Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:40 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Lilley30 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:56 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/cargaku22 [link] [comments] |
Kratos be like:Norse mythology was never an option
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:17 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Ardeleanu69 [link] [comments] |
When you realize the PS5 is coming this year and with it the release of GOW 5 is getting closer
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:04 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/JaggermanJenson [link] [comments] |
Managed to get Cory Barlog's sign on this epic poster!
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:49 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Riporsa301100 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:46 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/BookNukem [link] [comments] |
God of War in Shadow of War - "I love my god dad!"
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:56 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/WinRinseRepeat [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:16 AM PST
I was looking through some videos and reddit posts after finding myself on a Jormungundr rabbit hole, and discovered something I haven't realized in almost a year. As all of you know, when Jorm swallows the axe and throws it back to you, the game tells you that the axe has been imbued with something called Eitr. Eitr is a venom that Jorm has that is strong enough to kill gods, and even Atreus mentions it when you're in his stomach and he touches the water, his hand burning from the diluted venom.
Now, after killing Magni, Mimir and Atreus talk about how surprised they were that Magni didn't come back to life, citing that the Aesir have ways of getting to Valhalla without the Valkyries, but it is never answered. I've now realized that the reason is because Magni was killed using the Eitr in the axe, and so he couldn't come back.
Let me know if I'm rediscovering the wheel here, but I've never seen anyone else talk about this.
submitted by /u/Sugarcomb
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[SPOILERS] God of War Sequels-Story Ideas and theories
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:28 AM PST
Just a place for you to post things like theories and things you would like to see in the sequels to God Of War. For example, improvements. Although the game is possibly one of my favourite Singleplayer experiences of all time, there are still somethings I would like the next game to improve on.
-More boss battles I did feel like the game was lacking some more boss fights, a lot of them repeat. Where as the Baldur encounters (especially the first one) were easily my favourite in the whole game.
-Story A lot of people seem to believe that kratos will die at the end of the next game, however I struggle to see that happening, partially because it seems too obvious (especially when you consider that kratos has already died.) and also is not sure if that would be a good choice.
I mean you've got a potential story move where Artreus may turn on Kratos (considering his destiny would be to initiate the destruction of Asgard) which is something Kratos probably wouldn't want his son to do (considering one of the narratives in the last game is encouraging his son to be better than him) so in the story it might be possible for Kratos to try and save Asgard, instead of subjecting it to the same fate as Olympus. Also, Fighting the wolves, Surtr etc. seems like too many potential boss fights that will be missed out on (although I find avoiding a conflict with the aesir impossible at this point as well) there is room to take the characters in different directions, but I think killing Kratos indefinitely will leave a big hole in the plot progression for Artreus.
What do you think?
submitted by /u/AG28DaveGunner
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I picked the hardest difficulty on my first playthrough, help
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:12 AM PST
I didn't want to miss anything, so I chose GMGoW, and damn, is it hard, I've been in the same encounters over and over, I died 5 times on the first fight, the sentence "Remember! Accuracy over speed!" is etched into my soul
submitted by /u/SirMumbopXIV
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Best runic, pommel and gear overall while beating the game.
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:00 AM PST
What is the best runic attacks to use, axe and blade pommels, enchantment sockets, talisman to use while completing the game. I already finished the game, i already have smoldering brimstone set to lvl 4 and surtr grips. What should i use or do to improve my kratos?
submitted by /u/ohimaperson
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I have started a NG+ and got to the chisel and beat Magni & Modi...
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:33 AM PST
If I click ng+ on that save file does it become even harder (depending on difficulty ofc)
Currently I'm on Gmgow, if I ng+ that save and choose normal, does it get harder than the previous save on normal
TL;DR is a 2nd NG+ on normal the same as a 1st NG+ on normal, or slightly harder?
submitted by /u/_Evo__
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Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:00 AM PST
NEW TO PS3. Is it worth playing the games in the correct timeline? Is it too much of a dropback in quality and experience if I play Chains of Olympus, I, Ghost of Sparta and II after Ascension? How do you recommend playing them.
submitted by /u/lucezarcolombo22
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Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:08 AM PST
Hi guys! i got gow with my ps4 a long time ago and even though i tried playing it a few times and really wanting to get into it i just cant. I dont care about story and lore at all and i play for the combat experince. I thought gow would be right up my alley since the combat seems kinda souls-like but i think i just dont get it. Is the game worth it for combat alone or is the main appeal is the story? If you think sinking time into learning the combat is worth it id love to hear some tips. The main wall i hit is the point really near the start that you gotta punch a ice dude and after killing him theres a poison witch ghost and two big dudes that you need to parry.
submitted by /u/MassiveKiwi
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Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:31 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/BookNukem [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:28 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/DeathDiety [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:20 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Muro479 [link] [comments] |
God of War Sequel on the PS5! Can you Imagine?
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:11 AM PST
I have not seen a lot of people discuss this on the sub but it should get you super hyped. God of War on the PS4 pushed the limits of what was capable on the console, the game was done in one continuous shot, there was only one loading screen, the graphics were gorgeous, a huge and interactive open world and amazing animation....I could go on.
But now that nex-gen is dawning upon us, can you imagine what the next God of War game will look like? it's insane. The ultra-fast SSD is going to ensure that there will be no loading screens and there will be no waiting times in transitions (e.g like waiting for the world tree portals to open), the super powerful GPU is going to take the graphics and animations to the next level, drastically, the massive amount of RAM combined with the previously mentioned features is going to allow for a jaw dropping open world experience.
DualShock 5 will have adaptive L2 and R2 triggers which will tighten depending on types of weapons and combat being used, can you imagine the R2 tightening when Kratos does a heavy attack or when Atreus shoots his bow! Haptic feedback in the engines will allow for a more engaging experience, can you imagine when the monsters throw lava or maybe blast ice?
*insert creepy Mark Cerny image here*
submitted by /u/TheSeventhSage1
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Hey there, this is one of the easiest ways to beat the Queen
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:30 AM PST
So, I just killed the Queen, I was having a hard time, so I assembled all of the knowledge I gathered so you can have an easier one.
First of all, if you don't mind Nilfheim, this is not for you, with a couple of hours of grinding you'll probably do better than me with different Runic attacks and armor, but I hate the time limit so fucking much that I couldn't put myself through that torture.
Forgive my translations, my game is in Portuguese and something's will probably be a little off, but I think you'll manage it.
Ok, here we go:
1- You'll need all of Iddun's apples, if you were into exploring during the main story, you'll only need to go back for one or two, don't worry, if you weren't, this is going to be a little pain in the ass
2- Use the full Valkyrie set, it gives you a lot of protection and plenty space for enchantments, the ones I used were (this is where my game being in another language is going to hurt you):
Ivaldi's Corrupted Mind
Tyr's Splinter (or shattered piece, something along those lines)
Valkyrie's Heart
Andvari's Soul
Chosen winged eyes
Kingdom's perfect mark
Polished standart of truth
And for my talisman I went with
Era's shattered gauntlet with these enchantments:
Frenzy's incrusted standart
Njord time Stone
I know I probably butchered every single one of those, please don't be mean about it.
3- For your Axe, use:
Leviathan trail
Knife river
And the Valkyrie strike pommel
4- For your blades, use:
Wrath of the Titans
Ares' fire
And the Valkyrie fist pommel
5- For Atreus' Runic use the wolf one, is the best one to give you some time to breath and use the light Runic from the axe, don't stand too close, sometimes the animations aren't cancelled and she keeps attacking, stay far enough so you can see what she may do
6- Every time she flies, throw and arrow, you'll eventually learn which attacks you can cancel and which ones you can't
7- Don't get the Berserker stone, use the one that brings you back with more life
8- Farm some rage before the battle, so you can use it, while in rage I recommend you use right after you are resurrected, if you time it right you can hit her twice with the rock, and still manage to hit her enough to get more health
9- Practice staying alive as much as you can without attacking, normal attacks won't do shit, practice you accuracy with Runic ones
And this is my HOW TO to beat the Queen, probably useless for 99% of you, but I hope I helped at least one
submitted by /u/brazueirinho
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Yo anybody got a good build that i can use?
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:09 AM PST
im playing NG+GMGOW and i need something to help my fight the last boss and all the valkyries plz give me something good
submitted by /u/JustAredditUser69
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Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:02 AM PST
I got a trophy the Allfather Blinded and it says I killed all of Odins ravens. BUT!!! My Midgard map says I only have 42/43 ravens.
What. The. Bleep.
submitted by /u/Cautious-Ordinary
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Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:17 AM PST
I haven't played this game in a while and wanted to try it out but when I loaded in I had to adjust brightness and when I tried to load in it said my last save was in may 2019 when the last time I played was October ish. Any kind of help would be appreciated!
submitted by /u/leeds12
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