​How to Upsell Clients on Additional Grooming Services (2025)

Upselling isn’t about pushing extra products orservices—it’s about offering tailored solutions that enhance the well-being ofpets while providing additional value to your clients. You create a loyalcustomer base and grow your business by understanding your clients’ needs andproviding solutions that improve their pets' grooming and health. Let’s diveinto how you can upsell effectively, ethically, and profitably. Know thatsometimes the best answer is not necessarily something you can provide orsell. Sometimes as groomers, we need torefer to a veterinarian, period! Being willing to admit that you’re not thebe-all-end-all solution to pet care shows a level of honestly that your clientswill admire and trust. Knowing that youhave their pets’ best interest at heart, and not necessarily selling somethingextra will help them have all the more confidence in your expertise and willhelp you to feel less like a salesman and more like the pet professional thatyou are.

Step 1: Identify Pain Points

Pet owners often come to you with specific challengesthey’re facing with their pets, and these challenges provide a naturalopportunity to suggest additional services that directly address those issues.Listening carefully to their concerns and offering solutions makes the upsellfeel more like a helpful recommendation rather than a sales pitch!

Common Complaints and Service Solutions:

  • “My dog’s nails grow so fast!”
    Solution: Suggest nail grinding. Unlike traditional nail clipping, grinding is more precise, reduces the risk of cutting quickly, and helps guarantee the nails are smooth, which can improve comfort and prevent snagging.
  • “I struggle with my dog’s breath.”
    Solution: Check for debris and hair in the dog’s flew. You can showcase your experience and expertise to your customer by checking common problem areas right there in front of the client. Recommend teeth brushing services, but be transparent and let the person know that your one-time tooth brushing service isn’t going to fix a problem instantly. You can send a toothbrush home with the pup after their groom and encourage the owner to brush. It’s also a good idea to have a list of veterinary practices in your area who offer dental services. Dental care is often overlooked, but it’s crucial to overall pet health. Offering teeth brushing improves their pet’s health and combats bad breath and tartar buildup. Check out our collection of dental care supplies here!
  • “My dog has a lot of mats in their coat.”
    Solution: Suggest de-shedding treatments or dematting services. These services help maintain coat health and reduce the risk of painful mats or tangles that may lead to skin irritation. Many groomers include these services in a full-groom package, but if there are extra services you offer based on time or products used, explain these fully to your customer. You can offer to show the owner the best way to brush and maintain coat at home as well. If you offer retail items like brushes, a free “brushing lesson” can be included with any brush they buy from you!

Pro Tip: Always listen for concerns in the petowner’s tone, as it can indicate their priorities. This can help you suggestthe services they’ll value the most.

Step 2: Introduce Retail Opportunities

Upselling isn’t confined to services alone—it extends to theproducts that help clients maintain their pets’ well-being at home. Byintroducing retail items that complement your grooming services, you build afull-circle care experience for your clients.

Retail Products to Upsell:

  • High-quality brushes for different coat types (e.g., slicker brushes for long coats, de-shedding brushes for short-haired dogs).
  • Shampoos and conditioners that target specific needs, such as sensitive skin. It’s a good idea to carry supplies that are amateur-proof. So for instance, only shampoos that are gentle enough on skin and coat and can stand up to less-than professional users at home, like sulfate free and gentle-on-eyes formulas.
  • Detanglers and sprays that help manage the coat in between grooming visits orcolognes that keep pets smelling great.

When creating retail displays, it’s important to make themas accessible and informative as possible:

  • Product Placement: Arrange your products in a clean, well-lit space near your front desk or waiting area, making it easy for clients to browse while they wait.
  • Staff Training: Confirm your team is knowledgeable about the products and can offer personalized recommendations. They should be able to explain the benefits and how each product supports the pet’s grooming routine.

Pro Tip: Consider setting up retail promotions,such as “Buy a brush, get a 20% discount on your next grooming service.” Thisencourages clients to purchase and enhances their overall groomingexperience.

Step 3: Offer Spa Upgrades

Sometimes, your clients just want to pamper their pets—andwho can blame them? Offering spa upgrades not only enhances the groomingexperience but also gives your clients more ways to indulge their pets whileimproving coat and skin health.

Luxurious Spa Add-Ons Include:

  • Hydra Detox orSenses Treatments: These treatments deeply cleanse and hydrate skin and coats, leaving them shiny, smooth, and smelling great. Market this as a wellness option that promotes relaxation and skin health.
  • : Known for their high-quality ingredients, these treatments elevate any grooming session, whether it’s a calming essential oil massage or a deep conditioning treatment.

Package Deals are an excellent way to encouragerepeat purchases:

  • “Book a grooming session + Hydra Senses treatment and save 15%”“Add a smith&burton coat treatment to your next visit for just $15 more.”

Pro Tip: Present these spa upgrades as a luxuriousbut accessible way to enhance their pet’s grooming routine. Use clienttestimonials and before-and-after photos to demonstrate the difference thesetreatments make. The more your clients understand the benefits, the more likelythey are to treat their pets to these indulgent upgrades.

Why Upselling is Beneficial for Clients and Your Business

Upselling the right products and services isn’t just aboutincreasing revenue—it’s about providing more value to your clients. Offeringtailored solutions, retail products, and spa upgrades enhances your clients’experience and helps them care for their pets in a more comprehensive way. Theresult is a loyal, satisfied customer base that keeps coming back—and referringtheir friends!

For more professional grooming tools and productrecommendations, visit LoveGroomers.

Final Thoughts

Upselling should never feel forced; instead, focus on howadditional services and products can truly improve your clients’ pets’ lives.When done right, upselling feels natural and beneficial to both your clientsand your business. Keep listening, offering solutions, and educating yourclients, and you’ll see both their pets—and your business—thrive.

Need Professional Grooming Products?
At Love Groomers, we are dedicated to providing professional groomerswith the highest-quality grooming tools and products. From premium shampoos toprecision clippers and brushes, our carefully selected range of products helpsyou deliver exceptional service to your clients.

Browse our collection of professional grooming suppliesto take your business to the next level. Visit us at www.lovegroomers.comand equip your salon with everything you need for success!

Follow us on social media for tips, new arrivals, andspecial promotions that can help your grooming business grow. We are@lovegroomers on Instagram and Facebook and @love.groomers on Tiktok!

​How to Upsell Clients on Additional Grooming Services (1) ​How to Upsell Clients on Additional Grooming Services (2) ​How to Upsell Clients on Additional Grooming Services (3)

​How to Upsell Clients on Additional Grooming Services (2025)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.