by Mary Vance (Certified Nutrition Consultant) | Nov 22, 2013 | Digestive Health, Wellness, Womens Health | 338 comments
Research shows that about 138 million women worldwide – 9 million in the United States – are affected by chronic yeast/fungal overgrowth as a result of candida. (source) Candida is a form of yeast/fungus that is present in everyone, in the mouth and intestinal tract. Ideally it exists in harmony in your gut along with the trillions of other bacteria that aid in digestion and nutrient absorption, but when candida begins to multiply out of control and overtake your good bacteria, troublesome symptoms and health issues result.
Is this you?
- Powerful sugar cravings
- Frequent bloating & gas
- Nail fungus
- Brain fog, difficulty concentrating
- Frequent urinary tract infections
- Recurrent yeast infections, discharge, itching
- Rectal itching
- Tired & irritable
- Acne, skin issues, rashes
- Taking, or have taken, oral contraception
- Frequent antibiotic use (even in childhood)
- Poor immune health
- Autoimmune condition, especially Hashimoto’s
- Joint pain
I call it “a good neighborhood gone bad” in the gut. Too much candida not only causes unpleasant symptoms, but as it multiplies, it emits toxins that overwhelm your detox system, and it can penetrate your intestinal wall, causing leaky gut and releasing toxic byproducts into the bloodstream. This can feel pretty rotten. That’s when the headaches, skin rashes, fungus, fatigue, bloating and brain fog kick in. You may be feeling tired and gross.
Candida sabotages your weight loss efforts because of the toxicity and inflammation it causes. And the sugar cravings don’t help either. If you find yourself raiding the candy aisle at 9pm every night, that’s candida talking to you. Candida overgrowth can cause powerful sugar cravings; after all, sugar feeds yeast, so an overgrowth of this bad bacteria can drive you to crave sugar or refined foods. Yeast demands to be fed. And what happens when you indulge? Uncomfortable bloating or gas as the yeast digests the sugar, and a reaction occurs. And it multiplies.
How Do You Get Candida Overgrowth?
A main cause of yeast overgrowth is a course (or repeated rounds) of steroids and antibiotics. Other causes include birth control pills, estrogen replacement therapy, acute and chronic stress, chemotherapy, poor diet, alcohol.
You may have heard that candida overgrowth is caused by a high sugar diet, but the scientific literature really doesn’t support this. Low fiber, high fat diets are associated with candida and other negative changes in gut biome. (source)
- Antibiotics, which kill off good bacteria and create a ripe environment for yeast to proliferate
- Steroids
- Using birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy
- Alcohol use
- Other parasite infections that damage the gut and allow candida to grow
- Stress: burning the candle at both ends, poor sleep
- PPIs (antacids) or other drugs
- Nutrient deficiencies: B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium, zinc, selenium
How to Test for Candida Overgrowth
You can test for candida via blood, stool and urine. Urine testing seems most effective. It’s hard to test for candida via stool, because it doesn’t survive the preservative in stool cultures. Sometimes it shows up and sometimes not. In my experience, if someone has a severe candida overgrowth issue, it’s likely to show up on stool tests; otherwise, other markers such as low secretory IgA can indicate yeast issues.
I recommend anyone with the symptoms I listed at the top of the page consider a candida cleanse. I’ve seen many stool tests come back clean for yeast even though the person exhibits all the symptoms associated with too much yeast. With that said, I always recommend stool testing(the GI MAP is the test from this menu that I recommend)for other bacteria and parasites, because yeast often accompanies those infections, and you want to address it all together. If you suffer from the symptoms I mentioned, I recommend doing the candida protocol to kill it off.
Don’t miss my FREE video series on the top tips you need to know to kick candida for good.
How to Get Rid of Candida for Good
Please make sure and read my candida cleanse post that includes my recommended protocol here.
Notice I say “for good.” That’s because candida is hard to kill. It is excellent at building up a resistance toantibiotic herbs. You have to be committed! You’ll feel so much better that it will be worth it. I use a 3-part process to kill candida overgrowth. Starve it, kill it, then reinoculate the gut with good bacteria. Note that you may need to complete this cleanse more than once to completely get rid of it. Plan on 8 weeks.
Starve it
You’ll read a lot about the traditional anti-candida diet that excludes literally every molecule of sugar, even vegetables like carrots. I do not recommend these very restrictive zero sugar diets, as they may do more harm than good because they’re too low carb and don’t actually support gut healing in the proper way.
“There are several studies that suggest that Candida and other yeast can actually thrive on ketones. So this is one of my biggest problems with a very low-carbohydrate diet that removes every possible source of glucose or sugar in the diet. That can lead to ketone production. Then there are studies, for example, that show that neutrophils, which are white blood cells, are less able to kill Candida when ketones are present. There are studies of diabetic patients with ketoacidosis—you know, a lot of ketone production—developing Candida overgrowth. There are studies of obese people developing Candida infections when fasting causes ketosis. There are studies showing that serum drawn from fasting patients is less protected against Candida than serum drawn after meals, and that antifungal drugs, and I would assume botanicals, tend to work better in a fed state than a fasted state, where ketone production would be occurring. So there’s this whole kind of constellation of evidence that’s pointing to the idea that ketone production is not a good idea.”
So, some good news: you do not have to follow a super restrictive typical anti-candida diet! (The flipside of this is you do have to follow a restrictive diet of sorts).
Candida Diet
I recommend following a gut healing diet plan, similar to the specific carbohydrate diet (SCD), that eliminates processed foods, added sugars, and difficult-to-digest starches that worsen leaky gut and encourage yeast overgrowth in a damaged gut. This means you’ll need to eliminate grains (and corn, which is actually a grain), dairy, refined white sugar, honey, maple syrup, processed soy, processed foods (junk like Doritos and packaged foods), and some people may need to exclude difficult-to-digest polysaccharide starches like potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnip, cassava. Certain legumes are OK for some folks, and YES! You can have fruit! (albeit small amounts of low sugar fruit like blueberries and green apples). You want to avoid any added sugars (which means adding extra sugar to your food, but you don’t need to avoid naturally occurring sugars in fiid), but stevia and monkfruit are OK.
You can read my post all about my candida diet recs here.
Focus on organic eggs and animal protein + vegetables and good fats. Note that diet alone will not kill the yeast overgrowth! You have to combine diet with herbal protocol.
- Consume high quality, hormone-free protein at each meal from sustainable, antibiotic-free sources:Wild, cold water fatty fish are the best option; free-range chicken & turkey; properly prepared legumes (soaked) if they don’t cause bloating; cage free eggs; beef/bison; lamb; liver if you like it.
- Eat plenty of fresh vegetables of all types: lightly cooked, sautéd, steamed, roasted. Focus on leafy greens and cooked cruciferous. The cruciferous are excellent for detox. Cooked vegetables are easier for a damaged gut to digest. Potatoes and starchy root vegetables are fine.
- Use good quality fats for cooking: olive oil, coconut oil, ghee. Avoid vegetable oils!
- Drink filtered water (8 glasses/day at least to help flush toxins)
- Drink 2-3 cups ofPau d’arco herbal tea daily,and bone broth. Bone broth heals the gut and Pau d’Arco helps kill yeast. If you’re bumming about no booze, try a mocktail instead or stick to sparkling mineral water.
- Add fermented foods such as raw kraut, but NOT kombucha, which can actually feed yeast. This coconut water kefir contains good probiotics and enzymes. Take an ounce daily.
- Take or use 1-3 tbsp of coconut oil daily. It’s a powerful yeast killer and boosts metabolism. You can also use monolauric acid which controls yeast and boosts immune system.
- Take 1 tsp apple cider vinegar in a little water if needed to help digestion and detox. Avoid all other vinegars! Candida feeds on the sugars produced from this type of fermentation.
Your healing diet will look different than someone else’s, as it depends on your microbiome and health history. These are only guidelines. Some people need more carbs than others, and going too low carb during this treatment can make you feel worse.
Note that it’s a myth that you need to avoid yeast-containing foods on a candida protocol. Mushrooms are also fine despite what you’ve heard.
Foods to Avoid
Aged Cheeses & Dairy Products | Conventional dairy contributes to inflammation, and many people are dairy sensitive. Fermented dairy (kefir, preferably raw) MAY be ok occasionally if not dairy sensitive, but dairy contributes to dampness in the body. |
Additives & Preservatives | Anything you can’t pronounce on a food label = trouble. |
Conventional Meats & Eggs | Use only grass-fed and wild meat products, free-range eggs and chickens. Non-organic animal proteins contain antibiotics and steroids that contribute to inflammation. |
Alcohol | Sugar in the alcohol (wine, beer, spirits) is greatly loved by candida albicans, so don’t feed the beast! |
Over-use of coffee | coffee is acidic, depletes minerals and thins the gut lining. Use green teas and herbal teas. |
Chocolate | The sugar along with the fermentation process feeds the Candida, so avoid chocolate during the diet (sorry). |
Fruits | Absolutely no fruit juices of any kind. Avoid the higher sugar tropical fruits. Berries, green apple, citrus are OK |
Gluten & Grains | Avoid anything made from wheat, rye, barley, and oats. Avoid corn. |
Peanuts | Peanuts carry a mold called aflatoxin that contributes to toxins in the body. |
Condiments, kombucha, and YEAST in any form | Condiments (chutneys, mustards, preserves, ketchup, relishes, vinegar, bottled dressings, etc.) tend to be high in sugars, corn syrup and preservatives. Vinegars feed yeast. Kombucha is fermented and aggravates yeast overgrowth. |
Kill it
Along with the diet, you’ll need to take herbs to kill off excess candida. You can start the diet and the herbs at the same time. The main supplement you use should contain all or most of the following: caprylic acid or undecenoic acid, pau d’arco, berberine, grapefruit seed extract, zinc, biotin, olive leaf extract. I like GI Microbe X and Biocidin, but I adjust the formulas depending on the person. Check out my free protocol here.
In addition, take oregano oil in capsule form– it’s a natural antibacterial and is relatively sparing of your good bacteria. I recommend using allicillin too. Lately I’ve had great success using this undercylenic acid formula, which you can use with any combination of oregano, garlic, and a compounded herbal product. Take the herbs three times daily for 4-6 weeks. The dose also depends on the person and how they tolerate the herbs.
If you’ve tried to get rid of candida before unsuccessfully, you may need to rotate between different anti-candida products. Candida builds up a fast resistance to herbs. You can rotate between GI Microbe X, Olive leaf extract, oregano oil, and undecylenic acid.Do this rotation plan if you’ve tried unsuccessfully in the past to kill it off. Typically 1-2 weeks taking the supplement three times daily, then rotate to the next product. You may need to rotate through all the products 2-3 times.
I also include a biofilm buster in my protocols, for difficult cases and always for the initial month.Biofilms act as a protective shield around yeast and other microorganisms, making it even more challenging to eradicate the yeast, because the anti-fungals/antibiotic herbs cannot get through biofilm matrix. This is how yeast protects itself from being destroyed. I use this biofilm buster prior to and alongside my herbal protocols. I also recommend NAC for biofilms, especially if the person is sensitive to eggs (Interfase Plus contains egg whites).
Also, try some stress relief during this phase: meditation, yoga classes, walking, gardening, whatever relaxes and rejuvenates you. You may also use aloe to soothe the gut lining if there is inflammation. A digestive enzyme will help you break down food and excess toxins as the candida dies off. Drinking aloe juice is soothing to the gut and helps kill candida. It is absolutely essential to address stress and unhealthy lifestyle factors that contribute to yeast and dysbiosis.
A Word of Warning
Some people will feel worse before they feel better. If you fee achy, flu-like, or nauseous, you could be reacting to the yeast dying off, which overwhelms your body and your liver detox pathways. This is called a herxheimer reaction. Try a liver support tincture or cut the supplements in half or stop them and gradually start back up again. I also recommend activated charcoal or a binder to help rid the body of toxins as candida is killed. Try this supplement at night with a full glass of water. Read my post on preventing die-off here.
Stay motivated and imagine – you could be a different person in 8 weeks! Free from cravings, more energy, and on your way to losing all the weight you want.
Reinoculate the Gut with Beneficial Microbes
Once you’re finished with the killing phase, it’s time to reinoculate the gut with good bacteria and starve out any remaining yeast overgrowth. Use a very good quality probiotic, preferably with Saccharomyces boulardii,for 4-8 weeks. You can also use Saccharomyces boulardiiduring the killing phase, but take it away from the herbs. You’ll likely need to take a probiotic for 3 months. I recommend rotating between different brands so you’re not taking the same strains continuously. Saccharomyces and lactobacillus are the two important probiotic species that keep yeast colonies in check.
I used to recommend waiting until after the kill phase to begin probiotics, but many people feel better taking them during the entire program, especially if you have very poor gut bacteria diversity. Typically first thing in the AM and right before bed is the best time to take probiotics away from the herbs.
Rebuilding your microbiome to prevent reinfection is the most important factor in preventing candida recurrence. Candida thrives in an unhealthy gut with poor bacterial diversity. A healthy gut biome depends on getting plenty of prebiotic vegetables to feed your gut bacteria. Your favorable gut bacteria depend on vegetables and fibers (and legumes, if you can handle them) of all kinds for probiotic diversity, so don’t stop with a probiotic and call it a day. Your diet is crucial! Read more about how to feed your microbiome here.
You can also focus on leaky gut repair during this phase. Consider food allergy testing to determine any foods that can be contributing to inflammation; eliminating such foods can speed healing.
Don’t miss my free candida training series! (press here to watch).
Once you’re feeling better and the overgrowth is gone, consider a liver detox. One of the reasons yeast overgrowth can result in acne, rashes, and feeling poorly overall is that the aldehydes, the toxic by-products produced by the yeast, overwhelm your detox system. Once you’ve killed it off, which is another stress on the liver, consider a 21 day detox program to help clean up after the unwanted visitors leave. Click here for my recommended program.
Could You Have a Parasite?
Leaky Gut Repair
The Yeast Connection
Great resource on kicking candida for good
The 6 Biggest Mistakes in Treating Candida Overgrowth
Want Help Kicking Candida FOR GOOD?
Check out the Candida MasterClass which is a self-study course you can start right away. This is a 6 week course with 6 modules, protocols, recipes, and tons of resources to help you kick candida for good AND heal your gut. Click here for more details, and read past participants’ glowing testimonials!
Pin it!
Mary Vance (Certified Nutrition Consultant)
Mary Vance is a Certified Nutrition Consultant and author specializing in digestive health. She combines a science-based approach with natural therapies to rebalance the body. In addition to her 1:1 coaching, she offers courses to help you heal your gut and improve your health. Mary lives in San Francisco and Lake Tahoe in Northern California. Read more about her coaching practice here and her background here.
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Katie on 25 November, 2013 at 11:27 pm
Mary, What is it about vinegar that contributes to yeast overgrowth? I find sour tastes dull my desire for sweets.
Thanks for having a post that actually describes why you should avoid all the other foods. So many descriptions of the anti yeast diet only list the foods you should avoid not why.🙂
admin on 26 November, 2013 at 4:11 pm
Vinegar is made with a yeast culture that can contribute to candida and inflammation. Apple cider vinegar is the one exception– it is beneficial for killing off yeast and helping the body detox.
Dani on 3 December, 2013 at 2:17 pm
Is this diet safe if you’re pregnant or trying to fall pregnant?admin on 3 December, 2013 at 2:19 pm
Yes, you can follow the diet if you’re pregnant or TTC, but do not take any of the herbs. A probiotic is safe (the plain BioKult, NOT the BioKult with the anti-candida herbs). Or another general probiotic.
Jenn on 29 December, 2013 at 10:04 am
Can I continue to take my other supplements during this “cleanse” (multi-vitamin, Vitamin D3, Magnesium Glycinate, CoQ10, Fish OIl and Calm ES – they are all organic, whole food supplements)?
I read and would like to follow your natural ways for overcoming depression as years of medications have not helped, but didn’t know if one should be done before the other or if they could be done in succession.
Thank you.
admin on 29 December, 2013 at 2:07 pm
You can, but you may want to cut out anything that’s not absolutely essential (for example, just take a multi, vitamin D, fish oil) because it’s a lot of stuff to take at once and a lot for the body to process.
Kristin on 22 January, 2014 at 4:27 pm
What a helpful article! I have never seen a plan laid out in this order or described so simply.
I have a question: I make cultured vegetables and raw milk kefir. Are these okay to keep consuming while on the killing phase with the herbs?
Mindy on 22 January, 2014 at 8:36 pm
Hi, Mary. I will echo the above poster’s sentiments: I appreciate the explanation. I am a person who wants to understand the WHY! 🙂
I am not quite clear on the time frames for this protocol. Do you recommend 6-8 weeks on the starve/kill portion, and an additional 8 weeks on the suffocate phase? I am planning on starting within a few days.
Are there recipes or ideas for menus to follow while on this protocol?
Thank you!
admin on 23 January, 2014 at 5:12 pm
If you are ok with dairy, then yes! The probiotics can certainly help, even in the killing phase.
admin on 23 January, 2014 at 5:15 pm
It depends so much on the person, which is why these are loose recs. Typically 6-8 weeks in the killing phase with herbs, then around 4-8 weeks of probiotic replacement. You need to repopulate the gut after killing off the bad guys. Following a paleo type diet is the best course of action, so google around for paleo recipes. The Balanced Bites 21 day sugar detox cookbook is a wonderful resource:*trc-20
Susie on 24 January, 2014 at 3:07 pm
I had no idea that kombucha could feed candida! Do you know if the same is true for water kefir? We drink both, but I recently went on vacation and accidentally killed my water kefir grains so we’ve been doing just kombucha. Wondering if I should switch to just water kefir.
admin on 24 January, 2014 at 6:24 pm
Water kefir will not feed candida– different cultures.
Mindy on 26 January, 2014 at 4:07 pm
Thanks for that info! I am beginning the cleanse today, and am enjoying transforming my kitchen into a whole foods pharmacy.
Do you recommend tomatoes on this protocol? And is there anything specific you recommend for combating symptoms of die-off?
Thank you very much.
admin on 26 January, 2014 at 8:15 pm
Mindy, some hard core candida protocols prohibit tomatoes, but I think it’s strict enough as is, so I’m not too picky. The important thing to to avoid sugars and booze. Stick to a paleo type plan with plenty of coconut oil and good fats. For die-off, as I mention, try liver support and also freshly grated ginger root tea helps. Hot water with lemon. Good luck!
joumana on 24 February, 2014 at 10:58 pm
very helpful and clear article. I actually present all theses symptoms and I am wondering if I start the diet should i stop my birth control pill (serazette), and my acne control medication (aldactone 25mg/day) as well or not please?Thank you 🙂
admin on 24 February, 2014 at 11:49 pm
I cannot give you advice about any medications or supplements you are taking unless you are a client of mine.
Christi S on 28 February, 2014 at 2:04 pm
Since you have said that the time on the starve/kill phase varies, can you explain how to tell when a person is done? Also does the no chocolate include cocoa powder? I have a recipe for “skinny chocolate” that uses unsweetened cocoa powder, coconut oil and stevia that I enjoy.
Thanks so much for your help!
admin on 28 February, 2014 at 2:06 pm
The easiest way to tell if the bugs are killed off is when your symptoms subside (usually 4-8 weeks, typically 6 is enough). If they don’t, it means there is something else going on. I would switch to carob over cocoa powder while you are doing this program.
Trista on 2 April, 2014 at 12:17 am
Wow what great information!! I have been to so many doctors dealing with my problems for over 2 years now. I think I just read my symptoms and found out what my problem is. Why wouldn’t the doctors even mention this?? Frustrates me a bit!! I love so much of the foods that have been mentioned in the not good for you column. Going to be tough getting through this but I would love to feel the way I did back in the day when I wasn’t going through this!! Thanks for the great read!!
Sarah on 2 April, 2014 at 10:36 pm
What is your opinion on rice while trying to kill candida? Also, are low-sugar fruits (such as watermelon) okay to consume in moderation?
J Buko on 15 April, 2014 at 8:19 pm
Ok so I am a nursing mom. I stopped sugar and gluten in Dec. In Feb I developed thrush in my nipples (had no idea what it was since baby was cutting teeth I thought I was getting teeth burn) when it spread I was shocked. I take renew life probiotics 30 billion. I think this is a result of my emergency c-section and the prescriptions that followed. I started taking oregano oil and upped my probiotics and then did a diet lik ethe one you suggest for 2 weeks and I was going a little mad bc I was not getting enough to eat. The candida got worse I had to get a nystatin cream else my nipples would have fallen off. Now it is spreading. It’s in my arm pits and my skin is just itching all over. Is this the candida trying to leave my body or am I just so invaded by it that it’s taking over? I don’t drink. I do eat chocolate organic non alkali dark I make with agave and coconut oil. I stopped honey. I will be going back to the diet you suggest above.
.lindsey on 23 April, 2014 at 5:33 pm
buckwheat bread can u av that as it has yeast in,,,trying to sort a diet out for yeast overgrowth,looked ingredients up and it contains yeast….anyone know if you can kill yeast with just diet or do i need caprylic or somthing as well….also read on a website no black tea or coffee,,,,what the heck am i guna do,,,meats and veg and fish thats it what cud i fill up on……
john on 12 June, 2014 at 11:40 pm
Must a take the herbs to kill it or if I follow diet it will die?
admin on 13 June, 2014 at 9:21 am
Diet is usually not enough– you must also take the herbs. Candida is hard to kill off.
Kevin on 20 June, 2014 at 1:40 am
Great post!! Are almonds ok to eat while on this diet? And if so, what about Almond butter? It has 2g Sugar per serving, but the only ingredient is “roasted almonds”.
Thanks for the info!!
-KevinRaia on 23 June, 2014 at 2:39 pm
Great post, thank you for sharing. 🙂 I was wondering if you have any tips on how to tell if you’re having an allergic reaction to coconut oil, or just going through a massive amount of die-off from eating it… Also, is it ok to consume honey while trying to kill of candida?
Becky @ Rooted Blessings on 23 June, 2014 at 4:15 pm
This is as great post. What do you recommend for a 4 year old that I can’t get to drink ACV or bone broth. I can give her good probiotics, but only in apple sauce. I’m trying to keep her away from dairy so plain yogurt is out of the question. I’m thinking about diatomaceous earth in smoothies in case there is any kind of parasitic infection. Thoughts?
Sandra Knox on 24 June, 2014 at 10:59 pm
CAn I use honey, and what about sweet potatoes?
Inna Zaretsky on 25 June, 2014 at 3:38 pm
I just started a group for people who are on Candida Diet. Please join as and share your experience. I am hoping we can support each other and see what works on 26 June, 2014 at 7:23 pm
Becky, sorry I don’t have suggestions– I don’t work with children at all, only adults!
admin on 26 June, 2014 at 7:23 pm
The fewer sweeteners you use, the better. Sweet potatoes and starchy root vegetables are fine unless they cause bloating.
Sharon on 27 June, 2014 at 5:25 pm
Hi I just found out I had candida but not a bad case. I’ve been following this diet manly eating fresh veggies, plan yogurt, and mint herbal tea but I notice my stomach will hurt from time to time is this because it’s dieing?
Michael Evans on 14 July, 2014 at 8:46 am
Hi, your site is great the instructions very clear, I’ve looked everywhere for this information so thank you first of all. I have occasional atrial fibrillation and I’m considering taking taurine and l-arginine supplements to prevent it and I wanted to ask if you think I should get rid of the candida first which I think is linked to the af. Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, kind regards. Mike.
Kelly p on 20 July, 2014 at 6:23 pm
Hey thanx for the article! As far as canida overgrowth my only symptoms is yucky nail fungus and sweet craving which is the devil. I’m taking Candigone and just started Acidophilus supplements. I’m losing weight bc of the no carbs and I want to know if u can suggest any grains. I read potato bread was ok is this true. About how long do u estimate my gut to heal?
Oran on 21 July, 2014 at 4:45 pm
I have all symptoms of candida. I took antibiotic in high levels . Augmentin for 2 weeks . And did a stool test that come negative. And blood test was positive. What to do? How i know if i have candida?
Thabk youMelloman on 2 August, 2014 at 1:39 am
I suspect I have Candida. My question is this:I eat Organic Brown Rice with some greens all wrapped in a tortilla. The tortilla is the only unnatural thing I eat. Also, I just started taking one spoon of Virgin coconut and one spoon of Apple cider vinegar a day.
Is there a sauce (any at all) that is safe to use on food?
Is it safe to eat the virgin coconut oil raw and straight off the spoon?
Will the Tortilla foil my chances of taking out the candida?
Thanks so much for your response!Ashley on 24 August, 2014 at 10:15 am
Is this diet safe while nursing?
admin on 25 August, 2014 at 4:58 pm
yes, just make sure you’re not cutting calories while breast feeding (a common mistake when people cut out foods)
Erica on 12 September, 2014 at 2:20 am
Hi Mary,
I am convinced that I now have candida. I have many of the symptoms including the most recent, perioral dermatitis. I have done everything to try to help the symptoms of this but nothing has helped. I am very excited to start the starving phase! I want to feel good again.
Can I eat raw almond butter? No sugar added…
Also, it pointless to take probiotics during the kill it phase?
Thanks for your help and great explanation on this topic.
Patty on 12 September, 2014 at 10:26 am
This post is so helpful! Thank you! I’ve been following for about 2 weeks, and feel so much better. My question is, are FCLO, and coconut aminos ok?
Jiawona on 19 September, 2014 at 1:33 pm
I am soooo excited I came across this article and I am even more excited that you are taking the time out to answer questions. Bless your soul! I have suffered from chronic Yeast infections. The last doctor I saw suggested attacking it vagin*lly ( 7 day cream) and by mouth (duflucan for 6 weeks to prevent) And I must say it did work but only for about 3 months 🙁 …. I would just like to know which treatment would you highly recommend? I was told taken 4-5 cloves of garlic a day ( which i can not do i work around people).. I was told do organic plain yogurt mixed with probiotics and eject it. Also do raw unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar with water and douche with that. and after either one make sure i stay consistent with taking a large intake of probiotics. Please help I am at my wits end…
Heather on 10 October, 2014 at 11:07 am
Hello! I was wondering is this entire protocol safe while breastfeeding. My baby is exclusively breastfed. I have heard that it is not advisable to do any detoxing while nursing. I have a strong feeling I have Candida and am having test done with the doctor next week, but before I start the program I want to be sure that what I am doing is safe for my baby. Isn’t it true that toxins can be released into the breast milk? Any advice would be great! Thank you so much!
admin on 10 October, 2014 at 12:48 pm
You can follow the diet (though make sure not to restrict calories) and you can take probiotics and eat fermented foods to crowd out the yeast, but do not take any herbs while you’re breastfeeding.
Mandy Irvine on 10 October, 2014 at 3:35 pm
Hi Mary! I wanted to see what your thoughts are about eating beans during the candida diet. Some people say to steer clear where others say that they’re okay.
Adam on 13 October, 2014 at 10:59 pm
I’ve been able to eat fruit and succefully control candida from it. I’m guessing it’s the detoxing properties of fruit
marcie on 27 October, 2014 at 8:11 pm
Good luck with the routine / cleanse! I’m a bit confused though, on the dark chocolate. Since it contains sugar, how is it allowed? I’ve done so many Candida cleanses, and the one I keep going back to is the Lady Soma Candida Cleanse – it gets me regular and I have seen the best results with this supplement. I keep trying new things, but the Lady Soma is definitely my favorite. I’d much rather do the cleanse while eating dark chocolate!
nejc on 10 November, 2014 at 4:44 am
Hey, my mom has candida…but we are not sure, we are just assuming that she has it because of the sympthoms (there are no official tests to confirm in Slovenia). After self-diagnossis the started a diet (very extreme one, she only ate vegetables and stuff), she started to loose weight very fast. She went from ~60kg to 50. She visited many differend doctors, but none was able to help her. 2 months after she started with the diet she suffers from severe pain in stomach, bladder and vagin*l area. Because of the pain she cant sleep all the night and she is slowly giving up, can you please give us some advice on how to get her better?
Thank you for the answers.Crystal on 13 November, 2014 at 2:03 am
Hi, how long will the herxheimer reaction last. I have done different detoxes over the last several years, but have always had this reaction being on about day 2 or 3. Sometimes I push through another day or so, but then give up. I didn’t realize this is a normal reaction until reading your article.
admin on 13 November, 2014 at 11:44 am
It depends on the person and how bad the infection is. I usually tell people who have reactions to start slowly and ease into the protocol and do plenty of liver support (ginger teas, liver supportive herbs) to make sure you’re assisting your body in ridding itself of the candida bugs and toxins they emit.
shonda on 14 November, 2014 at 3:03 pm
Do you think there is validity in the Blood Type Diet? I seem to be doing better because of it. I’ve been trying to get rid of candida for 6+ months (had it for over 10 years, just didn’t know what was causing all of my issues). I’m blood type A and the Blood Type Diet suggests that I should be a vegetarian. I can eat some chicken/turkey and specific fish are highly beneficial to me also. I tried Paleo without good results, but I’ve tried many diets for 6+ months at a time without good results, probably because they all allowed some foods that I should not have been eating with Candida Overgrowth (confirmed by blood by my doctor). Just wondering….would you mind sharing your blood type? I’m on a quest to see if this blood type thing is true. Scientifically it really makes sense. So I’ve combined my blood type diet with a Candida Diet/Protocol to see if it will make a difference this time. Oh, but first I need to complete the removal of my dental mercury amalgams too. Thanks for any feedback you might have from any of your or your patients experiences.
Romi on 15 November, 2014 at 8:21 pm
Hello Mary! I don’t see cornmeal mentioned here. Is blue corn and or polenta ok? Grits?
admin on 16 November, 2014 at 11:36 am
No, no corn (which is a grain and a digestive irritant) is allowed.
riche on 3 December, 2014 at 2:31 am
Hi mary! I have this re-occuring yeast infection more than 4times it started last year 2013 when I started taking an antibiotic prescribed by a doctor and started to take a pill by myself and few days after this infection occur until now I tried so many and a bunch of anti biotic and suppositories but non of them really made this candida die its just like a relief whenever I take those prescription. And until now im still suffering on it. I just wish it was really easy killing this fungus off.
Diana Duhaime on 11 December, 2014 at 9:59 am
Hello. I am so grareful to find this site! I have been feeling very alone and frustrated to desperate levels.
About 9 months ago, i camd to Costa Rica to continue to heal my body, mind and spirit after dealing with late stage Lyme disease and the Plethora of antibiotics I took for over a year…just to get out of the drain I was circling.
I accompanied the antibiotics (several – 5 or 6 – heavy hitters at a time) with Chinese Herbs, my usual vitamin supplements and teas. When I lost my home, my possesions, my business, my friends, my animals…I could no longer afford any of it, I jumped on a plane and came here.
I basically went cold turkey from all the antibiotics…AND the probiotic I had relied on to keep me afloat and “healthy”. After about 8 weeks…I began to notice drastic differences in my overall wellbeing. Even though I was practicing Auyerveda…my body was going through shock and combined with the ultimate in bacterial growth and bombardment here…I was headed for certain trouble.
Access to what I need it tough, though, after reafing this…it’s attainable.
I feel very weakened by the last several months (got into some bad water about 6 months ago…) and am just grasping at the knot in the end of my rope!!
I have been experiencing huge distress, foul smelling gas, leaky -greasy bile, fatigue, headaches, ssugar cravings, irritability, all of the symptoms you describe and then some. (The uncontrollable leaky bile has been the “worst” though, has diminished after a round of antibiotics and probiotic). Now, i experience constant, foul smelling gas and soft, smelly, bacterial infested stools…and great weakness and instability in my balance.
With the belief that I might also have Dengue…I began a regimine of Coconut water, clove, apple cider vinegar, Papaya Juice, for the past few days. I have been gluten free for almost two yrs..though, have “cheated” on a couple of occasions. Not worth it. I also, realize now, that I must stay away from all grains.
What else do you suggest?!?admin on 14 December, 2014 at 2:21 pm
Hi Diane, please contact me through the contact page if you’d like to set an appointment. thanks
Jo on 16 December, 2014 at 7:40 am
This is a very useful summary. Thank you! I’m vegan and have been following a strict anti-candida diet (including only a limited amount of non-gluten whole grains and beans), zero fruit, three square meals a day, lots of garlic, diatomaceous earth, teas, caprylic acid….i had some die-off periods, but i haven’t noticed much difference in the way i feel…more tired, i guess. haven’t lost a single pound, even with so many restrictions. this is starting to frustrate and demotivate me…any advice? thank you,
joadmin on 16 December, 2014 at 1:28 pm
Jo, it may be that you’re not eating the right foods for your physiology (veganism isn’t right for everyone), or there are other bacterial overgrowths present.
Vicki on 28 December, 2014 at 1:51 am
This is such a useful article. Just a few questions- are seeds okay? (Pumpkin, sesame, flax). What kind of spices are okay to use? Salt, pepper, ??
admin on 29 December, 2014 at 3:02 pm
Seeds are fine. Many herbs and spices, like garlic, ginger, cumin, fennel are great for both combatting candida and supporting digestion.
Kristian on 3 January, 2015 at 3:55 pm
Can you have a Candida overgrowth after you had unprotected oral sex with a woman? My girlfriend says she feels fine and I have Candida symptoms, which appeared after our activities. It first started with a balanitis (August 2014), but it evolved and as months passed by, more symptoms appeared: brain fog, throat problems, recurring balanitis (even though I used creams) etc.
It is also true that I had a really unhealthy diet & (with a lot of alcohol, sweets & processed foods) and really stressed myself these months about a deathly illness, plus anal itching which I never really started to worry about up until now, but these Candida symptoms never kicked in before the episodes with my girlfriend. Is it possible for her to be healthy and Candida overgrowth-free, yet infect me during an oral sex? I would really like some opinions, even though I am gonna see a new dermatologist the next week.
I would really like to get rid of this symptoms and I am super-close of starting a diet, yet I am gonna wait until I see the doctor, as the other ones before didn’t really helped me. Thanks in advance for any answer to my problem.
caryn on 12 January, 2015 at 1:51 pm
your link to caprylic acid goes to a thorne product for undecylenic acid. which one do you recommend and why?
admin on 12 January, 2015 at 7:37 pm
Undecylenic acid works better.
caryn on 13 January, 2015 at 8:39 am
does it matter if the anti-fungals are in pill form or drops? the drops have alcohol in them and i’m wondering if the candida would feed off of the alcohol.
Raya on 8 February, 2015 at 4:32 pm
Hi Mary! Thanks again for all the great info. Im re-reading all and adjusting my program per your recommendations. I’d cut out all starches completely but then saw the note (which i cant find again to cite) about how candida can feed off something that is created when youre not getting any starch. So, even in the killing phase, do you recommend a bit of low FODMAP starch- like potatoes w skins, GF grains, etc? And what about brown rice? Thanks!!
admin on 8 February, 2015 at 7:51 pm
I absolutely do not recommend cutting out all starch or starchy veggies. Just no added sugars. Gluten free grains are optional (rice, quinoa) but harder to digest. It also depends heavily on the person.
Alexis on 10 February, 2015 at 11:41 pm
Hi thank you so much for this great post! I was just wondering if it’s okay to eat vegan mac and cheese as well as peas?
Ben on 11 February, 2015 at 1:52 am
I am just becoming aware that i have a candida overgrowth as i have all the symptoms: itchy skin, growly stomach, stool issues, and just recently took acidophilis and got pretty sick for a few hours and felt considerably better afterwards. is that enough you think to diagnose myself? i have had the excess mucous on stools in the past and present and haven’t really thought it could be candida.
Raya on 11 February, 2015 at 11:54 pm
Mary, one more question for now so that when i hire you to consult i will be able to report on having done what you recommend so far.
You suggest rotating between the various antifungals to combat candida’s power of resistance. Do you mean rotate day to day, or like a week at a time of each to build them up in the system before changing to another? (I currently have four to work with from your list.)
Thank you!admin on 12 February, 2015 at 11:49 am
Usually rotate a different one in after 4-5 days.
Leanna on 24 February, 2015 at 1:59 pm
I recently read a chart that discussed 5 stages of candida overgrowth. I identify with a LARGE percentage of the symptoms through stage 4 and about 3 symptoms in stage 5. I am still regularly breastfeeding my 1 year old. Once the candida is dying off and the detox is taking place, can the toxins and all the nasty stuff be passed through the breast milk to the baby?
Hannah on 28 February, 2015 at 7:38 pm
Would milk thistle work for liver support?
admin on 1 March, 2015 at 1:13 pm
Yes, but I often recommend a combination of herbs in addition to milk thistle:
jessica on 14 April, 2015 at 8:32 pm
I suffer from frequent vagin*l yeast infections could I do the the cleanse and still breastfeeding?
admin on 15 April, 2015 at 11:23 am
You can follow the diet, but do not take any supplements (except for a probiotic), and make sure you are not restricting calories. You can take diatomaceous earth while breast feeding:
zee on 8 May, 2015 at 10:04 am
pls I need your help. I have been surfering from candida from the past seven years but no cure. have been hospitals but when it is cured then it comes back again . so please help me.
Izzy on 19 May, 2015 at 2:47 am
I’m crying. I’ve been on a candida cleanse by christna that’s her name and the program is amazing. I haven’t followed the carbs thing very strictly. My dad has gotten rid of it I haven’t. I’ve been on it for 11 weeks, should’ve just been 8 weeks. It’s soon summer and it sucks because it probably won’t be gone and I won’t be able to eat fruits such as watermelon or strawberry. I think my thyroid is having problems I have a big rash there and I haven’t lost weight and I’m tired all the time and apparently that can be a thyroid problem. I’m literally hopeless right now and I get more stressed because it’s not working. I HATE MY BODY! It sucks.
admin on 19 May, 2015 at 3:31 pm
I’m sorry to hear about your struggles. I’d recommend working with a practitioner to help you. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to self diagnose and treat.
Catherine on 18 June, 2015 at 3:55 pm
I find this so confusing, so many products I’ve never heard of and where do you look for them, can you outline steps from day one on through the 8 weeks, must be the candida fuzz brain but I don’t know where to start apart from cutting out all sugar, I’m sugar free anyway don’t like sweet foods, wheat oats and dairy free, I eat organic eggs and meat, so what do you advise?
admin on 18 June, 2015 at 8:08 pm
You can contact info (at) maryvancenc (dot) come if you’d like to set up a consult for guidance.
Frank on 20 June, 2015 at 2:31 pm
Actually oat bran does not contribute to it.
Nonfat, no sugar greek yogurts seems to be a good probiotic?
What about nuts, walnuts, almonds as they seem to always bring it out.
admin on 22 June, 2015 at 12:38 pm
Oat bran may to contribute to yeast overgrowth oer se, but it may cause inflammation in those with compromised digestion, and GI inflammation makes any dysbiosis worse. Non fat yogurts are not recommended because many don’t tolerate dairy, and non fat foods are not whole foods, having been stripped of their fat (which is essential for absorbing fat soluble nutrients).
ally on 25 June, 2015 at 4:58 pm
Hi Mary,
Is Stevia allowed on the Candida cleanse? Thanks and best.
admin on 25 June, 2015 at 5:09 pm
stevia is fine unless it makes you crave more sugar (which is unpleasant)
Chris on 28 June, 2015 at 9:33 am
Hi. I’ve been thinking of trying Interfase Plus but in the ingredients list it has cellulase and I read that cellulase actually feeds the candida so you end up in a vicious cycle. Can you tell me if this is true please? I’m so confused! Thanks x
Michael on 29 June, 2015 at 12:59 pm
Is Almond milk okay to drink?
admin on 29 June, 2015 at 10:58 pm
Unless you’re allergic to almonds, yes.
admin on 29 June, 2015 at 10:58 pm
I have never heard that.
Jacob on 6 July, 2015 at 5:58 pm
Fantastic website!!!
Thank you for all the great info!
Kari on 17 July, 2015 at 11:27 pm
Quick question, i have seen a lot of controversy about vegetable carbs and i notice that it isnt clarafied here. What about white potatoes, sweet potatoes, and quinoa?
Is squash something that could work in place of grains as a sort of carb? Or is spaghetti squash and Butternut squash to carby and sugary for this diet?
Thank you for so much good info!admin on 18 July, 2015 at 11:55 am
It depends on the person. Usually potatoes/sweet potatoes and root vegetables are fine.
Joy on 28 July, 2015 at 11:27 am
Great information! I am following all of it and using biocidin (bio-botanical research) to kill the yeast.. Also LivaPlex (standard process) and liver cleanse (gaia herbs) to support the liver. But my question has to do with chocolate. I am wondering about Lilly’s chocolate bar made with stevia. Not sure what you mean by the fermentation process re chocolate. Since I don’t drink coffee or green tea, I use chocolate to feel less tired. Am thinking of melting cocoa nibs and adding stevia as an alternative to the Lilly’s bar. Any thoughts?
admin on 28 July, 2015 at 11:37 am
That sounds fine.
Chana on 30 July, 2015 at 10:25 pm
Hi. I’m a vegetarian and the only grains that I consume are millet ,buckwheat ,quinoa ,white rice and amaranth. (No soy ,wheat lor corn) Once in a while I eat oats .¿ Can I eat this at the killing face or not ?if not ?when can I reintroduce them. ? Also I only consume fish once a week and eggs once a week too. ¿Can I eat lentils ,check peas and beans the other 5 days ? Thanks.
admin on 31 July, 2015 at 11:33 am
It’s difficult for me to tell you what you should be eating without knowing your symptoms and health history. Many people with digestive issues don’t do well on grains and legumes, which could make GI inflammation worse. If you’re a vegetarian however, you’ll need legumes, buckwheat, and quinoa for protein.
Becky on 16 August, 2015 at 4:16 pm
The Bio-film buster you recommended says 2-8 capsules/daily. How many are you suggesting? I’ve had candida a very long time.
Thank you.Becky on 16 August, 2015 at 7:06 pm
Sorry, I forgot to ask. You say to rotate the herbs, rotate every day? Take a different one each day Or take one on a weekly basis before using a different one the next week?
Thanks.admin on 17 August, 2015 at 1:13 pm
I usually recommend 2 two-three times a day.
admin on 17 August, 2015 at 1:16 pm
For rotation I recommend taking 1 herb a few times daily for 4-5 days, then rotating in a different one. I’ve recommended this using 4 different herbs: grapefruit seed extract, pau d’arco, oil of oregano, and the thorne formula.
Rebecca on 22 August, 2015 at 3:21 pm
Can diatomaceous earth be used as a biofilm buster or should you use both DE and interface plus?
Thank you so much for the information you’ve shared.admin on 22 August, 2015 at 4:53 pm
Ideally both, but DE is a good biofilm buster.
Rebecca on 22 August, 2015 at 5:20 pm
Some protocols say to leave out all fermented foods in the beginning, yours says to include. Will fermented foods aid in restoring gut balance quicker with including from the beginning? I am just learning how to make fermented foods and incorporate into our menus. The only fermented food we are familiar with and eat fairly regularly is lacto fermented salsa-which we find incredibly delicious.
Thank you again for this information and your quick responses!?Kari on 25 August, 2015 at 9:22 am
I am currently taking Oracea (antibiotic) for cystic acne. Is it safe to continue with a once/daily dose while doing the 14 Day Candida Clear cleanse? I’m hesitant to discontinue the antibiotics in fear that I will continue to break out….
admin on 25 August, 2015 at 12:45 pm
You’d have to check with your prescribing physician.
Rebecca on 6 September, 2015 at 4:24 pm
It’s okay to eat fermented foods from the beginning? So many other protocols say to avoid.
TD on 22 September, 2015 at 3:46 pm
Candida is NOT a real thing – see
admin on 22 September, 2015 at 3:59 pm
I’d like for you to explain that to the hundreds of thousands of people out there with recurrent yeast infections, brain fog, and fatigue who have regained their lives by taking anti-fungal/anti-microbial herbs and other therapies to kill off excess candida. Science-based medicine can surely always be trusted without critical questioning, right? After all, it’s approved the use of numerous drugs like Vioxx that have caused over 60,000 deaths.
Christy on 2 October, 2015 at 2:22 pm
Great Post!
How do you feel about candida cleanse products? They claim to assist in detox.
I was considering a purchase with DE in hopes to rid myself of the apparent overgrowth I’m sure to have. 1 yr ago dx with CDiff and given flagyl after other antibiotics and rounds of steroids.admin on 2 October, 2015 at 6:46 pm
Depends. Some of the kits are OK, but often they don’t include enough herbs for the duration most people need.
Daria on 6 October, 2015 at 4:55 pm
Can you eat cashew butter or peanut butter? They say because of the mold it’s not allowed. Others say it’s ok.
admin on 6 October, 2015 at 6:40 pm
It depends on the person. Some people have a mold sensitivity, in which case they don’t do well on peanut butter. Cashew butter is fine.
Adri on 12 October, 2015 at 4:15 pm
Is raw, unfiltered honey safe to use during the whole process? I know it has anti fungal properties, but it is a sugar, so I wasn’t sure if I could or not.
admin on 12 October, 2015 at 4:34 pm
The less sweetener you use, the better. Stick to xylitol or stevia, which don’t feed yeast.
Orion on 15 October, 2015 at 12:30 pm
The link to apple cider vinegar (ACV) is for the correct kind, but in the article and in some of the comments people are referring to it simply as apple cider vinegar which can be misleading. You want RAW, UNPASTEURIZED, UNFILTERED apple cider vinegar. The “Braggs” brand is the best kind.
Also I think it’s a good idea to use a mixture of plant antifungals, to prevent candida from becoming resistant. Especially if you’re looking at a long term period of cleansing.
Janice on 28 October, 2015 at 1:47 pm
Hi Mary, I have gotten everything you said to to start the Candida program but I have a couple of questions. How many times a day to I take the herbs a day and how many each time? Also is the Saccharomyces boulardii considered a probiotic or should I be taking a probiotic also and if so which one do you recommend?
admin on 29 October, 2015 at 11:26 am
Typically 3x/day, 1-3 depending on the herb and the person. Yes, the Sac B is a probiotic.
Ranbir Parmar on 7 November, 2015 at 11:39 pm
Hi Mary, Please suggest me best probiotics brand. Thank you so much.
admin on 9 November, 2015 at 3:33 pm
Check out this post:
Lisa on 9 November, 2015 at 7:48 pm
Thank you for all the info. As a breastfeeding mother I’m going to start small with no carbs/sugar and DE. I know sugar is my problem.
I want to encourage all of those with these symptoms to test for lymes as well. It doesn’t always come from a tick. The tests suck (lots of false negatives) so take activated charcoal before hand to get better results. My sister went misdiagnosed for years and has horrible mental illness from it. Showed up after taking charcoal.
Bbtg on 9 December, 2015 at 4:56 pm
Hi Mary,
I have starved the yeast, now taking probiotics and still having trouble pooping.
It seems like 2-3 days and long and huge. Hurts to point of bleeding.
I started in August, lost 40 lbs. Feel great except for the pooping. I don’t seem to get constipation pains have little gas or bloating.
Not sure what to do?Mary Vance, NC on 9 December, 2015 at 5:40 pm
melody on 17 December, 2015 at 3:35 pm
Your’re article is great but you are missing emphasis on one thing. VOCAL HOARSENESS caused by an overgrowth of candida is a major problem and I am living proof. I am a singer and could not understand why i was constantly hoarse and straining my voice every time i opened my mouth to sing and even speak.
I went to a throat doctor and there was a yeast infection in my vocal chords which lead me to realize the overgrowth of yeast I had in my entire body. I killed it off with probiotics and a two week prescription of diflucan, which was extremely PAINFUL as it was killing off the yeast. I am now looking to continue my candia fighting diet in everyday life and this article is amazing you seriously NAILED it in one shot..
xo – Melody
Tara on 4 January, 2016 at 12:23 pm
Are the herbal supplements safe for breastfeeding?
Mary Vance, NC on 4 January, 2016 at 12:27 pm
No, you’d need to wait until you’re finished breast feeding to take the herbs.
gb on 12 January, 2016 at 7:55 pm
Hi Mary, thanks for sharing this information. Do you have any links to, or suggestions, for recipe ideas for breakfast? I’ve been eating quinoa porridge for a while but not sure this is good for candida? Thanks in advance…
Mary Vance, NC on 12 January, 2016 at 10:20 pm
Julie on 22 January, 2016 at 12:00 pm
Hi, such good info here. I have been sooo sick for almost two years. I have been to one specialist after another. I started getting sick at the school I teach in. Mold and rodent excrement abound. I’m not the only one. I have almost every symptom listed. I also have episodes of acute pancreatitis, and nobody knows why. I don’t drink, I don’t have a gallbladder. Had gastric bypass in 2004. Seeing a gastro specialist today who wants to do a sphincterotomy., which can make things better or worse. My PCP wanted me to go for allergy testing. Two days off the zantac and boom, epigastric pain is back. Also developed thrush again. I did the water saliva test and yes candida. Before I agree to surgery, which mrcp was inconclusive, I want to be treated for candida and/or mold toxicity. Is this unreasonable? Surgery is not going to take care of all the other symptoms – the debilitating chronic fatigue, the brain fog,etc.. And what about anti-fungal meds? Is it worth a try? From what I’ve read, candida will kill you if left untreated.
A Marshall on 11 February, 2016 at 7:13 pm
Do we know anything about un-mixed spirits as opposed to wine as opposed to beer? I get that most people offering candida diet advice happen to also be sensitive to larger health issues, but it seems that straight liquor would be a lot better than beer for this one particular ailment. Is that safe to say? I’m not bumming about no booze. I’m drinking regularly, and intend to continue. Also, purified water? is that just the moralistic side of water? I mean, is tap water really going to be that moldy or whatever as to make any difference at all? I’m suspicious.
Mary Vance, NC on 11 February, 2016 at 7:41 pm
I don’t recommend any alcohol at all during any gut healing protocol. Alcohol is extremely detrimental to a compromised digestive tract and all types feed bad bacteria/yeast. If you’re not bumming about booze, you should have no problem giving it up for the duration? If you can’t give up alcohol for 8 weeks, I’d encourage you to examine your relationship with it. Tap water won’t contribute to candida per se, but filtered water is healthier bc it doesn’t contain the chlorine that can damage or kill good gut bacteria (or other unsavory additives/contaminants from municipal tap)
Alicia Raitt on 10 March, 2016 at 4:06 am
Hi Mary,
Thanks so much for all this information. I have been through the starve/kill phase succesfully and feel 100% better! Genius! I now need to move onto the probiotics. I ordered the ortho biotic, but wondered how many I should take a day? I also have a separate saccharomyces boulardii shall i take this additionally? Is it ok to continue with the diatomaceous earth detox as i’ve only been taking this for about a week?
Mary Vance, NC on 10 March, 2016 at 12:51 pm
I usually have people take 2-4 ortho and 3-4 sac b. You can stay on DE as long as you like.
mika on 15 March, 2016 at 11:19 pm
Thank you for the information Mary! This is the best article i have read on candida/yeast overgrowth and i have read a lot! Its so much more helpful to know what not to eat and why. Thanks again
Alicia Raitt on 22 March, 2016 at 6:58 am
Hi Mary,
I started the ortho biotic phase a few days ago and now have diarrhea, headaches, lethargy and uncomfortable stomach bloating. Is this a normal reaction as with the first phase, or has something wrong?
Kind regards,
Mary Vance, NC on 22 March, 2016 at 12:19 pm
that could be a sign of SIBO, or you may just have very poor probiotic levels. You should consider working with a professional to help you.Elysia on 23 March, 2016 at 6:07 am
This is a fantastic guide! Thank you so much. I have been struggling to rectify this over the last year! I can get symptom free but when I reintroduce stuff back in it tends to come back. One of my biggest struggles is coffee….. I tried decaf for a while but I struggle. I have compromised with myself to 1 every second day. I would love your professional opinion on this – am I better to go cold turkey or can I have coffee in limited amounts? I have heard mixed views on this. Your advice is much appreciated. Thanks Elysia
Mary Vance, NC on 23 March, 2016 at 11:56 am
Coffee is a complicated topic that depends on your unique physiology. This post may help:
Rose on 19 April, 2016 at 5:54 am
Thank you u are a life saver
Amanda Jones on 27 April, 2016 at 1:22 pm
Hi, Dr. Vance,
I’m starting your protocol this weekend! There are just a few things about the diet I’m unclear on. Of course there are many versions of the anti-Candida diet on the internet, so I’d love to get your take on:
Beans (canned), green beans, beets, sweet bell peppers, winter squash, potatoes, yams, tahini, and non-gmo soy, such as in Bragg’s liquid aminos.
Thank you so much for making this guide!Laura Beam on 28 April, 2016 at 4:43 pm
Hi Mary, I’m using the Candida killing protocol. I have a question. I am assuming that once you feel the Candida has been killed off, you don’t have to keep taking the herbal supplements (oregano oil, olive leaf extract, Pau d’arco herbs etc…. What about the others, Should you keep taking Interfase Plus (forever, or for how long)? And what about the probiotics, I feel that you should always be taking a good probiotic to keep the gut supplied with good bacteria. Should you keep taking the Saccharomyces Baoulardii (forever)? Thanks so much for all this good information, it has been a huge help.
Mary Vance, NC on 28 April, 2016 at 5:08 pm
Those should all be fine. These are just guidelines. it depends on what each individual person can tolerate. This diet will look somewhat different for everyone.
Mary Vance, NC on 28 April, 2016 at 5:11 pm
Once you finish the killing phase, you move into the gut healing phase + probiotic replacement. This post may help:
carlos on 20 May, 2016 at 7:11 am
what works best for me is Virgin Coconut oil,Turmeric&black pepper,Neem, avoid grains sugar and diary,Avoid beer and limit alcohol,drink green smothies,lemon juice seems to help.
I do eat fruit and honey but avoid bananas,I drink alcohol once a week with moderation.. I have a green smothie as breakfast then a strong meal and a light dinner,canned tuna nad salad or apples.
I tried kefir and didnt seem to help matter fact I think it fed candida,be carefull with those probiotics.
If you do all teh above you will have it under control. I dont eat bread or grains but i seem to tolarate oatmeal( don abuse dont eat a large amount or everyday) .I also eat past about once a week but Im thinking of cutting it.
ive become very conceoius of my digestive system so now that i have it under control I can alow myself to maybe eat candy on fridays,or ahve a drink,eat pasta,but then the next day i compensate with a green smothie and starving the candida.
From my experience once you have it under control you can have a big meal or eat candy one day.But if you go back to ur bad diet for 2 days thats when problems come back.
If you eat junk food go to macdonald or drink alcohol try your best to use the bathroom and eliminate it as soon as possible.The less time i stays in your system th better.
My jock itch is gone,my rosacea undercontrol and I sleep better.
Im not cured cause if I dont take a shower regulary I can see the yeasty smell in my genitals slowly coming back but I can have a normal liffe. added benefit is this is a much more healthier diet so my skin looks better than ever and I feel younger.I would hve never made those changes in my diet if it wasnt for the jock itch that led to to learn about candida.So it has been positive for me.
Remember take everyday,coconut oil,turmeric and black pepper ,olive leaf extract capsules,neem capsules,and drink bentonite clay with water so it absorbs the ded candida,bentonite acts like a magnet and absorbs them before leaving the body.
Garlic didnt do much for me.Most important thing is leave those grains out of ur diet,I feel grains are worst than sugar for candida. Fat is not good eaither except coconut oil. Greens fruit meat fish and water thats itKiki on 4 June, 2016 at 8:34 pm
I am a petite woman. I am going to purchase your GI Microbe X and want to know the suggested dosage. Will one bottle be enough for the killing stage? Should I use it with the oregano oil or should I switch them out? My plan is to use the GI/pau tea/biofilm/diatomaceous earth/broth/coconut oil/aloe juice contemporaneously. Once I’ve killed everything off I will use the liver health you linked and continue with the oil/aloe/broth. Then do a parasite cleanse after a bit of a break so I can just clear everything out. Would this be a wise course of action? Thanks so much for your feedback and help for getting things under control for good.
Diana on 6 June, 2016 at 9:35 am
What about fruit, cut fruit out? I am transitioning to a plant based diet and am eating lots of fruits + moderate veggies, I’ve noticed itchy under skin pimples and white heads especially on forehead, sides face, scalp, jaw line and neck. Thanks!
I’d be losing my main source of calories if I cut fruits out. I am open to some grass fed meat if it’s a must for the time being.Mary Vance, NC on 6 June, 2016 at 2:11 pm
low sugar fruit (green apple, berries) are usually OK.
Maurice Cotterell on 12 June, 2016 at 4:24 am
See also (free to download): ‘Leaky-gut-the cause of allergies, asthma and auto-immune disease’, on Shows the mechanisms of how yeast attacks the gut lining allowing toxins to enter the body and how that can lead to heart attack, stroke, Grave’s disease (thyroid), adrenal insufficiency, MS, death etc etc
Nakia on 13 June, 2016 at 12:17 pm
Hi Mary,
I want to make sure I understand the steps under the kill phase. Am I to take each supplement: GI Microbe X + Oregano Oil + Allicillin three times a day? Is the dosage one capsule for each of the supplements?
Also, I am planning on a parasite cleanse after I finish this one. How should I space out the the cleanses (two weeks after detox stage? Should I detox again after the parasite cleanse?
NakiaMary Vance, NC on 13 June, 2016 at 6:58 pm
If you suspect parasites, I’d recommend a stool test before spending money on all these supplements and firing without knowing exactly what you’re aiming for. If there are parasites present, it’s advised to address those first, then follow up with a candida cleanse. The dose is usually 2 GI MicrobeX 2-3 times daily and 1-2 oregano or allicillin 3x/day. A detox is the last step.
Nakia on 14 June, 2016 at 9:03 am
Will do….Thank you!
Leah on 12 July, 2016 at 3:34 pm
Hi Mary,
Thank you so much for all the information! Before finding your article I started in trying to kill the yeast with ACV, DE, CO, and Pau D’Arco capsules all at once. Soon after I had a migraine for three days. I wasn’t sure if it was die off or just another trigger so I backed off on everything. For those of us that suffer from migraines with the yeast overgrowth, is it common for the die off to cause more migraines?
Thanks again for you article- as others have stated, it’s the best I’ve found.
Mary Vance, NC on 13 July, 2016 at 11:11 am
Yes, unfortunately headaches/migraine can be a die-off symptom or a poor reaction to herbs. Apple cider vinegar can be a migraine trigger.
Max on 4 September, 2016 at 9:07 pm
Hi Mary,
All I can say is THANK YOU. I followed your plan religiously and I can successfully say I’m almost back to full potential. My question to you is how long should I take the probiotics for? Is it safe to take the probiotic for the rest of my life?
Pickens on 15 September, 2016 at 4:35 pm
I’ve been dealing with hpylori . I’ve done two rounds of antibiotics and the doc wants to put me on a third round. Clearly says online if taking proton inhibitor hpylori test can come back with false positives from breath test. The scope biopsy given 3 weeks before came back negative They wouldn’t listen. I have been dealing with yeast infections for years now. Took antifungal for gyno, didn’t work. I feel tired all the time. Can’t eat certain foods, feels like allergic reaction when its foods I’ve eaten for years. I have many other GI issues my GI says, barrett’s esophagus, Gerd. I feel like it kinda boils down to candida. I’ve done lots of research and having the hpylori back in 2010 and it doesn’t feel the same. I”ve had extreme weight loss instead of gain. Down to 149 from 186 since April of this year. Last time I had hpylori I didn’t loose a pound. Really confused and can’t get any answers from the doc, just more antibiotics. Is there any answers you can give about weight loss occurring with candida? I want to get tested but I am tired of the constant trips to the doctor.
Mary Vance, NC on 16 September, 2016 at 12:22 pm
Yeast can be a side effect of h pylori, which is probably causing the weight loss due to malabsorption. I’d recommend working with a practitioner to help you at this point. You need to get rid of the h pylori first, then go after the yeast. Here is my post on h pylori:
You can contact me via my contact page if you’re interested in coaching around this.Patty Cook on 18 September, 2016 at 5:49 pm
Hi Mary,
My doctor put me on a yeast-free diet 6 weeks ago based on my symptom of persistent bloating and distention. I have been so strict with the diet for a full 6 weeks and will see her tomorrow. No alcohol, grains, sugar, fruit, dairy, peanuts, beans, I think that’s it. My bloating has not changed one bit! What should I ask her when I go in tomorrow? I have had SIBO and h pylori but have cleared both of them. Should she be testing me for Candida? Which is the best test? Should I be on some type of antifungals or supplements? I’m so discouraged that I haven’t seen any improvement from this restrictive diet.
Thank you!Mary Vance, NC on 20 September, 2016 at 7:21 pm
Ideally your doctor will help you troubleshoot these questions, and if she can’t, get a new doctor! You may have poor probiotic diversity or carbohydrate intolerance, meaning you should stick to FODMAPs until you rebuild your gut with probiotic therapy. The other possibility is you have a parasite or pathogen, or that SIBO is still there.
Melissa on 30 October, 2016 at 5:31 pm
I have been on Flagyl 3 times due to not healing well from surgery (2 rounds of surgery a few months apart – turned out I was allergic to dissolving stitches which kept infection going). Anyway, I am certain I am dealing with candida. Issue 1: i currently take 3 probiotic pills each day just to maintain NOT getting constant yeast infections. That’s beginning to be not enough I think because itching is returning. Started using probiotics vagin*lly: inserting 1 probiotic vagin*lly for 10 days, then every 3 days thereafter. So, what do I do since you say to kill the candida and THEN go on probiotics (already on them)? My doc has no clue other than telling me to go on candida diet and hope it works. Issue 2: I am hypoglycemic. With candida diet I have carb crashes I guess you’d call them, but I don’t know if its due to candida die off, or if I’m crashing because of hypoglycemia. Can’t seem to find good info on this. Summary:
1 have candida
2 using lots of probiotics already
3 hypoglycemicHow on earth do I make this diet/candida die off work with these conditions? There is tons of info out there, but so much is contradictory. It’s like there is nobody out there that really has the answers…perhaps you? Thank you!
Mary Vance, NC on 4 November, 2016 at 6:41 pm
Hi Melissa, you’d need to work with a practitioner to get the best advice. You can contact me through my contact page if you’d like more info about my packages.
Des on 15 November, 2016 at 10:18 pm
Hello! I have candida as well. I did cut out eating all sugars which is extremely hard… I drink plenty of water and i also eat coconut oil everyday. I do take acidophilu probiotic. What should i add to my diet??
Mary Vance, NC on 17 November, 2016 at 1:46 pm
As I mention in the post, focus on protein and vegetables of all types. If you need more support, consider working with a nutritionist.
Sharon on 29 November, 2016 at 1:23 pm
Dr. Josh Axe says to consume fermented vegetables. So confusing..
Jas on 9 December, 2016 at 12:06 am
Is there another biofilm buster you recommend? I don’t believe the one you link to above is available. Thank you.
Mary Vance, NC on 9 December, 2016 at 4:36 pm
Link fixed!
Dustin on 12 December, 2016 at 7:27 am
Thank you for this article. How do you feel about fasting for starving candida? Water, broth, and green juice are my 3 considerations. Thank you
Mary Vance, NC on 12 December, 2016 at 12:13 pm
I think doing a bone broth fast, for example, can be beneficial for kick starting a candida or SIBO cleanse, especially in tough cases, but I don’t recommend that for longer than 7 days and it should be followed up with this or a similar protocol.
Dustin on 12 December, 2016 at 9:26 pm
Also, what, if any, fermented foods can you eat to restore your healthy bacteria gut population? I know Kombucha is off limits, but what about Kimchi? Thanks again 🙂
Jo on 31 December, 2016 at 5:20 am
I was fighting it for almost a year, the doc said I could finally have honey again… Well, about that time, things got critical financially, my husband has taken 4 months off work because I was so sick with other things… I was forced to fill in with rice and corn products when meat and veggies and eggs were very very low, at the same time, the honey and cream cheese too… Not to mention almost crippling stress from things out of my control…. So… Seems as though the candida has multiplied again and I’m having brain fog, fatigue, not sleeping well, GI issues and yeast infections… 🙁 all in one month’s time… At the time the doc told me she can’t tell that I still have a candida problem, she gave me an anti-fungal pill to take after the holidays, one pill a week for 4 weeks… To finish it off. Now I’m so scared, I went back to the strict diet and after about two weeks, it’s just getting worse I think, with the onset of yeast infections. Idk if I have to wait a long time again before I can get to the point if taking pills.. Also I ran out of my milk thistle a week ago. Thoughts???? 🙁
Mary Vance, NC on 31 December, 2016 at 5:12 pm
I can’t give you an accurate answer to a detailed question like this without knowing your health history. Candida is hard to get rid of and recurs if the issue that caused it isn’t addressed. I’d recommend working with a practitioner who can guide you through a protocol and address any food allergy issues and hormone imbalance.
JoAnn on 20 January, 2017 at 10:53 am
I’m new to having candida overgrowth and feel confused with all the information I’m reading. I will purchase and rotate with herbs, do organic apple cider vinegar, lemon water, etc. I plan to try the diet, but can you suggest breakfast foods? All I’m seeing is organic eggs and possibly some quinoa or millet porridge…maybe buckwheat pancakes with berries. Any other suggestions or help for a first timer?
Mary Vance, NC on 21 January, 2017 at 12:58 pm
Typically protein and vegetable options, dinner leftovers, work best. Lower sugar smoothies are fine too (made with berries). Here are more options:
John on 31 January, 2017 at 8:48 pm
Hello is it a waste to take probiotic supplement during the kill off stage? Thanks.
Mary Vance, NC on 31 January, 2017 at 9:43 pm
No, but take it 2 hours away from the anti-microbial herbs.
Natalie SwiftBird on 5 February, 2017 at 2:50 am
I was prescribed an antibiotic on dec 19, 2016, augmentin 875mg and on Christmas I noticed I was getting a vagin*l yeast infection, so i called my doctor and they have me fluconazole 200mg, but I vouldnt pick it up til Tuesday the 27th due to the holiday, by then I started getting a bitter taste in my mouth and noticed my toungue was white, so I called the doctor again but they said that that one pill should clear both up. Well it didn’t I oral thrush again so i went back on Jan 12th and was prescribed nystatin, for a week, well it worked while I was taking it, but then the oral thrush came back, so then my doctor does blood work for hiv which back negative, but puts me on fluconazole 200mg for 2 weeks, well the first 2 days that I took it I was a mess, so then I call the pharmacy and they tell me to cut the pill in half, so I did. Still bad symptoms after taking it, then on Jan 27th I started following the candida diet, so I wake up in the morning and have a cup of warm apple cider vinegar water, and then for breakfast I have 2 eggs and avacado, maybe spinach and garlic omelet, for lunch I have a salad or turkey or both, and for supper I eat some type of veggie and organic meat, but I also bought organic kefir from Wal-Mart plain, I don’t know when i should drink it. And is organic chicken bone broth okay too from the box? I can’t really afford any herbs or supplements but I’m trying so hard to rid myself of brain fog, dizziness, and fatigue. I have another appt on the 10th of Feb with a new doctor. I’m keeping a good diary but what can I do if I can’t afford the expensive supplements being on a fixed income.
Rhianna on 6 February, 2017 at 10:19 am
Diatomaceous earth is what saved me. I was in pain for months & kept failing w/ diet alone. I finally did a combo of diatomaceous earth food grade, organic coconut oil, and apple cider vinegar (w/ the mother)…worked wonders, changed my life completely. I am still careful w/ what I eat, but no longer have to be painfully strict.
Rhianna on 6 February, 2017 at 10:21 am
Oh, & I also used Align, which is an over the counter probiotic that I also believe helped a ton. :).
Mary Vance, NC on 6 February, 2017 at 2:01 pm
Unfortunately it’s virtually impossible to get rid of candida with diet alone. You could at least use diatomaceous earth, which is inexpensive:
Alex Kim on 22 February, 2017 at 9:52 am
Hi Mary,
Great article!! And I like the design of you site, makes it easy to navigate/read.I read “undecylenic acid” does not build yeast resistance. As you may know, Dr. McCombs’ plan is mostly using this supplement.
If this is true, undecylenic acid does not build resistance, would one not take this throughout the cleansing phase “with” the other anti-fungals such as GSE, Oregano Oil, etc. making it more effective?
-AlexMary Vance, NC on 22 February, 2017 at 1:34 pm
You could do that, sure.
Brad on 23 February, 2017 at 11:01 am
Hello,my question is can i kill candida with diet and 25 million probiotics?Also i take a walk everyday to sweat toxins which caused by candida(maybe die-off reactions)and trying to not stress.I have constipation too but seems like mineral water cures it.
Brad on 23 February, 2017 at 11:07 am
I mean 25 billion,sorry for that.
Mary Vance, NC on 24 February, 2017 at 3:23 pm
Diet and probiotics are usually not enough to kill candida. You must take the anti-microbial herbs.
Brad on 25 February, 2017 at 9:19 am
Im thinking about coconut oil.What would u recommend?
Wanda on 1 March, 2017 at 8:15 pm
I’ve had issues with candida for years, but after having Lyme Disease twice and being on IV antibiotics, that caused me to have my gallbladder removed, the candida has just taken over. Diet alone won’t do it. I’ve tried and have had success in the past with herbal remedies, Neem and ACV. The problem I’m having now, is that I’m having problems with high histamine foods. I have reactions to coconut and when I’ve tried Pau d’arco tea, it’s made me very sick, within 15 minutes of having it. Some have suggested die off, but I’ve experienced that before and this felt different. I felt nauseous and I have pain in my liver. Any ideas? Also, eggs now bother me too! I know I have to treat the candida, to make the histamine problems improve. Any suggestions?
Mary Vance, NC on 1 March, 2017 at 8:29 pm
I would recommend a full stool panel and breath testing for SIBO ( to determine if those are issues. Histamine intolerance correlates with SIBO and dysbiosis. That would then dictate what type of diet or protocol is best for gut healing. Best to work with a practitioner on this!
John on 5 March, 2017 at 1:43 pm
Hello,is this good for reducing candida biofilm shield?
Bets on 1 April, 2017 at 4:41 pm
Hi Mary have you heard of people suffering from severe candida who itch and/or feel like something crawl on them? I have those feelings to the point where I cannot sleep at night and read that it is also due to candida overgrowth. For hormone replacement I am taking Livifem. What should my course of action be?
Kristen on 3 April, 2017 at 3:46 pm
What is the best time of the day to take the antifungal herbs and the biofilm supplements? And should they be taken together or separately?
Mary Vance, NC on 5 April, 2017 at 11:13 am
you can take the herbs with meals 3x/day, easier to remember that way. There are directions on how to take the enzymes on the bottle (away from meals).
Cheryl J Rivers on 6 April, 2017 at 4:02 pm
Hi – How can I schedule a phone conversation with you.
Mary Vance, NC on 6 April, 2017 at 7:54 pm
Hi Cheryl, just submit a request through the contact form that says ‘get in touch’ in the menu bar at the top of the page.
Naomy Nyongesa on 15 April, 2017 at 4:41 pm
Hi how can I get these probiotics please? have been struggling with above symptoms for 2 yrs now. M in Kenya.
Mary Vance, NC on 17 April, 2017 at 12:29 pm
You can likely order them from
Kasey on 19 April, 2017 at 8:29 pm
when should you add back in dairy, gluten to test, and how about ezekial bread/tortillas? Also should you stay away from all refined carbs during the whole time or can you have some after 4-8 weeks? Say I took probiotics and fermented foods and tried to repair gut during kill off phase, I am unsure when to add in stuff like white rice, bread etc (i know making your own is best)
Mary Vance, NC on 21 April, 2017 at 4:43 pm
Kasey, you can reintroduce foods when you finish the candida herbs and the leaky gut repair. But the biggest mistake I see people make is going back to their old diet after they finish this program, and their former diet is likely a big culprit for candida overgrowth. So the hope is that you learn some new healthier habits. You can add back in starchy carbs and gluten free grains, even natural sugars, but it’s best to avoid refined foods for good.
Amanda on 22 April, 2017 at 5:06 pm
Do you recommend eliminating nutritional yeast while starving candida? I have seen it listed in recipes for other candida protocols and was wondering if it is a beneficial yeast. On another note- I’ve battled candida for a long time and I’m very excited to try your suggestion of rotating my herbs! Thank you!
Mary Vance, NC on 26 April, 2017 at 11:31 am
I don’t recommend any yeast, fungus (mushrooms unless medicinal in a tincture), mold (cheese) during treatment, esp if you’ve had difficulty killing candida fully in the past.
Gypsy on 29 April, 2017 at 4:53 am
Mary you are an amazing person! Also your dog is super beautiful.
I live in Aistralia, been unwell all if this year with severe nausea and fatigue and crazy BP; discovered in late January 2017 that I had breast cancer… initially thought it was the cancer causing the symptoms and not so….had one breast removed plus 3 lymph nodes as one had cancer present.
4 months on I still very crook, yet brilliantly Cancer free.
I just however had multiple biopsies of gut and have Colitis and mild chronic gastritis…,you, your site ( sight …) have given me hope snd perspective as I was a huge sugar and bread eater all my life; am now 50….( that’s a big number ).
When I learn how to Skype I would definitely be interested in a formal consultation. ( i have just been introduced to Facebook messenger calls with video chat)…
Thank you for your generosity and knowledge!
XxxJanis Webber on 4 May, 2017 at 5:50 pm
Had candida 8 years ago been clear since then. 3 years ago diagnosed with fullitulitis on left side of my face was given a topical cream by a dermatologist. Was successful in resolving condition. Yesterday I thought condition was back (folliculitis) however now looking more like candida as it it in my eyebrows and all over my left side of my face and even coming out of my left ear. I am not a sweet eater per say however I do eat refined prodofucts on occadion. I also take probiotics daily.
Kasey on 4 May, 2017 at 9:53 pm
is ezekial okay to introduce after a few weeks to see if it causes a reaction? And are crackers/tortillas that list whole grain flour first and then white rice flour or something after, not good? My biggest question- I am confused about tapioca starch, corn starch, arrowroot. Is tapioca starch to be avoided at first even though sweet potatoes are okay?
I have adrenal fatigue and gut flora imbalance I think. I get confused on all the different diet recommendations. And see some cook with baking flour that does have refined flour or is this just an occasional thing. What gluten free tortillas do you recommend?
Kasey on 4 May, 2017 at 10:02 pm
also what is wrong with red wine vinegar,balsalmic etc if acv is ok. I was told my gut balance is a bit imbalanced, good flora & bad but no sibo. And that all healing should start with the gut. I was told to have quinoa, veggies, some meat, low sugarfruit, and yams/lentils. But i don’t know if i should use buckwheat flour or not, soba noodles, etc. Many say no sweet potatoes but I see you say theyre fine. I know I am so confused.
Mary Vance, NC on 5 May, 2017 at 11:22 am
Hi Gypsy, thank you so much for the kind words and best wishes for healing.
Krista Misuraca on 10 May, 2017 at 6:52 pm
Wormwood is in one of the supplements you recommend. Ive read that it’s unsafe to take wormwood for more than 4 weeks due to an oil in it called thujone. It can also cause problems if you have a ragweed allergy, which I have mildly. Can you recommend another supplement or confirm that there is no thujone in the wormwood in this supplement? Thank you!!
Ush on 13 May, 2017 at 4:54 pm
Hi. I had chronic Candida for over a year. I tried almost every type of medication and diet and nothing really helped. I eventually remembered my dad used Apple Cider Vinegar for almost any illness and some skin infections. I tried 2 tbs of ACV (that contained the mother) in a glass of hot water first thing In the morning for 2 weeks. It’s been 8 months and no infection. I take it maybe twice a week now just in case. I wish I tried this first instead of the tortures diets and thousands I spent. I had to come back and post this as I rememberd how I was so desperately looking for a cure and I hope this helps others.
Mary Vance, NC on 16 May, 2017 at 3:18 pm
Ush, thanks for your comment. Depending on the level of infection, in some or even most people, it may take more than just the apple cider vinegar to kill candida overgrowth.
Mary Vance, NC on 16 May, 2017 at 3:21 pm
I don’t recommend wormwood specifically for candida (though it works well for parasites). You’ll often find it in the candida compound formulas. You can use any of the others mentioned: pau d’arco, oil of oregano, Thorne formula 722, olive leaf, etc.
Gio Tung on 23 May, 2017 at 3:04 am
Hi Mary, how about Black Seed/Oil? I have been using it for about 3 weeks now but a bit concerned with having Oral Thrush (could this be Herxing?). I suspect my gut was compromised after being prescribed antibiotics months back. Since then i have been having anxiety attacks, insomnia, acid reflux, constipation. Was taking supplements – Magnesium, Salmon oil, Milk Thistle, Probiotics and also EVCO. Anxiety and constipation is way better now. Except for insomnia which i still have. It was really, really tough in the beginning when you find out that the Doctors you are visiting are the ones doing it to you ! (with their antibiotics). Any advice is appreciated as fighting Candida/Gut imbalance is a very “lonely” journey.
Mary Vance, NC on 24 May, 2017 at 1:38 pm
I’ve heard things about black seed oil, but it probably won’t work by itself. You’d need to combine with additional herbs.
Kasey on 26 May, 2017 at 5:20 pm
Mary, if coconut aminos is okay why not vinegar. Is this basically the same treatment for gut dysbiosis ir bacteria. Couldnt fermented foods alone work without antimicrobials. What is your opinion on arrowroot, cassava flour. Should this be avoided at first.
Mary Vance, NC on 26 May, 2017 at 5:33 pm
Coconut aminos and vinegar are not even closely related. Coconut aminos are a liquid fermented from the aged sap of coconut blossoms and salt, while vinegar is made from corn, wine or grapes (among other things), sugar, and yeast, all of which aggravate yeast overgrowth. And no, this is the not a general treatment for dynsbiosis. The protocol includes anti-microbials and fatty acids that target yeast specifically.
Lila on 31 May, 2017 at 9:59 pm
Hi! Great post, thank you! I have gum problems for years and my holistic dentist told me I may have parasites. I did some research and I think so. I don’t want to take antibiotics so I’m about to try a candida diet such as you described. Would you have any specific recommendation? Thank you so much!
Joseph Pekar on 12 June, 2017 at 11:11 am
Hi, when you first go on the diet can you eat fruit or honey?
Aimee on 14 June, 2017 at 8:18 am
Can you do this while breastfeeding??
Mary Vance, NC on 14 June, 2017 at 5:56 pm
No, you should not use the herbs when breast feeding, but you can follow a low sugar diet and use probiotics.
Mary Vance, NC on 14 June, 2017 at 5:57 pm
Low sugar fruits (berries, green apples) are ok, honey in moderation.
Michelle on 26 June, 2017 at 8:44 am
Hi Mary, I have reactive hypoglycemia (2/2 elevated cortisol,) I cant go many hours without carbohydrates or my blood sugar does drop and more cortisol is released (for gluconeogenesis). I am already gluten free dairy free meat and soy free (Im a Registered Dietitian btw.) I just find the diet difficult when I can’t really have my 15g CHO every few hours. any recommendations? PS super informative article, thanks so much!
Mary Vance, NC on 29 June, 2017 at 10:40 am
Hi Michelle, one doesn’t have to follow the candida diet to the letter. These are just guidelines. It depends on the severity of the overgrowth. Ultimately it’s about what’s right for your body. It doesn’t have to be super low carb. But protein and fat will stabilize blood sugar better than carbs. You’d probably fare better on a higher protein diet.
Guy Dorman on 8 July, 2017 at 11:35 am
Mary this is definitely the best article I have ever read on candida. Your insight is wonderful and your suggestions are like a Godsend. I’m a 56 year old male. I think I had candida as a child. In my life things got so bad I went to Dr. Matsen a naturopathic doctor in Canada. My family never believed me and yeast theory. I lost so much weight with every symptom one can have suffering from a yeast infection. When I came back home from Canada I was physically and emotionally exhausted that I comitted myself to a mental ward. I could not follow Dr. Matsen diet until I was released. I eventually got healthier and gained weight. My family always assumed I was depressed, although I was suicidal.
My heart goes out to all who have suffered with their body, had arguments with their family and significant others, and doctors that don’t believe candida exist. Like someone stated it’s a loney path fighting candida. It’s a long rocky road to start feeling better. Don’t make the mistake I made which is when I got married I abandoned my healthy diet. I thought candida was in the past. Sadly the candida nightmare came back! Never go back to eat unhealthy foods or you will continue to suffer. Mary may ask how your health problems occurred from candida. Your article definitely make sense. I have even read Yeast No More an excellent book and emailed Linda for help.
Thank you Mary for helping so many people suffering from your vast knowledge and excellent advice!!!Sarah on 31 July, 2017 at 8:31 pm
How much diatomaceous earth do you recommend taking? There are no instructions on the bag. Thanks.
Mary Vance, NC on 31 July, 2017 at 10:12 pm
this post has directions for how to take it:
Guy on 2 August, 2017 at 9:19 pm
Hi Mary,
Thanks for a great article! Love your site ! I was reading through the comments to see if this was answered already, but couldn’t find anything – What is the specific diatomaceous earth/charcoal protocol? Sounds like a great strategy to jumpstart the cleanse.
Sajida on 6 August, 2017 at 10:21 am
I m from Pakistan..
I am suffering the symptoms from one year but they have become worst from last 6months..
Dr actually cant understand my situation….
I have 6months old Baby who is on breast feed…and he is also affected
He also has same GI issues…
Will it bE safe for my loo if I start this protochol?
Thank you so much for such a wonderful artical…Mary Vance, NC on 7 August, 2017 at 12:07 am
You can do the diet if you’re breastfeeding, but avoid all herbs until you are no longer breast feeding.
BMA on 17 August, 2017 at 6:41 pm
Have you ever had a client with recurrent yeast infections in their breasts? It started when nursing and has come back with a vengeance. I’m not nursing or pregnant. I’ve started the cleanse/kill phase already. Just curious if I’m alone with this symptom. Thanks
Melissa Hernandez on 6 September, 2017 at 9:56 pm
Hello! I’m currently seeing a naturopath and he recommended i do a low FODMAP diet plan and was wondering if i should do this first and then start the FODMAP diet or how should i go about it? He also has me taking a few supplements so not sure how that would come into play. From the top of my head i’m taking a thyroid supplement, vitamin D3, probiotics, detox capsules for the liver, oil for colon and kidney function and two capsules i take at night for…i forgot the names but its for two of the feel-good reactions created by the brain ? There’s still more supplements i’m getting in the mail, including bone broth. Should i follow his plan for the 6 months ? i’m so confused lol
Mary Vance, NC on 7 September, 2017 at 11:41 am
Hi Melissa, unfortunately I cannot give you health advice over the internet without knowing your health history. I would discuss these concerns with your naturopath, or you can send me an email through my contact page if you’d like info on my coaching programs to get more support.
Sarah on 8 September, 2017 at 4:58 pm
Hi Mary,
I’m following the protocol to the T, but am having a hard time getting enough carbs. I don’t do well in ketosis due to chronic adrenal issues and thyroid, etc. The past 2 days I’ve had insomnia and the wired feeling I know too well. Haven’t had that in years. Any ideas around the diet suggestions you recommend? Should I carb up each night with a 1/2 cup blueberries or 1/4 cup rice or something like that?
Mary Vance, NC on 12 September, 2017 at 11:35 am
Sarah: Yes, definitely increase carbs. above all, everyone has different nutritional needs, esp if you have hormone imbalance, and increasing starchy carbs won’t derail the program.
Emily on 25 September, 2017 at 4:56 pm
Can you eat plain, organic yogurt? I started about two weeks ago without the herbs (just raw garlic, coconut oil and ACV) but have still been eating plain greek yogurt with cinnamon. Would you recommend cutting this out?
Mary Vance, NC on 25 September, 2017 at 6:42 pm
If you’re not sensitive to dairy, plain kefir is a much better choice, but in general dairy is not recommended because of its propensity to contribute to inflammation and bloating. Either way, kefir has a far better probiotic profile than yogurt.
Gina on 8 October, 2017 at 9:00 am
Dear Mary,
Thank you so much for writing this article. For many years (since 2014) I would have recurrent yeast infections, one every 5-8 weeks, joint pain and inflammation in my hands (doctor thought arthritis). My arms and legs would also swell. I began your program May 2017 and haven’t had one yeast infection since and the inflammation and joint pain is gone. I can’t thank you enough for all your help. I feel you gave me my life back. I had gone to my doctor in 2014 because of the recurrent yeast infections. The diagnosis was IBS. After being prescribed antibiotics I went 3 months before the yeast infections returned. I would encourage anyone suffering from recurrent yeast infections to follow your program. Thank you again.Mary Vance, NC on 11 October, 2017 at 1:00 pm
Gina, that is wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
Kenysha on 16 October, 2017 at 3:11 pm
Just wondering if I can use this supplement for the Undecylenic Acid Instead or the Thorne Research SF722. Will it work the same? Just trying not to spend $261 on 1/4 rotated supplements you are recommending.By the way this article has been extremely helpful and I have high hopes this will do the trick as I have been battling this for 7 months, its slowly ruining my life.
Thank you!
Mary Vance, NC on 19 October, 2017 at 11:46 am
Kenysha, no, that is a formula that contains some caprylic acid but not Undecylenic Acid.
Alan on 31 October, 2017 at 7:17 pm
Antidepressants and candida.
EVERY single supplement i tried while on Cymbalta has interacted with the Cymbalta and rednered it useless therefore causing depression and anxiety.
Esspecially liver detox products.
I believe the candida has destroyed my good bacteria in my gut and is responsible directly for causing symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Hiwever i am stuck in a vicious circle.
Can’t take supplements because of the Cymbalta but can’t wean off it because i’ll be unable to function until the cause is dealth with: the candida.
What to do?
Anybody dealing with this?Gary on 5 November, 2017 at 5:00 pm
Being fighting this candida, for a long time. What are your thoughts on using a CBD oil, to help with the symptoms. Thank you Mary, for a reply.
Mary Vance, NC on 6 November, 2017 at 12:10 pm
I’m all for CBD oil if it helps.
Stephanie on 9 November, 2017 at 3:41 am
Just stumbled across your site and a couple of your candida posts. Everything you are saying is resonating with me and I’d like to give this a go…BUT, we are coming up on the holiday season and I know that this is not a realistic time to jump in…at least for me. Is there anything I can start to incorporate now, in addition to working on dietary changes, that would be beneficial? Thank you!
Mary Vance, NC on 9 November, 2017 at 3:48 pm
Stephanie, yes, you can take the Thorne 722 and oil of oregano I mention in the post for a month or so, along with the probiotics mentioned. Then take a break, switch up the herbs, and tackle it more strictly after the new year.
Stephanie on 9 November, 2017 at 11:25 pm
Thank you!
Steve on 12 November, 2017 at 5:55 pm
Thanks for the great info. What about nutritional yeast? Does it feed Candida?
Mary Vance, NC on 13 November, 2017 at 2:57 pm
Steve, that’s a good question. If you research this topic, you’ll find a lot of conflicting info. I typically recommend avoiding any type of yeast or fungus (like mushrooms) during treatment. After that, if it doesn’t cause symptoms to flare, it’s fine.
best Ibs Treatments on 21 November, 2017 at 3:54 am
Oh my goodness! Impressive article dude! Many thanks, However I am going through difficulties with your RSS.
I don’t know why I am unable to join it. Is there anybody
having identical RSS issues? Anyone who knows the answer can you kindly
respond? Thanx!!Heather on 8 December, 2017 at 8:08 pm
Mary, thank you so much for the help. I’ve suffered for years from bouts of uncontrollable vagin*l itching. I’ve been on your Candida diet for a little less than a week but the itching has subsided considerably already.
My biggest struggle is knowing what I CAN eat. Are lemons and limes OK? What about foods with yeast extract? Is there a certain cookbook you recommend that is Candida-diet friendly?
Thanks for your advice!
Emily on 11 December, 2017 at 10:12 am
Hi Mary, I was wondering what you thought about colloidal silver being one of the anti-fungals that is rotated in. I have a die-off from it, so I believe it is effective for me.
Mary Vance, NC on 11 December, 2017 at 2:48 pm
Emily, I sometimes recommend colloidal silver in addition to, but not in place of, the other anti-microbial herbs/treatments.
Kenya on 19 December, 2017 at 9:21 am
This is my first time when I tried to research on english “how to get rid of Candida” and to be honest this is of the helpful and fully manual article I’ve ever read! Thank you so much!!
I’ve been suffering from vagin*l Candida over 2 years, visited 10 do gotta, took hindered pills of fluconazol, but it come over and over again. I already lost my hope, but now I’m so motivated to start the treatment you’ve suggested!
I think I will take just everything you sad.
Quick quastion, how about the kiwi and gluten free oat?tracie on 19 December, 2017 at 3:27 pm
mary i have been fighting this for over a month, i have had 2 molars extracted and it is slowing the healing i had thrush in my mouth, still do and in my esphogas it was like fire in my throat, the burning has stopped but on diflucan for 3 weeks and nystain and logengers i am taking probitiocs as well, i am sced i want this gone or at least under control because it never truly goes away. please help me! thank you tracie
Haley on 22 December, 2017 at 6:14 pm
Great article! Is it unusual for a person to be diagnosed with candida overgrowth (high arabinose in urine) and not have several of the hallmark symptoms? I don’t get yeast infections or crave sugar. If there’s bread nearby though I feel compelled to eat it.
Mary Vance, NC on 26 December, 2017 at 10:23 pm
Haley, yes, some people may not have symptoms.
Kristina on 9 January, 2018 at 12:51 am
This was a fantastic article thanks very much! I’ve cut out all refined sugars and carbs in the past week, and have been taking agrisept which also helps kill Candida. I have been taking probiotics. Is there a reason I should wait until after the yeast die off period to start probiotics? It seems like it would be worth it to build up the good bacteria as I’m killing the fungus. Thanks!
Mary Vance, NC on 9 January, 2018 at 12:27 pm
Hi Kristina, it depends on the case. I sometimes have people do probiotics (aside from the sac b I recommend) during the protocol if it’s a particularly bad case/they have bad symptoms, but the anti-microbial herbs will kill some of the probiotics.
Sammy rossi on 13 January, 2018 at 5:28 am
Hi! My partner and i are desperately looking for a candida detox retreat that we can go to and try get better but after much research we realise that none of the ones advertised do the right thing! One actually privides you with fruit smoothies in the programme?!?!
Can you please recommend somewhere in the world where we can go for a month and do a candida detox pls? We re desperate nowHollie on 14 January, 2018 at 1:32 pm
HI Mary, are green smoothies viable on this diet? Also, what type of salad dressing do you recommend without vinegar?
Thank you!!Jane on 25 January, 2018 at 1:40 am
Last week I was diagnosed with Pneumonia . I now have oral thrush on my tonque and redness on the roof of my mouth from either the antibiotic or the inhaler I was prescribed. The Doc prescribed Clotrimazole lozenge. I have to take 5 a day for 14 days. I immediately started using thyme tea, apple cider vinegar gargle, oil of oregano gargle and garlic supplements because of their anti fungal properties. I’m also going to do the coconut oil swish thing. After reading all of the comments it sounds like I’m doomed for reoccurring episodes of thrush. Is that possible given it’s the 1st time I’ve ever had this and it’s one of the side effects of the Advair inhaler?Mary Vance, NC on 28 January, 2018 at 3:47 pm
Hi Jane, you are not necessarily doomed to have recurrent thrush. it’s impossible to know how you’ll respond to a protocol because there are so many factors involved: your gut health prior to this infection, your health in general, etc. The best you can do is follow an anti-yeast diet and do a anti-fungal program for several weeks. You probably want to consider working with a professional to help you.
Stacy Csahiouni on 30 January, 2018 at 2:45 am
Very informative article!
Amy on 5 February, 2018 at 2:42 am
Great article! When having intestinal yeast and having low bifido and bacilus comensal bacteria, can one kill the yeast with antimicrobials and take the probiotics few hrs later as well or only kill and after 8 wks take the probiotics? Meaning will the herbal antimocrobials like GI microbex kill the good bacteria in the probiotics if taken during killing phase? I defintely need to increase bifidobacter esp but stuck in killing phase for a while. I dont want to waste the probiotics either. Is it enough for intestinal yeast to be elbowed out by probiotics or thats not enough usually? Besides Caprylic acid any other herbs that are anti yeast only and not antibacterial? THANK YOU kindly!
Mary Vance, NC on 5 February, 2018 at 12:24 pm
Amy, you can take probiotics during the program (esp the sac b), but probiotics alone will not get rid of yeast overgrowth.
Ksenia on 5 February, 2018 at 3:26 pm
Thank you so much! Finally I’ve got the picture of how to get rid of Candida! I suffer it since 2,5 years and the worse part is that it always get accompany with bacterial vaginosis. If I will follow all the manual in the article would I also get rid of bacteria vaginos? Or if not, can you please recommend me some naturall treatment? My doctor sudjest me to take antibiotic against BV, but I have Candida, so it’s impossible.
Melissa on 15 March, 2018 at 11:15 am
Thank you so much for such a well-written article! I have one question: I have both Candida and Hydrogen producing SIBO, do I need to treat one before the other? My concern is that if I treat the SIBO with Rifaximin that the Candida will get worse. I also had testing that shows that my gut micro biome is very low in good bacteria (most likely from treating Lyme and Bartonella for a long time). Thank you!
Mary Vance, NC on 15 March, 2018 at 12:38 pm
Hi Melissa, I treat the SIBO first and often combine herbs that will kill both. I’d recommend working with a practitioner on this.
Gary on 16 April, 2018 at 9:49 am
Wow, so many products you’re selling. Don’t you think that selling product undermines credibility when delivering health information? We already have more than enough questionable commercial sources of dietary info.
Can you post links to proper medical trials or peer reviewed papers regarding this issue? It seems this article, more than most, requires a little independent verification.
Sorry if I sound cynical, it’s one part Autism and two parts experience : /
Mary Vance, NC on 16 April, 2018 at 10:48 am
Hi Gary, yes, I do link to products I recommend (in this case, to kill candida) and receive a commission for those products. That helps fund the free information you’re reading that takes hours of my time to write, research, and post for you. That is also why there are ads on this site. Without ads and product commission (as I mention, I would never endorse anything I do not use or would not use myself), bloggers would be working entirely for free posting information for public education. You don’t work for free solely to disseminate information for others, do you?
maks on 19 April, 2018 at 4:50 am
Hi… i’m from Bulgaria.. i don’t see anything about oral taking undecylenic can i supply myself with that acid… here it’s only for external application
maks on 19 April, 2018 at 7:38 am
Can i eat sour cabbage
Mary Vance, NC on 19 April, 2018 at 11:05 am
Maks, the Thorne 722 I mention is undecylenic acid. You can probably find it on (they ship internationally) or amazon.
Mary Hering on 26 April, 2018 at 11:00 am
Is there one place where I can buy all the things I need to beat Candida? We have a family of 10 all suffering from it.
Mary Vance, NC on 26 April, 2018 at 11:22 am
Hi Mary, you can purchase any or all supplements via the links provided. They do not all come from the same place. You might also check out this post:
Deanna Carron on 5 May, 2018 at 9:18 pm
Hi! Your post was very helpful and informative. Question about the coconut oil – will a supplement of coconut oil in capsule form provide the same benefit?
Mary Vance, NC on 6 May, 2018 at 8:37 pm
Deanna, yes, same benefit, but it’s better to just eat the coconut oil. I mix it with almond butter or in a smoothie.
Autumn on 14 May, 2018 at 5:57 pm
Hi. I have been battling Candida for many many years. Where are you located in Ca. I would be I interested in which supplements and amounts you would recommend. For me. As I have been unsuccessful and doing a clean out longer than 2 months and then everything goes right back to where it was.
Mary Vance, NC on 14 May, 2018 at 8:53 pm
Hi Autumn, you can get in touch via the contact page in the menu bar.
Kjersten on 12 June, 2018 at 8:04 pm
Hi Mary, this may sound like an odd question, but does hot yoga have any effect on the candida positive or negative?
Mary Vance, NC on 13 June, 2018 at 6:03 pm
Kjersten– the only effect it could potentially have is detox support (from sweating). But it won’t make a difference to the yeast population, no.
Kenya on 23 June, 2018 at 3:26 pm
Hi Mary, I just wanted to give you a big hug and say thank you! I was suffering from vagin*l candida over 2 years and I guess I tried everything!!! Nothing had helped me! I found your article half year ago and I did everything you recommended and I finally can say I got rid of it! I’m so happy, I can’t believe! So I did like 3 months diet + treatment + probiotics and yeah it’s gone! I must say that the diet part was the most difficult, but it deffinetly worth it!!! Thank you so much!!!
Mary Vance, NC on 25 June, 2018 at 11:23 am
Hi Kenya, awesome, congrats!!
Erica on 16 July, 2018 at 6:18 pm
I took Fluconazole first before researching this. What should I do now??
Mary Vance, NC on 16 July, 2018 at 10:31 pm
Erica, you’d need to consult with your prescribing physician for any advice about drugs. Depending on how bad the yeast overgrowth, I often have people follow up anti-fungals with the herbal protocol.
Beth on 27 July, 2018 at 12:32 pm
When recommending the Biocidin is that for 4-6 weeks continuously, or is that 2Xmonth for 3 days (taking 3/day)?
Mary Vance, NC on 31 July, 2018 at 11:56 am
Most often I recommend Biocidin continuously, but depending on the person and how they’re responding (or if they’re not), I’ll sometimes rotate in different herbs to prevent resistance.
Miss Faith on 21 August, 2018 at 12:21 pm
This is outrageous. I have personally struggled with Candida for 10 years (most of which was lost to years in research of the potential cause). At this time, I am well-versed in every perspective on the matter with the richness of experience with a plethora of tinctures, dietary expressions.
Here is the answer to all of our problems:
No Sugar (NO fruit which does feed candida without question, this will prolong the problem)
No Grains (Millet, Quinoa, & Buckwheat are acceptable because they are seeds which behave like grains.
No Alcohol (Alcohol & Sugar are the worst enemies to our immune system)
No Beer
No Sugar (IN ANY FORM)
No Dairy (which does feed the fungus without question)
Easy on the meats, if you do: choose hormone-free, anti-biotic free, and organic meats ONLY… HOWEVER, this is a dangerous gamble because many dead and rotting carcasses (that is what meat it) contain LOADS of bacteria, parasites a plenty, and well… let’s be honest: Death.
No Cashews or Pistachios, why? because they contain mold… lots and lots of mold…
Almonds, sunflower, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds are acceptable, better roasted to ensure no bacteria is living on or in the nut itself.
No Pesticides
No Hormones
No Vaccines
No Antibiotics
No non-organic substances. (even organic fruit is often grown using water contaminated with: flouride, copper, chlorine, and a shocking list of other harmful particles)There is no such thing as being too careful.
When in doubt: Go Without.Any decision to ingest the above listed will cause more pain, suffering, and prolonging of this.
Candida is ALWAYS growing… even while you sleep… it bubbles up and spreads its spores in every corner and crevice of your intestines, lying dormant for up to 6 months just waiting for that 1 gram of sugar before it wakes up fully rested and ready for war all over again.
Do not take this lightly. This imbalance is absolutely deadly and will kill you if you let it… slowly… and full of suffering, pain, and confusion.
and most importantly:
Enjoy what you eat… SLOWLY.
Food MUST be chewed to the consistency of water in order to digest smoothly. Our stomachs are horrifically damaged by the overgrowth of this fungus and (shocker…) Our bellies do not have teeth.DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYONE WHO TELLS YOU SUGAR IS ACCEPTABLE IN ANY FORM WHILST CLEANSING THIS BEAST! No, not even fruit. ESPECIALLY NOT the common go-to: Cavendish Banana… this species is particularly notorious for perpetuating mold and fungal growths.
Have you ever eaten a banana with a brown spot? Well my dear, you just ate mold.10 years of suffering, research, application, crying, begging, pleading, anger, frustration, and wanting to die has lead me to these invaluable facts of life.
The fastest way to cure Candida? I will give it you right now:
Keep this substance flushing through your body for 2 weeks longer than your symptoms disappearing (which happens fast: 2-3wks for my Extremely Severe case.)And, Say hello to a cleaner diet than you ever thought possible.
You’ll hate it all at first (but that dislike isn’t coming from ‘you’)….
Sugar cravings will die off alongside the candida.1 gallon fresh spring water every single day.
Herbs who deeply flush the system (I could recommend a list but this is long enough).
And! To sweep up the toxic gases from their grotesque bodies exploding inside of you (belching and flatulence): Diatomaceous Earth, Activated Charcoal, and Bentonite Clay all serve to pull the toxic gases from the body and carry them out.
This must be done in tandem (the toxic gases cause stress on the body, leading to heavy mood swings and emotional fits, because the body is suffering, so will you.
You will feel every toxin as it passes out of your system. This will be awful… but hey… you chose to put it in there. Let this be our lesson.
I will tell you this… I highly doubt I will ever touch sugar again.
This has been the most tormentful nightmare… liberation is the sweetest release I have thus experienced in this life.
Best of luck and healing.
We are at war for our health.
Take your power back.Mary Vance, NC on 21 August, 2018 at 8:03 pm
Miss Faith, I get where you’re coming from, but this is not entirely correct. First off, no one gut healing diet works for everyone. I used to be an advocate of a strict no sugar, no fruit, zero starch diet for candida until I continued to study the research (which continues to evolve), and now I’ve updated my recs based on studies, current science, leaky gut healing, and my clinical experience working with people. See, interestingly you say no grains, but quinoa, millet, and buckwheat are OK? Well, ALL of those “seeds that behave like grains” (and all carbohydrates, for that matter, even vegetables of ALL types) break down into sugars. The only way it is possible to avoid sugar 100% is to eat meat and fat only. So that ole argument that candida flares if you eat a molecule of sugar, well it just doesn’t hold water if your anti-candida diet philosophy includes any grains or any carbs, for that matter. And also, all grains and pseudo-grains are gut irritants to those with GI infections, and these and other polysaccharide starches aren’t able to be broken down by an inflamed small intestine, and that alone can feed candida and cause flares. I could go on about how a “zero sugar” diet produces ketones on which candida can flourish–>
Regardless, EVERYONE has candida, and we’re not meant to kill it off entirely. In fact, it’s an essential part of our immune system. If you’ve had chronic candida for 10 years, I’d suggest a stool test to see what else is going on in the gut. If you can’t get rid of candida by changing your diet and taking appropriate herbs, there is most certainly something else driving it: biofilms, mercury toxicity, Hashimoto’s, low cortisol/hormone imbalance. And you have to fully heal the gut to get rid of the overgrowth, and if that’s not happening, something in the diet isn’t serving you.Shalini on 27 August, 2018 at 10:41 am
Hi Mary,
Approximately how long does it take to go through the whole process?
I know it says no dairy but can you eat yogurt on this regimen?
Mary Vance, NC on 27 August, 2018 at 2:25 pm
Hi Shalini,
Usually 6-8 weeks for the kill phase and at least 3 months of probiotic therapy/gut healing. I recommend coconut yogurt, not dairy yogurt.Jeremy Waits on 6 September, 2018 at 10:00 am
1. Are raw organic almonds, hazelnuts , and walnuts ok during the cleanse?
2. So wait until after the kill phase to use S. Boulardii?
3. Can you explain the exact procedure of how to use the biofilm buster? Do you you do that well before the herbals during kill phase or do you use it alongside the herbals? Thank you so much for all that you do! Such great information
Mary Vance, NC on 6 September, 2018 at 8:18 pm
Jeremy, you can eat nuts if they work for you. You can use the Sac B during the program if needed. I often recommend as much. For the biofilm products, I now recommend people start them a week or 2 prior to the herbs and then during the herbal protocol also for more chronic cases.
Jeremy Waits on 6 September, 2018 at 10:21 pm
So I thought you couldn’t use antifungals and Sac B. At the same time since Sac B is a yeast? Please explain. Thanks
Mary Vance, NC on 7 September, 2018 at 12:53 pm
That’s not really correct. Sac B helps to clear yeast. It is a form of non-pathogenic yeast that has probiotic “action” in the body and can be used to clear diarrhea and other pathogenic yeasts and bacteria.
Jeremy Waits on 7 September, 2018 at 1:58 pm
So how far apart todo you recommend spacing the herbal antifungals and Sac. B?
Jeremy Waits on 8 September, 2018 at 7:46 am
I’m curious as to how far apart I need to space out the herbal antifungals with the Sac B and also how to take Kirkmans Biofilm Defense. You said start the Biofilm Defense 1-2 weeks before herbals but how many pills and how many times/day? Thanks
Jeremy Waits on 12 September, 2018 at 10:13 am
how far apart I need to space out the herbal antifungals with the Sac B and also how to take Kirkmans Biofilm Defense. You said start the Biofilm Defense 1-2 weeks before herbals but how many pills and how many times/day? Thanks
Mary Vance, NC on 12 September, 2018 at 12:32 pm
Jeremy, because S. boulardii is a yeast microbe, it is not killed by anti-microbial herbs. other probiotics need to be taken hours away from anti-fungals. You can try taking 1 of the biofilm busters 30 minutes before meals 3x/daily, but I can’t give you specific dosing directions.
Jeremy Waits on 18 September, 2018 at 9:24 am
What are your thoughts on black coffee while trying to beat SIBO/Candida?
Krystal on 1 October, 2018 at 5:31 pm
Approximately how long do you recommend sticking to a strict diet? After how long can you slowly reintroduce foods? Thank you!
Jeremy Waits on 2 October, 2018 at 9:40 am
So I’m planning on starting your 8 week Protocol and using S. Boulardii throughout. After the 8 week Protocol I’m confused on what probiotics I should be taking? Continue to take S. Boulardii for how long? Rotate with which other probiotics? I’m low in Low in Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria
Mary Vance, NC on 4 October, 2018 at 10:10 pm
Krystal, this depends on the person. There are no hard and fast rules. I typically tell people to begin reintroducing foods after the have been symptom-free for several weeks.
Becky on 6 October, 2018 at 4:48 am
I have a question about the biofilm. The directions on the back of the Interface Plus say dosage is 2 caps, 1-4 times/day, but the N-Acetyl Cysteine and the Biofilm Defense each say 1 cap daily. Do I understand correctly that I should take 2 caps 3 times daily of even the N-Acetyl and the Biofilm Defense if I choose to use one of them?
Thank you for all of your help.Becky on 6 October, 2018 at 5:04 am
Also, which one of these biofilms do you recommend for someone who’s had candida for a very long time?
Thanks, Mary.Becky on 10 October, 2018 at 3:45 pm
Mary, I have another question. I’ve been taking Interfase for the past 5 days and it feels as if the inside of my throat is swollen. No swelling visible on the outside of my neck, but I feel it down inside.
I took Interfase for a couple of months 3 years ago with no problem. Is this something that will pass? Should I continue or stop the Interfase and try one of the other biofilm busters?
Thank you, for your time.Mary Vance, NC on 11 October, 2018 at 12:09 pm
Hi Becky, I can’t answer your question without knowing more details about your health history and other factors. Certainly if you think it’s causing a reaction you should stop taking it.
Roman on 17 October, 2018 at 9:50 pm
Why not just take medication for Candida? I read that you can get rid of it within a week with Fluconazole.
Mary Vance, NC on 17 October, 2018 at 10:28 pm
Roman, not everyone has access to a prescribing physician, nor will doctors always prescribe meds for candida. Anyone can order and use these herbs with mild (if any) side effects. Many of the herbs actually have benefits like anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects. Secondly, nystatin and diflucan (Fluconazole) have sometimes serious side effects. Diflucan can cause liver damage and raise liver enzymes. Some people can’t tolerate the drugs. And thirdly, in my experience (merely observational), the drugs don’t work as well as the full herbal protocol followed by the gut healing phase.
Amanda N. on 5 December, 2018 at 3:02 pm
Unfortunately, I just cannot afford to use the GI MicrobX to help beat the candida. I am on a very limited budget. Is there any other herbs that you would recommend in order to beat this candida overgrowth that I have been fighting for going on 2 years now.
Mary Vance, NC on 5 December, 2018 at 6:25 pm
Hi Amanda, it can get pricey. The protocol I recommend is $200-$300 for the 6 weeks. Unfortunately there are no shortcuts to doing this protocol if you want to ensure kicking it for good. There are 2 GI MicrobX sizes, and the 60 caps is cheaper. You can also try Tricycline from Allergy Research Group. The 722 formula is very effective also but needs to be combined with or used after the other herbs.
Mike Goss on 11 December, 2018 at 10:15 pm
I have been diagnosed with diverticulitis over the years proven by MRI. Last fall i had gut problems that was right under my belly button, which the 2 or 3 times in my life with diverticulitis the pain was always on my extreme left side. The Dr put me on cipro and flagyl right away. but the discomfort didn’t go away and they kept me on antibiotics for 4 months. It finally went away and stayed away until now. I am back on antibiotics because of pressure bloating and so on under my belly button again. I have been reading about Candida and i have 8 out of 10 symptoms. I am lost at this point but know i cant keep taking Cipro and Flagyl that stuff will kill you. please i need help thanks for taking my email request
Mary Vance, NC on 17 December, 2018 at 4:12 pm
Hi Mike, if you’d like more targeted support, I encourage you to consider my online candida masterclass:
rachel on 1 January, 2019 at 6:17 pm
So ACV is okay but every other vinegar is not? What a load of quack.
Mary Vance, NC on 2 January, 2019 at 2:20 pm
Rachel, yes, ACV is ok because it offers medicinal benefits that other vinegars (some of which are made from grains or grapes) do not. ACV is antibacterial and anti-fungal and also controls blood sugar.
Gary on 17 February, 2019 at 1:23 am
I bowl once a week, and get pain all over not long after I start, and for the duration of the event, 3 games! I was drinking 2 shots of whiskey at the start of the event, which instantly alleviates the pain. I don’t want to take advil because I’m on an empty stomach! I started the candida diet 3 weeks ago, have quit the whiskey, and have bowled 3 times with lots of pain! It doesn’t seem worth bowling in such pain, could I drink 2 shots of whiskey once a week and not ruin the candida diet results? Thank you for your time!
Mary Vance, NC on 19 February, 2019 at 1:31 am
Gary, the key would be to figure out what’s causing the pain. Likely there is inflammation, so it might be good to start there. For example, did you know curcumin works better than NSAIDs to alleviate pain long term? And a much better option than whiskey. These posts may help: on 19 February, 2019 at 7:01 pm
Thank you for the advice, and links! I ordered the curcum-Evail, and will use that for a couple of months!
Shelly on 13 March, 2019 at 9:27 am
In August 2016, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I had spent the entire preceding months of summer in ignorant frustration of what was wrong with me: I had a constant stiff neck, tingling feet, swollen glands, debilitating fatigue, and such pain in my knees that I could hardly sit down to go to the bathroom without yelping in agony. No exaggerations.
I was desperate to feel better, so when I was prescribed 500 mg of Doxycycline every day by my doctor I practically squealed in excitement at the prospect of feeling OK again after following the doctors orders and popping my daily dose of aqua-colored, bacteria-killing pills.
But other symptoms kept occurring, most notably, I was plagued by an acute and incessant itching-sensation all over my body – like bugs were crawling inside and outside of my skin, on all surfaces, in all crevices. In addition, I had stubborn, cystic acne that would not budge and made me feel terrible about myself. My digestion felt slow and painful. I had headaches, low energy, difficulty paying attention, all of which made going to classes and completing assignments feel almost insurmountable. Add to the mix that all I wanted to eat was bread, sugary cereals, and fruit.
After sleepless, itchy nights perusing the Internet for my laundry list of strange and awful symptoms, I figured it out: I had Candida or systemic yeast. I began to research my condition like a mad-woman.
As a result of my research, I ordered myself I took it religiously, and began to feel improvements in my symptoms. Plus, I also slathered coconut oil on my body following every shower. I had read on the Internet that coconut was a powerful antifungal – and plus, any additional itchiness from dry skin would no longer be a problem.
I also started a diet that had me avoid eating: all grains (even including “good” ones like quinoa, kamut, millet and more), high-sugar vegetables like carrots and parsnips, fruit (both fresh and dried), dairy, vinegars and processed dressings/sauces (the exception being Apple Cider Vinegar), fermented foods (unless they were lacto-fermented), alcohol, and, of course, all refined sugars that make yeast so very happy.
I am pleased to say, I am feeling amazing – not itchy, no acne, energetic, and happy.
Now that I am feeling better, I am not completely abandoning all the steps toward wellness that I followed. That said, I am eating much more “normally” than before. I just followed a relatively strict process for reintegrating particular foods and food groups, as I didn’t want to suddenly overload my system with gluten, sugar, dairy and fermented foods all at once.
Jeremy Waits on 4 May, 2019 at 10:27 pm
Hey Mary, have you ever heard of people inducing allergic reactions in other people? Wondering if it could be from Candida Overgrowth and leaky gut. Please let me know if you have hears of this and if there is anything that lessens the symptoms
Mary Vance, NC on 6 May, 2019 at 1:37 pm
Jeremy, I do know of cases where people have reactions to others’ bodily fluids. Typically any allergic reaction is some kind of immune response and histamine reaction. Addressing gut and liver health is always a good place to start.
PersonUno on 31 May, 2019 at 10:17 am
i am not sure if i wanna try this out. i dont want it to turn out worse and become something i cant handle like in one of the other comments i saw with that person’s mom. does it really go away? like for good? i eat a lot of rice but am willing to switch. after it goes away, if it does, can i start eating rice again? but in a lesser quantity. can i introduce it to my life again while also eating certain like a lot of protein and staying away from packaged and sugary foods? will that work? i dont know..please help!
Mary Vance, NC on 3 June, 2019 at 7:20 pm
Hi PersonUno, unfortunately I cannot answer personalized questions and make recs to you without knowing your health status. That’s why my coaching process requires a thorough intake. But yes, you absolutely can get rid of candida for good if you follow all the steps (especially the gut healing– the most important step and a big cause of recurrence). You would be a great candidate for my Candida MasterClass:
Joe Peyton on 7 July, 2019 at 4:27 am
Hi, my name is Joseph, I’m a 28-year old male who was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. The doc also said I had constipation and upper urinary tract issues. Previously I had been diagnosed with Dysuria which was treated successfully with antibiotics. I have also been struggling with a toenail fungus for years as a result of candida. Unfortunately, I have mercury fillings and cannot afford a holistic dentist and was wondering if I could still do the GAPS diet to get rid of my suspected candida overgrowth? Will it still be as effective in removing yeast in the wrong places in my body? I’ve also had recurring infections that my doctor thinks are balanitis. Please help me? I need to get rid of this candida overgrowth. Thank you for your time
Enrique Pasion on 25 July, 2019 at 8:56 pm
These tips and suggestions are quite useful and effective in trying to get rid of candida. This is a condition that is not the least bit pleasant and I really appreciate this post.
Hopeful on 11 December, 2019 at 12:36 pm
Hello Mary,
Thank you for sharing this protocol! I am about at my wit’s end. I’ve got terrible constipation, gas and bloating, hair loss on my scalp and brows, heavy painful menstruation, resistant and possibly hypertension, and now joint pain (maybe arthritis) worsening allergies, and persistent yeast infection and thrush. The list goes on. I am 26.Does this sound like candidiasis to you? Do you also have patients who struggle with hair loss.
Do you think I’d be able to consume a bone broth based stew, with healthy beef and also with some kale/chard?
Mary Vance, NC on 11 December, 2019 at 6:43 pm
Hi Hopeful, much of what you describe sounds like hypothyroid. I would get your thyroid levels tested ASAP. You can order your own thyroid panel here if you don’t have a doctor:
And yes, persistent yeast infections indicate candida overgrowth and also accompany hypothyroidism. I cover all this in my candida masterclass. The next class begins 1/20 if you are interested: Cline on 14 January, 2020 at 6:21 pm
Very informative article, I have suffered from a yeast rash under my breasts and right underarm now off and on now for 5 years! I thought it was heat rash until I did my research and found out it was candida overgrowth, I am on a diet of lean meats, fresh veges, eggs, occasionally a bowl of cream of oat bran which I’m not sure I should be eating after reading conflicting reviews. I use xylitol to sweeten my green tea, I have given up coffee which I loved a cup every morning, I eat almonds and pumpkin seeds for snacks, I have been doing this diet now for three weeks, I also am taking an antifungal herb blend which has coconut oil, oil of oregoneo, wormwood, and a few others I cant remember, at night I take 2-3 MAGNO7 which is oxygenated magnesium which keeps me regular. I noticed that the rash is gone under my arm and partially gone under my left breast, Oh I also take probiotics. I had some dark chocolate with stevia the other night which I may have screwed everything up IDK, I wanted to know if I could have 1 cup of low to no acid coffee or should I avoid it all together?
Mary Vance, NC on 15 January, 2020 at 1:41 pm
Hi Danille. you might be interested in my candida masterclass to help you kick candida:
I don’t know much about low or no acid coffee. Coffee can be hard on an inflamed gut which is why I recommend avoiding it in favor of other alternatives, but I don’t know the impact of low acid coffee on a healing GI tract. I would switch to green tea or Teeccino. You don’t have to give up coffee forever, but green tea is a better option during the gut healing phase.Trivesh on 3 April, 2020 at 1:49 pm
I have been on a Candida Diet for roughly 4 weeks now. I understand that Alcohol is a big no, but i was wondering if i could occasionally have a glass or two of Whiskey. I am completely off sugars, dairy, grains and other no’s related to Candida.Mary Vance, NC on 3 April, 2020 at 4:55 pm
Hi Trivesh, alcohol is not recommended at all during the candida killing and gut healing protocols. That said, darker liquors, wine, and beer are the worst choices. Clear vodka and tequila would be better, though I should stress alcohol should be avoided.
Karin on 20 April, 2020 at 5:28 pm
I am being really strict but I don’t feel any die off symptoms. It’s been a week and I feel just fine. I didn’t feel any candida symptoms to start with really, but my naturopath said it showed in my tests. Any suggestions?
Mary Vance, NC on 21 April, 2020 at 2:28 pm
Hi Karin, I’m not sure what suggestions you’re seeking. Not everyone experiences die-off. I would proceed as your ND recommended per your test results.
Lele on 3 June, 2020 at 12:05 pm
It’s been a year and half battling with candida ,tried to eat less of everything that’s causing it.Took fluconazole and it clears away then it comes back the other month,really need to get rid of this thing😒
Mary Vance, NC on 3 June, 2020 at 4:38 pm
Hi lele, it can be difficult! Most people skip the most important step, which is healing and sealing up the gut. Have you checked out my online candida course? I walk you through exactly how to get rid of candida and make sure it doesn’t come back:
Peter on 24 June, 2020 at 11:50 pm
The root cause of Candida overgrowth is zinc deficiency. Until you fix that problem it will always come back. I’ve tried most of those “killers” in the article and none of them compares to zinc.
In addition to a low carb diet I found it necessary to go on a low fat diet until I got my zinc levels up. The fungal form of Candida seems to be able to digest fat.
The thing that worked the fastest was colon hydrotherapy in which Candida in the colon is washed out with water. It avoids the die-off symptoms from toxins released by the dying Candida. It also washes out the biofilm and spores.
Mary Vance, NC on 25 June, 2020 at 12:54 am
Peter, that is not entirely correct. Candida tends to grow out of control in a weakened immune system (and it also weakens the immune system), both of which correlate to zinc deficiency, but that is not a direct cause in every case. Certainly zinc deficiency lowers your immune response which makes for an environment in which candida can easily take over, but again, it’s a correlation and not a cause (in every case). Candida is complex and there isn’t one singular cause. Your trigger may not be the same for everyone. And a colonic won’t address the root cause; it simply removes candida from the lower large intestine. Candida can be as high up as the small intestine (SIFO) or upper LI. It’s great that you found what worked for you, but one size does not fit all.
Ron on 21 March, 2021 at 8:18 pm
Hi Mary,
Very nice article. What do you recommend as a good probiotic and treatment for biofilm? Do you suspect that biofilm is the reason most candida issues reappear after treatment?
Mary Vance, NC on 22 March, 2021 at 12:26 pm
Hi Ron, both my biofilm and probiotic recs are included in the article. I also have other articles on candida along with a free protocol here on the site. And yes, biofilms are one reason candida can become chronic and difficult to treat.
RJ on 4 January, 2022 at 7:59 am
Thank you SO MUCH for putting this on the web so people like myself who deal with candida and most of the harsh side effects can learn how to beat candida efficiently. It made much more sense on why the candida diets I’ve been using online haven’t helped me which is probably because of the ketone production. I will use this plan you have religiously and hope I can get it back under control.
M on 7 March, 2022 at 2:40 pm
Hi Mary – for the candida protocol, if you’re taking 2-3 saccrhomyces boullardi before bed, when is the best time to take something like activated charcoal or the GI Detox binder supplement. You mentioned take with a glass of water before bed and just want to make sure that those can be taken close together.
Tina on 9 March, 2022 at 4:09 pm
This may not make it in the comment section. To say to avoid fruit is insane. I did an all fruit diet for two weeks and never felt better. Learn about the different fruit sugars. Non-acid fruits are the highest form of energy and healing. It is the processed sugars to avoid.
Mary Vance, NC on 9 March, 2022 at 6:43 pm
Hi Tina, did you actually read this article? I never say to avoid fruit. In fact, I actually say “YES! You can have fruit!” right here in this post, because many candida diets *do* tell you to avoid all fruit. I do, however, say no fruit juice, as it is very high in sugar. This article is for people combatting candida overgrowth which thrives on a high sugar diet. Low glycemic fruits, as I mention in this post, like green apples and berries, are fine for this diet. This post isn’t making general recommendations for every day health; it is for treating a specific gut issue. Addressing certain health issues requires including or avoiding specific foods. That said, I would never recommend an all-fruit diet for any reason. Just because it worked for you doesn’t mean it will work for–or is even beneficial–for everyone.
Tommy on 6 November, 2023 at 5:58 am
Hello Mary,
You say that keto can feed candida overgrowth, but eating only a small amount of low-sugar fruit like you said basically means going keto, no?
Thank you for your time and reply 🙂
Mary Vance, NC on 6 November, 2023 at 5:33 pm
Tommy: no, a keto diet means high fat (60-70% of cals), moderate protein (roughly 20% of cals), low carb (10-15% of cals). So, lower sugar fruits may be included, but that’s not a defining factor of keto.
Tommy on 7 November, 2023 at 3:58 am
So you’re advising a low-carb diet that does not put us under ketosis? How many carbs is that? And isn’t it worse than a keto or standard diet, energy-wise? I lift weights, and if I ate enough carbs to avoid ketosis but lower carbs than “normal”, I would really underperform in my workouts since I would not be keto-adapted. The amount of carbs I would be eating wouldn’t be enough for that kind of training. What would you do in that regard?