed such that that such placed be must roll paper toilet the that insists cis yet to agree upon. You see, Fran vates, shamedevastates. disappoints you? child your when do you can What choices. poor of season a through go will child parent to easy sweet, quiet, the Or either.) one that up (Not making test. important an for studying off blew completely child rule-following your out find You’ll up.) one that mak ing (Not toilet. the down shorts P.E. someone’s flush to tried child your that school right. thing mom this doing you’re if question to you cause and that will make your heart ache something say or do will they when mean I siblings; their a temper tantrum or fight with appointments when they have mean thelittle day todis don’t I you. disappoints child your when mom, a of life the 5 things moms need to do when kids disappoint us make sure your child knows knows child your sure make disappointment, your of level the matter No you. barrasses em or you angers that thing That being said, I must con must I said, being That 1. Remember that love moti the from call a get You’ll in true so oh but sad, It’s Your child might do some do might Yourchild

by NancyJergins  ------child. it carefully. express It’s but angry feel make. to okay to trying are you points the understanding time harder a have will child your around, things throwing or ing, cry screaming, start you if but is easier said than done at times, This calm. stay and child your about whathappened.” am I angry and upset how you with share still however,must I love you no matter what you do; always will and you, love I that know to you want “I love, with my best to preface my comments and my child knew this. furious, But was I I did toilet, the down suit bathing someone’s flush to from school after this child tried with yourchild,butbekind. a place of love. You can be firm from begin disappointment, the regarding child your with cuss dis to matters serious are there when Even him. love you that roll awayfromthewall. the of side the on hangs paper the of edge the that so hang to meant are rolls paper toilet that believe firmly I whereas, wall; the side of the roll closest to the on hangs paper the of edge the Your child might disappoint disappoint might child Your your in believing Keep 3. Build on the love you feel for 2. Reactcalmly. child my up picked I When This is our Cold War, our Ber M M S L C 6/25 7/27/9swap Bishop Stephen M. Brunson, SeniorPastor,Bishop StephenM.Brunson, USN,Retired 619.749.1767 &twitter@citybishop Tues Bible Connection-7pm Location: See2321 you atDryden Sunday Rd., School El- 9am Cajon, & Sunday 92020Moring Celebration-10:30amA place to belong with exciting life related messages for Theeveryday Perfect living. Place for Imperfect People to Mature in Christ! ity ofPraise We thankyouforyourservice! Pastor: MarkMenacher, PhD. Worship: 9:00am website: Phone: 619-463-6633 5150 WilsonAvenue, La Mesa,CA91942 t. Luke's LutheranChurch (858) Rd,SanDiegoCA92121 7055 Carroll L.J. Thomas-Sr. Pastor onSundayat9a.m.and11NearMiramarBase Services Multi- Cultural,Non-Denominational "Purpose Driven"GospelChurch t. MoriahChristianChurch (858)485-6110 13230 Pomerado Rd,Poway CA92064 Wednesday NightBibleStudy7pm Morning Worship at 10 am Sunday ChurchSchoolat8:45am Seeking Sinners;SavingSouls,StrengtheningSaints Dr. Perkins, Darrow Jr., Th.D.Pastor/Servant esa View Baptist Church (619)461-5561 andTeenMidweek Service Church,Thursdaysat7pm 11am,SundayEveningat5:30pm Service Sunday Morning Sunday SchoolandAdultBibleClasses:9:30am 1345 SkylineDr, LemonGrove,CA91945 "Where theShouthasnotDiedOut" ighthouse Baptist Church - - - can’t heactlike to give into peer pressure. Why mon sense. She’s always going like, He just doesn’t have things com say you hear children but they are not. Never let your action or choice might be bad, the us, disappoints that thing points. But when they do some They have good points and bad a “they’reallbad”brush. points you. disap she when even her, in needs to know that you believe you envisioned, but your child what from different be might It life. full and good a lead to ability her in Believe her. in good the find you help child your for love your unconditional Let child–don’t. your on up giving like feel might Youfriends’children. your dynamic as as isn’t or good grades, make doesn’t athlete, because your child isn’t a good disappointed feel might You do. never would she thought you something did she cause be you disappoint might She potential. her meeting not is she like feel you because you to happenanytimesoon. isn’tgoing know we something that’s and Congress, of Act an paper roll placement would take toilet on compromise to I and detente, because getting Francis lin Wall, our38thParallel. Our children are human. human. are children Our 4. Avoid painting them with achieve never will we fear I see Moms, page9

 - - - - THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 9 - - Bonhomme We accept accept We Call for a FREE assion & Delta Dental (858) 277-6080 Military Retiree p United Concordia personalized smile analysis (Between A and Ash) 1333 5th Avenue San Diego, Ca. 92101 arber b 9HWHUDQ·V%HQHÀWV (Next to AutoZone) (Next to San Diego, Ca. 92124 when you come in for a school tour FREE HAIRCUT Classes are Tuesday thru Saturday from 8:30 - 5:00 Tierra Town Dental Center Town Tierra 10645 Tierrssanta Blvd., Suite B Tierrssanta 10645 ENROLL IN OUR NEXT CLASS TODAY! Our programs are approved for 619-234-7703 D Join our ‡&RVPHWLF5HVWRUDWLYH'HQWLVWU\ ‡,QYLVDOLJQ2UWKRGRQWLFV ‡7HHWK:KLWHQLQJ ‡'HQWDO,PSODQWV ‡'HQWXUHV -

armed forces armed forces ispatch ispatch (LHD 6), during the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2018 exercise. Twenty-five Twenty-five exercise. 2018 (RIMPAC) Pacific the of Rim the during 6), (LHD The tour concluded at the D Rear Adm. Cedric Pringle, left, commander of Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) 3, (ESG) Group Strike Expeditionary of commander left, Pringle, Cedric Adm. Rear speaks to Israeli navy Rear Adm. Ido Ben-Moshe, USS center ship left, head assault of amphibious naval of op tour a of part as staff his and erations, Richard nations, 46 ships, five submarines, about 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel are participating in from RIMPAC June 27 to Aug. 2 in and around the Hawaiian Is photo by MC2 Williamlands and Southern California. Navy Sykes quarterdeck, where Ben-Moshe presented Pringle with a com memorative challenge coin. - - “It takes b e i n g when volved i n it comes to ship design. s o t o l o d n e s g and i g build n a importance of operators - Ben-Moshe concurred, stat “In Israeli ships, you will

who control the thedesign, sailors,” saidbut Ben-Moshe. “For example, in order to build a bridge, you must have been working on the bridge can’t do it You just while. from for a plans as an engineer.” ship,” said Pringle. “Therefore, use to beneficial very be would it have who those of experience the operated and maintainedships, so the they may collaborate creating in engineers design with may engineers The ship. better a have the technical knowledge, but they lack the that experienceSailors have to make those designs practical.” ing that the Israeliideas similar incorporating Navybeen has when designing and building their ships in orderthem to moremake effectiveuser. for the find that it’s not the engineers navies. Both agreed on the during RIMPAC during 2015 24, SEPTEMBER THURSDAY, • • 6 - - - - OPEN WEEK 7 DAYS A 7 DAYS (LHD 6) welcomed Israeli Navy Rear Adm. by MC2 William Sykes William by MC2 One more thing… Check your attitude and your While touring the ship, Prin t takes so long to design and t takes so long to I it would build a ship. Therefore, be very beneficial to use the expe toration or starting over. or expect you what about ideals desire your child to be. When I was a child, I knew my mother times at me in disappointed was over how I lookedshyness in social andsituations. myI can still remember how hurt I felt. Our children want our ac ceptance, especially when we disappoint them. expert, highlighted U.S. a of capabilities and differentaspects Navy amphibious assault ship. gle and Ben-Moshe discussed utilization of amphibious ships and their future in the world’s and believing in your child–to help them get to a place of res presented by a subject matter - - ‡3ODFHPHQW$VVLVWDQFH rience of those who have operated and rience of those who have operated maintained the ships, so they may collaborate with design en gineers in creating a better ship.

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5. Show them a better way. When your child knows he’s the other boys? The chal The tour included a trip to Rear Adm. Cedric Pringle, JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM, Hawaii - Amphibious assault Amphibious - Hawaii HARBOR-HICKAM, PEARL BASE JOINT Wylde Sydes Tattoo & Piercing READY TO RETURN TO THE WORKFORCE? READY TO RETURN laid–showing love, staying calm, calm, staying love, laid–showing disappointed you, he needs to be be to needs he you, disappointed guidance. for you to turn to able Address the disappointmentand use the groundwork you’ve lenges our children face are just are face children our lenges a part of who they are. They do don’t and children our define not our children. ‘ruin’ Moms continued from page 8 ship’s well deck. Each location, ship’s the pilothouse, trol,debark medicalcon spaces and the by a tour, during officers had whichthe opportunity to the become familiarized with the capabilities. LHD’s Omer Segev, and Omer Segev, Lt. Cmdr. RanKoval followed with Ben-Moshe, with Israeli with along Amir Navy Capt. Gutman, Cmdr. commander, Ex Strike peditionary Group (ESG) 3, call office an held Ido Ben-Moshe, head of naval operations, for a tour, ship’s July 18, during 2018 exercise. (RIMPAC) the Rim of the Pacific ship USS USS Israeli head of Naval operations visits visits operations of Naval head Israeli 10 THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 hog wa wud have otherwise beenaroughtrip. would what through us helped courtesy and ism professional their and 8 of age the under children 3 my with traveling was I modate. countered. The staff there is outstanding and they will do everything in their power to accom en have I best the far by is one this but terminals, other at experiences nightmare had I’ve JP Runge NAS NORTHISLANDPASSENGERAIRTERMINAL December 2016toJuly2018. CO Dowdell. incoming said deployment,” into and cycle up work the through team great this lead to portunity crew asitworkedthrougheveryproblem-ateam,”said Allbritton. consecutive Blue“E”. Command Retention Excellence Awards, and consecutive Award,“H” three WellnessBlue and Promotion Health General Surgeon Navy the “H” Award,Green Wellnessand Unit Health Safety Awards,Force Operations Afloat the Naval of Chief consecutive three in resulting control and command and engineering, warfare, maritime Boxer of Marines and Sailors the command his under availability.Additionally, maintenance phased 15-month a during ship the to upgrades in dollars million $143 than more through crew the led officer ofUSS USS SUSHI &SEAFOODBUFFET Dowdell assumed command after serving as as serving after command assumed Dowdell “ “Despite the challenges of a complex maintenance availability, I have always been proud of the of command assumed Allbritton SAN DIEGO - ZZZQDWVXPLEXIIHWFRP Boxer Teppanyaki Grill earned unprecedented successes to include Naval Surface Forces Excellence awards for awards Excellence Forces Surface Naval include to successes unprecedented earned 0LUDPDU5G‡6DQ'LHJR&$ has a history of rising to the occasion to meet the mission. I am honored to have the op Boxer CreateYour OwnStir-Fry Boxer Capt. Ronald A. Dowdell (LHD4)duringachangeofcommandontheship’s flightdeck,July19. holdschangeofcommand - Boxer relieved in Dec. 2016. During his tenure as CO, Allbritton Allbritton CO, as tenure his During 2016. Dec. in Boxer Boxer With ID. Capt. Benjamin J. Allbritton ’s Supply Department earning the ship’s 15th ’s executive officer for 20 months from from months 20 for officer executive ’s with 6regularpayingadultmeals.Notto 'LVFRXQW %LUWKGD\ Sun.-Thurs. 11am-9:30pm 0LOLWDU\ FREE be combinedwithanyotheroffer. 6SHFLDO Fri. &Sat.11am-10pm as commanding 0HDO HOURS: With ID. With ID.

- - - rubbing alcohol.” and cutter nail a using myself out stitches the took I so so, or moved which was another $200 go back in to get my stitches re to asked was I paychecks. two quite pricey. was It it was worth and around stitches, get to had I hand. my cut and at worked I into an accident in the restaurant not even medical insurance. I got worry. I had nothing at that time, to them want not did I because it about them tell to want not did I and in, was I situation the know didn’t they time that ing somewhat easier for them. Dur be would U.S. the in life when but I wanted them to be with me immensely,them missed I U.S. the to family my bring to able qualification. SWO Thispursue to eligible designators only the are community SWO the into nators 116X and lateral transfers (SWO) July23. Officer Warfare Surface a as designation and for qualification requirements the to sion revi a announced Fleet Pacific Force Surface Naval of mander Forces/Com Surface Naval qualification instruction CNSF changestoSWO rival wouldbeworthwhile.” ar the easy,that say did He but be would journey the that said never God that realize I Now, of them come to clear your path. many life; your disrupt to come storms all not said, Somebody positive changes imposed on me. for crucial were they hindsight, seem bad at that moment, but in may situations bad that is ney jour this in learned have I sons him down. tear it letting of instead grow and learn to reality his of sity adver the used He persevered. continued frompage2 Ople Despite the rough times, Ople was I before while a took “It Effective immediately, desig Commander, - DIEGO SAN “One of the most valuable les ------Officer 2 Brik Wiley, the avia Wiley,the Brik 2 Officer Chief said Sailors,” his Warrant year. the of Sailor as selections two and ter of the as quar Sailor selections three earned he ships phibious am two aboard deployments and help others.” country our to back give to chance a me given has Navy the in Being diligence. and tion dedica my show to able was I career, this through but Navy, States United the join would I would have never imagined that opportunity to serve my nation. the I given being is have I ment accomplish Another success. help my to as consider I what is others able being of action The success. of marker my is Philippines the in and U.S. the in both family my for provide measured to able be Being materialistically. can that thing July 20,2018. sioning ceremony took place on help more Sailors. His commis his new position as an officer to use can he believes he that says Ople program. commissioning year 2018 Limited Duty Officer fiscal the for 2005 selected was in and Navy the joined He Navy. the in enlist to decided giant grey warships the in at the harbor, Ople glancing Bridge, Coronado the across drove he as be could what about sizing Officer of a warship,” said Vice to excel as a future Commanding the core competencies necessary master and develop to Officer Warfare Surface professional junior a of crucible the is and 1110to path the is qualification standing opportunities for SWOs. including increased bridge ships, watch on experience increased pathrevisions, whichfocuses on career new with aligns change “Chief Ople puts his all into all his puts Ople “Chief pacific western five During isn’tme, some for “Success, fanta of years three After “The Surface Warfare Officer ------he leads. that those along brings instead and alone, success to path the walk torefuses whoothers, ing help insuccess finds who man the personthrewwhoa them.isHe for house a build to them wouldtakethosebricks useand thrown athim.” have others bricks the with tion founda firm a lay can who one “Asaid, is once man successful Brinkley, a role model of Ople’s, leadership isthatpowerful.” and presence his forget; you never and life your enters who “Chief Ople is the kind aboard of person Davis Donnell (Fuel) Mate Boatswain’s tion AviaChief said him,” without today is it division the be not or O-3 higher rankingofficer. commissioned a by head, a position typically staffed department safety acting the as served also he months several For officer. petty chief leading department safety the and well sion leading chief petty officer as Boxer a limp.” with walking him see now you leads by example, which is why He airman. young his helping while injured he that physically was much so caring him Boxer tion fuels Boatswain aboard USS KjwZ7i. tion-Instruction.aspx#.W1d8T fare-Officer-SWO-Qualifica Changes-to-the-Surface-War for/Pages/CNSF-Announces- trained andqualified.” properly are community our of ted to ensuring the future leaders “My team and I remain commit Forces. com Surface Naval mander, Brown, Richard Adm. Ople is the kind of man who man of kind the is Ople David newscaster American V-4doubt, “Withouta would aboard hats two wore Ople the at release full the Read (LHD 4). “I can recall recall can “I 4). (LHD as the aviation fuels divi Boxer. ------

THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 11 - - - - - Carl Bon (LHD 6). Marine Corps photo with valid ID. PEARL PEARL HARBOR (July 16, Cedric Adm. Rear - 2018) Pringle, left, commander of Expeditionary Group Strike (ESG) Australian 3, Navy Royal Paul O’Grady and Capt. Com modore Ivan Combined of commander Ingham, Task Group cuss 176, upcoming exercises dis with Chilean navy Com modore Pablo Niemann for the 2018 Rim of the Pacific aboard USS homme Richard Photo by MC2 Sykes William during the 2018 Rim of the (up to $50 for active & retired) 10% Off *Complete Replacements *Complete *Factory *Custom*Repairs (619) 698-7030 3916 N. Barcelona SPRING VALLEY, 91977 VALLEY, SPRING PACIFIC PACIFIC OCEAN (July 21, 2018) F/A-18F - Super Hornets to assigned the Bounty for in fly 2 (VFA) Squadron Fighter Hunters of Strike mation near aircraft carrier Vinson Photo by exercise. (RIMPAC) Pacific MC3 Dylan M. Kinee MILITARY DISCOUNT MILITARY Proudly serving our Military sunce 1985! - - - - - FREE INSPECTION Where All Your Pipe Dreams Come True! Recruiting Recruiting Region are trained at MCRD San Diego. Golf Company is scheduled to graduate July 13. a team, eliminating individual ism and creating a sense of uni ty. Annually, more than Western the from 17,000 recruited males talion, climbs Basilone’s lenge during chal a Crucible Throughout the Crucible, recruits event. hiked, patrolled, and trained as CAMP PENDLETON 2018) - A recruit from Golf Com (June pany, 27, 2nd Recruit Training Bat 12 THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 Entertainment &DVK &DUU\)XUQLWXUH‡(0DLQ6W(O&DMRQ&D We treat our customers with honesty &integrity. Best possible at competitive service prices. 5HJ 5HJ HomElegance Bedroom 4pc. Queen Set 5HJ Pry etl, MS, lg 2, lo 1, 619-532- 1B, 8466 Floor 26, Bldg. NMCSD, Rentals, Party • Bldg. NASNI, Center, Adventure Outdoor Island North • adventure needs: our sparklingcoastalwaters. on paddling or snorkeling, boogie-boarding, for shoreline distance. Then make your way to the camping or hiking, all within driving the perfect time for mountain biking, always It’s mountains. and beaches parks, of wealth Diego’s San enjoy OUTDOOR RECREATION Cove Marinaat619-522-8680. instruction and textbooks. For more informationrental, boat includes fee callRegistration fast. up fill Fiddler’sclasses as per level sailing class fees. Pre-registration is recommended DoD civilians $100; and sponsored guests $125. Call $75; for Retirees up and above and E7 $50; E1-E6 are fees class Sailing Basic Fiddler’sMarina. at Cove pm 4 to am 9 from on the water. Held on Sat. and Sun., each 2-day session runs out you get to designed classes sailing advanced and diate Fees! MARINAS with 2storage drawers Sailing classes,equipment 0867%5,1*&23<2)7+($'725(&(,9(63(&,$/35,&(6‡/LPLWHGTXDQWLWLHVRQKDQG Available in charcoal gray, black,&white cherry Twin/full bunkbed Check out your closest Gear Rental location for all your all for location Rental Gear closest your out Check FUN! Diego San Class Sailing Basic Reduced NEW ~ Classes Sailing Drop Table Down &Reclining Love Seat It’s anMWRsummer: Ahoy Mates. Fiddler’s Cove offers beginner, interme 2 Pc. Reclining Sofa with rentals underway , 17(5(67 subject tocreditapproval,minimum 6DWDPSP‡6XQQRRQSP 0RQWKV purchase required $9$,/$%/(

We appreciate you for do all our country! Cash & Carry Furniture CarryFurniture & Cash Mon-Fri 10am-8:00pm )5(( /PODPNNJTTJPOTBMFTTUBČt'SJFOEMZTIPQQJOHFYQFSJFODF ) Get outside and outside Get Hours: ,1$1&,1* 553-9138 619- 546, Bldg. Base, Main NBPL, Center, Recreation Clubhouse The • Bldg. 3223,619-556-7493 Outdoor • Center,Adventure NBSD, 825, 619-545-2632 Visit our website: Mattresses separately sold PAYMENT OPTION 5HJ Includes sofa, loveseat, 3tables, 2lamps &area rug No Credit 8 pc. Living Room Group Needed 619-442-7706 100-DAY - - in e 5 Pc. Faux Marble Dinette 5HJ 3 Recliners. Available in chocolate and taupe Milton Greens 6pc. modular sectional 5HJ vi249739545?ref_=tt_ov_vi to: go story, story.the shared he has recently his Toonly of trailer short a catch and years 50 almost for classified was Williams’mission wartime Hero” of the Forgotten War. Captain they tell the story of “The Forgotten as Shelton Don Rear Admiral Navy U.S. retired and Williams Royce E. us to hear retired U.S. Navy Captain the WWII and Korea bridge eras. Please will join who speakers dynamic two have we trip, the on go to erans to raisethemoney. have we flight, this on them get to order in and funded not is trip D.C. at no charge to them because of generous donors. Our fall 2018 banks RanchCountryClubonSunday, July29from5-9p.m. Fundraiser Sunday,July29 Please help:HonorFlight L C L Click Clack Sofa Sleeper To purchase a table or tickets for the event, go to: https://For vet WWII of end the near we As Veterans“Tourtheir on to go Washington,Honor” to able of are Fair the at fundraiser Heroes” “Forgotten our for us join Please a JO n 5HJ at Scrippstellsyouwhatneed toknow The Grunionarerunning!BirchAquarium eggs. The females will lay any layfemaleswill Theeggs. around the themselves females wrap to males fertilize while their half-waytheinsandlay to eggs, femalegrunionthemselvesbury beach,the moonlight.on While in a strange mating ritual undersilvery the fish wash ashore to partakeJune,thousandsor these littleof Grunion a Run? Is what So, watch them run! mind staying up late, get ready to few beach chairs and, if you don’t house. Just grab your flashlights, hassomethebestofseats a the in Jolla La andclose;creatures up experienceto thesestrangelittle California,chanceyou’lltheget beachesthroughoutall Southern of the grunion run has begun! On love moonlight:theunderseasonthe sweet make and waves, - Each spring, from April to May the surf around, flop They of thepreviousevening isshown. Tuesday, August 28,2018,11:05 p.m.to1:05a.m. Monday, August 27,2018, 10:30p.m.to12:30a.m. Sunday, August 26,2018, 10p.m.tomidnight Tuesday, August 14,2018,12:30a.m.to2:30 Monday, August 13,2018, 11:35 p.m.to1:35a.m. Sunday, August 12,2018, 10:45p.m.to12:45a.m. Saturday, August 11, 2018,10p.m.tomidnight Monday, July30,2018,11:45 p.m.to1:45a.m. Sunday, July29,2018,10:45p.m.to12:45a.m. Saturday, July28,2018,10:10p.m.to12:10a.m. Friday, July27,2018,9:40p.m.to11:40 p.m. runs atbeachesthroughoutSoCal Dept ofFish&Wildlife expected * Where the forecast run starts at or after midnight, the date - - - incredible event every year. nians are the sole witnesses of CaliforPuntathisAbreojos),we of Northern Baja, Mexico (just north Diego to San Luis Obispo, San and in from California, Southern of coast the off found only are arefornia. Cali runs Southern to unique Grunions 1. original bodysurfers! thethem call may Some sea. to wash in, the fish simply float back Then,as the next round of waves wherefrom2,000 3,000 to eggs. annual-charity-golf-tournament Ticket. To register, Dinner Ticket);additionaleach for $50 Dinner and outreach. Join the fun and experiencesexciting day toof Sangiving Diego back. studentsPricing:August 8.through$295 The annualscholarships, tournament helps exhibits, us provideCharity qualityclasses Golf educational Tournament at Coronado Municipal Golf Course on Wed., Charity GolfTournament inCoronado Air &SpaceMuseumholds35thAnnual 4203 Anderson Avenue, San Diego, 92145.Aug. 4-5, Aug. 18-19, Sept. 1-2. Flyingparking. Leatherneck Aviation Museum, theentrance.)858-693-1723. OpenTues-Sun, 3:30pm.9amto Saturday-Sunday, FREEadmission and mileswest of I-15. (Look for the Marine Corps and Americanflagsmuseum entranceat Miramaronis Rd.,3.9miles eastI-805of and 1.3 Museum is aboard Marine Corps Air Station-Miramar.est days The sentry-freeof aviation to the present day.historical The aircraftFlying Leatherneckup close asAviation well ence as U.S.hundreds Marine of Corpsartifacts aviation from from the a pilot’searli perspective. Also see 31 Museum slates‘Openco*ckpitDays’ Miramar’s FlyingLeatherneckAviation Sat., July 18, 6am-noon. area. Host Organization: The 31 Heroes Project.Participants: Internet:40. Location:www.joggin Liberty Station’s NTC Park event.&surroundingaccompaniesAnticipated the Attendance:1,200. Anticipated were killed in a helicopter crash in includingAfghanistan.the 31heroes whoA Tadpole Trot forwhile kids protecting our lives country; their sacrificed have militaryallheroesandwho (Frogmen) SEALS Navy of honor inStation Liberty andjoin this 5Krun/walk at Trot benefitsNavySEALFoundation Annual Joggin’For Frogmen5K&Tadpole That’s right – because grunions Sign up today for the San Diego Air & Space Museum’s 35th Annual Come sit in a plane! Several aircraft will be open for visitors to experi On Saturday, July 28 come - - full moons. or new after fish the for look runs, best the For 4. forbidden. trapsholessandalsotheasisin it is illegal to waste them. Diggingwhile there is no official bag limit,a fishing license to participate,Additionally, and people over 16 need Departmentof Fish and Wildlife. lowed, according to the California No nets, buckets or other yeargearand– only with isyour hands. al the in later in so do to allowed thereforeareprotected), are you theirprimeismating period and (thisonshore they’re while fish catchingthe orfishing tolimits off- are May and April While check out a grunion run this year! to wantmayseafood, freshyou specific periods. grunions – but only during You3.evencatchcan the eggs in a vial of seawater. of hatchlings emerging from their demonstrationa aswell turesas rundown on these mysterious April-June,crea which includes fulla areas at La Jolla Shores guidedthroughout visits of grunion spawning justafter, fulla moon. They host or during, Aquarium Birch the expertwiththeingnaturalists at go recommend weexperience, full the want you and newbie a you’re If exact. be to Shores, grunionrundestination! JollaLa wide, onsandy beaches. ‘run’ usually They 2. See GRUNION page18 If you’re in the market for some perfect the is Jolla La Ergo, ------THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 13 - - Tues., Tues., July 31 • 6 pm • Sat., Sat., Aug. 4 • 8 am-1 pm • $5 Sat., Aug. Sat., 4 • 7 am • $15. Trip open to AQUATCICS SPORTS & FITNESS & SPORTS An MWR massage is the perfect addition to your your to addition perfect the is massage MWR An A great full-body, low-impact workout! FREE for ac for FREE workout! low-impact full-body, A great The The Paintball Park in Camp Cost Pendleton. includes transportation, site. on purchased be may Rentals water. and snacks Dante LIVE Rusciolelli Comedy Show. duty, active and Show FREE. open unaccompanied to enlisted single as known Best 619-556-5078. NBSD: RECYARD, The 18+. guest, plus and directs also Dante Standing,” Comic on “Last the a member cast spectators. for provided Pizza TLC. & BET MTV, on projects produces Fair Trip. County Orange 18+. guest, a plus duty, active unaccompanied and enlisted single rides thrilling the and to all concerts From contests 619-556-5078. NBSD: plus The RECYARD, all, it has Fair OC the candy, cotton to bunnies snacks. and transportation includes Cost expect. to come you’ve Los Peñasquitos Canyon Hike. Liberty/$10 guest. Trip open to single enlisted and unaccompanied active duty, plus a guest, or 18+. NBPL 619-524-0961 619- Liberty: a loop featuring trail Join us trafficked on 553-9138. this moderately levels. skill all for hike good A waterfall. beautiful It! Worth are You today! appointment an for Call routine. spirit and mind body, healthy 619-556-7450; 223, Bldg. NBSD, 619-532-7629; 1B, 26 Bldg. NMCSD, NBPL, Main Base, Bldg. 1, NAB, Bldg. 619-553-7552; 162, 619-437- 619-545-0237 1507, Bldg. NASNI, 2186; Workout! Your of Out More Get for Centers Fitness MWR base all at offered is instruction fitness FREE sessions group small or Individual YOU! means patrons…that MWR all For contact or full are details to an available. schedule appointment, visit or you nearest Center Fitness base the Fitness. Water am- 9-10 Tues./Thur., guest. per $3 DoD, and dependents duty, tive 619-520-3048. 3279, Bldg. NBSD, Pool, Prout Admiral MWR! with Swim to Learn ages. all for available are lessons semi-private and private Affordable 619-520-3048 3279, Bldg. NBSD, Pool, Prout Admiral 619-532-6080 12, Bldg. NMCSD, Pool, Complex Athletic Balboa 619-437-5012 508, Bldg. Pool, NAB 619-553-0934 1, Bldg. Pool, Base Main NBPL, 619-545-2877 1507, Bldg. NASNI, Pool, Martin VADM Lessons Swim Duty Active FREE Lessons challeng to skills for swim basic from beginning, goals aquatic intermediate personal their and achieve advanced swimmers to today! Call ~ limited is Space workouts. ing 619-437-5012 508, Bldg. Pool, am-NAB 6:30-8:30 Tues./Thur., 619-545-2877 1507, Bldg. NASNI, Pool, Martin am-VADM 5:30-8:30 Mon./Wed./Fri., 619-520-3048 3279, Bldg. NBSD, Pool, Prout am-Admiral 10-11 Tues./Thur., 619-553-0934 1, Bldg. Pool, Base Main am-NBPL, 7-7:45 Wed., - - - - - Fri., Fri., July 27 and Aug. 3 & 24, CYP LIBERTY This This Navy Child & Sun., July 29 • 10am • $5. Trip open to single to single open 29 • • Trip $5. July 10am Sun., Sat. • July 28 • 10am. FREE. Trip open to single single to open Trip FREE. 10am. • 28 July • Sat. Sat., July 28 • 1pm • FREE guest. active/$60 Trip Sat., July 28 • 10am • $25 active/$35 guest. Trip open to to open Trip guest. active/$35 $25 • 10am • 28 July Sat., Give Give Parents a Break. Youth Programs (CYP) program is designed to give family members a short break from parenting in order to help them deal by provid situations these types of stressful with years 12 to weeks 6 children for childcare ing cost no at care for utilized are Centers age. of for eligible families and at the hourly care rate ($4 per hour) for all other eligible CYP on patrons, a basis. space Visit available http://sandiego.navylifesw. com/fleet-family//fleet-family/child-youth-programs/parent-informa schedule. GPAB recent most the and information more for tion The Speed. K1 18+. guest, a plus duty, active unaccompanied and enlisted single excite and thrills for further no Look 619-556-5078. NBSD: RECYARD, admission. and transportation includes Cost Speed! K1 than ment Pro. Surf Supergirl Coronado 18+. guest, a plus duty, active unaccompanied and enlisted Liberty: 619-545-3331 or 619-437-3190. Take a trip to Oceanside to see the world’s largest women’s professional surf Includes event more. and and fes vendors, trucks, food concerts, contest, Surf tival! only. transportation SeaWorld Trip. guest, a plus duty, active unaccompanied and enlisted single to open ad includes Cost 619-532-8909. NMCSD: Center, Liberty Balboa 18+. details. for Call parking. and transportation mission, Shootout. Paintball Coronado 18+. guest, a plus duty, active unaccompanied and enlisted or Liberty: 619-545-3331 Enjoy 619-437-3190. a day of at paintball HAPPENINGS LISTED FROM PREVIOUS ISSUES…. PREVIOUS FROM LISTED HAPPENINGS “We Own Fridays” Teen Nights. in Participate Friday! fourth and first every fun the Join FREE. 3-7pm, a of variety hockey or to events from crossbows basketball, cooking a Not years. 12-18 members, registered all to Open art. and projects Youth Hills Bayview packet. registration a for today by Stop member? 619-267-2018 Center, Fri., Aug. 3 Friday& 17, 7-9pm, of andeach FREE. friends!month. HangSilver EnjoyRegistered out Strand with Fri., aAug. 3 & us fun-filled24, Youth 7-9pm, FREE. must Calling all years, on 13-18 teens! Enjoy teens,Teens, a friends. fun-filled and thefood, games, great Center,with Friday first Fri.13-18 and with619-435-5056 third be years,prior registered to Bring attending. greata friend to be entered into a games,are drawing. teens Newly-registered are encouraged entered into the drawing food, too! 858-268-2828 Center, Youth Canyon Murphy to join! - - - - - Sat., Sat., - Wednesdays, Aug. 8 & Aug. Wednesdays,

Sat., Aug. 18, 3 pm, $5 each. NBPL, Main Base, Base, Main NBPL, 3 $5 each. 18, pm, Aug. Sat., Wed., Aug. 8. 8am. FREE. Calling all commands! commands! all Calling FREE. 8am. 8. Aug. Wed., Thur., July 26, 5:30pm, FREE. NBSD Waterfront Com Waterfront NBSD FREE. 5:30pm, 26, July Thur., Sun., July 29, $60. 12:30pm, Petco Park. Watch the Fri., July 27, 6:30pm, FREE. NBPL, Main NBPL, July FREE. Fri., 27, 6:30pm, Saturdays, July 28, Aug. 4, 11, 18, and final date to be de be to date final and 18, 11, 4, Aug. 28, July Saturdays, On Base & On Board & On Base On ally ally done barefoot, so kick off your kicks, feel the island vibes, 619-553-9138 and Register: baby! hula, to learn we as hips your sway 3331 to participate. Event participation open to single enlisted active active enlisted to open single participation Event to 3331 participate. all. to open attendance Event duty. Class. Dance Hula tradition is dance Hawaiian 546. Bldg. Center, Recreation Community in Liberty’s Amazing Race competition. Physical and mental challenges challenges mental and Physical competition. Race Amazing Liberty’s in Party Sailors! your await those for brave root enough to and enter. out First Come place trophy line! to the display at on is command your 619-545- at Center Liberty Martin VADM the Contact line! finish the at Padres take on the Diamondbacks from our very own suite!! Hot dogs, dogs, Hot suite!! own very our from Diamondbacks the on take Padres 619-556-9597 Register: provided! be will Jacks Cracker and peanuts Battle. Command compete to command each from enlisted junior four for looking We’re Horse Horse racing is one horse of the overall and most ancient of horses, all winning sports! out Learn pick from a wager, to how admis professional Concert concert! LIVE a enjoy to stay races, the After tips. race 619-437-3190 req: Registration . race. last the before free is sion Padres Suite. 553-0934 Stakes. Dreamin’ California Club: Thoroughbred Mar Del July 28, 1pm seminar/2pm first race, FREE active duty and depen guest. Meet dents/$6 at 2260 Jimmy Blvd, Durante Del Mar, 92014. Base Pool, Bldg. 1. Bring your family out for a nighttime a for nighttime out family your 1. Bring Bldg. Pool, Base floats! the provide We’ll movie. family-friendly a and float must be Parents in the water and arm’s reach of within any child that has not passed the swim test. Info: 619- 22, 5:30-6:30pm, FREE. NASNI, Navy Lodge Courtyard. FREE. Navy NASNI, Lodge Courtyard. 22, 5:30-6:30pm, Overlook calming ocean waters, get in touch with your Is North and MWR by sponsored Proudly serenity. inner 619-767-7054 Union. Credit land & Float Flick. for for people from all walks of life to express themselves in a relaxed and safe environment. Register: 619-556- 9597 Series. Yoga Sunset Summer Improv Night. Night. Improv Bldg. Center, 45. munity Recreation Join Cygnet for Theatre a night full of theatre and improv games to These the activate imagination. chance a offer laughs, and fun on emphasis major a with workshops, termined, 10:30am, FREE (12 yrs.+). NBSD Anchors Catering Center, Center, Catering Anchors NBSD yrs.+). (12 FREE 10:30am, termined, Bldg. 3210 (Corner of Yama and Main). Special seven-week and class! more. dramaturgy prop making, design, costume include Topics a backstage/ attend to invited you’re and classes four least at Attend 619-556-9597 Register: show. a by followed dinner and tour onstage Old Globe - Behind the Curtain Workshops: Much Ado About Workshops: Old - Globe the Curtain Behind Nothing. 14 THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 into a presentation room where room presentation a into directed were we there From factory. Lexus a at workers the treme attention to detail paid by where stadium, a video showed us the ex air-conditioned the arranged inasemi-circle. were cars concept Lexus eral sev caps, baseball red gigantic two by bordered stadium, the to entrance the limited.At attendees was of number the and anywhere else.” find won’t you courses driving thrilling on yourselves, for gies technolo safety active and ity perfor mance, craftsmanship, hospital Lexus of era new the experience to first the of some be to get will few select a and is an exclusive event where you Angel Stadium of Anaheim. This eral Lexus hybrids and SUVs at sev and 500 LC 2018 500, LS The check-in area was inside was area check-in The required was Pre-registration O drive the first-ever 2018 first-ever the drive ur invitation read: “Test------er’s seat demonstrated the car’s the demonstrated seat er’s driv the in rep Lexus a station, well equipped. very and spacious comfortable, powerful, they’re $75,000, at Starting situations. drive street simulated in performed biles automo luxurious these how experience to lots, parking of the stadium’s sprawling network of part a around Drive Flagship our in - - style follow-the-leader led were we as broadcast instructions were which from talkie, walkie a was car each LS 500h flagship sedans. Inside two to and 500 LS Lexus of rows long out led were we tion, Drive: RX 450hL). & 300h , h NX S L , h C L (2018 Drive Hybrid and F) GS and F (2018 LC, RC Drive mance Perfor tem, Sys Safety Flagship Drive (2018 LS), Lexus outside: experience soon would we that stations the described RCF, GSFandNXmodels. LC, LS, included lineup Lexus The video. another watched we Lexus 2018DrivingTour AutoMatters &More: Lexus Safety System Safety Lexus Flagship briefly host enthusiastic Our Following our introduc our Following - - eu R F n h Promne Drive Performance autocross course.photobyJanWagner the on F RC Lexus : At this : At - - - aaiiis f h G F four- F GS the of capabilities performance the demonstrate to course autocross pylon-lined set up a long, moderately quick, fails todoso. Lexus will stop itself if the driver dashboard. Additionally,the on red “BRAKE!” graphics arrayed bright three included Warnings close, Lexus safety systems kicked in. too got we When car. our behind pedestrian a lated simu mannequin a us Behind backup. into to began and shifted reverse was Lexus our us to approaching cross-traffic. car’s cameras and sensors alerted hedgeblocked our view, artificial but our tall a vehicle, our of trians andotherobjects. pedes traffic, nearby to drivers alert to engineered technology, 360-degree cameras and sensors efrac Drive: Performance demonstration, another In passengersidefront the Near

Lexus Lexus - - exit survey station, where we we where station, survey exit the at provided were water and up tothetask. challenge, but the vehicles were a quite SUVs the driving made pylons traffic the avoid to forth turn the steering wheel back and Drive autocross. Continually having to Performance the than slower much was course this sisting of many very tight turns, Con course. autocross another at us for waiting were SUVs, Lexus models, including several pecially agileandresponsive. es feels one this cars, three the F, the RC F has a 467-hp V8. Of powerful, a is F GS thesively, follows:as Whendriven aggres wheel,behindbrieftimearethe to driveeach. opportunity Weone given were coupes. two-door LC500 and F RC the and sedan, sport door track. With its 467-hp V8, it is the that would be right at home on thehard-charging performance sedan date. Pricing starts at $84,350. to sedan Lexus powerful most V8 and a 10-speed automatic automatic 10-speed a and V8 5.0L 471-hp its With geous. speed grand tourer. Like the GS high- a truly it’s transmission, n Conclusion: In Drive: Hybrid Firstimpressions, veryafter a h L50 s ipy gor simply is LC500 The Additional Additional Snack bars bars Snack - - - - (10/14/2018). expiration of date certificate’s the by delivery retail LFAfor - excluding - any vehicle Lexus of new purchase the towards e-mail) a $1,000 (via certificate receive good to up sign to nity opportu the given also were Encinitas, Oceanside,SolanaBeachand Vista, 572 Airport Rd. Valley Parkway; and • Oceanside Campus serves Carlsbad, Del Mar, condido Campus serves Escondido, San Marcos and Poway, 3450 E. serves Imperial Beach, San Diego and Santee, 5500 Gaines St.; • Es mine eligibility and to schedule an appointment: • San Diego Campus 100 pounds. under surgeriesdog spay/neuter of schedule breed any and cats for can requirements eligibility military with military ID whomeet the income.Active on based requirements eligibility individualsfor mustmeetwho are services These Campuses. ego,Escondido Oceansideand Di San our at cats house and cats community Chihuahuas, bulls, pit for services neuter Chihuahuas, community cats and house cats.SDHS providespopulationshighestoverpopulation: theforriskspayat arethat and bulls, pit based onincome. requirements eligibility meet who individuals to surgeries neuter Society Humane the San Diego SD region. These resources provide affordable spay and by offered services neuter and Spay kittens enduphomeless Don’t letyourpuppiesor Contact the San Diego Humane Society (619) 279-5085 to deter target appointmenttoscheduling priorityprovidesprogram The for programs neuter and offersspay Society Humane Diego San - - no frills. 2018 “Lexus the Driving Tour” those, was pretty to compared Drives.’When & ‘Ride the-top over- of days pre-recession the of the • For more information, visit information, more For • since changed have Times of the week week

- - THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 15 - -

- ’ ’ ’

’ ’ ’ ’ (CC) ’ Rush

’ ’ 4:30 4:30 11:30 11:30 11:30 (CC) m m m m m Modern Family Blue Bloods ’ 2 Broke Girls Jimmy Kimmel Late-Colbert Jimmy Kimmel Late-Colbert Tonight Show Chrisley Knows 2 Broke Girls Tonight Show Sports XTRA America: From Saturday Night Live Just for Laughs Bizaard vark Bunk’d (CC) Bunk’d (CC) ’ ’ Judge Judy Couples Court Judge Judy ’ Journey- Dreyer ››› Hour Crossing South Odd Squad Bunk’d Bunk’d (CC) Military Make Military over

’ ’ (CC) ’ - ’ -

’ ’ ’ ’ 11 pm 11 pm 11 pm 4 pm 4 pm Law & Order: Special Victims Unit My 600-Lb. Life News Boxing From Sept. 10, 1973. Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? Modern Family The 2018 ESPYS (CC) Seinfeld (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 10News at 11pm News 10News at 11pm SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) News NBC 7 News Miz & Mrs Seinfeld (CC) Live at the Belly Up “Anderson East” NBC 7 News 10News at 11pm Grantchester on Master piece Midsomer Murders NBC 7 News Impractical Jokers Bizaard vark Andi Mack ’ Andi Mack ’ m m m (CC) m m Four Weddings Four St. Louis brides compete. 10News: The Now San Diego NBC 7 News at 4 Judge Judy Couples Court Tennis Varied Programs Law & Order: Special Victims Unit International Champions Cup Soccer Judge Judy ’ The Cham pion Within Varied Programs Castle “Kill Switch” R. Steves’ Europe Wild Kratts Jessie Hiring America Bunk’d (CC) ’

’ (CC) ’ ’ 10:30 10:30 10:30 (CC) JULY 26, 2018 JULY 27, 2018 JULY 28, 2018 JULY 28, 2018 m m m Modern Family Interruption R. Steves’ Europe Impractical Jokers Bug Juice: Bug Juice: Bug Juice: (CC) 3:30 3:30 ’ (CC) (CC)

’ m m ’ ’ ’ ’ Paternity Court Inside Edition Open House (N) Pardon the Interruption Paid Program A Growing Passion Wild Kratts Jessie Sports Stars Stuck in the Middle - - ’ ’ ’ ’ - 10 pm 10 pm 10 pm (CC) Shooter “Lines Crossed” (N) Modern Family Dr. Pimple Popper (N) First Take 90 Day Fiancé: What Now (N) 48 Hours Boxing From Jan. 28, 1974. SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) News 8 at 10 (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Take Two A bounty hunter asks for help. Blue Bloods (DVS) 20/20 (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) S.W.A.T. “Seizure” (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Dare” News 8 at 10 (N) Billy Connolly’s Tracks Dateline NBC (N) Seinfeld (CC) Midsomer Murders “Midsomer Life” Bug Juice: Bizaard vark Bizaard vark m m m ’ - 3 pm 3 pm (2007, Action) Jackie Chan. Carter and - m m 3

’ Dateline Four Weddings A black light rave. The Ellen DeGeneres Show Paternity Court Dr. Phil Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Paid Program Smile Healthy SportsCenter Around the Horn Vacation Creation Pati’s Mexi can Table Nature Cat Bizaardvark Stuck in the Middle RaceWeek (CC) (CC) ’ 9:30 9:30 9:30 ’ (CC) (CC) ’ Hour m m m ’ ’

(CC) Interruption Nación ESPN (N) SportsCen ter (N) Trial & Error (N) Raven’s Home Crossing South Stuck/ Middle Stuck/ Middle ’ (CC) ’ ’ - ’

(CC) 2:30 2:30 (CC) Rush

’ ’ (CC) m m ’ ’ Pardon the Interruption Varied Programs ›‡ Lee battle Chinese gangsters in Paris. Martha Bakes (N) Arthur Bizaardvark James Brown Bizaardvark ’ ’ 9 pm 9 pm 9 pm (2010) Adam Sandler. Five friends learn that age (CC) (CC) (CC) m m m Queen of the South “Los Enamorados” Bask. Tournam. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Four Weddings Arizona moms compete to win a honeymoon. (N) SportsCen ter (N) 48 Hours SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Black Lightning Trial & Error (N) Match Game (Season Finale) (N) Hawaii Five-0 What Would You Do? (N) ’ violent survives woman young A Instant an In 20/20: abuse. Ethan Bortnick: Generations of Music ’ Big Brother (N Same-day Tape) Dateline NBC Bunk’d (CC) Historic Places Penn & Teller: Fool Us “Psych!!” (CC) Doc Martin “On the Edge” (CC) American Ninja Warrior (CC) Big City Greens Big City Greens ’


’ ’ ’

2 pm 2 pm ’ (CC) ’ ’ (CC) ’ m m ’ (CC) 8:30 8:30 8:30 Grown Four Weddings “... And a Stingray” Pickler & Ben Steve The Robert Irvine Show The Robert Irvine The Talk Around the Horn Varied Programs NFL Live International Champions Cup Soccer Manchester United FC vs Liverpool FC. (N) (Live) 2018 Tour de France Stage 20. Test Kitchen Curious George Big City Greens Impractical Jokers Bizaardvark ’

’ m m m ’ (CC) ›‡ and maturity do not, necessarily, coincide. Young Sheldon Andi Mack ’ A Growing Passion Masters of Illusion Roundtable Raven’s Home Raven’s Home ’ ’ ’ 1:30 1:30 m m 8 pm 8 pm 8 pm (CC) (CC) Questionable Nigella: At My Table Splash and Bubbles DuckTales Big City Greens Impractical Jokers m m m My 600-Lb. Life “Supersized: Sean & Dottie” Sean must overcome recent tragedies. (N) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NFL Live (CC) 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? The couples reveal juicy details. (N) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Pink Collar Crimes (Series Premiere) (N) International Champions Cup Soccer FC Barcelona vs Tottenham Hotspur FC. (N) (Live) Big Bang Theory Burden of Truth “Pilot” (CC) (DVS) Ellen’s Game of Games ’ The Gong Show (N) ’ Ken Kramer’s Whistleblower (N) (CC) Masters of Illusion Quantico “Ghosts” (N) (CC) (DVS) Washington Week American Ninja Warrior “Dallas City Finals” Com petitors face up to 10 obstacles. Stuck/ Middle America’s Funniest Home Videos Father Brown (N) Andi Mack ’ Andi Mack ’ Little Big Shots American Ninja Warrior (CC)

- - ’ ’ ’ - ’ ’ 1 pm 1 pm 7:30 7:30 7:30 (2004) Lindsay Lohan. A teen becomes (CC) m m m m m Overwatch League Final: Teams TBA. (N Same-day Tape) (CC) Inside Edi tion (N) MLS Soccer LA Galaxy at Los Angeles FC. (N) (Live) Seinfeld (CC) Jeopardy! (N) (CC) Bizaard vark The List (N) (CC) Inside Edi tion (N) Seinfeld (CC) The List (N) (CC) Jeopardy! (N) (CC) Antiques Roadshow Bug Juice: Jeopardy! ’ Bug Juice: 2 Broke Girls Four Weddings Ashley’s guests toss beach balls. General Hospital Access Live Judge Mathis The Young and the Restless The Young and SportsNation CFL Football Ottawa Redblacks at Hamilton Tiger-Cats. From Tim Hortons Field in Hamilton, Ontario. (N) (Live) Four Weddings Intentional Talk Raichlen’s Project Fire Sesame Street Bunk’d Paid Program Big City Greens ’ ’ (CC) Girls

’ (CC)

’ ’ ’ (CC) ’ ’ Mean ’

7 pm 7 pm 7 pm (CC) (CC) 12:30 12:30 m m m (2015, Comedy) Will Ferrell, Kevin My 600-Lb. Life “Susan’s Story” (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta NBA: The Jump (N) (CC) Four Weddings “... And a Surprise Bride” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Ent. Tonight News 8 at 7 (N) Wheel of Fortune Entertainment Tonight (N) 10News at 7pm (N) Ent. Tonight News 8 at 7 (N) 10News at 7pm (N) Wheel of Fortune Antiques Roadshow Bunk’d (CC) Wheel of Fortune (CC) PBS NewsHour (N) ’ PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Bunk’d Rookie Blue “Signals Crossed” 2 Broke Girls m m Judge Faith Bold/Beautiful SC Featured (CC) Say Yes: ATL Coll. Football Live WNBA Basketball 2018 All-Star Game. (N) (Live) (CC) ››› friends with three cruel schoolmates. Ask This Old House Peg & Cat Bunk’d Paid Program Raven’s Home (CC) ’ - Hard

(Live) ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ (CC) Get ’ 6:30 6:30 6:30

’ (2010) Debby Ryan, ’ m m m News Judge Judy ›› Hart, Craig T. Nelson. News World News News Judge Judy World News Stuck/ Middle Paid Pro gram Middle KPBS Evening KPBS Evening Stuck/ The List (N) (CC) Mike & Molly 12 pm 12 pm ’ ’ m m Four Weddings “... And a Porta Potty” Inside Edition Judge Faith The Chew Days of our Lives SC Featured (CC) NBA: The Jump Say Yes: ATL PGA Tour Golf RBC Canadian Open, Round 3. From Glen Abbey Golf Club in Oakville, Ont. (N) Basketball TBT Tournament: Team Challenge ALS vs. Sons Of Westwood (UCLA). (N) (Live) Jalen & Jacoby Swimming U.S. National Championships. From William Woollett Aquatics Center in Irvine, Calif. (N) This Old House Dinosaur Train Stuck in the Middle Smile Healthy Raven’s Home (CC) (CC) Wishes

- ’ ’ ’ ’ 16

6 pm 6 pm 6 pm m m m Basketball TBT Tournament: Overseas Elite vs. Louisiana United. Super 16. From Atlanta. Evening News Unexpected “What’s in a Name” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Judge Judy MLS Soccer Houston Dynamo at Portland Timbers. (N) (Live) Overwatch League Final: Teams TBA. (N Same-day Tape) (CC) Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta Basketball TBT Tournament: Scarlet and Gray vs. TBA. Super 16, from Atlanta. (N) WNBA All-Star Special (N) (Live) Four Weddings Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Weekend News 10News at 6pm (N) Evening News Judge Judy 10News at 6pm (N) Big City Greens NBC 7 News at 6 (N) NBC 7 News at 6 ››‡ Jean-Luc Bilodeau. Greens World News World News NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Big City 10News at 6pm The Lawrence Welk Show (N) (CC) The King of Queens 11:30 11:30 m m

’ Say Yes: ATL Special Olympics 50 Years Changing R. Steves’ Europe Super Why! Stuck in the Middle Balding Solu tions Bug Juice: Adv. - EVENING EVENING ’ (CC) (CC) ’ ’ ’ ’ (1998, Action) 5:30 5:30 5:30 m m m (EI) Nightly News Raven’s Home Nightly News Jessie (CC) Home Nightly Business Nightly Business Nightly News Raven’s World News KPBS Spectrum Engage ment ’ ’ ’ Hour ’


11 am 11 am

’ ’ ’ m m ’ (2005, Romance-Comedy) Steve Carell. Dr. Pimple Popper “The World’s Largest Lump” Dr. Phil 10News Midday CBS News 8 at 11AM CBS News 8 at NBC 7 News Midday Say Yes: ATL Varied Programs MLF World Championship Rock the Park Incredible Dog Challenge National Finals Sesame Street Andi Mack Paid Program Bug Juice: Adv. Rush

5 pm 5 pm 5 pm (CC) m m m Virgin Basketball CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) Bunk’d (CC) Orlando From SC. City Orlando at FC City York New Soccer MLS City Stadium in Orlando, Fla. (N) (Live) Unexpected “Ticking Clocks” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Dr. Oz Show NBC 7 News at 5 ››› Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker. Naturally, Seo Jessie (CC) International Champions Cup Soccer Tennis Four Weddings “...Family Ties” (CC) (CC) Overwatch League Final: Teams TBA. (N) Basketball Four Weddings “... And a Cotton Ball” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) ’ 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) The Dr. Oz Show 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Bunk’d 10News at 5pm NewsHour Wk Don’t Blink

’ 10:30 10:30 m m THURSDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY NFL Live The Wildlife Docs Splash and Bubbles Bizaardvark Paid Program Big City Greens ’ ESPN2 KFMB ( DISN ESPN TLC USA KFMB2 (8.2) KNSD G USA KNSD G DISN ESPN ESPN2 TLC DISN ESPN ESPN2 TLC USA KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KFMB ( KFMB2 (8.2) KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G KGTV * KPBS / KFMB2 (8.2) 40-Year-Old (Live)

’ ’


10 am 10 am (EI) ad . m m International Champions Cup Soccer SL Benfica vs Juventus FC. (N) (Live) Dr. Pimple Popper “This Cyst Persists” Maury The View Today With Kathie Lee & Hoda Outside the Lines Say Yes to the Dress The Price Is Right Basketball TBT Tournament: Armored Athlete vs. TBA. Super 16, from Atlanta. (N) (Live) First Take Sea Rescue ’ ››› Three co-workers unite to help their buddy get a sex life. Big City Greens Daniel Tiger Tough Mudder X (N) Paid Program 10 Day Belly Slimdown With Dr. Kellyann Getting rid of belly fat. (CC) Big City Greens

who still & 3” way is

X boy 9:30 9:30 lovable

venture his m m Kids 2 ’ Hundred Ocean Treks Miz & Mrs Raven’s Home Daniel Tiger Pet Vet-Team Hidden Heroes Nature Cat (CC) DuckTales (N) (CC) who , to Robin ROBIN and lost the young boy in 9 am 9 am adventure and m m the SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Outdaughtered The 700 Club Live with Kelly and Ryan Megyn Kelly Today High Noon (9am Pacific) Say Yes to the Dress Varied Programs Let’s Make a Deal Jack Hanna Chrisley Knows Bunk’d Pinkalicious Lucky Dog “Teri” This Old H. Curious George 2018 Senior Open Championship Round 3. From St. Andrews Old Course in Scotland. (N) Big Hero 6: The Series friends Comedy spirited - up - playful ’ of (EI) action Christopher 8:30 8:30 ’ m m Robin,” Try Yoga George Bunk’d Curious The Inspec tors Dog Whis perer Splash and Bubbles Wilderness Vet Gravity Falls (CC) and live adventures grown help band childhood - Adventure, on a has MORNING/AFTERNOON his & 8 am 8 am MORNING/AFTERNOON and loving m m SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Outdaughtered “A Very Busby Thanksgiving” LifeLock Protection Nature Cat Big Hero 6: The Series Knights. Super 16, from Atlanta. (N) Basketball TBT Tournament: Golden Eagles vs. Talladega Innovation Nation Outdaughtered Chicago P.D. perer 10News This Morning at 8am Saturday (N) (CC) Pinkalicious The Voyager Gravity Falls (CC) Dog Whis to with

- -

’ the twarming - - - up Christopher world Action s ood is 7:30 7:30

animals, CHRISTOPHER hear m m embarking it W ESPN FC (N) (CC) Outdaugh tered (CC) Balding Solu tions News 8 Morning Extra News 8 Morning Good Morning America Cat in the Hat Vampirina (N) SportsCenter Dr. Chris: Pet Vet First Take Get Up Outdaugh tered NCIS: Los Angeles Today CBS This Morning perer Good Morn ing Daniel Tiger NBC 7 News To Vampirina (CC) Dog Whis our



emiah David Jer the Dress Say Yesto Racing Formula 1 (N) SportsCenter (CC) Vampirina To NBC 7News Daniel Tiger ing Good Morn Paid Program (DVS) NCIS “Tell-All” Story” My 600-Lb.Life“Robert’s (CC) Bunk’d News at5 NBC 7 Evening KPBS 10News at5pm(N)(CC) The Dr.OzShow (N) (CC) CBS News8at5pm (N) CBS NewsSundayMorning (CC) NFL Live FC. (N)(Live) 2018 MLSAll-StarGameAll-StarsvsJuventus m m 5 pm ’ 7:30 (CC) ’ ’ ’ -

’ -

Home Raven’s News Nightly Business Nightly Boxing (CC) MORNING/AFTERNOON m In Touch the Dress Say Yesto SportsCenter (N)(Live)(CC) From Atlanta.(N)(Live) Basketball TBTTournament,Quarterfinals:TeamsTBA. Tangled Rapunzel’s Meet thePress(N) Pinkalicious 8am Sunday(N)(CC) 10News ThisMorningat Barclay Mark T. ’ m 5:30 (CC) ’ 8 am ’ (CC) EVENING Home Raven’s NBC 7Newsat6(N) World News (DVS) NCIS “Scope” 1 of2) My 600-Lb.Life 6pm (N) 10News at Judy Judge News Evening m 6 pm (CC) Joel Osteen the Dress Say Yesto (CC) Gravity Falls Bubbles Splash and Mass Catholic Face theNation(N) m ’ ’ 8:30 ’ (CC)

Middle Stuck/ Evening KPBS World News Judy Judge News Boxing (CC) m ’ PUZZLE ’ (CC) 6:30 the Bamafamily. Shooter Juliestandsupto the Dress Say Yesto The Series Big Hero6: George Curious Paid Program E:60 Andrews OldCourseinScotland.(N) 2018 SeniorOpenChampionshipFinalRound.FromSt. Stephanopoulos (N) This WeekWithGeorge (Part ’ m 9 am ’ (CC) (CC) Bunk’d ’ PBS NewsHour(N) Fortune Wheel of 7pm (N) 10News at 7 (N) News 8at Ent. Tonight (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (CC) (DVS) NCIS “Homefront” 2 of2) My 600-Lb.Life m (CC) 7 pm the Dress Say Yesto (CC) DuckTales (CC) Nature Cat Paid Program Paid Program ’ m

9:30 Bug Juice: ’ Jeopardy! (CC) The List(N) (CC) Seinfeld tion (N) Inside Edi Boxing (CC) m (CC) ’ 7:30 ’ (Part ’

the Dress Say Yesto Greens Big City Week Washington Luxury San Diego Zane. Suits Alextriestoimpress From Atlanta.(N)(Live) Basketball TBTTournament,Quarterfinals:TeamsTBA. Karate FromOrlando,Fla. (CC) Joel Osteen Salt LakeCity,Utah. Rodeo FromJuly19-24in ’ m -

10 am ’ Andi Mack acts faceoff.(N) World ofDance“TheDuels2”Thetopqualifying Comes Alive” Outback “TheKimberley bergs The Gold Ties ThatBind”(N) Burden ofTruth“The Big Brother(N) (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (CC) (DVS) NCIS “BurdenofProof” on herchildren.(N) My 600-Lb.Life“Milla& Charity”Millaisdependent m ’ ’ 8 pm ’ USA TLC ESPN2 ESPN DISN G KNSD / KPBS * KGTV (8.2) KFMB2 ( KFMB (8.2) KFMB2 ( KFMB TLC ESPN2 ESPN DISN G KNSD / KPBS * KGTV (8.2) KFMB2 ( KFMB G KNSD USA USA TLC ESPN2 / KPBS * KGTV ESPN DISN - the Dress Say Yesto Greens Big City table KPBS Round Paid Program Paid Program TUESDAY MONDAY SUNDAY m Home Raven’s bergs The Gold NFL Live(CC) 10:30 m ’


’ (CC) ’ Victims Unit Law &Order:Special Dress Say Yes, United FCvsRealMadrid.(N)(Live) International ChampionsCupSoccerManchester Sox. FromFenwayParkinBoston.(N) MLB BaseballPhiladelphiaPhilliesatBostonRed (CC) Bunk’d News at5 NBC 7 Evening KPBS 10News at5pm(N)(CC) The Dr.OzShow (N) (CC) CBS News8at5pm The Dr.OzShow (N) (CC) CBS News8at5pm Ever After? 90 DayFiancé:Happily Basketball St. Louis.(N)(Live) MLB BaseballChicagoCubsatSt.LouisCardinals.FromBuschStadiumin (CC) Bunk’d Within Champ Wk NewsHour 5pm 10News at Don’t Blink ’ CBS News8at5pm(N) News at5 NBC 7 Victims Unit Law &Order:Special a sinisterplan. NCIS Theteamuncovers Dress Say Yes, SEC Storied(CC) Bunk’d Evening KPBS 10News at5pm(N)(CC) Sox. FromFenwayParkinBoston.(N) MLB BaseballPhiladelphiaPhilliesatBostonRed (CC) m m m (CC) ’ ’ ’ (CC) 5 pm 5 pm 5 pm - - the Dress Say Yesto Home Raven’s Education Inside CA Paid Program Knows Chrisley (N) Gymnastics U.S.Classic. Protection LifeLock From ConeyIsland,N.Y. Spikeball SummerSpike. Championship (N) Road tothe100thPGA m ’ ’ ’ Middle Stuck/ Family Modern (Series Premiere)(N) Wonders ofMexico Finale) (N) The Originals(Series (N) TKO: TotalKnockOut Van Pelt(N) SportsCenter WithScott into adispute.(N) Suits Harveyisdrawn m 11 am

’ 9 pm ’ ’ (Live) ’ ’ ’ Dress Say Yes, Home Raven’s News Nightly Business Nightly (CC) Bunk’d News Nightly Hoover Firing- World News ment Engage News Nightly Dress Say Yes, Raven’s Business Nightly Home EVENING (CC) m m m ’ EVENING ’ EVENING 5:30 5:30 5:30 ’ ’ ’ ’ (CC) (CC) ’ - Greens Big City Housewife American the Dress Say Yesto Home Raven’s Bolder Growing Paid Program Miz &Mrs Paid Program (CC) m m

11:30 9:30 ’ Dress Say Yes, Home Raven’s NBC 7Newsat6(N) World News Cameron, CameronBoyce. Disney’s News at6 NBC 7 man ismurdered. Father BrownApolice 6pm 10News at Queens The Kingof NBC 7Newsat6(N) Dress Say Yes, Raven’s World News Home Family Modern 6pm (N) 10News at Judy Judge News Evening Judy Judge News Evening Ever After?(N) 90 DayFiancé:Happily Championship: TeamsTBA.(N)(Live) Women’s InternationalChampionsCupSoccer News Weekend Victims Unit Law &Order:Special Family Modern 6pm (N) 10News at m m m ’ ’ 6 pm 6 pm 6 pm ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ m vark Bizaard (DVS) Shark Tank ’ Reverie “TheKey”(N) North America. NOVA Theshapingof News 8at10(N) Land” (CC) SEAL Team“NoMan’s Lipoma Jackpot”(N) Dr. PimplePopper“A First Take (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) kills hisparents. The SinnerAyoungboy

Descendants the Dress Say Yesto ’ Bizaardvark Changed America(N) 10 ModernMarvelsThat borhood SD The Neigh Victims Unit“Juvenile” Law &Order:Special From Atlanta.(N)(Live) Basketball TBTTournament,Quarterfinals:TeamsTBA. X GamesMinneapolisAnthology,Part1(N) Irvine, Calif.(N) Swimming U.S.NationalChampionships.Day5.From Body Issue Body 10:ADecadeofESPN Oakville, Ont.(N) PGA TourGolfRBCCanadianOpen,FinalRound.FromGlenAbbeyClubin 10 pm (CC) m (CC) ’ 12 pm ’ Dress Say Yes, Middle Stuck/ Evening KPBS gram Paid Pro Show Home Pro Molly Mike & Dress Say Yes, Stuck/ Evening KPBS Middle Family Modern World News Judy Judge News Judy Judge News News Family Modern SEC Storied World News m m m - 6:30 6:30 6:30 AUGUST 1,2018 ’ ’ ’ ’ - ’ ’ ’ (CC) Bug Juice: m - - (CC) ’

10:30 2 the Dress Say Yesto ’ Bizaardvark tions Balding Solu (2017,Children’s)Dove m ’ Outdaughtered (CC) Bunk’d ’ PBS NewsHour(N) Little BigShots Home Videos America’s Funniest Girls 2 Broke Dress Say Yes, Bunk’d ’ PBS NewsHour(N) (CC) Family Modern (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight(N) vs ASRoma.(N)(Live) International ChampionsCupSoccerFCBarcelona Fortune Wheel of 7pm (N) 10News at 7 (N) News 8at Ent. Tonight 7 (N) News 8at Ent. Tonight ’ A PlacetoCallHome 60 Minutes(N) Fortune Wheel of Family Modern 7pm (N) 10News at (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) Ever After?(N) 90 DayFiancé:Happily Victims Unit Law &Order:Special (CC) m m m ’ ’ 12:30 (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm (Live) ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ m ’ Andi Mack 11pm 10News at News NBC 7 From America: (CC) Seinfeld News Charity” My 600-Lb.Life“Milla& (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) Victims Unit Law &Order:Special

11 pm - ’ the Dress Say Yesto (CC) DuckTales California At Homein America (CC) 10 BuildingsThatChanged Victims Unit“Home” Law &Order:Special E:60 Bug Juice: Girls 2 Broke Dress Say Yes, Bug Juice: Miz &Mrs ’ Jeopardy! (CC) The List(N) (CC) Seinfeld tion (N) Inside Edi (CC) Seinfeld tion (N) Inside Edi ’ Jeopardy! Family Modern (CC) The List(N) ’ m m m m (CC) (CC) ’ ’ ’ ’ 7:30 7:30 7:30 ’ 1 pm (CC) (CC) (CC) ’

’ ’ Middle Stuck/ Kimmel Jimmy Show Tonight From America: Girls 2 Broke Late-Colbert m ’ ’ - - 11:30

’ ’ Andi Mack Files Forensic Outdaughtered (N) Andi Mack WWE SmackDown!(NSame-dayTape) (CC) Outdaughtered (N) McBride joinsthepanel.(N)(CC) America’s GotTalent“JudgeCuts3”SingerMartina America 10 HomesThatChanged Splitting Up her peopleintowar. The 100Octavialeads with amurderer. NCIS Adealisstruck (N) Penn &Teller:FoolUs (CC) Mom Home Raven’s Olivia Munnjoinsthepanel. America’s GotTalent“JudgeCuts2”Guestjudge ’ Celebrity FamilyFeud WWE MondayNightRAW(NSame-dayTape) petitors faceupto10obstacles.(N) American NinjaWarrior“MiamiCityFinals”Com “Vintage Birmingham” Antiques Roadshow (DVS) The Bachelorette“TheMenTellAll”(N) (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) Budapest, Hungary. Formula 1RacingHungarianGrandPrix.FromHungaroringin Hillary “Everest” Big Brother(N) ESPN BodyIssue Body 10:ADecadeof (Live) (CC) SportsCenter WithScottVanPelt(N) (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) Do?” (SeasonFinale)SurpriseguestsblindsidePedro.(N) 90 DayFiancé:HappilyEverAfter?“TellAll:Part2&WillNicoleAzanSayI Victims Unit Law &Order:Special

’ m m m the Dress Say Yesto (CC) DuckTales HouseCalls (CC) 8 pm 8 pm 8 pm m ’ ’ ’ (CC) 1:30 ’ ’

’ ’ ’ Home Raven’s Files Forensic Home Raven’s Splitting Up Pieces Life in Bug Juice: m m m

’ ’ the Dress Say Yesto (CC) Jessie Spaces Designing provide energy. NOVA Naturalresources From CenturyLinkFieldinSeattle.(N)(Live) MLS SoccerNewYorkCityFCatSeattleSoundersFC. professional esportsleague.(Taped) Overwatch LeaguePlayoffs:TeamsTBA.Actionfromthe Victims Unit Law &Order:Special Horse Race (Live) ATP TennisBB&TAtlantaOpen,Final.FromAtlanta.(N) ’ 8:30 8:30 8:30 ’ (CC) m ’ (CC) ’ ’ ’ 2 pm ’

Middle Stuck/ Files Forensic Middle Stuck/ Splitting Up issue adeadlyedict. Salvation Hacktivists Bug Juice: Counting On(N) Outdaughtered (N) Van Pelt(N) SportsCenter WithScott (N) No PassportRequired after thedemon. The OutpostTalongoes arrested forrobbery. Bull helpsateen Is It? Whose Line (N) The $100,000Pyramid “Vintage Baltimore” Antiques Roadshow NFL Live(CC) teacher goesmissing. Endeavour onMasterpiece“Icarus”A “Outside theLines” NCIS: LosAngeles Horn Around the Van Pelt(N) SportsCenter WithScott Victims Unit Law &Order:Special m m m ’ ’ 9 pm 9 pm 9 pm ’ ’ (CC) the Dress Say Yesto (CC) Jessie Smith P. Allen ’ (CC) (CC) ’ m 2:30 ’ ’ ’ Greens Big City Files Forensic Greens Big City Splitting Up (CC) Bunk’d Is It? Whose Line SportsCenter WithScottVanPelt(CC) Interruption ’

’ m m m (CC) (CC) 9:30 9:30 9:30 ’ ’ ’ the Dress Say Yesto (CC) Andi Mack Big Deal Small Town -- LifeattheExtremes Earth’s NaturalWonders Victims Unit Law &Order:Special Paid Program Paid Program ’ ’ m - ’ (CC)

3 pm m m m vark Bizaard (CC) Seinfeld vark Bizaard Splitting Up (CC) Bunk’d (N) Miz &Mrs Makers” Making It“MeetYour News 8at10(N) ’ Elementary “Breathe”(N) fights aframejob. Shades ofBlueHarlee Dateline NBC(N) The Proposal(N) Rattled (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) Frontline (N) News 8at10(N) New Dawn” NCIS: NewOrleans“A ’ To TelltheTruth(N) First Take Show (N) The GreatBritishBaking Sox. FromFenwayParkinBoston. MLB BaseballPhiladelphiaPhilliesatBostonRed “Reentry” NCIS: LosAngeles (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) Victims Unit Law &Order:Special 10 pm 10 pm 10 pm (CC) (CC) ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

’ - - the Dress Say Yesto (CC) Andi Mack Escapes Great (N) Open House enzie Laura McK ’ ’

’ ’ m ’ (CC)

’ ’ ’ 3:30 (CC) ’ Bug Juice: Jokers Impractical Bug Juice: Splitting Up vark Bizaard Knows Chrisley E:60 (N) The Tunnel:Vengeance m m m JULY 29,2018 JULY 31,2018 JULY 30,2018 JULY 29,2018 (CC) 10:30 10:30 10:30 ’ ’ ’ ’ (CC) - ’ (CC) (CC) -

After? 90 DayFiancé:HappilyEver Adv. Bug Juice: ’ Raw Travel Night Countdown Baseball Tonight:Sunday S.D. Ken Kramer’s ’ Castle Anactorismurdered. Speaking Politically Victims Unit“Babes” Law &Order:Special ’ Entertainment Tonight(N) Basketball m (CC) (CC) (CC) m m m ’ Andi Mack Laughs Just for ’ Andi Mack 11pm 10News at vark Bizaard Family Modern Counting On News NBC 7 (CC) Seinfeld News News NBC 7 Miz &Mrs News NBC 7 11pm 10News at Outdaughtered (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) documented Beyond Borders:Un (CC) Seinfeld News 11pm 10News at Van Pelt(CC) SportsCenter WithScott Ferguson, Mo.(N) POV Theuprisingin News Ever After? 90 DayFiancé:Happily (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) Family Modern 4 pm 11 pm 11 pm 11 pm 2 ’ ’

(CC) X ’ ’ - ’ ’

3” Adv. Bug Juice: ’ Raw Travel Places Historic Happiness Health & ’ (CC) Bunk’d Laughs Just for (CC) Bunk’d Kimmel Jimmy Middle Stuck/ Family Modern Show Tonight Girls 2 Broke Late-Colbert Sportswrap Family Modern Show Tonight Kimmel Jimmy Girls 2 Broke Late-Colbert XTRA Sports tured SC Fea Big (N) Breaking ’ Blue Bloods Family Modern ’ m m m m (CC) ’ 11:30 11:30 11:30 4:30

’ ad ’ ’ ’ - ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ - ’

THURSDAY,THURSDAY, JULY JULY 26, 26, 2018 2018 17 17 - - 577-4143 - NBSD, NBSD, - Theater

8:10 PM Tag Tag PM 8:10 1 August Wednesday, the of Day Sicario: PM 5:50 Soldado Drew Uncle PM 8:10 2 August Thursday, World: Jurassic PM 5:40 Kingdom Fallen the of Day Sicario: PM 8:10 Soldado * indicates last showing last indicates * 26 July Thursday, Adrift* (PG-13)* Adrift PM 6:30 Drama Adventure, Action, Cast: Shailene Woodley, Claflin, Grace Sam Palmer, Elizabeth Thomas. Jeffrey and Hawthorne, survival, of story true A Synopsis: as a young couple’s chance en counter leads them first to love, and then on the adventure of a lifetime as they face one of the most catastrophic hurricanes in history. recorded Rated: “PG-13” for injury ages, peril, language, brief drug im use, partial nudity and thematic elements minutes 96 Length: Theater Base Naval 71 Bldg. 619-556-5568, 26 July Thursday, 2 Incredibles PM 5:40 World: Jurassic PM 8:10 Kingdom Fallen 27 July Friday, the of Day Sicario: PM 5:50 Soldado Drew Uncle PM 8:20 28 July Saturday, 2 Incredibles PM 12:50 Drew Uncle PM 3:10 World: Jurassic PM 5:50 Kingdom Fallen the of Day Sicario: PM 8:30 Soldado 29 July Sunday, 2 Incredibles PM 12:40 World: Jurassic PM 3:10 Kingdom Fallen the of Day Sicario: PM 6:00 Soldado Drew Uncle PM 8:20 30 July Monday, Drew Uncle PM 5:40 the of Day Sicario: PM 7:50 Soldado 31 July Tuesday, World: Jurassic PM 5:40 Kingdom Fallen Bob Hope Bob 2242 Blding Miramar the at

Bases - NAB, NAB, - – NASNI, NASNI, – MOVIES Thursday, July 26 July Thursday, Movie Ninjago Lego The PM 5 27 July Friday, Panther Black PM 5 28 July Saturday, Values Family Addams PM 5 29 July Sunday, Coco PM 5 2 August Thursday, One Player Ready PM 5 Community Recreation Center Center Recreation Community Base, Main NBPL, – 546 Bldg. 619-553-9138, 5:50 PM Jurassic World: World: Jurassic PM 5:50 (3D) Kingdom Fallen Hereditary PM 8:20 1 August Wednesday, the of Day Sicario: PM 5:50 Soldado Superfly PM 8:20 2 August Thursday, 8 Ocean’s PM 6:00 World: Jurassic PM 8:20 Kingdom Fallen Lowry Theater Lowry 26 July Thursday, 2 Incredibles PM 5:50 Upgrade PM 8:20 27 July Friday, Drew Uncle PM 6:00 the of Day Sicario: PM 8:10 Soldado 28 July Saturday, World: Jurassic PM 1:00 Kingdom Fallen 2 Incredibles PM 3:30 the of Day Sicario: PM 6:00 Soldado 29 July Sunday, 2 Incredibles PM 1:00 Drew Uncle PM 3:30 the of Day Sicario: PM 6:00 Soldado 30 July Monday, Drew Uncle PM 6:00 the of Day Sicario: PM 8:10 Soldado 31 July Tuesday, 619-545-8479, Bldg. 650 Bldg. 619-545-8479, 11 AM Paddington Paddington AM 11 Grape Gilbert Eating What’s PM 5 1 August Wednesday, Pretty Feel I PM 5 2 August Thursday, Magic Strange AM 11 Dare or Truth PM 5 Q-Zone Theater Theater Q-Zone 337 Bldg. 619-437-5487, 26 July Thursday, Madagascar of Penguins AM 11 War Infinity Avengers: PM 5 27 July Friday, Beirut PM 5 28 July Saturday, Baby Boss The AM 11:15 One Player Ready PM 2 2 Troopers Super PM 5 29 July Sunday, Island Skull KONG: PM 5 30 July Monday, Rangers Power PM 5 31 July Tuesday, ------8/2 8/2 7/19 7/26 Par

– 1BR/1BA $600. – 1BR/1BA $600.

$525 Separate BR, Share BR, Separate $525 ROOMMATES – Prefer mature women. W/D in Naval Weapons Station Seal RESEARCH STUDY RESEARCH The Bingham Award is The Award named Bingham ______ARE YOU FEELING DEPRESSED? ticipate in a research improve study assessment designed tools to or Snacks, Coffee, & water provided. depression. Monetary compensation available. Please this reply message, call or text to Madeleine Starin at (760) 652-9039 This research has been University’s International Alliant by approved Institutional Review Board. Winner: Naval Support Activity Hamp Activity Support Naval Winner: ton Roads Norfolk, Va., Navy Lodge Mini Mart W.H. in of honor the Captain late Bingham, SC, USNR. Executive Captain Chief the was Bingham Company of Macy’s R.H. Officer in SECNAV by appointed was and for board advisory an lead to 1946 NEXCOM. of establishment the bouti Sales $4.5 - $10 million (Category 5) Winner: U.S.Field Naval Oceana, Imperial Station Outlying Air Naval Up: Runner Beach, Landing Calif.Dam Neck Annex, Va. Sales $2.5 - $4.5 million (Category 6) Winner: Naval WeaponsYorktown, Va. Station Runner Up: NSF Naval Research Laboratory Stennis Space Center, Miss. Sales $1.5 - $2.5 million (Category 7) Winner: U.S. Naval Joint Services Activity New Sanno Hotel, Japan Runner Up: Naval Support Activity Lakehurst, N.J. Sales $600,000 - $1.5 millionegory 8) (Cat Winner: Naval Support Activity Me chanicsburg, Pa. Runner Up: Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads, Va. Sales under $600,000 (Category 9) Winner: Beach, Calif. Winner: Naval Construction Battalion Battalion Construction Naval Winner: Center Gulfport, Miss. Runner Up: Camp Lemonnier Dji cluded. Direct TV & Wifi. $750/mo. $400 dep. 619-772-6672. SOUTH SAN DIEGO Female preferred, share utils, near a high ways (no drugs, smkg, pets) 619-259-8184 ([emailprotected]) SOUTH SAN DIEGO Female preferred, share utils, near a high ways (no drugs, smkg, pets) 619-259-8184 ([emailprotected]) 8/2 ______VALLEY SPRING Laun privileges, Kitchen pref, Female utilities, dry, No Smoking. $200 dep, 619-829-1504 LAKESIDE unit. Parking spot, corian in are utilities All counters, BR. carpeted bath, tiled flrs, hrdwd - - 8/9 ) 7/26 8/16 8/16

– Spacious 2BR/ HOMES

APARTMENTS APARTMENTS - 5BR/3BA house, freshly Naval Base Ventura – 4BR/3BA Fenced yard, – 5BR/3BA 2 car garage. REALTY Naval Air Station North LEADINGHAM MOVE-IN SPECIAL ! 619-424-8600 Townhouse & Houses Townhouse & 1062 Palm Ave., Imp. Beach AVAILABLE NOW AVAILABLE 1, 2 or 3 BR’s Apartments, 1, 2 or 3 BR’s Read us online at Read “This award is presented to the is award “This presented The Navy Exchange Service RENTAL RENTAL RENTALS RENTALS ______Winner: U.S. Naval Support Activity Bahrain Runner Up: Island, Calif. Sales $21 - $35 million (Category 3) Winner: Naval Air Station Pensacola Aviation Plaza, Fla. Runner Up: County Port Hueneme,Sales $10 - $21 million (Category 4 Calif. The The Bingham Award was estab lished in 1979 operations, to in recognize out performance standing service customer and community support. sales nine in NEXs best the of best categories for overallsaid service,” financial customer and results (Ret), Bianchi J. Robert Adm. NEXCOM. Rear Officer, Executive the Chief both to presented is award “This command Navy local the and NEX and partnership their to recognize quality the support to commitment and members military our of of life each of to Zulu Bravo families. their their for runners-up and winners the achievements.” outstanding The 2017 runners-up are: winners and Sales above $70 million (Category 1) Winner: Naval Station Great Lakes, Ill. Runner Up: Naval Station Norfolk, Va. Sales $35 - $70 million (Category 2) Command (NEXCOM) announced announced (NEXCOM) Command winners. Award Bingham 2017 its 2.5BA in a great area. Nice floor plan, with 2 parking spaces. $3850/mo. Available 8/15. Call Cheri 619-917-7510. CHULA VISTA 2289 sq ft. Hardwood floors throughout. No pets. $3000/mo. 619-979-4139. ______IMPERIAL BEACH remodeled, like brand new. $2995/mo. $2000 security deposit. Call 619-423-6070 ______NATIONAL CITY great location, close to Plaza Bonita. Trash included $2300/mo 619- 823-6407. ______DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO Best of: Local NEXs awarded and recognized for outstanding performace ------If TFN TFN TFN 8/16 8/16 7/26 Must S 12/27/18 ial C APARTMENTS APARTMENTS -The quest for perfectly for quest -The -2BR/2BA APARTMENTS -1BR/1BA APARTMENTS “Military Friendly” “Military PROPERTIES Online Rental Hotsheet $400/month bedrooms Western casual, HELP WANTED 619-280-2985. CARLSBAD 619-423-7500 HORSE BOARDING 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms available PACIFIC LEGACY PACIFIC 760.840.0187 throughout San Diego County. inyl wood flooring family-oriented ranch. Advertise today call MASSAGE THERAPIST ne block from beach ost utilities included! MEMORIAL SERVICES Sea breeze v Large one & two HORSE BOARDING Call for move-in spe m o Custom two tone paint 619-424-8153 garden apartment RENTALS RENTALS recommended diet twice daily. We have roomy 12x48 or 12x24 corrals and provide a veterinarian BURIALS AT SEA/MEMORIALS on board on SEA/MEMORIALS AT BURIALS the last operational World War II vessel in San Diego. 619-234-9153 ext 102 ______Aphrodite’s Massage Aphrodite’s balancing senses Seven Days. www.aphro TEL 858 481 6661 ______IMPERIAL BEACH FOR RENT $1525, SECURITY $600 CALL 619-423-6070 DEPOSIT IMPERIAL BEACH AVAILABLE RENT $1125 SECURITY POSIT DE $600 WATER/TRASH PAID 619-423-6070 CALL Good Morning…McDonald’s! Earn Extra $$$! Afternoons/Evenings McDonald’s with Mornings with your family. McDonald’s now hiring-flexible Miramar. hours. Apply at McDonald’s MCAS ______Customer Service Rep. Full time, Monday-Fri day, 8:30-4:30. Near trolley stop. Mission Val ley I-15 at I-8. Must have clear speaking voice for telephone. Could be flexible spouse in for Tierrasanta. Call military Brenda 619-280- 2985. Computer experience a plus. ______Looking for happy, enthusiastic person, to oc casionally work promotional events, represent ing this newspaper to our nation’s military families. & This is on an as needed basis. have base access and your own vehicle. interested please call 619-280-2985 and ask for Brenda. - - -

7/26 7/26 12/1/18 283-7777 283-7777 - V8 engine, 20 ft. long. Baseball/ Football/ Bas alley ... alley ... STOP ...... 442-6999 ...... 442-6999 ATTORNEYS Department onThursday! LOW LOW LOW please call the DISPATCH DISPATCH and on the web, AUTO FOR SALE AUTO Creditor Creditor Calls COST

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El Cajon El Chula Vista ...... 427-3404 Mission V Mission Mission V Mission Cajon El Chula Vista ...... 427-3404 ARMED FORCES ARMED Deadline to place an ad is classifieds. Call today! DIVORCE PAYMENT PLANS PAYMENT Recordon & Recordon, Attorneys Recordon, & Recordon PAYMENT PLANS PAYMENT Recordon & Recordon, Attorneys Recordon, & Recordon ______COLLECTIBLES/WANTED TO BUY TO COLLECTIBLES/WANTED BANKRUPTCY lectibles. ketball/ Non-Sports Cards & old sports col BUYING Pre-1975 SALE ies. Big & tall in the latest styles. Toddlers & teens. All ½ price. Ask for Armand. 619- 660-0299. INDUSTRIAL CLOTHING BUSINESS FOR ______brakes. $3500. 619-660-0299. 1981 CHEVY VAN mileage, low maintained, been has truck This rebuilt engine, 4 new tires, new battery new CLASSIFIEDS 18 THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 munity of Pine Valley. Along Old Hwy 80. Pine Valley Parade. raises funds for the San Diego Humane which friendly event, familySociety. this participate in expected to are dogs 60 thanImperialmorewherePier,theBeachactionadjacent the to hang20!TheeventIB istheoriginal surfdog competition. Check out Competition, where fearless surFUR dogs will jump on mosttheiradorable boardssurf event andof the year .The.. Imperial Beach Surf Dog the for time competitors) (Registration stoked! It’sFree. for Get fee Competition Dog Surf BeachImperial Sun, July 27-29. SanDiegoPadres vs.Arizona Diamondbacks Oceanside. Strand, the of North Amphitheatre, 200 PierOceanside SupergirlBandsPro.Surfwillperform, including Mittens.Junior Seau 11thOceanside forinsurfersfemale backpro World’s top 8am. 29, SupergirlPro Surf Contest plus Concert Series, Mon, July 26-30. San Diego Surf Cup: Girls (04-00) Mon, July 26-30. San Diego Surf Cup: Boys (04-00) or email [emailprotected]. f0bLY8MVa5ulhg.Toreserve your tickets via phone call 619-243-3469 music by Haute Chile.; live and silent auctions; exquisite Diegodinner Humance and, Includesdancing hostedto livebar co*cktail reception;BallSaturday,Fur from6-11p.m.ThisfundraiserOct.6, Santheon-sitefor Tickets32ndAnnualSale!Ball-Furon Around Town OPENING GRAND Dining Directory (619) 591-9979 $ Any Entree 2 OFF Coming Soon! $ 6.95 &Up Sat, July 28, 9-10am. Free. In the mountain com at SoCal Sports Complex. Thurs- at Surf Cup Sports Park. Thurs- Tak Grill St Jl 2, 8am-3pm. 28, July Sat, , AttendAnnual32ndthe %UHDNIDVW‡%XUJHUV Great co*cktails at PetcoatPark. Fri- Fri-Sun, July 27- 4BO%JFHPt 8680 Navajo Rd. FRESH MEDITERRANIAN 619.825.9033 - Free admission and parking. entrance is on Miramar Rd., 3.9 miles east Miramarof inthe I-805 Miramar and andMira Mesa 1.3area. The sentry-freeeast of museum I-25. Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum is Miramar. 858-693-1723.aboard Anderson Ave, TheAviation 4203 Museum, Marine Corps Air Station- areheld every other weekend during thesummer. Flying Leatherneck co*ckpitDaysOpenpresentaviationday. to ofearlies days the from see 30 other historical aircraft up close as well as 8 Harrier,galleriesvisitors of artifactsto the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum are able theShort-Takeoff-Landingto addition to history. In aircraft (VSTOL) in firsttrulythesuccessfultechnicalis a Vertical-it marveljetisrier as capabilities,the missions“Harrier”the loreandof jumpjet.HarThe discussFlight”“Highwilleducator,museumvolunteerauthorof and senal of Freedom. Aviation Talk: The Harrier, The Knight in the Marine Corps’ 9449Ar Friars Rd, Mission Valley. ExtremeAutofest. 92024 event is fundraiser. Encinitas City Hall, 505 S.Encinitas VulcanFleaMarket. Avenue, Encinitas, Blvd, Pacific Beach. kidsthethatregisteredare fish.toCrystal Pier,Garnet OceanatAve providedforthe kids, there greatisa raffle atthe end of program for category,age grandprizeaand largestthefor weight.fishby Lunch categories: under 7, 8-11,age fishingThreecompetition CrystalPier.12-15.of on day Prizesa for kids awarded400 to top three from each attractsEventyear.overtenth its fishinginderbyAnnualkids Free. CaptainRon Baker’s Kids Fishing Derby. (Located inPacific Beachontheboardwalk) San Diego,Ca92109 858-270-3888 710 OliverAve. 710 3 Sat, July 28, 11am-noon. George Haloulakos, CFA, Sat,July 28, 3-10pm. $12-$20. SDCCU Stadium, Sat,July28,10am-3pm. $2.Second annual 4 Oag Ae, Coronado. Ave., (619) 522-7390 Orange 640 PublicLibraryWinnthe Room,in Flamenco! Coronado of form art guitar--the the of notes mellow and singers vibrant authentic costumes, in dancers Powerful Spain. of sounds and sights the Enjoy Library. Public Coronado at RoomWinnFree. 3pm. at 28 Arana, Flamenco Trail, San Carlos, 92119 Junípero Serra Father One Park, Regional Trails Mission A. room Class Center Visitor available. fieldguideonuse.Bringyours if Winona Sollock you’ll also get tips guide trail and birderperienced ex glance.Taughtby a atbirds identify to techniques simple 5 learning by nature enjoyment of your Increase Free. 27. Oct 29, Sept 25, Aug 28, July 2:30pm. Basics. Birding limit their use to times after theaftertimes to usetheirlimit scare away the fish, and if you do, flashlights, as the illumination can the ‘run’ begins. Try to allywashaboutavoiduphour an after using largestnumbers ofgrunions usu tidesduring fulla moon, andthe likelysurfaceto after thehighest Continued frompage12 See theGrunionrunforyourself You have toseeitbelieveit! and Buddhism on children, talks boutiqueitems, performances,boothsgamefor and onstrations performance, dem culturalkoto whensoldout),taikodrumming, or 6pm (until Japanese fooding Featur Free. noon-8pm. 28-29, Festival Obon These silvery little fish are most Sat, July 28, 7am-noon. StSn July Sat-Sun, . audy, 1- Saturdays, a. July Sat., ------to witness them; and whileelementan abilityourluck toof grunion be prepared forano-show. unlikely, Though 5. ten scare the little guys away. the vibrations of your feet will of what you may be stepping on, and to tread carefully; you never knowwaves have receded. Do remember Area, 14644 Lake Poway Road, Poway. LakePowayCatfish24.Recreationstocked& will be10 AugJuly 27, Friday and Saturday night until Sept 1st. Boats canSaturdays, stay8-11:30pm. out $10.untilEnjoy Night Fishing 11pm. LakeatPoway every NightFishing atLake Poway 9535 Harritt Road, Lakeside. quired in addition to your lake permit for those over California Fishing License 8pm. re required State16. afterLanterns are Lake Jennings, Daywith lake staying open Friday andSaturday nights until midnight. Fri-Sat6am.$4-$9. Night fishing continues allsummer through Labor CatfishSeason at Lake Jennings nament San Diego Air & Space Museum 35th Annual Charityorg Golf Tour Vista Rod Run Park. Colonia La at CampoutFamily org FamilyPowayLakeCampoutat Chili Cook-Off Park, Sat, Aug 4, 6:15-9:30pm. SummerMovies inthePark Series: Cars 3 232-2721 GardenDiego,Sanof2215AmericanPan Balboa E,WayPark. (619) practices“ToroNagashi”- “Bon” theanddance. Japanese Friendship day! Each festival day will also be highlighted withdessert traditional garden, Bonand experienceOdori cultural performances throughoutties, treat each yourselves to Japanese festival foods, a beerFestival! garden,Enjoy avariety a teaof merchants,& engage in family friendly activi denand Buddhist Temple of San Diego host the 4th annual Bon Odori students,Japanesemilitary,$10FriendshipSrs(65+). GA,Gar $12 OdoriFestival.Bon Fallbrook Summer Nights Mon, Aug 2-6. San Diego Surf Cup: Boys (10-05) Mon, Aug 2-6. SanDiego Surf Cup: Girls (10-05) Theatre. Tues, July 31-Sat, Aug 5. www.sandiegotheatres.orgBroadwayDiegoSanpresentsYourFeet On Tues, July 30-31. DiegoSanPadresFranciscoSanvs. Giants seum. Sun, July 29. Outdoor Consignment Auction Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach. A tunnel of high-fives awaits you at the andfinishrun courses down Fletcherthe world-famous Cove,Pacific LomasCoast Highway. Duathlon.SolanaTriathlonBeach& sion Trails Regional Park. One Father Junípero Serra Trail,derpod. San Carlos.Meet inside the Mission Trails Regional possiblePark Visitor you will seeCenter. a Harlequin Mis Bug, Hollyleaf Cherry, or lizardeven a Blador two. Learn how to tell if it is a Western Fence Lizard.Things It is also are warming up on the trails but youAlways can aalways Lizard. rely on seeing a Road, Vista. ing.VistaBuddhist TempleJapaneseand Cultural Center,Cedar150 start6:30pmatboth days. Family friendly, freeadmission, freepark (3:00pm)familiarizetimeto Odoridancesyourself thatBonthewith Aswith anycreatures, there is at Coronado Municipal Golf Course, Wed, Aug 8, 1pm shotgun in downtown Vista, Sun, Aug 5, 9am-2pm. www.vvba. at Del Mar Racetrack. Sat, Aug 4. Sat-Sun, July 28-29 & Wed, Aug 1, 9:30-11am. Free. Fri, Aug 3, noon-8pm; Sat, Aug 4, 11am-9pm.noon-8pm;4,3,Aug AugSat, Fri, in downtown Fallbrook, Fri, Aug 3, 5-9pm. - . Ongoing. thruFri, Aug 31.Fridays & at Antique Gas & Steam Engine Mu . Sat-Sun, Aug 4-5. www.poway.Sat-Sun,4-5.Aug. , Ongoing, thru Sat, Sept 1,2018. grunion running! you are planning to take them. grunion in, and a fishing license if beachchair, bucketa toputyour as well. tingwet. Same goes for clothing, get minddon’t youshoes least home flashlight directly on the water season (April and May). fishing closed during spawning tips and thingstoremember: run grunion few A than that? Californian Southern more be whatcouldpossiblybeachthe– along walk moonlit peaceful a thevery least, you’ll beenjoying at And, unusual. altogether not disappointing,It’sall.but at up theycanalso decide nottoshow can hit the beach by the thousands, at SoCal Sports Complex. Thurs- at Surf Cup Sports Park. Thurs- Above all, have fun – and happy flashlight,a a bring: to What at or shoes,Wearwaterproof at friends furry your Leave Walkquietly and don’t shine a Do not touch or or interfere with Sun, July 29, 7-11am.Bike29, July Sun, a-u, u 45 www. 4-5. Aug Sat-Sun, atPoway Community at PetcoPark.Mon-at at San DiegoCivicSanat ------THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 19 ------Fri, Fri, Mon, Sat, Sept Sept Sat, Sun, Sun, Sept 9, Sun, Sept 9, Fri, Sept 7, 8pm. Sat, Sept 8, 7:30pm. Latin/pop. Latin/pop. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Are na), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., 224-4171. (619) Diego. San Leon Bridges and Masego. Wed, Sept 5, The Air 7:70pm. Open Blues/ funk/hip-hop/rap. Dr., Campanile 5500 atre-SDSU, 594-6947. (619) Diego. San Babyface. Pala Casino, 35008 Pala Tem ecula Road., Pala. (877) 946- 7252. Show. Floyd Pink Aussie Sept 7, 7:30pm. Covers. Hum phrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) (619) Ticketmaster or 220-8497 220-TIXS. Rebelution and Marley. Stephen Firm Mattress Reggae/ska/rock. Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertain ment Cir, Chula Vista. 671-3600. (619) Shimabukuro. Jake 8, 8pm. Acoustic/jazz. phrey’s by Hum the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) (619) Ticketmaster or 220-8497 220-TIXS. The Stylistics. Humphrey’s Funk/pop. 7:30pm. by the Bay, box Shelter Island office Dr., (619) 2241 220- 8497 or 220-TIXS. Ticketmaster (619) Lauren Hill. Theatre- Air Open Pop. 7:30pm. San Dr., Campanile 5500 SDSU, 594-6947. (619) Diego. Band. Dave Matthews Bowl, Sept 10, 8pm. Hollywood 2301 N. Highland Ave, Los An geles, 90068. hollywoodbowl. com ------

/ m Sat, Sun, Fri, Aug 31, Sat, Sat, Sept 1, Tues-Wed, Tues-Wed, Aug Mon, Aug 27, 8pm. 8pm. 27, Aug Mon, Fri, Aug 31, 7:30pm. Wed, Sept 5, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. 5, Sept Wed, Fri, Aug 31, 7:30pm. Tues, Aug 28, 7:30pm. 220-TIXS. Yes ft. Wakeman. Anderson, Rock. Rabin, Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 220-8497 or Ticket 220-TIXS. (619) master Shakira-El Dorado Tour. World Manches West 3900 Forum, The ter Blvd, Inglewood. (212) 465- 6741. Sam Smith. 28-29. Staples Center, 1111 S. Figueroa St, Los 90015. Angeles, CA Shakira. Honda Center, 2695 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim. (714) 704-2400. Lost 80s Live. 6:30pm. Pop/rock. Humphrey’s Shel 2241 office box Bay, the by or 220-8497 (619) Dr., Island ter 220-TIXS. (619) Ticketmaster Evanescence and Striling. Lindsey Pop/rock. Mattress Firm Amphi Cir, 2050 theatre, Entertainment 671-3600. (619) Vista. Chula September Sam Smith. Casino View Valley Pop. 7:30pm. Arena), Sports Diego (San Center Di San Blvd., Arena Sports 3500 224-4171. (619) ego. Smashing Pumpkins. Sept 1, 8pm. Viejas SDSU, Arena 5500 Canyon at Crest Dr., 594-6947. (619) CA. Diego, San Los Tigres del Norte. Sept 2, 8pm. Con Viejas Casino certs in the Park, 5005 Willows 445-5400. (619) Alpine. Rd., Shakira.


(619) 671-3600. (619)

Chula Vista Chula

2050 Entertainment Cir, Cir, Entertainment 2050

Mattress Firm Amphitheatre, Amphitheatre, Firm Mattress Hip-hop/rap. Hip-hop/rap. Fri, Aug 24, . . Sun, Aug 26, G-Eazy G-Eazy and Vert Uzi Lil 1, Aug Wed, 7pm. Fri, Aug 24, 7:30pm. Sat, Aug 25, 7:30pm. Sun, Aug 26, 7pm. Pop/ Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. (619) Ticketmaster Rob Zombie Manson. and Marilyn Rock. Mattress Firm Amphithe atre, 2050 671-3600. Entertainment (619) Vista. Chula Cir, The Fab Four. the by Humphrey’s Covers. 8pm. Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Is Tick or 220-8497 (619) Dr., land 220-TIXS. (619) etmaster Lady Antebellum and Darius Rucker. Country. Mattress Firm Amphi Cir, 2050 theatre, Entertainment 671-3600. (619) Vista. Chula and Rod Lau Cyndi Steward per. rock. Mattress Firm Amphithe atre, 2050 671-3600. Entertainment (619) Vista. Chula Cir, George Benson 7:30pm. Blues/jazz/pop. Hum phrey’s by the Bay, box 2241 office Shelter Island Dr., (619) 220-8497 or Ticketmaster (619) ------Wed, Wed, . . Sat, Aug 92081 Thurs, Aug Sat, Aug 18, 18, Aug Sat, Fri, Aug 17, ca Mon, Aug 20, Fri, Aug 17, Tues, Aug 21, Sat, Aug 18. Rose Rose 18. Aug Sat, Thurs, Aug 23, Tues, Aug 21, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. 21, Aug Tues, www.rosebowlstadium. t., Vista,

c / phitheatre, phitheatre, 2050 Entertainment 671-3600. (619) Vista. Chula Cir, Jack White. 7:30pm. Rock. Viejas Arena at SDSU, 5500 Canyon Crest Dr., 594-6947. (619) CA. Diego, San Avenged Sevenfold. CELLED. CAN Rock. Mattress Firm Amphithe atre, 2050 671-3600. Entertainment (619) Vista. Chula Cir, Thug. Young and Cole J. at Arena Viejas p.m 7:30 22, Aug SDSU, 5500 Canyon Crest Dr., 594-6947. (619) CA. Diego, San Rodriguez. 8pm. Latin/pop. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 220-8497 or the the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 220-8497 220-TIXS. (619) Ticketmaster or Chris Stapleton. 16, 7:30pm. Country. Mattress Firm Amphitheatre, 2050 Enter tainment Cir, Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Niall Horan. 7:30pm. Pop. (One Direction). Mattress Firm 2050 Entertainment Cir, Amphitheatre, Chula 671-3600. (619) Vista. Jeff Foxworthy. 8pm. Viejas Casino Concerts in the Park, 5005 Willows Rd., Al 445-5400. (619) pine. Sheeran. Ed Bowl, 1001 Rose Bowl Dr, Pasa dena. com Night. Dog Three 8pm. Viejas Casino Concerts in the Park, 5005 Willows Rd., Al 445-5400. (619) pine. and & Nahko Dispatch Medi cine for the People 18, 7:30pm. Rock. Theatre-SDSU, 5500 Open Campanile Air 594-6947. (619) Diego. San Dr., Charlie Puth. Am Firm Mattress Pop. 7:30pm. ------ndustrial Sat, i Mon-Sat. 9am-Midnight I Sun. 11am-11pm Shop online at 866-711-0425 Fri, Aug Aug Fri, Sat, Aug Aug Sat, Sat-Sun, 2130 www.lagreet www.lagreet Wed, Aug 8, Fri, Aug 10, Wed, Wed, Aug 15, Fri, Aug 10, Thurs, Aug Thurs, 16, Wed, Aug 8, 7pm. Tues, Aug 14, www.lagreetkheatre. m m ff o Tues, Aug 7, 7:30pm. Pop/ 7:30pm. 7, Aug Tues, Tues-Wed, Aug 7-8, 7pm. m 1-844-LAGREEK 1-844-LAGREEK Nathaniel Rateliff Night Sweats. & The 7:30pm. Greek Theatre, Angeles. Los Ave, Vermont North 2700 1-844-LAGREEK Carlile. Brandi 7pm. Folk/pop. Humphrey’s by son son & Family. 7:30pm Country/folk. Open Air Theatre-SDSU, 5500 Campanile 594-6947. (619) Diego. San Dr., Eddie Money. 8pm. Viejas Casino Concerts in the Park, 5005 Willows Rd., Al 445-5400. (619) pine. Weezer and the Pixies. Aug 11, 7:30pm. Alt/Rock. Mat tress Firm Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir, Chula Vista. 671-3600. (619) Charlie Puth Steinfeld. with Hailee 7:30pm. Greek Theatre, Angeles. Los Ave, Vermont North 2700 (619) 220-TIXS. (619) with Horan Mor Niall Maren ris. Greek Theatre, 2700 North Ver mont Ave, Los Angeles. 1-844- LAGREEK co Weezer/Pixies. 7:30pm. The Forum, 3900 West Manchester Blvd, 465-6741. (212) Inglewood. Hippiefest. Rock. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 220-8497 or Ticket 220-TIXS. (619) master Nel Willie and Krauss Alison 594-6947. Darryl Hall Arena Viejas & 7:30pm. 4, Aug Sat, John Oates. Dr., Crest Canyon 5500 SDSU, at 594-6947. (619) CA. Diego, San Mo. Keb & Mahal Taj 4, 7:30pm. Pala Casino, (877) 35008 Pala. Road., Temecula Pala 946-7252. Jeff Lynne’s ELO. Aug 4-5, 8pm. The 3900 Forum, West Manchester Blvd, 465-6741. (212) wood. Ingle Toto. box Bay, the by Humphrey’s rock. office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 220-8497 or Ticketmaster phrey’s phrey’s by the Bay, box 2241 office Shelter Island Dr., (619) 220-8497 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Steve Ear Williams, Lucinda Yoakam. Dwight & le 10, 7:30pm. Country/folk/rock. Open Air Theatre-SDSU, (619) San Dr., Diego. 5500 Campanile

------Sat, Sat, Sun, Wed, Wed,

Fri, Aug Aug Fri, Mon, Mon, July Thur-Fri, Sun, Aug 5, Aug Sun, Fri, Aug 3, Sat, July 28, Fri, Aug 3,

Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Exp. 8/31/18

Sat, July 28, 8pm. Sun, July 29, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. 29, July Sun, With valid military ID. Some restrictions may apply. Not valid on any sale items. Tues, July Tues, 31, 7pm. The

Military Discount 20% Military Concerts (619) 594-6947. (619) Kings. Gypsy The 7:30pm. Acousstic/jazz. Hum 90015. 90015. Steve Ear Williams, Lucinda Yoakam. Dwight & le, 3, 7:30pm. Open Air 5500 Dr., Campanile San Theatre, Diego. San Diego, CA. (619) 594-6947. (619) CA. Diego, San Shania Twain. 7:30pm. Staples Center, 1111 S. Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA (619) 671-3600. (619) Oates. & John Hall Darryl at Arena Viejas p.m. 4, Aug 7:30 SDSU, 5500 Canyon Crest Dr., Chris Chris Brown. 7:30pm. 2050 Amphitheatre, Firm Mattress Fun/hip-hop-rap-pop. Entertainment Cir, Chula Vista. G-Eazy and Lil Uzi Vert. Vert. Uzi Lil and G-Eazy Aug 1, 7pm. Hip-hop/rap. Mat tress Firm Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir, Chula Vista. 671-3600. (619) tertainment Cir, Chula Vista. (619) (619) Vista. Chula Cir, tertainment 671-3600. August Blvd, Inglewood. (212) 465-6741. (212) Inglewood. Blvd, Foreigner Mat and Rock. 7:30pm. 31, July Whitesnake. Tues, En 2050 Amphitheatre, Firm tress ter Island Dr., (619) 220-8497 or 220-8497 (619) Dr., Island ter 220-TIXS. (619) Ticketmaster Daryl Hall & John Oates and Train. Forum, 3900 West Manchester (619) 671-3600. (619) The Decemberists. 30, 7pm. Alt/rock. Shel 2241 Humphrey’s office box Bay, the by 311 311 and the Offspring. July 29, 7:30pm. Alt/rock. Mat tress Firm Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir, Chula Vista. Adam Ant. Ant. Adam Bay, the by Humphrey’s Pop/rock. Dr., Island Shelter 2241 office box (619) 220-8497 or Ticketmaster 220-TIXS. (619) Loverboy. Loverboy. Park, the in Concerts Casino Viejas 5005 Willows Rd., Alpine. (619) 445-5400. 8pm. Greek Theatre, 2700 North Theatre, 8pm. Greek 1-844- Angeles. Los Ave, Vermont LAGREEK www.lagreektheatre. com Humphrey’s by Humphrey’s the Bay, box of (619) Dr., Island Shelter 2241 fice 220-TIXS. (619) or 220-8497 Laura Pausini. are age 21+ only. July Joe Bonamassa. July 26-27, 8pm. Rock/blues. Please confirmattending. concerts NOTE: Some before venues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rank Motorsisnowhiringpart-time &fulltimeemployees. $ PLUS TAX PERMONTH PLUS TAX PERMONTH 224 4-WHEE 224 FOR 36MONTHS 249 NEW 2018 FOR 36MONTHS L NEW 2018 NEW 2018 L 7R\RWDV+\XQGDLVRU6XEDUXVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURU EASE L 2400 Natio EASE $ EASE ‡3UHFLVLRQFRPSXWHUL]HGZKHHODOLJQPHQW 3 89 ‡&HQWHUVWHHULQJZKHHO‡,QVSHFWWLUHV f f W GLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV2IIHUH[SLUHV Apply f OR OR ‡,QVSHFWVXVSHQVLRQIRUZHDU ‡$GMXVWFDVWHUFDPEHU WRH OR a X 866.217.1866 S PER MONTH MONTHS PLUS TAX $ FOR 36 119 t t t oyota l 95 oyota oyota R WD[ N 95 L ali al city city 4 CYL.AUTOMATIC



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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.