Newspaper Summary 1928 (2024)

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1920 Vashon Island News-Record Summary (Mike Sudduth)

January 1920

January 1, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • Dockton – A community Christmas tree under the direction of Mrs. Algie Anderson, was a decide success, and the grown-ups enjoyed it as much as did the children.

  • Dockton – Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Masterson and daughter Lorraine, of Portage, were Saturday guests of the Keen home and attended the community Christmas tree at the Dockton hotel on Saturday evening, at which Miss Lorraine gave several whistling solos.

  • So. Heights – Work on the Clam Cove road started again Monday. But progress is slow, as help is scarce.

  • So. Heights – A certain merry Christmas party motored out of Tacoma at ten o’clock a.m. on Dec. 23rd, arriving at their destination on the Island at ten o’clock p.m. Had the South End ferry been running the trip would have consumed but fifty minutes. Well, they are driving the piles.

  • The wedding announcement of Miss Ruth Eloise Coryell to Mr. Lunsford Pitts Black was published.

  • Burton – Mrs. A. Hunt entertained at Christmas dinner at her home, Mrs. Ette McNair, “Ma” Jaynes, the Burton lady who so grandly celebrated her one hundredth birthday last August, and her two daughters, Miss Jaynes and Mrs. Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Morris and two sons of Portage. The Morris family were with Mrs. Hunt in the lighthouse service 15 years ago, when Capt. Hunt was keeper at Cape Meares light station, near Tillamook, Oregon.

  • Portage – Wade Hazelhurst returned home on Saturday from the hospital. He is much improved from an attack of the flu and expects to begin work on the “Washington” the first of the year.

  • Prospects for a hard-surfaced road through the Island are growing brighter.

  • The obituary of Mrs. Carrie M. Coyne was published.

  • Vashon – Announcement is made that the moving picture entertainments will be discontinued, for the present, at least.

  • Vashon – The Tipi Oakhe Club was entertained by Prof. Slater and Miss Jones at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Bibbins on Tuesday evening.

  • Library Open Daily – In addition to the regular Saturday afternoon hours of the opening of the library room, it will be opened each day from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Rev. Williams having arranged to combine the room for a personal study room, with the offer of his service to the public as a librarian during the morning hours mentioned.

January 8, 1920

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  • Road To Be Paved – From Vashon Heights Ferry Terminal To Burton – Organize To Formulate Workable Plan – On Wednesday evening, January 7th a mass meeting was held in Odd Fellow’s Hall at Center, when an Improvement District was organized for the purpose of bringing before the County Commissioners the necessity of improving the main highway from Vashon Heights to Burton. The following officers were elected: Francis Sherman, Chairman; W.D. Garvin, Secretary; T. Hansen, Treasurer. It was decided to divide the territory into three districts with a commissioner for each district. First district, Vashon Heights to Vashon High School; Second district, Vashon High School to Telephone office; Third district, Telephone office to Burton. The following commissioners were elected: A.D. Cowan, T. Hansen, Frank Bibbins. The following petition was read: In the matter of the Improvement of County Road No. 1040, being Bond Issue Road No. 14, from Vashon Ferry Terminal to the Burton wharf and to Portage. WHEREFORE, your petitioners pray that a hearing may be had upon this petition by your Honorable Body, and that upon said hearing and order may be entered by the County Commissioners of King County, Washington, authorizing and directing the improvement of the highway herein petitioned for at the expense of the land benefitted thereby, and in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of Washington hereinbefore referred tor.

  • Dockton – Mr. Theodore Berry announces the opening of a meat market here in connection with his grocery store.

  • Dockton – The school board is busy these days looking for a site for a new school house. We hope they will get the one so desirably located.

  • Lisabeula – Mr. Larson has his wood sawing machine at Frank Manker’s, busy cutting wood. One can hear the machine “chug, chug.”

  • Lisabeula – The Virginia III was stranded at low tide at Cove and had to phone for a fish boat to take the passengers on to Tacoma. They did not reach the city until after 12 midnight and then found that the street cars were not running, so they had to “foot it” home.

  • Portage – The census for Portage and Lisabeula was taken by a young man, a student, from the U. of W. No one hereabouts seemed to have a yearning for a job.

  • Farmers’ Meeting at Vashon – Thursday, Jan. 15th, 1:00 .M. – A Community Mass Meeting of all local residents interested in rural betterment will be held at the Y.M.C.A. Hall at Vashon. You and members of your family are urged to be present and assist in making plans to carry on extension work in that district during the year 1920.

  • Burton – Mrs. E.J. Gordon is Uncle Sam’s partner is this district – taking the 1920 census.

  • The work of planking the ferry dock at Southern Heights is progressing satisfactorily.

  • The cheering news comes that if the federal inspection can be completed this week the ferry Vashon will be placed on the Des Moines – Portage run next Monday.

  • Vashon Heights – Mr. Chas Taylor and Mr. Vernon Ramsey will plant ten acres of strawberries on the F.W. West tract on the North End this spring.

  • Vashon Heights – Mr. Elmer Harmeling is a very busy man these days as he is the official census taker. Possibly his tin Lizzie is in on the deal fifty-fifty.

  • Center – The regular meeting of the Island Grange was held on Tuesday evening. Several candidates were initiated, after which a light lunch was served.

  • Vashon – Elmer Harmeling is the most inquisitive person in these diggings at present. He is the government census enumerator.

  • Vashon – The first of the week the North End Transfer brought over from Seattle approximately a car-load of incubators for the Siegrist Hatchery.

  • Church Announcements – Episcopal – Owing to the whooping cough epidemic, the Sunday school of Christ Church, Portage, has been suspended for a few Sundays.

January 15, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • Dockton – The shipyard has opened again and a large crew of men are at work. About 25 caulkers arrived from Hoquiam last week.

  • Dockton - The Ladies’ Aid Society met on Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Nels Carlson. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Danielsen, the first Wednesday in February.

  • Dockton – Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Greer returned home on Monday from Aberdeen, where they attended the funeral of Mr. Jack Greer, who was shot in that city last Tuesday. Mr. Greer was very well known in Dockton, as well as on the whole Island, having lived here several years ago, and his many friends were shocked to learn of his untimely and tragic death. He leaves a wife and six children, and a brother, Mr. W.G. Greer of Dockton.

  • Synopsis Of The Donohue Road Law – Complying with a request from the News-Record, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Howard A. Hanson has kindly furnished for publication a brief resume of the material provisions of the Donohue Road Law, as follows: This law was passed by the Legislature in 1893, and was later amended in 1917, and again in 1919. The general purpose of the Donohue Road Law is to provide for the permanent improvement of main roads, the county to bear one-half of the cost of such general improvement from the County Road and Bridge Fund, the Road District within which the road may be located to bear one-fourth the cost, and a Special Assessment District to bear the other one-fourth of the cost. The boundaries of the Special Assessment District are defined by law as being drawn parallel to the center line of the highway and two miles on each side thereof. Thus, the Assessment District as such will comprise an area four miles wide following the center line of the highway. The cost of the improvement may be paid in not to exceed ten equal annual installments, so far as the property in the Assessment District is concerned. King County last year made two improvements under this law, both being comparatively short pieces of road. The proposed improvement of the main road on Vashon Island, if it should be carried through, will be the longest improvement so far made in King County under this law.

  • “In connection, Mr. Editor, I would like to invite your attention to the advisability of naming the main road to be improved as “Vashon Highway”. The advantage of having one name for the main road on the Island will be that it can be placed on the various road maps in the County and in the Automobile Clubs, and is easily remembered by the general public. Very respectfully, Howard A. Hanson.”

  • Center – Vashon Island Grange will meet on Jan. 19th at I.O.O.F. hall at Center, when the Grange Warehouse Company will complete their organization and be ready for business.

  • Center – The mass meeting at Odd Fellows Hall, Center, on Jan. 21st, is “By the People and For the People.” Let everyone turn out and help get the paved road started. And while we are giving attention to the paved road, let us not forget that there are other improvements which are badly needed. One is a new schoolhouse at Center.

  • Vashon Heights – Mr. Elliott Neese will engage in plumbing work at the North End this summer, and as he is a most competent electrician we hope that we may be able to have him wire our houses for electric lights this spring.

  • Vashon Heights – Our census taker’s auto was indisposed this week, and for five whole days Mr. Harmeling had to make the rounds on foot. We do not notice that Elmer is any thinner, but we do admit that there are times in the census game when “a fellow needs a friend.”

  • Burton – The mid-year eighth grade exams will be given at the grammar school on Thursday and Friday of this week. Prof. Leathers will have a class of 11 aspirants for the high school.

  • Burton – For the alleged theft of a smelt drag seine, Geo. Roger, Indian, was hauled before Justice Brinker in Seattle, on Monday, by Deputy Sheriff Enochs. It was claimed that the seine was taken from the launch “Good Home,” but the Indian and his squaw succeeded in convincing the court that they were innocent, and in the absence of the aggrieved party the only thing that could be done was to dismiss the case.

  • Vashon – A.D. Sanford moved his machine shop last Saturday from the rooms over the post office to the old school building, which he recently purchased and is fitting up for a factory.

  • There will be an entertainment and dance at Van Olinda’s hall, this Saturday, January 17th for the benefit of the “music fund.” Admission 35 cents.

  • School Notes – Vashon Gym – O, boy! Have you seen our new gym? Well, it sure is a gym-dandy.

January 22, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • An Enthusiastic Meeting – Petition For Paved Road Is Being Generally Signed – The meeting of the improvement district held at Center on Wednesday evening of this week was a great success. About 100 were in attendance, including both men and woman. When the trustee’s reports were read it was found that about two-thirds of the necessary names have already been obtained.

  • Dockton – The tug “Echo” underwent repairs on the drydock last week.

  • Dockton – Mr. Theo. Berry has been appointed registration officer of this precinct to succeed Mr. Turnbull who resigned.

  • Dockton – From the looks of things now it will soon be necessary to have another hotel in Dockton. At present both hotels are crowded, and new men are coming in every day.

  • Dockton – Another shipyard for Dockton! Work has commenced on the Pankratz waterfront property here for the building of a shipyard for small craft. The owners have six contracts and will start the work as soon as the yard is ready.

  • Cove – Knute Paulson has also been doing some stump shooting. He likes to do things big - put about forty sticks of dynamite under a giant stump. While he didn’t blow is all out, it was splintered in four quarters as slick as a ribbon.

  • The Cove Farmers’ Loan Association, which was to have met on Saturday evening in their annual session, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Thomason, was adjourned on account of the stormy night.

  • Cove – Mr. John Tronas met with quite a serious accident while working as longshoreman in Seattle. A large box slipped from the rope carrier used in hoisting freight, and in falling caught him on the foot, breaking several bones. The mishap will lay him up for some time. If he had been stooping over when the box fell he would have been killed.

  • P.A. Petersen has purchased from E.O. Rindal the entire property, buildings and tidelands, known as Cove. A big two-story and basem*nt building, with electric lights, hot and cold water in living rooms above. Two large warehouses and the stock on hand he bought several years ago, and he has greatly increased in all lines. The deed was passed on Jan. 1, 1920; the price paid, while it runs into four figures, we are not at liberty to state.

  • Ellisport – We welcome again the familiar sound of the whistles of the ferry “Vashon Island” and the steamer Virginia III.”

  • Lisabeula – We have the Virginia IV on our West Side route now and can reach Seattle in shorter time.

  • Burton – A request has been made that any census taker taking the name of anyone 100 years old will please report the same to headquarters. The census taker for this district, Mrs. E. Gordon, has the name of Mrs. Melissa Jaynes, who passed her centenary last year, and is now in good health.

  • Vashon Heights – The ferry was taken off the run at the North End on Tuesday for inspection and repairs. We shall miss the ferry at the North End, but know it will be as spick and span as a new dollar when again placed on this run after being overhauled and inspected.

  • Vashon Heights – Mr. Christiansen, captain of the Virginia IV, will deliver about 20,000 feet of lumber for the Malloy home at Biloxi.

  • Vashon Heights – We have Captain Good back on the Virginia. He is one of the boys who has a pleasant smile and whom all like.

  • Center – The school has resumed its normal standing as all who were out on account of whooping cough have returned.

January 29, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • Dockton – The S.S. Dora left of Saturday for Seattle, where she will load supplies before leaving for the north.

  • Dockton - The “S.S. Nisqually” was on the dry dock last week undergoing repairs before going to San Francisco, where she will be placed on the run on Frisco Bay.

  • Dockton – Mr. O. Erickson, watchman on the “El Primero,” was drowned sometime between Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. The bay was dragged in hopes of recovering the body, but without success. Mr. Erickson had been a resident of Dockton for 13 years. He was a native of Sweden and unmarried. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Stenberg, of Dockton.

  • The Cove association has now its first dividend from the federal bank at Spokane in safe-keeping at the Vashon State Bank.

  • Cove Comments – I have heard (don’t know if it’s true) that the only place you can smoke on the Virginia IV is at the base of the smokestack or over the lee rail, whichever; and if you want to have a game of 500 you must get a lady partner, as the tables are in the saloon. If this is correct, the ladies are getting equal rights all along the line, and there’s nothing to stop them having a quiet pipe or cigarette in the appointed place with the gents. But here’s a suggestion for the boss of the boat: a little flexible tube at each table, and connected with the smokestack, would be a great convenience; it would be more sociable and obviate the necessity of the lady smokers going to the grimy engineroom for a whiff.

  • Burton – Watch for the living photographs which will appear in Burton soon. Do you want to know your neighbors better? Then don’t forget the living fotografs.

  • Burton – We are informed that the land deal between the B.Y.P.U. organization and Mr. Hatch has been closed and work will begin on the grounds soon. Mr. Dimmock, city engineer of Seattle, and Mr. Hill, Supt. of parks in Tacoma, will have the work in charge.

  • In the January apportionment of state and county school money, King county as a whole will receive $306,817. Island districts will benefit as follows: Dockton, $562.00; Burton, $1,000.00; Vashon, $1,388.00.

  • Editorial - According to figures in the county engineer’s office, the sum of $13,786.12 has been expended during the past twelve months for the maintenance of the main highway on Vashon Island, and what have we to show for it? An even larger sum would doubtless be necessary the coming year to keep the road fairly passable. A permanent highway will solve the problem and stop this worse than useless expenditure of the tax-payers’ money. The upkeep of a CONCRETE road would be negligible, and the sum now wasted on Vashon Highway could be used for the betterment of lateral roads. Have you signed the petition for a paved road? Do it now.

  • Vashon – The Heath brothers are now located on the Whinery stock farm, moving from Seattle on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Whinery are occupying the little cottage which is located on the farm.

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February 1920

February 5, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper clidk here

  • Entitled To Hearing – Pointed Questions Propounded by Women Taxpayers – Ellisport, Wash. Feb. 2, 1920, Editor, News-Record: At our club meeting last week the women of Ellisport discussed the proposed paving of Vashon Highway. As they wish more information on some points, they appointed a committee of investigation, and asked that a letter of inquiry be written your paper, hoping that through your editorial columns or through replies from Island correspondents they might receive the desired information as to the situation and what will be best for the future of both Vashon and Maury Islands. They include Maury, for we are all one – both pay taxes in King county and must pull together for mutual interests if we would succeed. It is understood that the proposed paved road is to begin at the North End dock and extend to Burton, with a lateral extending form a junction of the main road to Portage dock, which dock was condemned by the county commissioners two or three years ago. The committee would like to ask why is it considered necessary to build an expensive paved road to this condemned dock? What was it not planned to build it to the Portage-Des Moines ferry dock? This dock is in a sheltered bay and for three years has proven its worth. The grade leading to it is one of the easiest on the Islands for both Maury and Vashon. All truck men testify to this. Is there a scheme to abandon this ferry dock? The proposal to stop the paving short of it naturally leads to this query. According to a statement in your issue of January 29, the sum of $13,786.12 was paid for the maintenance of the main Island road along during the past year. Will you kindly inform us where the larger part of this sum was expended. Was it not on the North End hill? And after spending this money has it proved so hopeless that you must say, “There is nothing to show for it?” Would a good business firm continue to pour its gold into a rat hole that seems to have no bottom, and especially when other places need it so much? The North End ferry dock is built on a point so exposed to heavy winds that it is often impossible to make a landing there, and the repair expense is great. Is it not quite probable that within a short time the location of that dock will necessarily be changed? Would it not be wise to postpone paving to it until its permanency is assured? We are informed by people who travel the main highway daily that it is always in very excellent condition, with the exception of the North End hill, even during the long rainy season, as is also the lateral road included in the paving proposition. These roads are well graveled, and we were glad to learn from a reliable source that the gravel used on them is the best concrete gravel in the country and is taken from a gravel pit on our own Island, a fact of which we should be proud. We are also told that there is plenty of this excellent material to gravel all the roads on these two Islands. Are these not the facts? If so, why should immense sums be spent on these two already good graveled short roads (only 10.6 miles) when there are miles and miles of Island roads in a most deplorable condition, many of them being absolutely impassable. It is said that trucks cannot deliver supplies to the farmers in Paradise Valley because of the bad condition of the roads there. Would it not encourage the producers of this Island to have the roads to their farms put in fairly good condition, instead of taxing them extravagantly to pay for a short main road, to the neglect of their own? Is it not a fact that a large number of Island property owners are trying to eke out a livelihood by working at the Dockton shipyards, with the roads leading there in a sadly neglected and almost impassable condition? Another industry that should be encouraged is the creamery, which is said to be almost marooned because of the awful condition of the roads leading to it. Is this the case? This creamery is a great benefit to our farmers. It was started as a cheese factory, but we are told that on account of the rough roads the mild was churned into butter before it reached its destination; therefore it was changed, perforce, into a butter factory. This may have been a joke, but it has a firm foundation in many chuck holes. Suppose the petition for paving should carry, will the work be started at the North End and proceed southward until the money appropriated is exhausted, and then the work cease, or would another assessment be levied? Will the public be notified through your paper, beforehand, when this petition is to be presented to the county commissioners? We are women, but we are voters and property owners, and are deeply interested in the welfare and progress of our two Islands as are the men. Let the north hill receive proper attention of course; but let the major part of any available road fund, whether raised by tax or assessment, be expended on the roads that really need repair. And we must not forget that in the near future provision must be made also for a good road to the South End-Tacoma ferry dock. Frances S. Cliff, Ella M. Bukes, Ella J. Caughery, Sec., Committee.

  • Dockton – The new barbershop is doing a good business.

  • Dockton – The Catalinck-Casulich Shipbuilding Co. are having the machinery installed in their new home

  • Dockton – The codfish packing plant is a very busy place, judging by the number of people employed. Mr. K. Andersen is manager.

  • Dockton – The Harbor Navigation Co. expect to launch ship No. 2 about the 9th of March. They are now employing about 150 men.

  • Dockton – Mr. A.J. Stuckey has a large force of men at work on the V.P. Handy, which is undergoing repairs and remodeling.

  • Cove – Martin Tjomsland was at the store buying some finishing material for that new Shoup henhouse, which is quite a beauty. While the present length is only eighty feet, Mr. Tjomsland intends to extend it in the near future.

  • The wedding announcement of Miss Ida Pearson to Mr. J.F. Lundberg, of Eckville, Alberta, Canada was published.

  • Ellisport – The Get-together Club was very pleasantly entertained by Mrs. S.D. Newman on Jan. 29th.

  • Southern Heights – The Magnolia School is going on very satisfactorily with Miss May Turner as teacher. There are about a dozen children at present.

  • Southern Heights – It seems to us that a good graveled road from Clam Cove Ferry to the North End Ferry making an uninterrupted artery of travel between the great cities of Seattle and Tacoma would be are and away of greater benefit to the Islands as a whole than a few miles of paved highway, isolated by bad approaches. And what is best of the Islands as a whole is really best for each and all of us.

  • Dance Given by Young People of Lisabeula – Despite the rain, the Young People’s Society of Lisabeula gave a dance in Mr. Thasher’s warehouse last Saturday night. The Young People’s Society is an organization of the younger set of Lisabeula and Cross’s Landing who get together to provide entertainment for themselves during the long winter evenings.

  • All Can Have a Part In This Worthy Plan – In a letter from Mrs. J.P. Blackburn to the Cemetery Association, commenting on raising money to care for the cemetery this year, she suggests that a permanent monument be erected in the center of the property and dedicated to the “unknown dead” to take the place of the wooden marker.

  • Portage – Mr. L.M. Rushton sustained serious injuries last week from a fall at the dock and was removed to a Seattle hospital where X-ray showed some broken ribs and bad bruises. Mr. Al Kellog who fell at this same place on the dock three weeks ago is just able to be about the house again.

  • Vashon – Did the groundhog see his shadow? Not on the Island.

  • Vashon – The county sprayer is on the Island and the preliminary work is being looked after by County Horticulturist Rhodes. The weight of the machine is 1700 pounds.

  • Vashon – Capt. N.G. Christensen of the West Pass Transportation Co., in a letter to the News-Record in reference to boat service on the east side of the Island, states that it is planned to give the residents good boat service provided the company receives the proper encouragement in the way of freight and passenger business. The service was resumed at the earliest petition of a number of Island residents and without doubt the patronage will increase from now on to the extent of justifying the service.

February 12, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper clidk here

  • Dockton – Dockton people were treated to a surprise on Saturday morning when a phantom ship was towed into the harbor and moored on the beach. The vessel is now resting on the remains of the “Fleetwood.”

  • Cove – The coon is treed, by hookey! Now to smoke him out. Conundrum.

  • Cove – We fail to understand just what the weatherman is trying to “put across.” The daisies and dandelions are blooming and yesterday, Feb. 8th, a big bumblebee was buzzing around (it might be a good thing to have the Red Cross knit some stocking for him, as he will surely get cold feet before summer arrives.) Numerous summer birds are here, also; the bluebirds are especially noticeable. So, springtime is here.

  • Vashon Heights – The Vashon Land Co. will put in cement tile from the spring which supplies people on the beach, in the near future.

  • Luana Beach Items – At last the quarter mile of the Scallberg road is receiving attention and will be completed. For twelve years we have climbed the mile hill for our mail.

  • Luana Beach Items – The Virginia III is now making weekend trips to Maury dock with the promise of daily service when the vacation season opens.

  • Taking up the questions propounded last week by a committee of Ellisport ladies (that is, the questions they did not answer for themselves) the News-Record will attempt a reply in so far as it is possible at this time. First – We have no authentic information regarding a plan to extend paving from the main highway to Portage dock. Second – The larger part of the sum mentioned was used on the North End road. It is not necessary to go into details. Heavy traffic and adverse weather conditions put the road out of commission in the making. Third – We are informed that the permanency of the North End ferry is assured. Fourth – Anyone who has made the trip to the creamery must concede that this road is a disgrace a reflection on those responsible. Just here we may be pardoned for saying that the system under which county road work is done is rotten to the core. At another time we shall take occasion to puncture it with the kind of publicity it deserves. Fifth – Water area is not assessable. Road District Assessments are distributed pro rata. Sixth – The work would start at the North End. Seventh – Assessments could run for a period of ten years. Eighth – If we can get definite information as to date petition will be presented, our readers will be notified. However, there will of necessity, in compliance with the law in such cases, be a date announced for hearing protests. Ninth – The valuation represented in a petition carry more weight than a long list of signatures. This newspaper will gladly publish short communications dealing with the paving problem, but controversy must not enter in. Be brief.

  • Portage – Mr. E.N. Harrison, who recently purchased the T.A. Boring property, is preparing to build a tire repair shop on the waterfront north of Portage on the boulevard. The piling has already been placed, and in a short time Mr. Harrison will begin the erection of the building. This will be quite an addition to Portage.

February 19, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper clidk here

  • Dockton – The pile driver is on the ground to drive the launching ways for ship No. 2.

  • Dockton – The party of young people that had engaged the “Sea King” to take them to Tacoma to see David Warfield in the “Auctioneer,” was sorely disappointed, Mr. Burfield being unable to make the trip on account of the fog.

  • Cove – The Scandinavian Methodist folks of Cove have been holding meetings for several weeks of much interest. Last Thursday the Rev. L. Thellstad of the Ballard M.E. church spoke in English to the full capacity of the church in Cove.

  • Burton – Two carloads of lumber from Pankratz; mill left Burton last week to be shipped to Chicago. The cars were brought over on two scows, and the lumber was loaded at the Burton wharf by the Morford brothers.

  • Vashon Heights – A.D. Cowan is making some improvements at the Heights Grocery Store.

  • Items From Columbia School District – On account of bad roads the school bus for Vashon high school can’t take the usual route through Colvos, but just goes to Cove church and back, obliging half the pupils to walk from one to two miles out to the main road to get the bus.

  • School Notes – Class honors for scholarship go to the seniors, Frances Schaefer and Helen Steen. The former will be valedictorian and the latter salutatorian.

February 26, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper clidk here

  • Dockton – Home Destroyed By Fire – The home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Turnbull was completely destroyed by fire on Sunday afternoon. The fire evidently started from a defective flue. Neighbors discovered the blaze in the roof and rushed in to help save the household goods, of which nearly all were saved. The house was insured in the Farmer’s Mutual Insurance Company.

  • Cove – Now we know what all that lumber means that Mr. Petersen the merchant has been storing on his waterfront. Mr. O. Severson is rushing up another big warehouse, 30 x 60 feet, 12 feet high. Some job getting piling placed without a pile driver. When the tide is in you wonder how. When the tide was out the lowest there was some mighty hustling, shoveling gravel, and digging holes. Mr. S. and J. Jorgenson and Ben Huseby at hand. By late afternoon piles set, stringers on and floor mostly laid. Some hustlers, that crew.

  • Now, while Cove has a reputation for nice ranches, fine fruit, good-looking ladies, and the handsomest babies of any community, yet there is another thing to be justly proud of: That’s the Jacob Davis shipbuilding plant. He has a fine fishing schooner on the ways, the keel laid and graceful ribs in place. Busy sawing the braces with a power bandsaw. It is 60 feet long, 14 feet 3 inches in width. Mr. Sigwell Bookman is master builder. Mr. Davis does not have to hire much help, as he as seven stalwart boys of his own, manhood grown, all good fishermen; making money, too.

  • New Business At Portage – Of Interest to Car Owners – Mr. E.N. Harrison, formerly foreman of the largest shop in Tacoma, has established a tire repair shop at Portage, near the ferry dock.

  • Caught In A Cave-In – Badly Crushed – Raymond Campbell met with a serious accident on Friday of last week while digging a pit on his father’s place in which it was intended to bury a rock weighing several tons. After completing the excavation, Raymond threw his shovel out and had just put his foot on the ladder to ascend when a huge mass toppled over and buried him. When we was finally extricated it was found that one leg had been fractured in two places and one hip was badly injured. He was taken to a Seattle hospital and was doing as well as could be expected at last report.

  • The News-Record family enjoyed an auto trip to Southern Heights, “Casa Dahlia,” and the new ferry dock at Clam Cove on Saturday afternoon of last week. The car was left at the top of the grade and the occupants took a leisurely stroll down to the dock – admiring one of the grandest views of THE Mountain to be had on the Sound. The work on the dock is nearly completed, in fact appeared complete with the exception of a small space to be planked. The work on the dock and the road has been well done, and from appearances it will be only a question of a few weeks until service can be given direct to Tacoma. The new dock from “Casa Dahlia” to the dock represents a tremendous amount of work in the way of blasting, cutting, clearing and graveling. From the Sheffield dahlia farm north there are a few hillocks that will later be ironed out smooth and the road widened. Aside from this short piece the road from Burton west and south was in fair condition. If one is in quest of beautiful scenery, the view from “Inspiration Point,” as it has been appropriately named, will certainly arouse enthusiasm. No finer view of the mountain ranges, the Sound or of Tacoma can be obtained on the Islands. It is inspiring. As we journeyed homeward in the early evening it was the unanimous opinion that it was the end of “a perfect day.”

  • Mrs. Howard Rodda had a narrow escape from serious injury or drowning at Vashon Heights dock recently while attempting to pass around cars that were parked too close to the edge of the dock, and because of insufficient light. She fell into the slip, but fortunately her foot caught onto a cleat and saved her from going into the icy waters of the Sound. There should be a dead line for all cars on that dock, whether waiting for the ferry or for any steamer.

  • It is reported that the government reserve at the south end of the Island will be thrown open to settlers about May 1, 1920. Congressman Albert Johnson has the matter in hand and all claimants will be duly notified. There are about five hundred acres in the reserve.

  • The obituary of P.D. Halsey was published.

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March 1920

March 4, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • Dockton - Tuesday, March 9th, is the date set for the launching of Ship No. 2. The christening will be at 7:45 a.m., and she will be named Ella A.”

  • Cove – W.V. Crozier took off a nice hatch of some 1800 baby chicks, for this first hatch, one day last week. He has them in the brooder house. They are a beautiful bunch of White Leghorns. Well, the lay of the chick is surely in the land.

  • So. Heights – A mink broke into the poultry house of Mr. John Algeo at Clam Cove and killed 29 hens.

  • The obituary of Peter D. Halsey was published.

March 11, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • A Destructive Fire – Large Property Loss at Burton – Three Buildings Burned – Total Loss Heroic Work Fighting Flames – A fire at Burton on Tuesday evening about 8:30 wiped out three buildings, including the entire contents of one, the meat market. The buildings are occupied as a grocery and a meat market are the property of Mr. M.O. Brown, who formerly was in business here, but is now in Oakland, Cal. The small dwelling was the property of Mr. Jackson, and was occupied by Harold Schaefer, who succeeded in saving most of his household effects. The buildings, it is reported, were insured, but not the contents. Mr. Morrissey, the butcher, estimates his loss at from $800 to $900. Mr. Gleason, the grocer, succeeded in saving a part of his stock.

  • Dockton – The cannery tender “Betty” is undergoing extensive repairs at Stuckey’s ways.

  • Dockton – Mrs. W.S. Bentley of Burton spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Turnbull, who are now located at the Dry Dock Hotel.

  • Dockton – Launching of the “Ella A” – A very successful launching took place on Tuesday morning at 7:25 when Mrs. A. Polson, of the Sound Navigation Company, with an armful of beautiful crimson roses broke the bottle of champagne on the bow of the ship, naming it the “Ella A.” The vessel glided very gracefully down the cradle into the bay and was a beautiful picture with all her colors flying. She floated along toward the S.S. “Verona,” which was in waiting and ready to tow her back to the wharf where the finishing touches will be applied.

  • Cove – Mr. M. Danielson has his new chicken house finished. It was built according to his own design and style. Will accommodate about 400 Leghorns.

  • Cove – B.A. Hunt has been digging and setting out 17,000 strawberry plants over on the Doyle ranch the past week, and more to follow. The ranchers are contracting their berries at nice prices this season.

  • Cove – Harold Rude and Henry Steen, two well-known Vashon boys, also Herbert Lund of Port Orchard, have established a large shingle mill at Port Orchard, called the Triple H. Milling Company.

  • Center – The eighth grade pupils of Center are now attending the Burton grade school, leaving three grades for the two Center teachers, as Miss Hill eliminated the sixth the first of the year.

  • Burton – During the fire on Tuesday night which destroyed Brown’s store, the meat market and Jackson’s cottage, valiant service was rendered by Don H. Green, C.O. Pointer and George Vye, who were on the roof of the Whitfield’s house sweeping cinders off while the heat was almost unbearable, and using the hose, which saved the building. The old hose and buckets that had been stored for several years under Woodman Hall, were invaluable in fighting the fire.

  • At the meeting of the Vashon-Maury Commercial Club held at Burton high on Friday evening of last week, the date for the formal inauguration of direct ferry service to Tacoma was postponed indefinitely on account of the unsettled condition of the new road and the necessity of additional surfacing gravel on a part of it.

  • The Report of the Financial Condition of the Vashon State Bank at the close of business on the 28th days of February, 1920 showed total assets of $216,374.16.

  • Lisabeula – Mr. Smith of Cherry Lane Ranch has bought over one hundred Leghorn hens and is building a new poultry house.

  • The ferry “West Seattle” was placed on the Vashon Heights run Wednesday.

  • The People’s Forum – New Hospital for the Islands – Having been requested by a number of people to open my home for the care of the sick, and the house being too small and inconvenient for the purpose, I have decided to put it before the people of Vashon and Maury Islands to decide the question. I am sure we need a hospital more than anything else, so our dear ones when sick can have the care and service of a good trained nurse and an able physician; also be near our homes so the family and friends of the patients can see them or hear from them daily; also the expense will be nothing like the cost of taking them to Seattle or Tacoma and patients will have better care than in a large institution. Mrs. McGee, Lynton Ranch, Portage, Wash.

March 18, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • Dockton – The dance given at the Dockton hotel by the Harbor Navigation Company on Tuesday evening was well attended, and all reported having had a very good time.

  • Cove – H.O. Thomason shipped 100 boxes of his nice Spitz apples last week. He has been quite fortunate in keeping them in such fine condition.

  • Burton – Regular jitney service was established between Burton and Vashon Heights last week with the North End ferry back on the run again.

  • Burton – Mr. W.H. Morrissey, who did not know he was burned out until his arrival in Burton the morning after the fire, bears his loss with the fortitude of a philosopher. The next day drove his “Lizzie” to Seattle, filled her full with the choicest meats, and is now temporarily located in the Burton Trading Company’s store, at the corner of Main Street and Ames Avenue.

  • F.M. Sherman, president of the Vashon Maury Commercial Club, is in receipt of a letter from State Land Commissioner C.V. Savage relative to reaching a decision in the matter of locating a permanent park site for the Islands. Owing to pressure of work and his recent illness, Mr. Savage has not been able to give the park question attention, but he assured Mr. Sherman that he would direct an investigation shortly.

  • A petition to consolidate that portion of Center school district lying north of the road running east and west, known as the cemetery road, with the Vashon school district, was circulated the first part of this week and generally approved. The paper has been forwarded to County Superintendent Burrows.

  • The obituary of Mrs. Nellie Mitchell Barnes was published.

March 25, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • Burton – Mr. Fred Smith of Tacoma is building a 36 x 20 poultry house for his mother, Mrs. L.M. Smith on the Vye place, who will live now in Burton and try her luck in the chicken business.

  • Burton – Walter Larsen, who drives the Lisabeula bus to Burton high school, had the misfortune to break his wrist while cranking the machine on Tuesday morning.

  • Burton – Mr. B.S. Gleason sold out what stock of groceries and household furniture was rescued from the fire recently, at Woodman hall on Thursday, and is living temporarily in a house on the beach. We are sorry to learn Mr. Gleason will not stock up again, but expects soon to move away.

  • Cove – Mr. Geo. Jorgensen has been off duty on the Virginia IV for some time, nursing a crippled foot.

  • Cove – Mr. Victor Servold is busy laying the foundation for another new poultry house. Hen house building seems to be a regular fever.

  • The Cove dock is getting rather cramped nowadays, owing to the large amount of business done. Counted six autos, three teams, with wagon, then the big Vashon-Maury truck was maneuvering around one day at boat time.

  • Cove – Most people put up houses, but Mr. Ole Madison and Ben Huseby have for several days been pulling down the old Colvos store building standing on stilts near Cove store.

  • Cove – Mr. Martin Tjomsland was at the Hunt ranch for his quota of strawberry plants. Talk about your gold mines! Mr. H. sold last fall 30,000 strawberry plants to the Beall-Hansen Company. Planted some 25,000 himself on leased land on the Doyle ranch. Just sold 10,000 plants. Some 5,000 to dig for Mr. Statelen, and more left. All these plants from 6,000 original vines.

  • Dockton – The San Pedro Boat Company will launch the first boat built in their yard on Saturday, Marc 27

  • Dockton – Clifford Petersen has received a moving picture machine, and will give a show in the near future, either at the schoolhouse or at the Colonial.

  • The first 1920 broilers were sold in this market today by P. Butcher, of the Sunshine Poultry Farm, Vashon. –Produce News.

  • Vashon – On account of the ferry slip at Colman dock having been damaged, the regular service to Vashon Heights and Harper had to be discontinued for a day or two, or until the dock could be repaired.

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April 1920

April 1, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • Burton – The new school board organized at their first meeting on Monday evening. W.C. Whitfield was elected chairman and Frank Enochs clerk.

  • Burton – Mr. N.A. Springer of Aberdeen, working at the Dockton shipyard, has had his second accident within two weeks, the last one caused by a heavy timber falling across his left foot and breaking the bones in several toes. He is putting in his “laid by” time making violins. If you want to see perfect workmanship, call on this genius, who has rooms over the Burton post office.

  • Burton – The “Vashon Athletic Club” was organized March 29th, with Frank Burfield as president and Harry Enochs as Sec.-Treasurer. The meetings and athletics will be held at the College gym. Boxing contests – later baseball – and other sports will have their sway.

  • Notice – There will be a public meeting at Rodda’s hall on Monday evening, April 5th, at 8:00 o’clock, to determine the question of District No. 139 united with no. 137 and No. 176, or building a new school house.

  • Goes On Drydock – On Monday, April 4th, the steamer Virginia III will go on dry dock for general overhauling, and will be off the run for three or four days. West Pass Transportation Co.

  • Will Pave Highway – Commissioners Decide to Build Concrete Road from Heights to Center – Bids Will Be Called For On Completion Of Preliminary Survey – The most important road project of the year was launched Tuesday when the County Commissioners decided to build a concrete highway, 16 feet in width, for five and one-half miles on Vashon Island. Although an accurate estimate cannot be made until the survey is completed, it is believed that the improvement will cost about $35,000 per mile. Residents had petitioned for a road twice the length, but opposition of property owners at the south end induced the commissioners to cut the road in half. As agreed on it will start at the north end ferry landing, Vashon Heights, and go south to Center. C.E. Morford, principal assistant to the county engineer, is in charge of the survey and plans. The cost of the new highway will be borne on a plan similar to local improvement districts. Abutting property owners, defined as any holding land for two miles on either side of the road, will pay 25 per cent. Another 25 per cent will be assessed against the entire Island as a road district, and the remaining fifty per cent will be taken from the general county taxes.

  • Cove – It is with regret we chronicle the misfortune of Mr. O. Severson in the loss of his new henhouse and 1000 baby chicks by fire last Thursday night. The fire started from the brooder stove.

  • Cove – Mr. Martin Tjomsland seems to be quite proud of his success in raising that bunch of 1000 baby chicks he got from the Butcher Hatchery. Lost only 92. They are nicely feathered, not a drooping winged one among them. Is getting another 1000 lot from the Louis Beall plant.

  • Cove – There is lots doing on the Statelen ranch. A. Johnson is superintending the planting of 15,000 strawberry plants. Frank Elden is busy seeding peas with a fine drill, like they used back in the Red River valley in Dakota. Seen a dozen of them strung one after the other on those level fields seeding wheat.

  • Ellisport – We regret to state that Mrs. Evans is again ill with crysipelas.

  • Dockton – Mr. M. Botich has sold his share in the mercantile business here to Mr. T. Berry, who is not the sole owner.

  • Dockton – Mr. Stuckey has a big float on the ways to be cleaned and painted. It is owned by Mr. Foss of the Foss Boat Company.

  • Dockton – Mrs. Catalinich and small son spent Sunday and Monday here visiting her husband, who is part owner of the San Pedro Boat Co.

  • Dockton – Mr. and Mrs. K. Andersen has as their guest on Sunday, Mr. Mickelsen of Seattle, who is the owner of the codfish packing house here.

  • Dockton – The sixty-foot fishing boat “Erni,” which was successfully launched on Saturday, March 27, was towed to the wharf, where she is having the pilot house built on. The company has started work on a second boat of similar size.

  • Dockton – The passing of Mrs. Mitchell Plancich was noted.

  • April 1, 1920 will be remembered as having dawned with a mantle of snow covering the Islands to a depth of about two inches. After a lamb-like demeanor during most of the month, March shuffled out like a polar bear, leaving a cloud of snow in his wake.

  • Vashon Heights – Vernon Ramsey and T. Scott are busy planting seven acres of strawberries on the C.B. Taylor tract at the Heights. Elmer Harmeling has finished planting three acres of strawberries adjacent to his seven-acre tract of strawberries.

  • Vashon Heights – A movement is on foot looking to a community building and tennis grounds for our rapidly increasing population. Both are needed badly.

  • Notice – You can find the finest Ice Cream at the Vashon Hotel.

  • Movie Notes – The few faults in the heating and lighting of the hall last week will be remedied for future shows. Also, more chairs have been installed.

  • Notice – Mrssrs Bentley & Middling are now conducting a regular jitney service between Burton and Vashon Heights via Center. Phone Black 791.

  • N. Hoshi of the Vashon Garden Co., recently made a shipment of young registered service boars to Oregon and Olympia. He also received two registered sows from Seattle for breeding purposes.

April 8, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • Park Site Selected – Permanent Public Park For Islands Assured – Tract Selected And Set Aside By State Land Commissioner – State Land Commissioner C.V. Savidge of Olympia was the guest of F.M. Sherman and others on Friday of last week. Mr. Savidge made the trip to the Island to definitely fix the location of a public park, a matter over which he has jurisdiction and which has been held in abeyance for several months, until he could find time to personally inspect the tracts that were under consideration. The selection of five acres along the north side of the C.A. Barton forty (school land), which is centrally located and has a fine body of timber was finally decided to be an ideal tract for the purpose. This means that the residents of the Islands have at their disposal a permanent public park. It is now only a question of improving the tract and making a public park in fact as well as name. And but little work is required to transform a place of natural beauty into an inviting community recreation park.

  • Burton – Mr. Norman Edson, photographer, has moved his family from Tacoma into the Baptist parsonage and expects to be a permanent resident of Burton, if the business outlook justifies.

  • Burton – Miss Allison, the county health nurse, was over from Seattle on Tuesday, inspecting throats of all the high school students, and in the afternoon they were dismissed and the building thoroughly fumigated.

  • Burton – The “Ella A,” the ship launched from the Dockton shipyard some time ago, which was finished in Seattle and was to be loaded at Everett, had some of her planking damaged, and is back at Dockton for repairs.

  • Burton – We are glad to report that Miss Muriel Vye, who had diphtheria, is recovering speedily. The place is quarantined and every precaution taken to prevent spreading. The high school teachers have rooms at the home of Mrs. George Taylor during the quarantine.

  • Notice – A Republican caucus of the Burton precinct will be held at the home of Frank Enochs this Saturday evening, April 10th.

  • Cove – Mr. Holmes has just received 1200 baby chicks from the Siegrist Hatchery.

  • Cove – The writer was in Vashon last week. Called on our old neighbor, B.D. Mukai. Found him very busy planting strawberries. Remarked he had three more acres to plant to finish his 65 acres. He has bought a fine tractor cultivator – paid $300 for it with the attachments. He has a mighty fine field of berry vines.

  • Cove – Dr. and Mrs. Stockley are pretty busy these days. Just took off some 1200 baby chicks from their three 500-egg capacity incubators – pretty fine hatch – but the doctor is much prouder of the fine record his five cows are making: selling some $21.00 worth of butterfat per week. And he is the largest egg shipper from Cove, shipping some fifteen cases per week. A week ago an even 100 cases of eggs were shipped from Cove dock. We believe that Cove holds the record of all points on our Island in the matter of egg shipments.

  • The wedding announcement of Mr. Axel Petersen to Miss Grace McIntosh of Portage was published.

  • So. Heights – On March 17 the ferry “Tacoma” made an experimental landing at Clam Cove.

April 15, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • Vashon To Tacoma – Direct Ferry Service Between the Island and Tacoma – Beginning Saturday, May 1, A Regular Schedule Will Be Maintained From The South End

  • So. Heights – Mr. Arthur Bachelor of California has just moved onto his place on the south ferry road, and is proceeding with the building of his house. Several other buildings are to be erected along this road this spring.

  • Movie Notes – A few young men who attend the movies seem to have fallen into the habit of leaving their manners at home. The disturbance they make at every entertainment has got to stop. You are not allowed to do such things in Seattle, so why at Vashon? Remember, and respect the rights of others.

  • The county has men at work on the road at Southern Heights – about a mile to be completed.

  • Dockton – The freighter “T.W. Lake” is undergoing repairs at A.J. Stuckey’s ways.

  • Dockton – It now looks as if we were to get some road work done. The county surveyors have been sticking along the waterfront again. And the sum of $10,000 is in the budget for Maury Island. That means a beginning toward good roads – the paving will have to wait.

April 22, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • South End Ferry Opening Postponed – Saturday, May 15th, Is Date Decided Upon – Some Work To Be Done On Terminal Is Reason For Delay

  • Burton – Mr. Louis Fretz had his left foot jammed in some machinery at the Dockton Shipyard on Wednesday. At the time it looked like a serious accident, but Dr. Ireland applied treatments used on wounded soldiers during the war, and Louis is himself again, and in a few days will be back at work.

  • Burton – There is a “news box” in front of the post office store to receive any news items that may be dropped in for publicity in the News-Record.

  • Burton – Little Margaret Stone had her hand badly crushed last week while playing with her brother at the home of Mrs. Stone’s aunt, Mrs. Allison, at Center. Elton was turning the washing machine in the wash room to see how it worked, and little Margaret put her hand too close to the cogs, resulting in badly torn fingers. Fortunately, no bones were broken.

  • Burton – Now that the storms are about over, will the good citizens of Burton see that our flag floats at the top of the mast again? Who will climb the pole and fix the ropes so the flag can be raised and lowered? And can we not get together and repair our sidewalks so it will be safe walking for those who live here as well as for the strangers within our gates? If a public meeting was called, how many would respond and agree to give part of a day’s work? One party has offered to furnish lunch for the men who will work. What will the town do about it?

  • Struck By Heavy Timber – It is with much sorrow we chronicle the sad accident that befell Mr. Bert Fjeldal. A heavy piece of timber that was being loaded on a vessel slipped from its fastenings and struck the side of the boat, and glancing caught Mr. F. on the head, knocking him senseless. Then in falling the timber struck him again, nearly breaking his back. That he is alive seems almost a miracle. Mrs. Fjeldal reports he is improving.

  • Dockton – May 20th is the date set for the launching of Ship No. 3.

  • Dockton – The S.S. Simpson is undergoing extensive repairs at Mr. Stuckey’s ways.

  • A Costly Blaze – The shops and office at the Dockton shipyard were burned to the ground on Tuesday morning. The fire was discovered in the blacksmith shop by the watchman, who gave the alarm, and soon all the men were out and doing heroic work. Hey succeeded in saving the nearby residences of K. Anderson, F. Harrison and Mr. Lund, also most of the valuables in the office. Many of the employees lost expensive tools, one man valued his outfit at $600. We understand that the building loss was covered by insurance.

  • Appreciate Patronage – Having sold our business to the McLean Mercantile Company, we desire to thank our friends for the liberal patronage given us during the past year, and trust the new firm will receive the loyal support of all, which they deserve. Again thanking you, we remain Sincerely, The Marshs, Portage, Wash.

  • At the Republican county convention held in Seattle last Saturday the following from the Islands were elected delegates to the state convention at Bellingham: A.D. Cowan, Frank Kingsbury, F. Bedford, alternate.

  • W.D. Garvin recently purchased the 5-acre tract known as the Gorsuch property, on the main highway corner of the Steen road.

  • Vashon – D.C. Hannum expects to occupy the building known as the News office, transferring his real estate business from Seattle to Vashon, in order to be right “at home” with his family. Mr. Hannum has already closed some real estate deals on the Island.

  • Vashon- Mr. Smock of New Plymouth, Idaho, has purchased the Dr. McKibben property, now occupied by D. Gammell and family.

  • Lisabeula – Mr. F. Bullard had the misfortune to have the ends of two fingers taken off while employed at the McCleary mill.

  • Lisabeula – The young folks of Lisabeula had a picnic at Clam Cove on Sunday. A long walk, but all declared they had a fine time.

April 29, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • Burton – Two cars full of lumber from Pankratz mill left Burton wharf on Wednesday to be shipped to Chicago.

  • “Where is the Mason-Dixon Line On Vashon Island?” will be the subject of the sermon at the M.E. church, Vashon, Sunday evening, May 2nd.

  • The obituary of Mrs. A.T. Tjomsland was published.

  • The death of Mrs. J.S. Markham was noted.

  • So. Heights – E. Landers and his crew are working on the narrow piece of road between Elys’ and Sheffield’s – widening it. This will make at least a passable highway to connect with the new Clam Cove road.

  • Dockton – The fishing boat “Kanaka Boy” with captain and crew left for San Pedro, Cal., on Tuesday, where they will be engaged in tuna fishing.

  • Dockton – Mr. and Mrs. Catalinch have taken the Claude Petersen bungalow for the summer, so as to be near his work. Mr. C. is part owner of the San Pedro Boat Co.

  • Dockton – Mr. Lawrence Riehm has bought a half interest in the “Charlotte B.” and he and his partner, Mr. L. Bussanich, will take the boat up north this summer and tend a cannery for the season.

  • Chautauqua Assured – Portland, Oregon, April 21, 1920 – Jones & Dahlager, Vashon, Washington. Gentlemen: This letter is to approve and accept the Chautauqua contract for 1920, which you recently completed with our representative, Miss Cline. We appreciate your interest in the movement which is rapidly becoming of national importance, developing as it does the community, the heart of civilization. In 1920 Vashon will be one of approximately nine hundred cities and towns receiving Ellison-White Chautauqua programs, and we sincerely trust the results in your community will be fully up to your highest expectations. It is our desire to make the Vashon Chautauqua a success from every point of view, and we shall endeavor at all times to co-operate with you to this end. Sincerely, Ellison-White by Guy Young.

  • D.C. Hannum, who is just opening his real estate office in the building formerly occupied by the News, first door south of the hotel, reports that he sold 10 acres adjoining the Langill farm Saturday to Mr. Glenn Morgan of Vashon Heights.

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May 1920

May 6, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • South End Ferry Opening, Saturday, May 15 – NOTICE – A feature of the Program will be a Complimentary Luncheon given by the Tacoma Commercial Club in the Tacoma Building to which all residents of Vashon and Maury Islands are invited. As the club would be pleased to have information in advance as to the number of guests, all who plan to go are requested to advise Mr. Meredith at the Burton Store or the News-Record. Names should be in by May 12th. Watch for more complete data in our issue of May 13th.

  • Burton – At the school election held last Saturday evening, Burton voted solidly for consolidation of the Center district with Burton. We understand that Center voted against it have decided to use their school building again.

  • Burton - Mr. Clarence A. Weaver of Seattle, recently returned from Florida, is preparing the Geo Taylor store building for a stock of groceries. He and Mrs. Weaver will soon occupy rooms back of the store. Mr. Weaver is a nephew of Miss Clara Maitland at Hotel Burton.

  • Burton – “Campus Day,” Monday, at the high school brought out the teachers and students in their work clothes, and what they accomplished in the way of clearing up the grounds will be witnessed by the travelling public and appreciated by all who have an interest in Burton high.

  • Burton – C.B. Kline last week finished setting out 10 thousand strawberry plants on the Smith place by Judd Creek. The Island seems to be coming back to the fruit that was raised so extensively a few years ago. Mr. Kline says besides doing all this work and baching in the house, his burdens were made heavier by entertaining a friend, George Erpelding, of Auburn!

  • “Old Glory” will be raised to the top of the flag pole in Burton, Saturday evening at 6:30. There will be no public demonstration, only the satisfaction that the old flag that broke it’s rope last fall is back in the breeze, reminding us of duty and loyalty. The flag can be seen from nearly all parts of the Island and is an inspiration for all.

  • Cove – Mr. H.O. Thompson is something of a Methodist these days. He sings “Glory, hallelujah!” as he has finished packing his last box of apples – some 500 of them, all told.

  • Center – The election returns were about three to one against consolidation.

  • Center – Mr. Howard Rodda is the proud owner of an Overland roadster.

  • Dockton – Mr. P.T. Wiltse, Scoutmaster and the Boy Scouts, enjoyed a hike on Sunday, going first to Burton on the early boat and then tramping across the Island. They cooked their dinner on the beach near Lisabeula, and after resting a bit started for Quartermaster, where they took the boat for home, and they arrived in fine spirits after such an enjoyable day. The Boy Scouts are: Alfred Stuckey, Alfred Johnsen, Evind Ongstad, Stanley Nilsen, Charles Martinolich, Clifford Petersen and Harold Petersen.

  • News-Record Sold – Due to failing health I have sold my interest in the plant, the business and goodwill of the Vashon Island News-Record to Mr. P. Monroe Smock, and experienced newspaper man from New Plymouth, Idaho, who beginning with this issue, takes the helm. Sincerely, Robt. M. Jones.

  • In making our bow to the people of Washington in general, and to the residents of Vashon Island in particular, we assume management of the News-Record with both confidence and hope. We have confidence in the future of the Islands, and hope to be able to follow out the high tone policy of the paper as it has been conducted by the retiring editor, Robt. M. Jones. We have cast our lot here through neither necessity nor chance, but solely through choice. The News-Record will remain an independent newspaper – non-partisan and nonsectarian. We shall try and print the news from week to week and promise only one thing, that is that every subscriber, advertiser and job-work customer will get their full money’s worth in every deal they have with the News-Record. We shall try to be law-abiding citizens, and with the continued active interest of Mr. J.B. Dahlager and the moral support of Mr. Jones, backed by the mechanical aid of Mr. Fred F. Noyes, who has been associated for several years with the new editor as co-partner, we can only let time along determine whether our patrons will “like us” as well as we are confident we shall like the Island people. P. Monroe Smock.

  • NOTICE – Vashon, Wash., May 5, 1920. All outstanding accounts for advertising and job printing, up to and including Saturday, May 1, are payable to the undersigned. Books will be at the News-Record office. Robt. M. Jones and Jules B. Dahlager.

  • A BIG EDITION – Next week’s issue of the News-Record will be the “Tacoma-Vashon Ferry Edition.” It will be a fine advertising medium. All copy to insure insertion should reach us early in the week.

  • The contest of the $50 prize for the most appropriate name for the So. End ferry landing will close on this Friday, May 7th.

  • Portage – The Portage Query Club met with Mrs. Jas. Mattson last Wednesday. After a very interesting meeting Mrs. A.J. Marsh and Mrs. Mattson read papers.

  • Movie Notes – This week’s show should be a dandy, a Paramount Artcraft Special, starring Robert Waltham in “False Faces.” Another word to the few young fellows in the back of the Moviehall, -You took advantage of us last week when we were busy trying to put the show through, but just a warning, any such actions again and you will be shown the door. We cannot tolerate your actions. You are only three or four of a couple of hundred. So take heed, we mean business.

  • Advertisem*nt – Everyone is invited to the Movie Picture Show Saturday, on the Balcony. Hours, 11 to 12 and 1 to 4. A new program every week. Don’t miss it.

  • The ferry schedules were published for: Steamer Virginia III East Side of Vashon Island. Steamer Virginia IV for landings on West Pass. West Pass Transportation Co. N.G. Christensen, Mgr. / Steamer Vashon Tacoma-Quartermaster Route / Portage-Des Moines Ferry, schedule in effect Saturday May 1.

  • Vashon – The surveyors doing the preliminary work for the paved road have completed the survey as far as Vashon.

  • Vashon – Mrs. Hazel S. Bibbins is home for the summer, and will take charge of the clerical work of the North End Transfer Co.

  • Vashon – Mr. and Mrs. P. Monroe Smock and Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Noyes and little daughter, arrived from New Plymouth, Idaho, on Monday, and are busy getting the goods unpacked and moved into Mr. and Mrs. Smock’s new home, formerly the Dr. McKibben property. Mr. and Mrs. Noyes expect to find a suitable house soon.

  • Vashon – The Willing Workers held a very pleasant meeting at the home of Mrs. J.F. MacCarthy on last Thursday. There was a good attendance of members and a number of visitors.

  • Vashon – Dr. S.A. Owens and sons Harrison and Lee Ford came up from Montesano the last of the week to see about moving some household goods that he had stored in the Dr. McKibben property.

  • Vashon – Rev. R.G. Williams has resigned the pastorate of the Presbyterian church, the resignation to take effect at the end of this month.

  • Keep This Date – The P.T.A. of Center will give an entertainment at Odd Fellows’ hall on Wednesday evening, May 12. The title of the play will be “The Old Maids’ Convention.”

  • Modern Woodmen – All Woodmen are invited to be present at Odd Fellow’s Hall next Saturday evening, May 8, for a social time. Bring the ladies with you.

  • NOTICE – You can buy the finest Ice Cream at the Vashon Hotel.

  • The obituary of Miss Mary Jane Brownlee was published. She was married to John S. Markham.

  • Vashon school news – Commencement – The senior class consists of Frances Schaefer, Helen Steen, Walter Steen, Robert Gerry and Alfred Bridgman.

  • Dance At Burton – Sat. Evening, May 15th Music by Mrs. Lake’s Three Piece Orchestra. Notice – from now on all Saturday evening dances will be under the personal management of Mr. and Mrs. Swanson.

May 13, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • Vashon Island, The Gem of Puget Sound – Vashon-Maury Islands Now the “Main Entrance” – With the formal opening of ferry service at the south end of the Island this Saturday, May 15th, Vashon-Maury will automatically become the “main entrance” for commercial and residential purposes between Tacoma and Seattle. It is the one big move this year to put the “Islands on the map,” and thus put them on the map for “keeps.”

  • The Island Transfer Company has bought a new 2-ton “Gusix” truck. They have contracted for all the wood from Pankratz mill.

  • Mr. Geo. Taylor has bought the lot near Burton Trading Co.’s store, owned by Mr. Francis Sherman, and will move his store building on the lot some time this season.

  • Burton – Burton High School graduation - Rev. E.H. Gebert of Vashon will deliver the address. The graduates are Alice Bullard, Fannie Brink, Martha Cristman, Clarence Carlson, Gladys Lamoreux, Elizabeth Maccarthy, Ebba Petterson, Bernice Roach, Ruth Tjosdal, Marie Tjosdal, George Vye, and Roscoe Wilber.

  • Portage – Quite a crowd from Portage went to Des Moines on Sunday to witness the ball game.

  • Portage – Mr. G.L. Gaudie is busy plowing, these fine spring days. He has about ¼ acre of asparagus that is coming on in fine shape.

  • NOTICE – After this week the Tuck-a-hoe Creamery will close down for an indefinite period.

  • Lisabeula – Lisabeula will have two graduates this year from Burton high, Fannie Brink and Alice Bullard.

  • Dockton – The San Pedro Boat Company has No. 2 ready for launching and the third boat will be ready in a short time.

  • Dockton – Miss Nellie Kellogg of Tacoma was the guest of Mrs. O. Olsen at the Dockton Hotel and attended the dance given there on Saturday evening.

  • Swastika Lodge – Visitors to the Island should not fail to visit Swastika Lodge at Dilworth Point. Here will be found all the modern conveniences of running water, fresh-air cottages, tennis courts, boating and bathing. Take steamer at Pier 4, foot of Spring St., or come with car on ferry Washington, foot of Marion St., Seattle, direct to Vashon Heights. Or via ferry Vashon from Des Moines to Portage. Or via ferry City of Tacoma from Tacoma to Southern Heights. Mrs. F.C. Shanahan, Dilworth Point, Vashon Island.

  • Injured By Explosion – Jack Wood met with an unfortunate accident recently while blasting. He lighted a stick of powder, but it did not go off, so he cut the fuse and lighted it a second time, when it exploded before he could get away, breaking his right are in one place and crushing the bone from the wrist to the elbow. He was badly burned on the face and chest, also. Dr. Ireland rendered first aid and sent him to a Seattle hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have just moved to the Island and Mr. Wood was clearing his land for a house.

  • The Salutatory for the Vashon High School’s graduating class will be given by Helen Steen. The Valedictory will be given by Frances Schaefer.

  • The Salutatory for the Burton High School’s graduating class will be given by Alice Bullard. The Valedictory will be given by Martha Cristman.

  • Advertisem*nt – At The Movies – “The Miracle Man” Friday and Saturday evening at 8 p.m. In Vashon Y.M.C.A. Hall, Vashon.

  • The Report Of The Financial Condition of the Vashon State Bank on the 4th day of May, 1920 showed total assets of $222,674.92.

  • E.J. Mace, of the Vashon Garage, has just added a new machine to his already fine equipment. This is a reboring outfit for cylinder heads.

  • Movie Notes – A very small crowd was out to last week’s show. The best pictures obtainable have been given. All shows played here have previously been given at the Liberty, Coliseum, Strand and Mission in Seattle. This proves the class of pictures. So let’s have better attendance. The past two weeks the show has not made expenses. We don’t want to be forced to lower the grade of pictures.

  • The Carver Brothers big chicken ranch is the scene of unusual activity this week, as Magowan and Morford are busily engaged there moving a number of buildings to make the handling of their rapidly growing poultry business more easy and convenient.

  • This paper has been advised that residents of the Islands would do well to keep an eye on suspicious-looking characters at this time.

May 20, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • Opening Day Great Event For Island – Thousands People Celebrate Opening of Ferry at Clam Cove – “Tahlequah” – The sun seemed to rise a little brighter than usual last Saturday morning, perhaps it was the smile of gladness which filled the hearts of Vashon-Maury Island people over the formal opening of the south end ferry on that day. Everybody seemed happy and everybody seemed to be “on hand.” Pedestrians, carriages, automobiles, and others astride horses were lined up ready for the trip to carry the crowd over the Sound for Tacoma’s big welcome. About 300 from Tacoma came over on the ferry to witness the brief but impressive ceremonies on this side of the Sound. Mayor C.M. Riddell of Tacoma was presented and made a brief talk, at the close of which he handed a fifty dollar check to the prize winner for the new name of the ferry landing. The winner was a charming Vashon Island girl, Miss Ethel Whitfield of Burton. The name she selected was “Tahlequah” from the Oklahoma Indian name, meaning “water view.” Thus Miss Whitfield has endowed the new landing with an appropriate name, and Clam Cove becomes “Tahlequah.” After the Vashon Island folks had been transported to the other shore, a number of pictures of the crowd was taken, after which all reached the Tacoma Commercial Club rooms to enjoy the big eats as supplied by the Tacoma people, “without money and without price.” More than 100 cars were in the parade and each car had a pennant, badge, or banner announcing a lot of facts about the Island. Some of the most fitting banners read – “Islanders live on fried chicken and strawberries with cream.” “Vashon Island is cool in summer and warm in winters – try it.” “This island will produce one egg each day for every person in Tacoma.” “100 miles of good roads on Vashon – still more to follow.” At the club rooms many short, snappy speeches were made – from the mayor down to the editor of this paper. The closing part of the toast of the News-Record man was an original poem which may be found on the first page of this issue. Those participating in the speech making were Ira Case, M.F. Shaw, James R. O’Farrell, W.H. Polhamus, James McCormick, and Mayor Riddell. The ferry will make two round trips to Tacoma each day and the commutation fare will be five cents per individual. The complete schedule will be found in another column. The expense of this big achievement was generally divided – King County gave $1500, Vashon-Maury Island people contributed liberally, the Tacoma folks gave several thousand dollars, and Pierce County furnished the boat. With a ferry from the north to Seattle and one on the south to Tacoma, the Island unites two of Washington’s biggest cities, and it will mean much for both cities – and the Island folks as well.

  • Burton – The Burton Missionary Society will hold their picnic on Thursday, May 27th, at the home of Mrs. Harry E, Keating.

  • Dockton – The freighter, A.W. Sterrett, underwent repairs at Stuckey’s ways last week. The Steamer Aerial was beached Sunday and underwent a general cleaning and painting. The seine boat, “Rosyland” was launched Friday evening by the San Pedro Boat Co. It was towed to Tacoma on Saturday to get the engine installed, and is now back here to have the cabin built.

  • Maury Center – The refreshing May showers the first of the week was much appreciated. On Monday, ‘farmer’ rubbed his eyes and wonders if the lettuce has really grown (a whole inch) during the slumber hours.

  • Gammell Store Changes Hands – Petersen Brothers Take Over Business And Good Will Of Mr. Gammell – A deal was consummated last week whereby David Gammell sold his general store to the Petersen Brothers, of Cove. Mr. Axel Petersen will be in charge of the business at this place for the present. Mr. Gammell has been in business here for about two years.

  • Editorial - Shall We Celebrate? – Suggestion has been made that Vashon Islanders will be in the midst of the big red strawberry harvest about July 4th and that we celebrate our national birthday with a strawberry festival. This sounds good to the new man at the News-Record desk, for if there’s anything he loves better than a hunk of strawberry short cake it’s two hunks, and as for the celebration of July 4th, anyone would feel patriotic after a strawberry-Jersey cream dinner. Let us hear from you.

  • Foul Brood Among The Bees On The Island – Within two miles of Vashon, American Foul Brood has been discovered. There are two kinds of foul brood, American and European. The former is a very virulent type, very contagious and deadly. –Stephen J. Harmeling.

  • Death At Burton – The obituary of Mr. Samuel Nelson Bixby was published.

May 27, 1920

To view a copy of the Original Paper click here

  • Vashon Island Leads Them All – Report of Western Washington Egg-Laying Contest For the Month of April was published.

  • So Far The Record – L.C. Beall, Jr. is interested in the development of Vashon Island in general, and of the poultry business on the Island in particular. Recently he paid $250 for a single leghorn co*ckerel and claims he was worth the money. He has just informed us that he gathered his first pullet egg last week from a fowl which had been hatched just 110 days.

  • Burton – Several families have left Burton lately on account of work on the new ship at Dockton slacking up. O.L. Taylor and family left Thursday for Vancouver. Andrew Malm and Arvid Swanson and family have gone back to Aberdeen, where they will help finish the ship that will be launched at Dockton, Saturday, June 5th and immediately taken to Aberdeen for completion.

  • Dockton – The Harbor Navigation Co. will launch their second ship, Saturday, May 29th at 4:15 p.m. and it will be named “Eleanor A”.

  • Dockton – A mass meeting was held in the Dockton school house Tuesday evening for the purpose of discussing ways and means to get the waterfront road built this year between Dockton and Mileta.

  • Lisabeula – The Art and Embroidery Club will meet with Mrs. Sutton on Thursday, May 27th.

  • Lisabeula – Mr. Tasher of the firm of Tasher & Weber has sold his interest in the general store to Mr. Abrahamson of Litchfield, Minn. They have added to the enterprise a delivery truck.

  • Luana Beach – After ten years’ delay the road has at last been completed to connect with the shore road running to Portage. Therefore, our Hubbell man will probably be relieved of his mile high climb for mail.

  • Luana Beach – Maury dock loomed up beyond her business capacity the 23rd, when two tugs, two Lillico Launches and a steamer waited for the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity who were enjoying the day outing at Luana Beach.

  • Old Hotel Building Sold to Seattle Men – To be Put in First Class Repair At Once And Operated As Garage – Through the Chas. B. Taylor real estate agency a deal was closed this week whereby the old brick hotel building here, with 50 foot frontage, was sold to Messrs Mallock and Menzner who will thoroughly repair and remodel the building and open up a general garage business.

  • Chautauqua Notice – All parties that signed the contract with the representatives of the Ellison-White Chautauqua System, are urged to attend a meeting on Friday evening, June 4th, at 8 p.m. in the Library Building, Vashon. The success of the Chautauqua depends upon your attendance.

  • Two Island Pioneers Pass Away – Levi M. Langill and Louis M. Earnest

  • Ellisport – Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Chadwick of Seattle are spending a few days on the Island. They are staying at the Ellisport Hotel.

  • Cove – Work in Beulah Park is being rushed. Streets being cleared out, benches, tables, kitchen and a large house with sleeping rooms to accommodate the Epworth League Convention which will be every summer. The season will open on Decoration Day, with an excursion from Seattle and Tacoma, a good time is expected.

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June 1920

June 3, 1920

  • Burton – A number of Burton folks attended the launching of the ship “Eleanor H” at the Dockton ship yard Saturday afternoon. The boat will be completed at Aberdeen to which place several families have returned, who were living here and working at Dockton during its building.

  • So. Heights – There were amusing features connected with an arrest which was recently made here at a deserted ranch below Harbor Heights. Some man, it would seem, has been his own best customer in the still business. Many on the steamer Vashon lost their composure when the Sheriff’s party was seen approaching the landing, pushing their prisoner in a wheelbarrow. Still it was perhaps due to the contents of the still which made him still during the official activities.

  • Next – Last week we told about a pullet starting to lay when she was 110 day old. It belonged to L.C. Beall, Jr. Now comes along F.E. Gilbert this week with an announcement that such a record is antediluvian – in other words it is too ancient for progressive Vashon Islanders, for he has a pullet which got busy when it was just 106 days old. Next!

  • Dockton – Mrs. C. Keen bought the piano, at the Harbor Navigation Co. hotel.

  • Dockton – The S.S. Vashon and a large scow were on the ways for repairs last week.

  • Dockton – The ship “Eleanor H” was successfully launched Saturday afternoon, May 29th. Miss Helen Able of Hoquian, was the sponsor and she was attended by a party of friends from Seattle and Hoquiam. The ship was towed to Seattle and after some work has been done there she will proceed to Hoquiam, where they expect to have her finished in about five weeks. Capt. Andersen will be the Master.

  • Vashon Islanders Have Public Spirit – Move to Beautify Cemetery and Fund Started for Monument – Last fall the Cemetery Board agreed that if the lot owners would raise $300 the Association would put in $100 with it for the care of the Cemetery this year. So far there has been $148 paid in from 21 lot owners and of this $71 has been spent for a general cleaning up; the other $329 (if raised) could be spent in any way for the beautifying of the Cemetery. If water is the most important thing, let’s get together and get water, either by digging a well, or forcing it up from the stream below. I would suggest a mass meeting in the near future to decide what is to be done in regard to the monument, so why not have one big meeting and decide what to do about getting water on the ground also?

  • Rose Show – The Vashon Island Rose Exhibit will be held on Saturday, June 19th from 2 to 9 p.m. at the home of Wm. Cowley at Cowley’s dock.

  • Vashon – June witnessed a number of swarming colonies of bees. If a swarm of bees in June is worth a silver spoon, let the good work continue.

  • Portage – Mr. Orphandahl who was interested in the mill by A.D. Kingsbury’s has planted the “Lagoon” to oysters.

  • Portage – Mr. E. Morgan, who purchased 15 acres from Bert Cristman has at a depth of 190 feet struck a good flow of water in solid hardpan. Mr. Morgan has built several fine chicken houses and generally improved his place.

  • Maury Center – Messrs Nilens, Westover, fa*gen and Meyers began work in the Toddy ship yard Wednesday. They motor to Burton and go from there on the “Ariel” they hope to soon have the “Ariel” run to Mileta as this would greatly facilitate labor in the ship yard for the Islanders.

  • The obituary of Louis M. Earnest was published.

  • Notice – Those who signed the contract with the representative of the Ellison-White Chautauqua System will please meet in the library at Vashon, Friday evening, June 4th at 8 p.m. as announced in last week’s paper.

  • Cove – Our dock is undergoing repairs, also enlarged by ten feet and widened out. A pile driver is at work, the surface being replanked, which will give amble room for the ever increasing business.

  • Cove – Joe Raisbeck is busy packing and shipping his asparagus crop. Cove is the place where they raise good crops along all lines.

  • The death of Bessie L. Udell, wife of Fred A. Udell, was noted.

June 10, 1920

  • Burton – Mr. A.J. Van House hived a swarm of bees Friday which settled near his house.

  • Dockton – The yacht “El Primero” is undergoing extensive repairs at the A.J. Stuckey Dry Dock.

  • Dockton – Another boat was launched by the St. Pedro Co. Sunday evening, and is named the “Broadway”; it is now having the machinery installed and the cabin built and when finished will be taken to St. Pedro by the owners, where they will engage in the fishing business.

  • Lisabeula – Mr. Tasher has sold out his interest in the store and gone to the hot springs for his health at Letty Cove on the Northern Pacific Railway. Ingle Mammer went with him.

  • Lisabeula – After a long, long wait it begins to look as though the efforts of our citizens in getting much needed repairs on the dock are now to be realized. Messrs Davis and Williams are hauling plank in readiness for the pile-driver which at the present time is at Cove.

  • Center – Scott Sherman, Awault Peterson and Harry Enochs left Monday on the boat “Scensure” for Alaska.

  • The obituary of Mrs. Bessie Udell, wife of Captain Udell (retired), was published.

June 17, 1920

  • Maury Center – Mr. Kingsbury is preparing to build a dock in front of his home place near Portage.

  • Maury Center – Owing to such a lot of rain and cold evenings the strawberries are not ripening very fast and those that have some for sale are continuing to get twenty-five cents a box for them.

  • Dockton – Messrs Louis Busanich, Lawrence Riehm and Harry Egan, left Monday with their boat, the “Charlotte B” for Alaska where they have a contract with a large cannery for a season of three months.

  • The obituary of Mrs. Mary Livesley was published.

June 24, 1920

  • Vashon Island Produces First Pullet Eggs – Peewee Eggs, Produced by 1920 Pullets, Arrive – To F.E. Gilbert, the well-known poultryman of Vashon Island, must be given the distinction of shipping the first case of peewee eggs laid by 1920 pullets to market. – The Daily Produce News.

  • Burton – Mrs. A. Hunt returned Friday form the State Convention of 3rd and 4th class postmasters held at Wenatchee the 16th and 17th of June. A vote was taken to hold the next convention in Burton on Vashon Island, one year from that date.

  • Burton – “Steve”, our fisherman, last week caught a large octopus, weighing about one hundred pounds – in the inner harbor at Burton. The state fish commissioner was notified, who advised preserving the fish in formaldehyde and stated a boat would be sent for it when it would be taken to Seattle for exhibit in the fish department.

  • Burton - We were impressed with the water system Mr. Whitfield has just installed. By the use of a ram located in the heart of an alder cluster, he raises and pipes cool, crystal-pure water to his house, barn, chicken coops and is thus assured of the same advantage the city offers in this respect without consulting the “meter” to gasp at the expense.

  • Lisabeula – Sidney Baunsgard had a narrow escape from drowning last Friday at the boat Virginia IV was midway between Fragaria and Cove. He fell off in doing some work near the edge, and before the boat could be turned around to pick him up he was nearly exhausted. Lucky boy that he could swim.

  • Dockton – The S.S. Ariel went on the Gig Harbor run for a couple of days last week while the S.S. Florence K. underwent repairs at the Stuckey ways.

  • Dockton – Mr. J. Martinolich spent the week end with his family here, returning to Hoquiam Sunday evening where he is superintending the work on the “Eleanor H”.

  • Cove – Mr. W.V. Crosier has moved his stump puller down on the Park ranch, Center way. Tried it out and is doing successful work.

  • Cove – Mrs. W.V. Crosier is wearing a pretty broad smile these days, her good man has just purchased a new electric washing machine for her. They have their home all wired and electric lights everywhere. Mr. Crosier gets his power from the W.G. Doyle plant. Talk about the dreadful wash day, Mrs. ‘C’ just sings as sweetly as the Lark, while the swish-swash goes merrily on.

  • Cove – Our new dock is finished, a new railing lines the approaches all painted white – wouldn’t that jar you? We have something to be proud of now. Some have suggested how fine it would be for a nice dance or some sort of a celebration of the occasion one of these moonlight nights.

  • Vashon – The Morehouse packing house is busy now barreling strawberries under the direction of Warren Humphry who is local manager for Richardson & Holland.

  • Another Old Timer Gone – The obituary of Mrs. Charlotte Langill was published.

  • Portage – Mr. Fred Wiman is home for the school vacation and is taking the place of deck hand on the ferry during Mr. John Masterson’s annual vacation.

  • Portage – Two scows of sand and gravel were landed here Friday for Mr. E. Morgan, who is preparing to do extensive building on his property, recently purchased from Bert Cristman.

  • Portage – Supervisor Kingsbury has a crew of men building a dock for the county about a mile south of Portage on Quartermaster Harbor. This public improvement is one that has been needed for many years, the people on the north of Maury Island having no outlet to Tacoma except Mileta where the grade is very heavy.

  • Cove – Cove is noted not only for its beautiful surroundings, chicken and berry industry, but also for ship building. The Edward Bros. launched their boat “White Star No. 2” amid cheers of about forty persons. However, we noticed that the champagne was omitted – Good luck boys!

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July 1920
July 1, 1920

  • Chautauqua – Daily Program – Four Days Of Big Events – Daily Schedule: Children’s Hour, 10:00 a.m.; Afternoon Concert, 2:30; Afternoon Lecture, 3:00; Evening Concert, 7:30; Evening Lecture, 8:00. Concerts by Frances Soule Concert Company (Three Talented Musicians and Entertainers), The Du Mond Quartet (Real Singers – Real Entertainers), The Symphonic String Orchestra (Produced and Coached by Thurlow Lieurance, Noted Composer). Lectures: “What Time Is It and Where Are We?” by Dr. Thomas A. Boyer (Noted Lecturer, Humorist and Orator); “Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief” by Marshall Louis Mertins (Prominent Poet, Writer and Lecturer). Entertainment by S. Platt Jones (He Chases Gloom Away). Methodist Church Grounds, Vashon.

  • Burton – Quite a number of Burtonites have season tickets and are planning to attend the Chautauaqua at Vashon July 2 to 5.

  • So. Heights – The cougar is once more in the lime light. He has been prowling at Harbor Heights and has stolen some chickens.

  • Junior Chautauqua – At nine o’clock Friday morning there will be games and stories for the children on the grounds adjacent to the M.E. church, Vashon. Miss Poole, the story teller, is anxious to meet all of the boys and girls for a good time.

  • Cougar AT Harbor Heights – The cougar has again made its appearance at Harbor Heights. He is a bold fellow and a menace to live stock and children. Last June it was here and was seen by a number of people but we did not know where to get help. Anyone who sees it or knows where it has been within a short time, please call Prof. Prichard, who is an old hand at the hunting game and has agreed to try and rid us of this nuisance.

  • State Assembly At Burton Of Baptist Young People – The annual summer assembly of Washington Baptist Young People will be held again this year at Burton. Last year about 350 were enrolled and the attendance this year will exceed that number from all present indicators. A permanent building will be constructed at once as a “Headquarters” room, and big tents for assembly purposes, a mammoth dining room and kitchen tent, and dozens of smaller tents for sleeping purposes, will make it a sort of “White City” when it is in full swing.

  • Death’s Untimely Frost – The untimely frost of death fell upon one of the sweet, pure, charming young ladies of Vashon community yesterday when Miss Ruth Grace, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. R.G. Williams fell asleep in death at the age of only nineteen.

  • Another Boost For Vashon Island – L.C. Beall, Jr., one of the most prominent poultrymen on Vashon Island, shipped a case of peewees from his 106-day-old pullets to J.H. Poco*ck. More power to these chix that are doing their best to advance the poultry industry in the Pacific Northwest. – Daily Produce News, Saturday, June 26, 1920.

  • To Beautify Cemetery – At a meeting of the lot owners of the Vashon Cemetery held Monday evening at Vashon it was decided to dig a well and put up a wind mill on a 40 ft. tower high enough to furnish water to any part of the grounds. The expense is to be met by popular subscription from the lot owners or anyone who is interested in having a well-kept cemetery.

  • State of Washington Department of Education, Olympia – June 16, 1920 To the School Directors, Vashon, Wash. Dear Sirs: Herewith is attached the latest report made on your high school by the High School Inspector to the State Board of Education at its meeting held at Olympia, June 15, 1920. The report was approved. VASHON, March 11, 1920. Assessed valuation of district, $413,000. Indebtedness, $19,700. School levy, 20 mills. Total school enrollment, 200. High school enrollment, 39. No. teachers in all grades, 9. No. high school teachers, 4; all experience; all college trained. Scientific and English Courses, manual training and domestic arts among options offered. Library, 450 volumes, $60 worth of new books purchased. Though not growing rapidly, the order, interest and work of the school is excellent. Accreditation continued. Very truly yours, Wm. U. Neeley, Secretary of the Board.

  • Advertisem*nt – First Annual Chautauqua – Vashon-Maury Island – Four Days of Rest, inspiration, music, art, eloquence, and information will be brought to the very door of Vashon-Maury Island folk. The morning, afternoon and evening program arranged for each day is one that will develop that “MENTAL PEP” so much needed by the good people of the Islands to keep them in the vanguard of modern and up-to-dateness – of which “City Folks” talk so much. The Ellison-White people will have a big tent with comfortable seats, raised and ready for the “Big Doings” at Methodist Church Grounds, Vashon, July 2 to 5.

  • The People’s Forum – Chautauqua – Ellisport – The recent flight of our Editor through a wee bit of Ellisport, called forth the cry – “beautiful for situation” – and I wondered, could that day have been rolled back thirty years, would he not have added – “joy of the whole – Island.” I wondered, did our Editor, so recently ours – know that “Madrona Lodge”, and its venerable trees overlook the same fair view today, that many years ago gave inspiration to art students of the first “Chautauqua of the Northwest”? Or that our shady paths are historic grounds where teachers and students from near and far, traced their way to and from the old Chautauqua hall which has guarded, all these years, the entrance to beautiful “Shady Dell”? For years, this bit of Vashon Island formed a charming rendezvous that drew the pioneer Island folk for community study and recreation. Intent on culture of mind and heart, happy in the free life of the woods, ignoring privations incident to a new country – they sought in study of “The Good, The True and The Beautiful” – the create an atmosphere that ennobles and gives strength to enjoy and endure whatever betide. The old land marks of that delightful time are fast vanishing. A few can yet be traced by old-time students, whose children like to hear the stories of “once upon a time.” They pick roses from the old overgrown vines and daisies that were sown long ago by the sweet lady of the silver hair. Some of the Chautauquans can yet be found – no longer young and fair – but few have lost the impress of their fine years of study and comradeship of The First Chautauqua of Puget Sound. – Parthenia.

  • For Discussion Of One Big Union High School – Every taxpayer and patron on Vashon-Maury Island is urged to attend an open meeting for the discussion of one big union high school for the Vashon-Maury Island territory, at the Chautauqua tent on next Saturday afternoon, July 3rd, 1920 at the hour of four o’clock. – Committee

July 8, 1920

  • Public Opinion Pronounces Our Vashon-Maury Island Chautauqua a Brilliant Success.

  • Burton – The launch “Safety”, Charles Lener, Captain, took a party of twenty-one to hear Billy Sunday at the Stadium Sunday evening.

  • Serious Accident At Burton – Thursday morning about seven o’clock Mr. W.S. Rendall, of Maury Island, was coming into Burton from Portage and just as he was turning the curve close to the Baptist church, in some manner his car got the better of him, the steering wheel swerved from his hands, and the machine landed in the ditch, with the driver pinned underneath. Luckily Mr. Hofmeister and Chas. Cristman were soon at the scene of the accident and extricated Mr. Rendall from under the car. He was found badly injured and was taken to Dr. Reed’s office where an examination showed a rib fractured and his nose broken. After his wounds were treated he was taken to his home on Maury Island. The car was badly wrecked.

  • The death notice of Mrs. R.W.F. Martin was published.

  • Lisabeula – The school district has decided to tear down the old school building and repair the other one. They will put on a new porch and new cloak rooms; tear down the old chimney and build a new one as the chimney was always too small for the heating plant, and will otherwise improve the building.

  • The report of the financial condition of the Vashon State Bank shows totals assets of $232,548.97.

July 15, 1920

  • Bids For Transporting Pupils To Vashon High School – Bids received for the transportation of the school children at the Board of Directors of school district 176, July 3, 1920, were not satisfactory. It was therefore resolved to advertise for new bids to be submitted at its next meeting, August 7th, 1920, not later than 7 p.m.. One bid will be for transporting the pupils from the Columbia district (No. 102) and from Center (Rodda’s corner). If possible we desire to combine these routes into one. The other bid will be for transporting pupils from Vashon Heights. It is indefinite as to the number of children to be transported, but it is estimated that there will be thirty-five (35) on the Vashon Heights route, and fourteen (14) on the Cove, and twenty (20) on the Center routes. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Geo. S. Bonnell, Clerk.

  • Oyster Industry Started On Maury – Great Plans on Foot To Develop Sea-Food Industry At Our Own Door – Lest our readers forget one of the two islands which has made Puget Sound famous we call particular attention this week to the other twin – Maury. If Vashon Island is the tall, majestic, cedar of the Sound, Maury is the sweet, unassuming, rose-bush that blooms in silent beauty at its base. We spent the greater part of last Friday on Maury Island just sauntering around slowly (we drive a Ford, you know) and drinking in some of the endearing young charms of the Island. If Tom Moore had visited the spots we visited, he would have put more Jazz into his poem from which we have just quoted. But instead of trying to wax poetical, we are going to tell about something more prosaical over there. First we will mention the oyster industry started on Maury. Not but what there is plenty of poetry in an oyster (if one could swallow everything we hear) but when the industry is in its infancy, and the oysters are infants too, it were well to write only such tales as would readily “down.” Unlike the oyster, when you swallow one of the News-Record stores, it will stay down. Yes, there is a real oyster industry started on Maury Island. The two men who are backing it are B.M. Stephenson and O. Offerdahl – and when we remember that one comes from Scotch ancestry and the other from the Norsem*n – we will not doubt anything being put over that two such men may undertake. They have planted a half acre of oysters, and Mr. Offerdahl showed us a glass can filled with specimens he had retrieved from their salty beds just a few minutes before we paid the spot our first visit. They looked good, they smelled goo, our mouth commenced to water, but we maintained our self control, while Mr. Offerdahl told us all about his plans and his dreams. In two years he and his partner expect to have five acres in bearing – oysters. He says oysters such as he can grow will sell for $11 per sack – and we think they are worth it, for we certainly are oyster fans. Each acre will produce annually, after they come into bearing at least 400 sacks. This would mean an annual income of $4,400 per acre, and on five acres would yield annually over $20,000. That is a conservative estimate, and experiments have plainly proven that the oyster finds a natural habitat (is that the correct word, Mr. Frenchman?) in the waters of these islands. If one half the dreams of these two oyster men come true, think of the untold possibilities that will open up for our islands and island folks. Fried chicken is all right, but O, you Maury Island Oyster co*cktail; and then it will be only another short step into the big crab culture, and there is the food for a Beau Brummel! Why not remember shrimp, too – and shades of a Roman Epicure! – what salad our Vashon-Maury Island shrimp would make! And clams – clam chowder, fried clams, and A la picnic clams (steamed) and think of that good clam soup. Yes, we are getting hungry, but in 20 years from now when the oysters, clams, shrimp, and crabs of Vashon-Maury are world famed, forget not that great oaks from little acorns grow – and plant a posey at the feet of Stephenson and Offerdahl, the two pioneers of oyster culture on these islands.

  • Life Story Of Vashon Island Lady – Mrs. R.W.F. (Alice Parker) Martin, Who Passed Away Last Week Closes Active Life – was published.

  • We call attention this week to two new local advertisers with us – W.D. Garvin who occupies a nice space in telling about the great Stradivara music player and the Tuck-A-Hoe people who are printing a regular “Ice Schedule” for the Vashon-Maury inhabitants.

  • We have made some changes this week in the make-up of the paper, and believe it will please the eye of our subscribers more to feature the general news on the first page, and use the inside pages for the news of the island correspondents.

  • Vashon - Roadmaster Kingsbury of Portage was in Vashon this week, and is taking advantage of the recent rain to put the highways in his district in tip-top shape.

  • Center – Mr. McCormick has started the pickers on his currant patch. His gooseberry crop was over nine tons.

  • Cove – B.A. Hunt is picking some fine logan berries. Sent thirteen crates to the cannery Saturday.

  • Dockton – Mr. W. Willers has bought the houses and land adjoining, known as the Pankratz property, and is getting the land cleared for a berry ranch.

  • So. Heights – While cultivating a young orchard Mr. Forrest discovered a night hawk’s nest. Two brown mottled eggs as large as a pigeon’s in a dusty depression. No attempt at making a nest and no shelter but a single fern which had escaped the harrow.

July 22, 1920

  • Poultrymen Unite In California – Vashon Island Growers To Consider Same Question Monday Night

  • Island Booster Located In State of New York – Kinnicinnick Farm is the name given the old Price place by P.S. Pettelle when he purchased this 30 acre tract about five years ago. It has just been leased for a general utility farm, with special attention to poultry raising. Mr. Pettelle now makes his home at Hastings-on-Hudson, New York State, having been appointed Export Sales Manager for the Carnation Milk Products company. Kinnicinnick Farm is not for sale. Mrs. Pettelle was formerly Miss Cuma Whinery and perhaps that long grave in Vashon cemetery where Brother Jim Whinery was laid just a year ago is not the least magnetic sentiment that will eventually draw this family home again to Vashon Island.

  • Another Pioneer Meets Death – William C. Holmes (familiarly known as “Billy Holmes”) Dies From Result of Accidental Injury.

  • Vashon – The pocket book that was lost has been returned, with all its contents. We live in an honest community and it pays to advertise.

  • Vashon – John Zelhardt of Montana came to the Island a few days ago looking for a location where every spring the “buds will be a bustin’ and the woods a getting’ green”, and has purchased a place near Harper. He is a cousin of B. Steinbach, our Vashon blacksmith.

  • Vashon – The cemetery board this week purchased from Jose Biddell an acre of land appurtenant to the cemetery for the sum of $100.

  • Dockton – Mr. Ongsted met with quite an accident Monday, while sawing wood with a gasoline saw, one finger was severely cut. Dr. Ireland is the attending physician.

  • Dockton – Mr. and Mrs. G. Middlecoff, and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and children went on a blackberry hunt in their Ford Sunday, going from Dockton across the Islands to Cove, they reported a very small crop.

  • Maury Center – Fernheath dock was the rendezvous of a party of gay folks last Sunday.

  • Maury Center – Just recently there came under our observation a community need, a place for civic improvement, that being the small bridge just above Mileta dock. At the termination of the road running through the Mileta Dairy Ranch. On crossing it recently it gave a sickening sway in the center; on looking back we found the bridge had not really collapsed, it didn’t look so bad, just somewhat in need of repair. As this is a community need we feel that it will receive attention. We at least hope to see it repaired before winter as during the wet season most of the Dockton travel is forced to go around via the “punk bridge to escape the “hill”. We are glad to see other improvements about us and appreciate the recent work on the road since the rain which caused some ruts, so feel lead to encourage the good work until our ‘slate’ is clean.

  • Portage – W.T. Sherman is taking a few weeks’ vacation from his place in the ferry engine room, Frank Kingsbury doing the work in his absence.

  • Portage – The pile driver has started work on the new dock in front of the Kingsbury place.

  • Portage – A crew of men, with a pile driver, are busy wrecking the old Portage wharf for use at other places.

  • Portage – Aeroplanes passing over us are of so frequent occurrence we no longer run into the street for a better glimpse. The east passage seems to be a favorite route between the cities.

  • Portage – F.B. Sherman is taking his annual leave from duty on the ferry and his place is filled by Fred Wiman.

  • C.G. Swanson, the Burton booster, breaks into print this week with an ad on the last page announcing the opening of a moving picture show at his pavilion on July 30th. Let’s all go. “5 Reel Feature and Two Reel Comedy - Good Show Guaranteed - Prof Leathers at the Wurlitzer”

July 29, 1920

  • Tragic Ending Of Vashon Young Man – Ill Health And Tired of Life Wash Hartman Takes His Life – Our quiet Island was shocked last Friday when the word passed from lip to lip that Wash Hartman, an ex-service man living with his father about a mile west of Vashon, had borrowed a gun from a neighbor and entering the timber back of the buildings had found a great rock, and leaning against the rock had sent a bullet whizzing into his brain, which caused instantaneous death. The body was found about ten o’clock Friday morning by Deputy Sheriff Frank Enochs.

  • Luana Beach Sold – We are told that Luana Beach has been sold to Lee Hebner and Mr. Emil, a couple of hustlers from North Yakima, who will take possession August 1st. It is the intention of the new purchasers to immediately rebuild, repair, and otherwise modernize this beauty spot of Maury Island. A regular boat service is to be maintained, pleasure boats for rent at all times, first class meals will be served, and a first class place for rest and recreation is to be the feature.

  • Puget Sound Salmon – The press of Puget Sound is warning the public that the salmon industry is becoming extinct from over-fishing and underproduction.

  • Vashon – N. Hoshi of the Vashon Gardens reports having a genuine gold mine on his place – a sow that brought forth 18 pigs last Tuesday morning.

  • Vashon – The committee appointed at the meeting held in the Y.M.C.A. recently to put in a water system at the cemetery have dug a well and found fine water and lots of it. Now, in order to make it possible to finish the work in the least possible time, send in your check to the Cemetery Association at once and in a short time they will have the work finished and ready for your inspection.

  • Octogenarian Dies – The obituary of V.N. Perry, 79, father of Mrs. S.B. Morris, of Portage, was published.

  • Portage – Guests at the Edwards Inn, Portage during the past few days include Mr. Markham of Centralia.

  • Dockton – The P. Manson’s pile driver and crew arrived Monday morning to drive a number of piles for the fishhouse which is to be enlarged considerably.

  • Maury Center – Mileta Dairy Farm has been very busy the past week in cutting, hauling, re-cutting and storing away ensilage. They have one large silo filled and the second one nearly full; two Pembroke Farm teams with drivers were kept busy besides the Mileta Dairy Farm force. The ensilage was composed mostly of vetch.

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August 1920

August 5, 1920

  • Next Week Is Baptist Week – Burton Baptist Summer Assembly To Open Next Tuesday, August 10.

  • Vashon Highway Contract To Be Let – Bids For Paving To Be Opened Monday, August 16 – Work Will Start Soon – This contract will cover the highway from the north end of the island to Center. The pavement is to be concrete, seven inches in thickness and 16 feet wide, with 20 feet on the curves. A two-foot shoulder of gravel is to fringe the concrete.

  • Vashon Island Matters Before Commissioners – At the regular board meeting held on July 27th we find a few items of interest to our readers which we print from original proceedings: Contract for the construction of the Shanahan-Glen Acres Road bids of which were opened on June 26th, 1920, was again taken up, and on motion all bids were rejected. Resolution No. 638 was passed, approving plans and specifications in the matter of the improvement of County Road No. 1040, known as Vashon Highway, D.L. Highway No. 3. Resolution No. 639 was passed, calling for bids for construction of County Road No. 1040, Vashon Highway, D.L. No. 3, same to be opened August 16th, 1920, at 10 o’clock a.m.

  • In the District Court of the United States, Western District of Washington – Southern Division – In Bankruptcy – No. 2744 – Notice of Final Meeting. In the matter of Martinolich Shipbuilding Company, a corporation, Bankrupt.

  • One Hundred and One – The News-Record man visited this week with a woman who is one hundred and one years old. While our health giving and life advancing climate here on the Island has much to do with the longevity of this particular person, it’s not claimed as the only cause. Mrs. D. Jaynes, of Burton, was born August 5th, 1819 in the State of New York and has westward moved a number of times, until she has at last reached our farthermost state. She lives with her daughter in a cozy cottage which nestles beneath the shade of some native trees and which is fronted and fringed with flowers of many hues and bearing many names. As we opened the gate to her home we noticed a spry old lady at work inside the house, for the front door was open. When her daughter introduced her to us as “her Mother” we could hardly believe what our ears had heard and our eyes had seen. She was at work in the house as spry as many a woman is at fifty. Mrs. Jaynes needs neither cane nor crutch, her mind is active, she needs no trumpet with which to hear, and her “specks” are not of the proverbial ground glass variety, either. Just common glasses and through them she can look right through the newspaper reporter into the curiosity which naturally follows a man in the presence of such a woman. One who knew Andy Jackson, was old enough to vote for James K. Polk for president (had we then had universal suffrage) and might have played drop the handkerchief with Abraham Lincoln, or been the mother of Grover Cleveland. This dear old lady was seven years old when John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died. She was old enough to chatter her childish speech when Napoleon Bonaparte died, she might have been the youthful sweetheart of either Longfellow, Poe or Whittier, and the heroine of any one of Hugo’s thrilling tales! And she still lives, apparently like Moses, with elastic step and her strength unabated. She gold us President Van Buren was the first president she remembered well, and we found she was just blooming into her young womanhood when Martin was winning his laurels in the political arena. She said she’d never had much sickness during her life, showed us a picture of the first presidents she has kept these many years, and her well-stocked mind is rich in past history. She has a sense of humor, was as clean and neat as a pin, and we fancy if these H.C.L. days continue much longer, and her means run now, she could earn a good living yet for several years as housekeeper for any family whose tastes are fastidious and order and cleanliness the two paramount qualifications. To Mrs. Melissa Jaynes we lift our hat this week. We trust many years await her on beautiful Vashon Island. And at last when her time comes to go, we know she can look backward on a well-spent life, and forward to the place where faithfulness will bring its own reward.

  • The official report of the purser for the north end ferry, month of July, showed a total of 21,285 passengers carried o’er the beautiful blue waters, and 3,099 automobiles. How’s that for one little month!

  • Burton – Quite a number of little folks attended the swimming lessons given at the Elks Club and the Nervides at Pt. Defiance on Monday and Tuesday.

  • Lisabeula – We hear lots of complaints of there being no sign boards on the roads out here, the visitors from the ferrys are puzzled which way to go or turn to find the different points of interest of little burgs. Whose business is it to see that signs are put up? Is it not the county commissioners business to see to that or the road overseer’s. It would seem a lot more enterprising and up-to-date if it were done and save travelers lots of annoyance and worry.

  • Lisabeula – A party complained to me that folks here on the Island were patronizing the Puyallup cannery, why shouldn’t we? As our cannery refused to come over here and take our cherries and said they only paid 7 cts per lb. when the Puyallup cannery pays 12 cts. It’s to our interest, isn’t it?

  • Dockton – Mr. A.J. Stuckey bought a fine new Ford car in Tacoma Monday. It is a new model with self-starter and several other improvements.

  • Portage – A public meeting was held on Monday evening at the McLean Co. store to consider arranging to have an appropriation to maintain the ferry Vashon Island for the coming year. After a short discussion a committee was appointed to confer with the county commissioners before the yearly budget is made up.

August 12, 1920

  • Commissioner Proceeding – County Engineer filed his reconnaissance report in the matter of the petition of Thomas B. Hyde, et all for County Road, and on motion same was returned for location survey. Hearing was had in the matter of the petition of Geo. Sheffield, et al, for the vacation of a portion of the M.F. Hatch Road, and on motion same was ordered vacated. Petition was filed by I.M. Krokset, et all for a county road, and on motion same was referred to the County Engineer for examination and report.

  • Attention G.A.R. Men – Post Commander E.E. Van Olinda has received word from the official of the N.P.R.R. that a rate card of one cent per mile, short line mileage, will be made all accredited members of the G.A.R. to attend the National Encampment at Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 19th to 25th. Detailed information may be obtained from Commander Van Olinda and certificates will be issued by him to all comrades in good standing.

  • Vashon-Maury Movie Shows Are Up To Date – The two movie shows which are now running on the islands, at Vashon and Burton, are well conducted and are bidding for the patronage of the best people on the island. They show high grade pictures, but find there is actually no profit in them at present prices. For that reason both show houses have been faced with one of two conditions – either to cheapen the pictures or raise the price of admission. They have decided not to cheapen the quality of the shows but to make a slight raise in the price of admission, and we are authorized to announce the new rates at 20 and 30 cents. This is only a five cent raise, but will mean a continuance of good shows and the best is none too good for the island. A.W. Bridgman and C.G. Swanson.

  • If There Were More Tjomslands – If we had a few more Tjomslands on the island, both the Covey, Steen, Fuller and Pankratz mills would be running night shifts, to supply the demand.

  • Death of Helma Matheson – Helma, the seventeen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Matheson, died Saturday at her home at Colvos, after five months illness.

  • Cove – Mr. B.A. Hunt is about through picking logan berries. From less than an acre and a half, the vines last year’s planting, has shipped two tons of fruit to the Puyallup cannery.

  • Cove – Some pretty good clearing has been done by our road master on the Edward hillside going to the dock. No soft snap cutting brush and small trees on such a steep hill side.

  • Cove – The “smart and sting” business that Dr. Stockley has branched out in is bees, in an old cedar tree on his ranch, where the bees had made their home for ten or more years. Gus Mulvick, a bee man, was hired to saw the tree down and reap a great harvest, both as to swarms and honey. While the honey was there in considerable quantity, the bees had been almost destroyed by ants, only a few swarms were alive. You could gather up the dead bees by the hand full.

August 19, 1920

  • Contract Let For Vashon Highway – Kaiser Paving Company Of Seattle Awarded Contract by County Commissioners – As per previous announcements in these columns, the bids were opened last Monday at the office of the County Commissioners for the letting of the paving contract for the Vashon Highway under the Donahue road law. A number of Vashon islanders were present. Six bids were opened, the bidders and the amount of their respective bids being as follows: Independent Asphalt and Paving Company $188,475; Hans Pedersen, $211,470; T.M. Morgan of Everett, $199,313.04; Jahn Bressi Company $212,333,.05; John A. Mackreusen, $206,000 and Kaiser Paving Company, the winner, for $183,911.25. Detours will be made whenever possible, and it is hoped to keep the roadway open a greater part of the time, if not all the time, during the construction.

  • Gilbert Oleson Sells Bus To Malloch and Mentzner – This will give notice that I have this day sold my bus business, together with my good will, to Mallock and Mentzner who have taken possession and will give courteous and careful attention to the business. –Gilbert Oleson.

  • Lisabeula Man Drowns Sunday Near Bothell – Carried Off Feet and Succumbs Before Help Arrives – Peter Lesseith who lived for a number of years in Lisabeula, Vashon Island, was drowned last Sunday in Lake Washingon, near Bothell. Mr. Lesseith left the Island four or five years ago and was living across the Sound.

  • Notice To Poultrymen – A meeting is called at the Log Church, Vashon, on Saturday afternoon, August 21st at 1:30 o’clock for the purpose of making arrangements to buy grain in large quantities for poultry feed. – F.C. Park.

  • All Ready Now One, Two, Three – Go – Free Circumnavigation Trip Around Island by Moonlight August 28th – Master C.E. Wiman of the Vashon Island Ferry, plying between Portage and Des Moines, with other worthy nobles and followers, has arranged with J.L. Anderson, Superintendent of King County Transportation, for a free --- mark the work FREE – moonlight excursion around the Vashon-Maury domain. The crew donate their services, and in addition offer to pay for the fuel consumed. This trip of approximately 40 miles will occupy about five hours time (we are guessing at this) and will be a delight to everyone.

  • Old Settlers Will Picnic – An old settlers picnic will be held in Des Moines on Saturday next and a special invitation is extended all residents of the east side of Vashon-Maury island. There will be addresses, races, tug-of-war, and big eats. The association will supple free clams and coffee. No politics. Let’s go.

  • Advertisem*nt – ICE Delivery – Burton Monday and Thursday; Ellisport Thursday and Friday; Vashon Tuesday and Saturday; Please order before 12 p.m. – Tuck-A-Hoe Creamery Company.

  • Lisabeula – Two auto loads of Gypsies visited our quiet little burg last week. They were told they were not wanted and told to move on after picking the pockets of one of our citizens.

  • Maury Center – The thrashers spent three days at Pembroke farm last week thrashing grain, which kept all hands and some extra help quite busy.

  • Burton – Mr. Geo. Leslie is Burton’s new barber, having bought out T.W. Butler last week.

  • Library Note – Mr. H.A. Stanley has generously presented the library of the Vashon Island Woman’s Club, at Burton, a copy of his book, “Rex’s Adventures in the Olympics.” Mr. Stanley’s second book, “The Backwoodsman” was to accompany “Rex” in the presentation but the last edition was exhausted, and for the present no copy is available.

  • Vashon Heights – Surf riding has become a favorite sport on the beach this summer.

  • Dance At Burton – Every Saturday Night – Dancing from 9 to 2 – Music by Mahoney’s Orchestra.

August 26, 1920

  • Paradise Valley Oats Yield 100 Bushels Per Acre – Bonnell and Smith of Paradise Valley have just threshed 81 sacks of fine white Russian oats from two and one half acres of land. A little better than 100 bushels to the acre.

  • Noble Vashon Island Woman Passes Away – The death of Mrs. E.H. Parker was noted.

  • Vashon Development League Formed – At an informal meeting held in the Vashon State Bank last Saturday evening, at which there were about twenty island residents present, a constitution was adopted, a board of seven directors elected, and officers chosen for the remainder of the year, forming a new organization whose constitution sets out its purpose to be as follows: The purposes for which this league is formed are and shall be for the development of all activities and the promotion of all betterments for Vashon-Maury Island; for the consideration of all matters which any one or more of its members may deem for the commonwealth of the island; to make the league a clearing house for ideas which would appear advantageous toward the promotion, development, and welfare of our Nation’s interest in general, and for the local interest of Vashon-Maury island is particular, and for the doing of any and all other things, not contrary to the laws of the land, which shall advance our community interests, either directly or indirectly, thereby making Vashon-Maury island more prosperous, its citizens happier, and its advantages more generally known to the outside world. The name adopted is the “Vashon Development League” thus reminding each member of the services of that old seaman – Capt. John Vashon. The name is not intended to identify the workings of the new organization with the town of Vashon, nor tie it up to Vashon Island to the exclusion of Maury Island. This will be seen at once, for the purposes set out the dual name – Vashon-Maury Island – everywhere as the field of the league’s activities. The first big move of the league will be to get a trunk line highway on the west side of Vashon island. A highway to connect Cedarhurst, Colvos, Cove, Lisabeula and Tahlequah. Another move will be to mark every public road on the two islands with suitable signs, so that the tourist and all others may readily find their way from point to point.

  • Dockton – The codfishing boat “Dora” has returned from Alaska. Mr. Knute Anderson also Willie Anderson, returning with her.

  • Ellisport – Mrs. Pyle is suffering from a nervous breakdown.

  • Burton – Mr. Clarence Weaver proprietor of the Weaver Food Shop and Mr. Ethelbert Stanley left on a fishing trip up in the Cascades. Mr. Alex Smith is looking after the store interests during their absence.

  • Burton – W.J. Kleoppel and A. Malmberg have been erecting a building on Assembly Point to be used this winter for storing tents and other property belonging to the B.Y.P.U. Next spring other buildings will go up to prepare for the increase in attendance at the assembly meetings.

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September 1920
September 2, 1920

  • Notice to Ice Patrons – Ice delivery for the season is now discontinued, and all persons wanting ice can come to the creamery for same. Thanking our patrons for their summer business. Tuck-a-hoe Company.

  • A Live Bank – The Vashon State Bank of this place is an institution of which the island may point with true pride. It is conducted along safe lines, but is ever awake to care for the real interests of the island people with readiness and dispatch. The management has now perfected arrangements whereby one can now purchase our own Vashon highway bonds at the bank, and which will be attractive to the man with a few hundred dollars to invest in something that is absolutely safe, and at the same time will furnish a good return for the use of the money he thus invests. This paragraph is written solely for the purpose of calling the attention of our readers to something which is neither Ponzied promised, nor will it be Ponziedly fulfilled.

  • The dream of our Cove Comments man will some day be a reality. Some day there’ll be a shore boulevard around the two islands, and what a scenic drive it will be!

  • Vashon – Ed Zarth has brought another grain binder on the island, making two in the vicinity of Vashon.

  • Center – Rev. Williams is home after taking the place of the light house keeper of Robinson Pt., who has been on vacation.

  • Center – During the blasting of Mrs. Allison’s clearing, one of the stumps dropped down through the roof of J. Cowan’s home, smashing the beams and floor.

  • Dockton – We are glad to hear Mr. John Martinolich is intending to reopen the shipyard again which has been closed down since the launching of the Eleanor H, May 29.

  • Dockton – The Charlotte B, owned by Louis Bussanich and Laurence Reihm is back in Dockton after a summer’s fishing in Alaska.

  • Maury Center – The Steamer Verona is stopping at the new dock near Kingsbury’s place now. Everyone is wondering what our new dock is to be named.

  • Maury Center – Mr. Alex Moore is now employed at Dockton at the Codfish Canneries. He, with others of the Pembroke farm force were layed off when the owners decided to dispose of their stock. They will only keep open the gravel pit at present.

  • Burton – A government inspector, representing the International Revenue office in Tacoma, was at Burton places of business Friday. He gave this rule to go by in the matter of taxing drugs, toilet article, etc. “Anything advertised as a remedy or curative must be taxed.”

  • Cove – Mr. Parker had quite a serious accident Monday. He forgot something at the store and when nearly up the hill from the wharf hitched his horse to one of the telephone poles on the bank. When he got back the horse was flat on its back down the bank, his smashed wagon near by and the load of feed scattered up and down the bank. The horse got frightened at some children playing in the park above and broke loose backing down the hill. Friends helped him get the horse down to the beach and Mr. Parker led it home, not much the worse for the tumble. The wagon and feed at present are still down the bank.

  • Lisabeula – Mrs. Sullivan and Minnie Meloy were on the Virginia IV Saturday when the flag pole fell and struck a lady from Ollalla, hurting her quite severely. She is in a hospital and the doctors don’t know as yet how badly she is injured.

September 9, 1920

  • Captain John McDowell Dies in Tacoma Wednesday

  • Swanson Dancing Pavilion Will Close For Winter

  • Report Of August Egg Laying Contest – Record Shows Our Vashon Island Growers Are in The Race

  • Portage – Mrs. A.B. Odian has recently purchased the “big house on the hill” east of Portage post office, and it has been appropriately named “The Outlook.” This was formerly known as “The Edwards Inn.”

September 16, 1920

  • Final Port For Captain McDowell – Beautiful Tribute Paid To Memory of Good Man By His Friends.

  • Burton – Mr. and Mrs. Grant Randles moved out of the Geo. Taylor cottage Monday, which was re-rented at once and is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Weaver of the “Weaver’s Food Shop.”

September 23, 1920

  • Island Is Given Much Publicity – Extract Taken From The New Book on Our State Just Off The Press – A copy of the new book published by direction of the Secretary of State, J. Grant Hinkle and to which we made editorial reference in this issue, has found its way to our sanctum, and we are delighted with the big relative space Vashon-Maury Islands get in this volume. The book which is entitled “The Advantages and Opportunities of the State of Washington, for Homebuilders, Investors, and Travelers,” was prepared by Harry F. Giles, Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of Statistics and Immigration.

  • Theodore Mauck Passed Beyond – “To House Not Made With Hands” – A Busy Life In And Around Burton

  • Total assets of the Vashon State Bank as of the 8th day of September, 1920 were $273,893.95.

  • High School Notes – Burton – The “Safety” which carries the pupils from Dockton is a fast boat this year. It makes the straight run from Dockton to Newport in less than half an hour.

  • Dockton – Mr. J. Martinolich is employing a number of men building a shed over ways No. 1 and getting the yard in readiness for more ship building. Mr. Martinolich is now the sole owner of the yard.

  • Notice – On Saturday, October 2, at the old Colvos Hall the Cove Young People’s Society will give a basket social.

September 30, 1920

  • Vashon – Paving work on the highway is progressing rapidly, and a busy crew is making the dirt fly between Mathieson corner and the Heights. Some of the main guys of the Kaiser Construction Company have erected temporary abiding places between the News-Record office and the Steinbach shop, and will occupy same during the winter.

  • Maury Center – Mr. Alex Moore is again employed at Pembroke Farm. The owners have decided to put in a few crops on a small scale.

  • Maury Center – Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schram and a party of young friends motored out from Tacoma Sunday via Gig Harbor ferry and visited among relatives. They found the roads from the south end so bad that they returned home by Portage – Des Moines route.

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October 1920
October 7, 1920

  • Vashon Island To Become Poultry Mecca Of U.S. – An Able and Authoritative Article on Actual Poultry Conditions by Prof. B.P. Kirkland.

  • New Ferry Schedule For The North End – The Vashon Development League has got into action and through the president, A.D. Cowan, did some good work for the island last week. Plans were presented to the commissioners concerning the wishes of the island in regard to transportation this winter. The “Washington” ferry goes off on the 11th of this month, and the West Seattle ferry is already off, but the fares will be the same via the Virginia and the Kitsap County Ferry as heretofore, and the old tickets will be honored on either boat.

  • Teachers Given Warm Reception – Log Church Scene of Gay Festivities at Reception Tuesday Evening.

  • Editorial – Let’s Get Acquainted – There is a pronounced feeling among Vashon-Maury people that all residents on the island should get acquainted. With this feeling the News-Record is in perfect accord. Human beings are naturally as sociable in their nature as the inhabitants of the lower kingdom. The spirit of unified social, religious, educational and fraternal endeavor is the spirit of the times. It is the spirit of modernism in both business and national political life. Banking institutions have their chain of associate banks; big religious denominations have their comity of new fields; farmers have their Grange; lawyers have their bar association; women have their clubs, and men have their lodges. Why not have a Vashon-Maury Island “Get Together League?”

  • Vashon – There is a new schedule published this week of the Verona and Vashon S.S. plying between Quartermaster and Tacoma. Read in on the seventh page.

  • Charles F. Van Olinda, our good neighbor from Portage, has been elected cashier of the Vashon State Bank and is not on duty.

  • Cove – Capt. Christenson has a ready eye for the comfort and pleasure of his passengers. This time he is fixing up a fine smoker and card room off the boiler room, for the boys. Enclosing the stairway to lower deck, putting in swinging doors cutting off the draft, now that the weather is getting colder. There are a good many gentlemen who enjoy a game of 500 to and from the city, yet do not like to play cards in the upper ladies saloon. Thanks, Captain, and we are not the only “tin can” who feels thusly. E.O. Ramquist is doing the work, which means a good job well done.

  • Dockton – Capt. H. Larson and Mr. F. Harrison returned from Bellingham Thursday with a load of boxes for the fish house, which has started work with a small crew, and will soon be working with a full force.

  • Dockton – Mrs. A.J. Stuckey has an apple grown in her orchard that measures 17 ½ inches, some apple that. They will take it to the fair at Puyallup Thursday, here’s hoping it takes a prize.

  • Center – Foundation is being laid this week for a 75-foot Shoup house on Mr. Jack Woods new ranch.

  • Center – And still it rains! Sunday, October 3, the rainfall amounted to one inch, October 4 amounted to 1.60 inches in 24 hours.

  • Burton – Mrs. John Gordon brought to town, the other day, a potato raised on their ranch that weighed three pounds and five ounces, and wants to know if any one can beat it. The spud is on exhibition at Weaver’s Food Shop.

  • Ellisport – While folks generally are bemoaning the loss of fruit through this rain, the birds are having a merry time gathering the huckleberries.

  • Lisabeula – It is reported that some petty thieving is going on around here so it is well if each and every one lock their chicken houses and root houses.

October 14, 1920

  • Old Fashioned Spelling School Aroused Much Interest – We doubt if there has ever been given a more interesting evening on Vashon-Maury island than the spelling school held in the log church at Vashon Wednesday evening. In the spelling contest an unusually large number of good spellers was discovered. The contest reached almost breathless interest toward the close when Prof. Kucera was on one side alone, and Supt. Nichols was facing him companionless, on the other side. Belles lettres brought down the Supt., and the next word winged the winner, who took his seat over daguerreotype.

  • Some Potatoes We’ll Tell The World – We now challenge the world, and also Ireland, to beat one of our Vashon Islanders when it comes to growing potatoes. D. Reed, an honest Glen Acres farmer, recently dug one hill of Gold Coin potatoes and weighed the net result, and found he had strong 20 pounds therefrom. He raised an early rose which measured 12 inches in length and weighed a trifle over 2 lbs. He grew an American Wonder potato which tripped the beam at 3 ½ lbs., and as his crop isn’t half dug and the potatoes haven’t reached their full size, we’ll wait and see what some of his full grown spuds will do when they have been given a real chance to mature. Next?

  • Will Hold Mass Meeting On Transportation Question – Vashon people have been somewhat worked up this week over the announcement that the Virginia plying on the east side will be taken off next Sunday, thus leaving the folks in the immediate vicinity of Vashon somewhat handicapped in getting off and on the island. To go via Des Moines will mean $1.10 to get into Seattle, whereas the people from the north end can get to the heart of the city for 10 cents. Unless something can be done to relieve this expense to a certain degree, a number of commuters around Vashon will either give up their Seattle jobs, or else be compelled to move their families to the city for the winter. The highway to the Heights will likely be blocked for about six months.

  • Dockton – The S.S. Simpson, and Tug Fearless, underwent repairs at the Stuckey way’s this week.

  • Dockton – The launch “Charlotte B” was slightly damaged when she capsized while undergoing repairs on the owner’s ways. The boat is owned by Louis Bussanich and Lawrence Riehm.

  • Burton – At the closing of the registration books Monday night, Burton precinct had registered 196 voters.

  • Burton – The Sheffield Dahlia Farm carried off the blue ribbon for the finest and largest display of dahlias at the Puyallup Fair.

October 21, 1920

  • Football Game Fast And Furious – Burton Wallops Vashon Worse Than Bryan’s 16 to 1

  • Avoid Trouble – Will the party who took the 5 picks, 3 shovels, and a double-bit axe belonging to the county please return same, and no questions will be asked. This will avoid some serious trouble. –K.J. Fjeld.

  • Committee Report – The committee appointed at the meeting held in the log church on Friday evening, to visit the Superintendent of Water Transportation in Seattle, did so on Monday. The conference was a very satisfactory one, in which Captain Anderson assured the committee of his anxiety to have Vashon residents fairly treated in the matter of transportation, and that he would see that proper facilities would be provided the east side of the island even though the present boat should be withdrawn. _J.H. Berringer, John King, Francis S. Cliff, Committee.

  • Change in Schedule – Seattle-Vashon Heights-Harper Ferry – Owing to Kitsap County officials not carrying out their road program as agreed, and the closing of the Vashon Heights road owing to paving operations, the Ferry “Washington”, on or after October 11th, will discontinue service on the Vashon Heights – Harper route for the winter months.

October 28, 1920

  • Prof. Fredrick J. Waldron Passes Away – Noted Educator Dies In Tacoma Hospital As Result Of a Fall.

  • Long Felt Need --- New Dairy – J.E. McGee of Center announces this week that he will open a new dairy route to take in Vashon territory on the 5th of November. Mr. McGee milks only Jerseys and Gurnseys and from a sample of milk left at this office, we believe he will find a ready demand for all he can produce. Cleanliness, rich milk, and prompt delivery will be his three watchwords.

  • Vashon High School Notes – Four new Underwood typewriters have arrived for the use of the commercial department. The eighth grade boys start work in manual training this week and the eighth grade girls commence work in domestic science.

  • Death’s Untimely Frost – Ethie Belle Marsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Marsh of Burton, passed away early Thursday morning.

  • New Auto Service – Jacob Reichert will take you anywhere, at anytime, and his prices will be within reach of your pocket book. Just phone Red 101, and a Chevrolet or Oakland 8 will be there.

  • Vashon – C.A. Cook and others who have been working with him for the opening of a new shore highway from Burton to Magnolia Beach is meeting with much encouragement. The engineer will make a report at Seattle next Monday and a preliminary meeting of all interested is called for the Staples pool room at Burton on Friday evening of this week to go over matters in connection therewith.

  • Cove – There was a full house of Coveites at the E.O. Ramquist home last Saturday evening. They met to talk over and devise ways and means as to building a community hall. Mr. Ramquist donated a lot with easy access to water and electric lights. Everyone expressed the need of a hall in our community.

  • Lisabeula – Mr. Steen was out with a road petition trying to get a road opened up from Lisabeula to Cove. It will be a great improvement and is badly needed.

  • Lisabeula – There was an auction sale at the Hoyel place Monday afternoon. Everything went off fine, the buyer and seller both pleased from the expressions heard. Mr. Smock certainly is a fine auctioneer, makes one buy whether or no.

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November 1920
November 5, 1920

  • Death Reaps Rich Harvest On Island – Three Are Called From Earthly Labors To Heavenly Reward – The obituaries of Miss Ethie Belle Marsh and Mrs. (Mary Hammond) Joseph A. Hyde were published. The death of F.W. Gorsuch was noted.

  • New Magnolia Beach Road is Approved – The proposed new road from Burton to Magnolia Beach was taken up last Monday by the County Commissioners and a survey ordered. The estimated cost of constructing same is $9000 and the citizens and property owners will undertake to meet half the expense – they will contribute labor, cash and material. It seems now to be an assured fact, but we are informed there will be no undue haste in starting the actual construction of same. Messrs Staples, Meredith, Vye, Taylor and Cook were some of the south end boosters at the meeting in Seattle Monday.

  • Our New Home – We are building a new home for the News-Record, just north of the residence of the editor. The building will be 20 x 45 feet, furnishing us 900 square feet of floor space. The entire floor will be concrete, thus avoiding too much vibration from the running of our heavy machinery. It will be electric lighted, the machinery will be propelled by electric motors, and the linotype will be heated with electricity. There will be running water, an abundance of light, ample store room, a separate office for the editorial room, and all in all will be modern and convenient. When completed, and we are moved, we’ll always be at home to any friends of the paper, and will have an easy chair to extend the visitor.

  • Vashon – After several years as merchant at Center, Mr. A. Therkelsen sold out his entire stock of merchandise in bulk to Petersen Brothers and will retire from business for the present. In the meantime he will fall back into his old trade of carpentering.

  • NOTICE – The West Pass Transportation Company have withdrawn from the east side of Vashon Island and the launch “Clypso” has been put in service to serve this part of the island. – J.L. Anderson, Supt. Transportation.

  • Burton – Mrs. H.A. Stanley of Quartermaster spent a day the past week in re-arranging the books in the Burton Library. The books are now in alphabetical order and it will be most helpful of patrons will return volumes to their proper places.

  • Burton – Mrs. Melissa Jaynes, the dear lady who was one hundred and one years old last August, was escorted on election day by Fred Taylor, in his new Buick, to the voting place at the Woodman Hall where she placed her cross after the candidates she deemed the proper ones to guide the affairs of our nation. Mrs. Jaynes still reads current events and we venture to say she was better posted on how to vote than many of our younger generation. Score one for “Ma Jaynes.”

  • Dockton – The launch “Chicawana,” the scow “Wildwood” and the yacht “El Primero” underwent repairs at the Stuckey ways the past week.

  • Dockton – Friday afternoon fire completely destroyed the home of Geo. From, which started from an overheated stove. Mr. From was in his workshop about 20 feet away, and when he discovered the fire it had such a start that he lost everything he had, including some money. Only by heroic work by his neighbors was the workshop saved.

  • Cove – E.O. Ramquist is busy helping overhaul the boiler of the Virginia III and other repairs. When completed she will be put on the west side run taking the place of the Virginia IV. She’s a neat and trim craft.

  • Cove – Cove is surely to have a community hall in the near future if you saw the work done on the Elden sand hill. W.G. Doyle as chief boss, Joe Raisbeck assistant foreman. Frank Segrist with his team and scraper, Chas. Heath with team, plow and scraper. Dr. Stanley head engineer, B.A. Hunt and other helpers. A regular bee hive of them.

  • Maury Center – We note with appreciation the completion of a fill at the old bridge near Mileta, such improvement causes us much satisfaction now with the addition of a good surfacing of gravel the road can be kept open to Dockton for cars throughout the winter, whereas if the fill had not been put in and is not kept up the roads will be closed for autos on account of the Hill.

November 12, 1920

  • Mass Meeting At Old Log Church – Important Gathering Of Island Citizens To Be Held Nov. 17th in Evening – There will be a meeting of all residents of the island who are interested in farm problems, home activities and boys and girls clubs. There will be a few short talks on what the Farm Bureau has been doing in this and other states. Also a discussion of plans for work in this community.

  • Meeting Of Interest To The Public – There is a misunderstanding in regard to the alleged sale of the property known as the “old school property.” The School Board agreed to sell for community purposes only in the interest of the Young Men’s Christian Association. The party or parties who acted as trustee or trustees of Vashon Y.M.C.A. re-sold the contract for manufacturing purposes. The majority of the School Board will not sanction this sale, and decided to call a public meeting. – K.J. Fjeld, Geo. S. Bonnell, Directors School District No. 176.

  • Burton – Mrs. F.C. Leathers has presented to the town of Burton, the large flag left her by her father, J.W. Boyer, a G.A.R. man, who died some years ago. When the storms of winter have passed, the flag will be unfurled and will be a reminder of the patriotic service given by the old soldier who has passed on, and the generous gift of the daughter.

  • So. Heights – Mr. Forrest claims an average season’s record for his flock of Leghorns of 195 eggs. This good flock record is attained in part by culling, a practice which pays well he says.

  • Cove – Albert Abrams keeps himself over on the Vashon side these days as he is employed on the road paving work over there.

  • Cove – Talk about work to finish the foundation of cement for a building 26 x 40 feet with two anterooms in one day like the crew of Coveites did last Saturday.

  • Maury Center – All Maury Island is saddened by the sudden and untimely death of James K. Ogilvy.

November 19, 1920

  • High School Very Much Alive – Burton And Vashon Schools Show Power, Push and Pep – Burton – Fred Hiersch, while making phosphorus smoke rings in the chemistry room last Thursday, had an explosion. Outside of scorching several girls there was not much damage done. The High School is being called at 8:45 now, so the basketball players will have more time to practice after school.

  • Notice For Bids For Sale Of Old School House – Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Center School Board, District 139, up to Friday evening, December 3rd, 1920, at eight o’clock, for the sale of the old school building and all out buildings, purchaser to remove same within 60 days from date of sale.

  • Another Pioneer Called Home – Frank W. Gorsuch Aged Sixty, Passes Away at Ferndale, Wash.

  • Editorial – Shall We Organize A Vashon Rifle And Revolver Association? – by Stephen J. Harmeling.

  • Cove – If our road master could hear all the fine things said as to the manner he has graded and widened the Cove highway, putting in those bulkheads with cedar puncheon and logs where the two streams cross the road where every winter time the sand caved down by the rains, we are afraid he might get some what stuck up.

  • Cove – There was some pretty fine engineering work done last Monday on the Community Hall now going up. The raising and placing the two trustles spanning the building to support the roof and the fitting of the rafters so nicely to the two strings of purlins – W.G. Doyle was the master mind.

November 26, 1920

  • The Report of the Financial Condition of the Vashon State Bank at the close of business on the 15th day of November, 1920 showed total assets of $217,924.80.

  • Burton – A meeting at the Vashon Light and Power Company’s office on Monday night resulted in the organization of The Vashon-Maury Rifle and Revolver Association.

  • Burton – Chas. Cristman moved his family to the old Aldrich place Saturday. The day before Mrs. Leathers moved to Vancouver, and P.H. Green moved his goods from Newport into the Leathers home. And the day after this event Norman Edson was seen packing his belongings in the house next to the Baptist church. We learn he has purchased the property with the two houses formerly owned by Mrs. Stewart Hagerman, and will live in one house and fit the other one up for a studio. This is gratifying news as Mr. Edson is an artist of much merit, and the estimable family will be a welcome part of the community.

  • Center – George Takatsuki who has lived on the McCareen place for the past nine years has moved to his newly rented ranch at the north end of the island.

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December 1920

December 3, 1920

  • Southern Heights Robbed – Summer Home Of W.C. Hall Entered And Everything Of Value Taken – The summer home of W.C. Hall, a business man of Tacoma, was entered some time ago and practically everything of any value was stolen. It was not until a few days ago that the thief was caught, when a warrant was issued by Judge Van Olinda of Vashon for the arrest of an island man. Upon searching his home about half of the stolen goods were recovered and Mr. Enochs who made the arrest, says they have a line on some more of the stolen property. The can confessed to stealing the goods and not being able to furnish $500.00 bail is now awaiting trial on a charge of grand larceny in the Seattle city jail.

  • Excellent Range For Vashon Gun Club – The committee appointed last Monday to investigate possible ranges found an ideal one in the old lake bed in the school section on the old Parker place about one-half mile from Vashon, with a range from 200 up to 1,000 yards; all cleared and ready for business as soon as pit is dig and targets procured. Major Udell and the rest of the committee were highly pleased with the prospects for an excellent range and an exceptionally fine bunch of fellows to shoot with.

  • New Photo Studio – Norman Edson will take your photograph at any time in his new studio at Burton.

  • Athletic Club Organized At Burton Last Tuesday – On Tuesday evening of this week a meeting was held at the Burton Trading Company’s store, at which time an athletic club was organized and the following temporary officers were chosen: T. B. Allison, president; Oscar Carlson, secretary; W.Coy Meredith, treasurer. It is the aim of the club to maintain a first class organization in every respect and to feature regular athletic activities, in which both old and young men of the community can take part. The Club, with 15 charter members, has rented the old Vashon College Gymnasium. The name for the organization has not yet been decided upon.

  • Notice For Bids For Sale Of Old School House – Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Center School Board, District 139, up to Friday evening, December 3rd, 1920, at eight o’clock, for the sale of the old school building and all out buildings, purchaser to remove same within 60 days from date of sale. Terms cash.

  • Dockton – A carload of codfish, packed in cartons, was loaded on the car, which was towed from Tacoma on a scow Monday and shipped to eastern markets.

  • Dockton – P.T. Wiltsie, chairman of the school board, is superintending the remodeling of the Dockton Hotel, to a commodious and modern school house.

  • Dockton – Mrs. Smith of Tacoma has taken a housekeeping room at the Stuckey hotel, while she is employed at the Codfish Packing house.

  • Dockton – Mrs. C. Keen has received an appointment to serve at the election for Port Commissioner to be held at Stuckey’s Hall Saturday, December 4th, at 1 o’clock p.m.

  • Burton – The storm last Friday and Saturday tore the chimney off the Hatch building and blew the front window in at the Burton hotel.

December 10, 1920

  • Wild West Stunt Pulled At Burton – Oscar Bokien Shot by Burton Citizen And Taken To Tacoma Hospital – The usual quietude of the Burton community was awakened Wednesday morning, December 8, with a report that a shooting affair had been pulled off at Clam point a short distance from Burton. The story we gather from an apparently reliable source is that Bokien and his brother had been living at Clam point for sometime, coming back and forth from Tacoma, and that one Thomas Gerand was occupying some property which the Bokiens are alleged to have claimed. It is further alleged the Bokiens had threatened violence to Gerand if he didn’t get off the land claimed to belong to Bokien, and while Gerand was shaving on Wednesday morning preparatory to going to Tacoma to look for a place to live, it is claimed Bokien came to the Gerand place. Gerand claims Bokien started to pull a gun on him, but before he succeeded Gerand was taken into custody by shot Bokien – the bullet striking the arm and side of Bokien. Bokien was taken to the Tacoma General Hospital where he is lying in a very critical condition, as this is being written. Gerand was taken into custody by the King County officials, and is now is Seattle in jail. It is claimed the community of Burton is more in sympathy with Gerand than with Bokien.

  • Lisabeula Boosters Are Getting Busy – The Lisabeula Community Club was organized last Saturday evening with a membership of 27. Officers elected were John Pope, president; F. Manker, vice president and M.K. Teig, secretary and treasurer. The club aims to boost everything that is for the advancement of Vashon Island in general and the Lisabeula community in particular.

  • Respected Citizen Passes Beyond – Lucas A. Hannum Dies At An Advanced Age Tuesday Morning.

  • Burton Athletic Club Hold Meeting Tuesday – The Burton Athletic Club met Tuesday evening and a large crowd turned out to give the move a boost. A baseball game and a basketball game was the order of the evening. George Pankratz, the big sawmill merchant of Burton generously donated enough lumber for a dressing room. A general invitation is given all young men, under seventy years of age, to attend the meetings of this club. There are now 18 members with more to follow.

  • Editorial – A Fly In The Ointment – Now that a paved road to the Heights is assured, there appears a fly in the ointment, for we are informed a committee on the King County ferry system has recommended to the Honorable Board of County Commissioners that the Portage ferry run be taken off and be put on as a permanent run between Harper, Vashon Heights and Fauntleroy Park. While we do no pretend to know all the facts in the matter, it appears to us at first blush that such an arrangement would be unsatisfactory to a large body of the Vashon Island business and professional men. What the Vashon islanders seem to want is a ferry run that will land the foot and team passengers in the heart of the city of Seattle – as they have been used to the past season. We are informed that such men as Fred West, H. Steen, E.C. Thompson, Deppman and Clark, Edwin Selvin, and others equally as interested are of the same mind. We understand a hearing on this important measure will be given soon, and by all means everyone on Vashon Island who is at all interested should acquaint himself with the proposed plan, and form a reasonable opinion to either oppose such a plan, or else give facts and figures to support such a change. The News-Record is in favor of making the ferry run to the present Marion Street dock.

  • School Notes – Vashon – The Senior Pin Committee selected an owl as the most appropriated design for the class of ’21. All the Seniors are now proudly wearing those pins as a decoration of valor, during a four years fight.

  • School Notes – Vashon – The High School was much grieved Monday morning when reports by Mr. Nichols stated that the King County Basketball League had broken up. At a meeting in Seattle Saturday, Auburn authorities stated that they positively would not come to Vashon Island and play basketball. Mr. Nichols and Mr. Kucera are going to fight as hard as possible to get us in the league, if there is to be one. We hope so anyway.

  • Burton School Notes – A meeting of the Boys Athletic Club was held last week. It was decided to give the football boys their letters and the color of the new basketball suits. The jerseys will be crimson with a black stripe with trousers and socks to match.

  • Burton School Notes – Burton and Vashon High School will probably have to schedule games independently of the league this year as the result of a poor deal we received from Auburn. The trouble may clear up however.

December 17, 1920

  • Vashon Heights – The work on the road, going to the Heights has been delayed on account of bad weather, but will be resumed again as soon as the weather is fit.

  • Maury Center – Tim Collins has a crew of men and teams uncovering gravel for another year’s work at the Pembroke gravel bunkers.

  • Dockton – A.J. Stuckey and P.T Wiltse have dissolved partnership, and Mr. Stuckey will carry on the business of taking care of boats in need of repairs on the Ways.

December 24, 1920

  • Former Island Physician Dies – Remains Of Captain George H. Ensing Brought Back From England For Burial

  • Drainage Project Hold Committee Meeting – On December 14th a meeting in the interest of drainage was held at the County-City building in Seattle and G.W. Blekkink was the representative of this island. Much routine business was transacted and plans laid for the 1921 campaign. A demonstration, or rather a field meeting to give instruction and advice along drainage lines, has been set for Vashon island on March 2-3. Vashon-Maury island people interested in purchasing tile, knowing the size to use, finding out the most approved plan to proceed to drain certain lands, and any other information needed along drainage lines, should get in touch with Mr. Blekkink and also plan to attend the field meet here in March.

  • Island Builder Answers Last Call – Warren J. Gordon Lays Down Life’s Burden After Active Life.

  • Burton – Thursday morning Deputy Sheriff Enochs was informed over the phone that a stranger was walking the highway at Newport and from all appearances was the kind who thinks the world owes him a living without working for it. Mr. Enochs brought the man to Burton and after questioning him, found this to be true, and gave him time to reach the afternoon ferry at Portage and told him to board it and depart, which he did promptly.

  • Burton – The Burton Athletic Club is going strong, meeting three nights each week and have found some real basketball players and some big league talent in baseball. Butcher Morrissey and Mechanic Allison among the celebrities. The lights have been repaired and the old Vashon College Gym has returned to life. Young men or old are invited to visit and then join.

  • Ellisport – The Fuller saw mill is running every day and turning out considerable lumber. Some of it is being used in the erection of a pretty new house for Miss Annie Brayton. It is located on the east hill between Mr. Plumb’s new home and Mr. Barnes’ summer cottage.

  • Maury Center – It is reported that Mileta Dairy Farm has been sold and will be subdivided into small tracts.

  • Maury Center – The Maury school play shed has materialized and is completed except for the shingling.

December 31, 1920

  • Good Woman Goes To Last Reward – Mrs. Harris G. Ward (Irene A. Snow) Lays Down Life’s Fitful Burden in Prime of Life

  • Sanford’s Reel Gets Boost – We read a letter this week from Emerson Hough, the correspondent for the Saturday Evening Post and other national magazines, written concerning the Springfisher reel made here on Vashon Island by Mr. Sanford, in which Mr. Hough expresses the unqualified statement that the sample reel examined was the best and most satisfactory reel made in America. Mr. Hough, being himself an adept with hook and rod, carries weight when he acknowledges Vashon Island is turning out the best reel in America.

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Newspaper Summary 1928 (2024)


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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